View Full Version : Phil unloads on Kobe: book excerpts from cnnsi

10-12-2004, 01:23 PM
I empathized with Shaq but I told him the team needed to put the feud behind it as soon as possible. He agreed to keep quiet. This was another example of the basic difference between him and Kobe. Ask Shaq to do something and he'll say: "No, I don't want to do that." But after a little pouting, he will do it. Ask Kobe, and he'll say, "okay," and then he will do whatever he wants. Against our instructions, Kobe did an interview with ESPN, vowing that if he were to leave the Lakers at the end of the season, it would be due to Shaq's "childlike selfishness and jealousy." So much for suppression.
Phil's book excerpt (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2004/basketball/nba/10/12/jackson/index.html?cnn=yes)

:blah :blah :blah