View Full Version : Things to ponder....

05-23-2006, 03:39 PM
I've been down all day even though I thought I had prepared myself for whatever outcome the series would have....

It sucks... :depressed oh well. No excuses here; we lost because we couldn't execute on the final two plays of the game.

An assortment of thoughts has crossed my mind since the final buzzer sounded last night.

1. All is not lost... We saw vintage Duncan return from the netherworld of the regular season to show that he is still a Top-3 player in this league. Duncan showed tremendous resilience during both series this year. Major props to him. Sadly BSPN and the rest of the media world don't appreciate his greatness.

2. Spurs players and staff have been classy in defeat. Enough said.

3. I can no longer respect Avery Johnson. Not because he beat us but because he complained to the media every chance he had... Seems to me he didn't learn Pop's best attribute. He instead has opted to emulate his annoying owner.

4. Finley will earn his ring before both Nowitzki and Nash. Go Pistons.

5. Manu finally will know what defeat 'tastes' like... he's never lost as a major player on a team.... in 2004 he was still an up and coming player on the Spurs team when we lost the the 0.4 Lakers... but he still managed to carry his team to an Olympic Gold that year. This will be his first year without a 'title' and as a major contributor.

2001 Euroleague Title
2002 Euroleague Title
2003 NBA Title
2004 Olympic Gold
2005 NBA Title
2006 :depressed

As the old adage goes, "You can't win 'em all".... This will only make Manu stronger. That should be a scary thought for the rest of the league. Manu, get some rest and get healthy...

6. A motivated Tony Parker this off-season plus one more year with Chip Engelland will spell trouble for the league... Also the taste of defeat will make him stronger. Parker will be the best point guard in the league by the age of 26.

7. Having lost to the Lakers in 2004 made us see the error of our ways with regards to the Turkish 'Mangina' otherwise known as Hedo Turkoglu... This off-season will mark the year we created an unbeatable dynasty... book it.
Goodbye Nazr, goodbye Van-Exel, later Beno. Nocioni's blog has hinted he would consider playing alongside Manu and the Spurs... that's a scary thought... Rebounding/hustle and intangibles is all housed in a plausible 'Nowitzki stopper'.... And even if Chapu were unattainable, Scola, Javtokas and our other bigs overseas spell a promising future... Not to mention we will probably hit the free agency market harder than we would have had we ended up winning the whole thing.

8. Michael Finley is a keeper... we can give him a specialist role and he will still have a good 2-3 years left in his tank... Luring Finley to San Antonio is the one good thing Van-Exel did for the Spurs... I'm still undecided about Horry... problem is, if we give him away we will motivate him to destroy us.... from an opposing bench.

9. I will liken this year to the year the Lakers lost to the Rockets on that famous tip-in by Ralph Samson? The Lakers came back to win two in a row in '87 and '88... Duncan+Manu+Parker is still a perenial contending trio... we just have to get younger and more athletic at our '5' and find a replacement to be groomed by Bowen...

10. I'm still convinced the Spurs can attain another two championships in the Duncan Era... He is the one player whose 'prime' we can't let slip away.

11. Holt better pony up some more money to keep guys like Presti around. We can't afford to lose him. This off-season will be memorable for so many reasons... let's not let our defeat at the hands of the Mavericks throw us off course. We still have more championships to win. I believe.

05-23-2006, 04:14 PM
I'm also very uncertain about the future of both Rasho and Barry....

05-23-2006, 04:23 PM
Good post. Agree with 99.9% of it.

05-23-2006, 04:25 PM
I'm also very uncertain about the future of both Rasho and Barry....

If I was them, I would be too.

Thing is, I like Barry but he needs minutes to be effective and unless Gino is hurt or in foul trouble, he ain't gonna get significant time on the court.

05-23-2006, 04:58 PM
Some things I noticed from this series:

1. We need a new coach. Not only because we lost; last year after the Finals I still wanted a new coach. Why? Because Pop is stubborn, does not make adjustments, and holds this team back. Telling Parker to shoot 20+ shots a game in the playoffs is frickin dumb, it takes away assists and when he's off, he kills us with him trying to do too much. Parker is great, but Pop shouldn't have told him this. Back to his failure to make adjustments, I really didn't see any at all this series, not EVEN IN THE SECOND HALF OF GAME 7. When something doesn't work, does common logic say to "stick with it"? Hell no. Hire PJ Carlisemo.

2. Young 'uns & frontcourt-GET THEM. Get rid of Barry (he hits big shots but...JUST GET RID OF HIM lol), get rid of Nazr, get rid of wussy Rasho, & find some young guns who are fast, athletic, and AGGRESSIVE. I would pee my pants if the Spurs could get Ben Wallace and a long SF this off season, or even a decent center/power forward (because getting Wallace is a pipe dream)

3. Tim Duncan is Tim Duncan, and he'll still fucking own any bitch thrown his way. He wants to win, he isn't lackadaisical, and he's our franchise. He showed so much energy and talent this series that we didn't see all season. 41 points?!?! TD rarely gets 30 now. Amazing, thank you Duncan so much for at least allowing us to be in the series.

4. I hate Mark Cuban more than ever. He doesn't deserve a damn thing for how he's belittled this city and fans. I do not like him.

5. I'm happy for the Mavs fans, but I still hate the Mavs and always will. Enjoy the win Mavs fans, because there's nothing sweeter than beating a rival.

It was a great series, but they had the better team and coach.

05-23-2006, 05:24 PM
I also forgot to add that I was getting annoyed at Steve Kerr's attempt to be 'unhomeristic'.... we all know he was pulling for the Spurs. At the same time he didn't want the national media to stencil him in as another Sean Elliott... so it seemed he was going out of his way to come off as 'ojective'....

05-23-2006, 11:12 PM
bump... I'm surprised this hasn't gotten discussion going... though it probably has been talked about in like 50 different threads....

BTW I went back to Nocioni's blog and after a second look the site looked like a fake.... :depressed

It would be awesome to have him don the Spurs silver and black though...

And he could have been one from the get-go... all over a miscomuniqué regarding his age... darn.