View Full Version : X3:The Last Stand(spoilers)

05-26-2006, 02:31 AM
I'll start off by saying Kelsey Grammer is the shit.

Next (and this is the spoiler part)

Prof. X dies, Cyclops dies


I'll post a better review later.

05-26-2006, 03:57 AM
I also heard that the Juggernaut says "Do you know who I am? Im the Juggernaut bitch!!"

This true? If so, :lmao

05-26-2006, 04:30 AM
I also heard that the Juggernaut says "Do you know who I am? Im the Juggernaut bitch!!"

This true? If so, :lmao

Yes he does. It got a nice rise from the crowd.

05-26-2006, 04:38 AM
Hey Trainwreck, did you stick around through the credits?

05-26-2006, 04:57 AM
Hey Trainwreck, did you stick around through the credits?

No, but I found out I should have.

05-26-2006, 06:18 AM
So what happened after the credits?

05-26-2006, 07:57 AM
yeah god damn it! what happened??

05-26-2006, 08:44 AM
OK, fine.


Apparently Professor Xavier isn't as dead as originally thought. The extra scene shows Moira MacTaggart tending to a patient... Prof. X. There, I ruined the special ending for all of you.

05-26-2006, 09:09 AM
OK, fine.


Apparently Professor Xavier isn't as dead as originally thought. The extra scene shows Moira MacTaggart tending to a patient... Prof. X. There, I ruined the special ending for all of you.

This is a spoilers thread. It is perfectly OK for you to give out spoilers. Since it is a spoilers thread, for spoilers, where you post spoilers.

In the spoilers thread.

Really. It's ok.

05-26-2006, 11:56 AM
Shit, this movie is out already?

I have too many movies to catch up on.

05-26-2006, 12:01 PM
Damn, the spoiler part comes out in the preview of the post when your cursor hovers on the thread link. If I was a fan of x-men, I would've been a little pissed. :lol

05-26-2006, 08:16 PM
Just saw it, and I really really thought it was ok. I think you could really detect the lower level of love that Ratner had for the comics than synger. Singer was/is a true comic book geek, and it really showed on film.

The fighting in this one was not anywhere near that of the first two films, but overall it wasn't that terrible. The iceman/pyro showdown sucked all sorts of ass. And Magneto went down way too damn easy. ANd I'm kinda bummed that Wolverine didn't cut Juggernaut up like he did in the comics.

I'll see it again.

PS where the fuck is gambit. I needs me some gambit.

05-26-2006, 08:27 PM
Just saw it, and I really really thought it was ok. I think you could really detect the lower level of love that Ratner had for the comics than synger. Singer was/is a true comic book geek, and it really showed on film.

The fighting in this one was not anywhere near that of the first two films, but overall it wasn't that terrible. The iceman/pyro showdown sucked all sorts of ass. And Magneto went down way too damn easy. ANd I'm kinda bummed that Wolverine didn't cut Juggernaut up like he did in the comics.

I'll see it again.

PS where the fuck is gambit. I needs me some gambit.The movie was good - from a movie standpoint. As an X-Men fan ... THIS MOVIE FUCKING SUCKED.

They do NOT follow ANY of the story line ...

WTF is Rogue thinking? Seriously - god this movie pissed me off ...

Prof X is alive - does this mean an X-Men 4? Most of the cast was only setup for 3 movies ... this is fucked up, they really screwed with peoples heads. The transformation into Dark Phoenix was wayyyyy too fast ... Oh well, was exciting, I wanna see it again.

Anyone see the Ghost Rider trailer? Heh - sweet :)

05-26-2006, 08:31 PM
Yeah the phoenix story arc should have been at LEAST 2 movies. Rogue taking the cure was stupid as all get out. The Brotherhood was a fucking joke. Brett Ratner had no love for the source material, and it showed on the screen.

Superman is gonna own us all.

05-26-2006, 08:33 PM
and the arcangel storyline was not near developed enough. Fuck, they tried to put too damn much into one movie. Fucking juggernaut/wolverine should have had their fucking throwdown knockout. At least we saw a sentinal head.

05-26-2006, 09:01 PM
Thanks to you guys in the first few posts I knew I was supposed to stick around for the credits. I felt so hardcore geekish sitting there with the other hardcore'ers seeing the special scene. I felt so cool. :lol

I liked the movie alright. I thought the fighting went too fast and I really didn't care for Rogue taking the damn cure. I thought that was stupid. I never read the comics but Matthew gave me some perspective on the storylines and how it was supposed to go. I think it would've been cool to see Wolverine and Juggernaut go at each other, but I admit seeing Wolverine getting his skin disintegrated and regenerated over and over was kinda bad ass.

Is there supposed to be a Wolverine movie comming out?

05-26-2006, 09:04 PM
Thanks to you guys in the first few posts I knew I was supposed to stick around for the credits. I felt so hardcore geekish sitting there with the other hardcore'ers seeing the special scene. I felt so cool. :lol

I liked the movie alright. I thought the fighting went too fast and I really didn't care for Rogue taking the damn cure. I thought that was stupid. I never read the comics but Matthew gave me some perspective on the storylines and how it was supposed to go. I think it would've been cool to see Wolverine and Juggernaut go at each other, but I admit seeing Wolverine getting his skin disintegrated and regenerated over and over was kinda bad ass.

Is there supposed to be a Wolverine movie comming out?Yes, there is - there's also a Magneto movie coming out.

Since Magneto was a rank 4, that could be why his powers are coming back - but I also thought Rogue was a rank 4 ... which mean she will have hers back soon enough, I hope ...

05-26-2006, 09:15 PM
Man, that movie blew. I've never been a super comic book geek - in fact I've never even read one - but I watched the xmen cartoon when I was a kid like a madman. They did the pheonix things so much better in that.

I was so hyped for this damn movie just to be so damn dissapointed. I don't even want to see it again. And Nick Cage as Ghost Rider? What, they coudln't find a white man who looked like more of a pussy? Maybe they could have gotten John Cusak if they would have tried harder.

05-28-2006, 09:50 PM
There are actually rumors that there are at least 3 codas in circulation...one with Proffesor X...one with Jean....and one with Cyclops...mainly in different countries...who knows for sure...gonna have to wait for the DVD I guess...I just saw the one with Prof X...

Uncle Donnie
05-28-2006, 10:39 PM
OK, fine.


Apparently Professor Xavier isn't as dead as originally thought. The extra scene shows Moira MacTaggart tending to a patient... Prof. X. There, I ruined the special ending for all of you.

More details please for those of us who didn't wait through the credits. I mean...how the hell? He was blown to smithereens, there was nothing left.

05-28-2006, 10:57 PM
More details please for those of us who didn't wait through the credits. I mean...how the hell? He was blown to smithereens, there was nothing left.

Remember that video they showed in the ethics class, the one with the comatose guy. Well Prof. X had the ability to transfer his conciousness into the other guys body.

05-28-2006, 11:50 PM
when I saw the move was only 104 min, i knew it was going to blow. How can you not make it a three hr movie like the LOTR ones? I'll see it when the crowds clear out.

05-29-2006, 01:56 AM
Saw it today. It was alright. The Juggernaut Bitch line was great. People were crackin up. Other then that, it was no where near as good as 1 and 2.

05-29-2006, 01:59 AM

05-29-2006, 08:27 AM
This movie had great potential, but they fucked it up.

First, the pacing was all wrong. It started off great, with a young Angel filing off his wings (damn!), Scott being killed (must say, didn't mind that) and the whole Mystique rescue scene and Mystique losing her powers (damn!).

Then Prof X just dies... and the pace slows to a crawl. And we're not even halfway through the movie yet. Movie blew it's wad too soon... by the time Wolverine FINALLY confronts Pheonix, (which was cool), it was too late to save this movie.

I agree with The Truth the Angel storyline was obviously cut to Hell, and they just crammed to much shit into 107 minute movie... I mean, not even 2 hours? Forget about it.

But the worse shit was the melodramatic dialogue. I mean, you have these heavy emotional scenes (Prof X dying, Rogue leaving), and I didn't feel sad at all. Lots of those scenes didn't even need dialogue, a good scene with decent music would have sufficed.

Brian Singer leaving has hurt this franchise. I hope Superman Returns kicks ass, and I really hope Singer comes back to do X-Man IV.

(Oh, and the kid who can suppress the "X" gene - he just got lost in the Pheonix storyline.)

Uncle Donnie
05-29-2006, 09:59 AM
Remember that video they showed in the ethics class, the one with the comatose guy. Well Prof. X had the ability to transfer his conciousness into the other guys body.

Thanks, that makes sense in a comic book sort of way.

My take on the movie is different than most, as I thought it was pretty good (not great). I think the first two movies were a little overrated so I just don't see the huge drop off everyone else does. They definitely tried to do too much in this movie but that'll happen anytime you have so many damn characters. Same was true for the first two. I really doubt Singer would have made much difference...but it does give people a a great excuse to bitch. I thought X3 had it's pluses and minuses: Killing Prof.X so early was definitely a mistake as others have mentioned...and Angel was basically wasted. On the other hand, Beast and Juggernaut were really well done...and I think you have to give props for that because Juggernaut is hard to pull off without looking retarded. The group fight scene at the end was good, especially the parts with Beast, although the Iceman vs. Pyro fight was a letdown. Special effects in general in this movie were incredible though.

BTW Superman Returns looks seriously lame, as does Ghost Rider.

05-29-2006, 12:33 PM
The only good thing about this movie is Ellen Page. She is gorgeous!! I can't wait for her next movie

05-29-2006, 02:43 PM
No Marvel comic book movie adaptation was good and will not be good. You can't fit 1000+ issues in a 100 minute movie.

05-30-2006, 06:03 PM
I saw this one too. Better than DaVinci code, but still lame.

The way Magneto and Mystique just loses her powers is uber lame.
Also, the final showdown battle when Magneto's all "let the pawns go first" and then waits until he's a fucking human until Dark Phoenix rapes the entire island? Retarded.
Then he finally realizes he's unleashed a monster? After he saw his best friend incinerated with his own eyes???
Fucking retarded.

They did a half assed job of showing the bond between X and Magneto, but totally went against that the way they had Magneto utilize the Phoenix. He fucking saw his best friend destroyed and still wanted her, then doesn't even use her. He could have had her destroy that entire island before he even lost a single man in his army, did anyone not realize this?

Also, Juggernaut had Leech and Kitty cornered one scene, exactly 4 seconds away from both of their deaths, and 6 scenes later, leech is okay! Retarded.

This movie blew ass. They could have made it so much better!!!! The inaccuracies from the comic are one thing, but the plot was just stupid taking it as a stand alone movie.
They should have just stuck with the idea of Phoenix being that force of nature, not her alter ego. But that's just a minor gripe.

Also, was it just me or did the director go out of his way to "showcase" everyone's mutant power? This is the 3rd fucking xman movie, they did enough of that in part 1, and enough of that for the new guys in part 2.

They dedicated entire scenes for showing off a mutant's power in a useless situation. Retarded.

There also needed to be like 300% more action and fighting.

And whoever said the showdown between Pyro and Iceman sucked, you nailed it :tu

05-30-2006, 06:07 PM
The death scenes were cool, but there should have been more, and they should have been more violent and graphic.

I wanted to see the bad guys win on this one. And all we get is magneto realizing the phoenix is a monster after his army is destroyed and he is a human.


05-30-2006, 06:32 PM
From what I heard they didn't include Gambit because his character was too similar to Wolverine's (dark past, yada yada) and they didn't want that overlap. The actor who plays Sawyer on Lost was apparently gonna be Gambit until the Director decided to nix it. I thought it was kinda cool to show how Colossus is immune to Rogue's power during the Danger Room scene but they didn't really explain it in the movie.

Other things about the movie kinda irked me, like when Juggernaut loses his powers from Leech... Juggernaut isn't even a mutant, he gets his powers from a crystal... neither is Beasts blue skin... he got that in an accident.

Overall, I was expecting an 8 and I got a 6... at best. I'm not sure if they're making another X-Men, but I am sure they are making a Wolverine movie and possibly more spinoff movies... Gambit comes to mind......

05-30-2006, 08:02 PM
Making one of the greatest x-villains of all time, Juggernaut, a mutant, was the discrepancy that ticked me off the most.

05-30-2006, 08:03 PM
Being someone who hasn't read the comics, I enjoyed it. But my friends who have, told me the writers went their own way, so I can see the anger at the liberties taken.

05-30-2006, 08:59 PM
Juggernaut is supposed to be one of the most unstoppable forces the x-men have ever faced.

In the movie he needs momentum for his strength. Makes him a twathouse from the getgo. Then he's treated as a mutant and they ignore the fact that he's supposed to be Professor X's stepbrother.

05-30-2006, 09:03 PM
this may sound like a little bit too picky but... anybody else notice that the guy in the forest who could make extra bone and was throwing it at Wolverine... was basically a male version of Marrow? (leader of Morlocks)... that tells you right there that they were trying to cram as many powers as possible in that movie and rushed it big time.

05-30-2006, 09:03 PM
I thought the same thing. I swear..these directors--WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!

05-30-2006, 09:25 PM
So when's the next remake of The Alamo scheduled?

05-30-2006, 09:49 PM
In the movie he needs momentum for his strength.

Yet they even screwed up that. He had no momentum when he broke out of the floor. :lol

05-30-2006, 10:01 PM
Apparently they are making an X-Men 4...but those three were supposed to all tie together like a trilogy...who knows about this next one...

05-31-2006, 08:37 AM
Fuck it man, the more I think of this movie, the more pissed off I get. THEY CRAMMED THE WHOLE MYTHOLOGY OF THE PHOENIX SERIES INTO ONE FUCKING MOVIE!!!!

They could have just ended this trilogy with the mutant cure storyline, and not involved Phoenix. THEN, the next 3 movies could be all about Phoenix.

Fuck, I hate the movie studios sometimes.

05-31-2006, 08:38 AM
That was TheTruth's rant.

05-31-2006, 09:20 AM
this may sound like a little bit too picky but... anybody else notice that the guy in the forest who could make extra bone and was throwing it at Wolverine... was basically a male version of Marrow? (leader of Morlocks)... that tells you right there that they were trying to cram as many powers as possible in that movie and rushed it big time.

that guy's name is spike in the comics. i think he was black in the comics though.

05-31-2006, 09:26 AM
so, basically, they should have paid singer out the ass to make a decent movie instead of hiring the ratner. hopefully singer will make a decent superman movie...

05-31-2006, 09:41 AM
so, basically, they should have paid singer out the ass to make a decent movie instead of hiring the ratner. hopefully singer will make a decent superman movie...

I saw the trailer for Superman yesterday before X-Men, and it looks pretty kick ass. It should be good for the money they spent on it. Kevin Spacey might be the perfect actor to play Lex Luthor. I think he is going to be a huge scene stealer.

05-31-2006, 09:42 AM
no, they shouldn't have rushed the whole effing thing, and given ratner a shot to make a good movie.

05-31-2006, 09:59 AM
I saw the trailer for Superman yesterday before X-Men, and it looks pretty kick ass. It should be good for the money they spent on it. Kevin Spacey might be the perfect actor to play Lex Luthor. I think he is going to be a huge scene stealer.

he's no hackman, but it looks like he will do a good job. go kpax!

05-31-2006, 11:12 AM
that guy's name is spike in the comics. i think he was black in the comics though.

Spike was only created for XMen:Evolution, he was the male version of Marrow.

05-31-2006, 11:30 AM
I finally saw it and it was lame. Why they didn't make this a 3 hr movie instead of craming so much shit in 105 min is beyond me. The movie didn't flow, it just felt like it was jumping all over the place. Every fight scene sucked.

I read this was supposed to be the last movie, then why show at the end Magneto was getting his powers back and Pro X still alive?????????????????????

Duff McCartney
05-31-2006, 11:47 AM
Fuck it man, the more I think of this movie, the more pissed off I get. THEY CRAMMED THE WHOLE MYTHOLOGY OF THE PHOENIX SERIES INTO ONE FUCKING MOVIE!!!!

I think the whole point of all these movies with Singer and Ratner is that the X Men storyline is somewhat plausible.

Granted mutants aren't real, but the movies give it a good feeling of being able to believe it.

The Phoenix saga was too early but when you think about it...nobody is gonna dedicate 5-7 movies on that one saga. It's too much shit to cram into a movie.

That's why you don't see the X Men with stupid ass costumes like in the cartoons, because while it does take fantasy, it doesn't go over the top of plausibility.

I personally liked the entire thing. They brought down the comics more down to Earth because if they were exactly like the comics. You'd have to make 20 movies over 3 hours long.

Duff McCartney
05-31-2006, 11:49 AM
no, they shouldn't have rushed the whole effing thing, and given ratner a shot to make a good movie.

Actually Singer was the one who they screwed out of. He was all set to make the X Men 3. But he wanted to do Superman first and then come back and direct X Men but the studio didn't want that, so they gave it to Ratner.

Personally, I would have loved to see Matthew Vaughn do the movie. He was next after Singer but he dropped out. But he made Layer Cake and I would have loved to see him make an X Men movie.

05-31-2006, 06:29 PM
I finally saw it and it was lame. Why they didn't make this a 3 hr movie instead of craming so much shit in 105 min is beyond me. The movie didn't flow, it just felt like it was jumping all over the place. Every fight scene sucked.

I read this was supposed to be the last movie, then why show at the end Magneto was getting his powers back and Pro X still alive?????????????????????

magneto got his powers back at the end too? wtf?

05-31-2006, 06:31 PM
magneto got his powers back at the end too? wtf?

Remember right before the credits when he was sitting at the chess table? He raises his hand and the chess piece moves a bit.

05-31-2006, 06:34 PM
are you shitting me?

damn i missed that too

that makes the movie even gayer

05-31-2006, 10:32 PM
I didn't see the chess piece move... I thought he was trying to see if his power would return....

05-31-2006, 11:18 PM
it didn't move that much... it kinda... shook.

06-01-2006, 12:26 AM
It move, but if you blinked, you missed it.

06-05-2006, 11:54 AM
It definitely moved... I enjoyed it, but I didn't expect it to be as good as the books.

(I've got about 4 years worth of Xmen and related comics from the early 80's in my attic - in plastic, of course - does anybody know if they have much value beyond the $.25 grab box?)

06-05-2006, 12:38 PM
I hated the movie, but I blame the script, not the director. I didn't know all about the Pheonix, I watched the Xmen cartoons. I thought the earlier movies did a better job of handling stuff, and this movie just didn't live up. SFIE and I walked out and immediately thought of three better ways to handle the Pheonix, while keeping it in an 100 minute format than what they chose (like . . . Jean's powers were growing, and she was frightened, and in that moment that she saved the others, her survival instinct overtook her and saved her, but the Jean Gray who previously existed is no more - there is no higher conciousness than the base instincts). Hated the Rogue fizzle out - was always bothered that she never acquired more powers, you know? So in the Danger Room sequence, what exactly was she doing? Nothing. . . And then to give up her powers, it just pissed me off.

From what I've read in Premiere magazine and in quotes from Hugh Jackman, there will be no more X-men movies. There will be a Wolverine prequel, and a prequel for Prof. X and Magneto, tracing their backstory, is in development (as those characters are all signed on for another movie). But high up Fox execs are saying no more X-Men movies as they've been.

06-05-2006, 12:41 PM
it was shit from start to finish, dont bother watchin it. And the wolverine upcomin movie will probaly be shit too, this was movie was catered to wolverine fanbase, how lame was the ending though.

06-05-2006, 09:45 PM
It definitely moved... I enjoyed it, but I didn't expect it to be as good as the books.

(I've got about 4 years worth of Xmen and related comics from the early 80's in my attic - in plastic, of course - does anybody know if they have much value beyond the $.25 grab box?)

Probably. Double check and make sure you don't have any Secret Wars issues stuck in that box. If you're looking to sell, I'm looking to buy. I only buy Marvel though.

They should throw in a Boom-Boom or Dazzler for hotness next time since Famke looks like shit lately.

The movie was okay, it really strayed from the comic way too much for my liking. It really sets up the next movie to having absolutely nothing to do with the comic since Rogue is cured, Magneto is cured, and Jean died waaaaaay too early. I want to see some kick ass shit with the Sentinels soon. The movie just seemed too fucked up for me.

I would have them worked in other story lines instead of focusing the whole movie on a whack version of teh Dark Phoenix Saga. Maybe Inferno (which could have worked in soooo many characters like DD and Spidey, plus Mr. Sinister was a great character), Age of Apocolypse (which is possible since Angel had a small part in this movie) or the Fall of teh Mutants. They could have gone so many ways instead of focusing on the Dark Phoenix Saga since it was one of the more complex story lines.

06-05-2006, 09:47 PM
No Marvel comic book movie adaptation was good and will not be good. You can't fit 1000+ issues in a 100 minute movie.

X2 and Spidey 2 were pretty good.

I was never a fan of Ghost Rider at all, even as a kid I thought it was kind of retarded, but the movie looks decent.

06-05-2006, 10:23 PM
None of the mutants never really "lost" their powers... if Magneto was able to regain his somewhat, I'm pretty sure that the others would be able to get theirs back as well. So in conclusion all the movie did was kill off Cyclops and Jean Grey ... and that's about all that changed.

and nobody really saw Cyclops die... so I wouldn't put it past those bastards to bring him back : /

06-05-2006, 10:28 PM
None of the mutants never really "lost" their powers... if Magneto was able to regain his somewhat, I'm pretty sure that the others would be able to get theirs back as well. So in conclusion all the movie did was kill off Cyclops and Jean Grey ... and that's about all that changed.

Yeah, I just read that Magneto moved that chess piece. I must have blinked.

06-05-2006, 11:44 PM
None of the mutants never really "lost" their powers... if Magneto was able to regain his somewhat, I'm pretty sure that the others would be able to get theirs back as well. So in conclusion all the movie did was kill off Cyclops and Jean Grey ... and that's about all that changed.

and nobody really saw Cyclops die... so I wouldn't put it past those bastards to bring him back : /

phoenix can't die...

06-05-2006, 11:47 PM
X2 and Spidey 2 were pretty good.

I was never a fan of Ghost Rider at all, even as a kid I thought it was kind of retarded, but the movie looks decent.

Both Spidermans were excellent adaptations, the casting was awesome especially willem dafoe, and that guy that player Dr. Octopus. The only one I s\disagree with is that shitty Mary Jane they got.

06-05-2006, 11:51 PM
phoenix can't die...

Tell that to Hollywood : /

06-06-2006, 08:09 AM
Its Just Like The Resident Evil Series I Mean I Loved Those Movies, But I Mean C'mon Nemesis Was Never The Love Of Someones Life Nor Was He Ever Really Controlled Like That He Was A Beast That Kept Killing You With A Rocket Launcher.......he Never Became A Good Guy........damn I Still Wanna See This Xmen Movie, And If They Fucked Up The Phoenix Im Gonna Be Pissed....cause We All Know That The Phoenix Was Suppose To Stop The Universe From Turning Inside Out