View Full Version : My experience at the Ultimate Fighting Championship in L.A.

06-02-2006, 09:56 AM
Let me make this clear from the start. I said "at", not "in". Yes, while here on business in L.A., my native Angelino business associate hooked my Brazilian business partner and I up with near ringside tickets to the Ultimate Fighting Championships at Staple's Center. Not having any prior experience but plenty of presumptuous bias, I assumed it'd be a brutality-fest packed with blood-hungry parolees. Boy was I wrong.

I arrived at Staple's Center to find the lots packed with product promoters and meandering diehard fans and some of the biggest, baddest looking dudes I'd seen in my life. Interestingly, you could distinguish the real fighters from the NFL players immediately as my friends informed me that the fighters have swollen or otherwise mangled ears. After countless blows to the side of the head and having one’s head ground into the mat repeatedly over a career, one’s ears tend to take on a Spock like perspective, if one is lucky. Otherwise they just look like almost closed-up hunks of hanging meat. Tough, tough dudes, to say the least.

As we entered through the Staples Center doors, I stood behind the biggest, meanest looking man I'd ever seen up close. I couldn’t help but realize that this 6.7” animal’s 5’0” meek, average looking girlfriend must get celebrity treatment wherever she may roll in L.A. As we made our way to the lower level to our seats, I arrived just in time to see a spotlight shone on Nicholas Cage followed by some applause and hoots from the half-packed house.

The main event, which was the 8th fight, would feature the world champion hailing, from Rio de Janeiro, an undefeated 39-0 wizard of Brazilian-style jiu jitzu. He would face a tough up and comer from San Diego. The first seven fights were other good fighters, and I was surprised to find that there is an art to this fighting, more a mixture of styles and chivalry than pure brutality. No broken bones, no cheap shots (i.e. no blatant blows to the privates), and hugs from the fighters after each match. Its obvious that ultimate fighters muster up anger toward their opponent to find the courage to enter the ring, the Octagon, but clearly there is no intention to permanently harm an opponent.

Things got interesting when I went to get a cup of wine with a friend, one of those "in" Angelinos who was born and raised in L.A. and knows his share of stars. He's also one of those guys that can sell you a busted lip for $1,000, so he's anything but timid. As we rushed back to our seats, my wild friend, Mike, tells me to look left, where I see two beautiful young girls in short dresses about to whiz by us at a practically galloping pace, trailed by a huge, ultimate fighter-looking bodyguard. As they approach so nearby that I can smell their $2,000 perfume, Mike loudly says "Hey, man, there's my girl Paris.". Instantly, Paris Hilton and her accomplice (who, by the way, was more beautiful than Hilton), actually turned around and smiled at us. My thrill was that her friend gave me a second glance, the highlight of my night (don't tell my wife!). It was one of those instances where had any other man made a comment like that to them, he’d have gotten the finger or a simple no-look. Cheap yet glorious moment.

What's funny is that as we finally got back to our seats, we saw Hilton and her friend (and bodyguard) sit across the ring from us as half the entire lower level of the now packed Staple's Center gawked and oohed and ahhhed, the testosterone boiling over. But when they appeared on the jumbotron, the entire Staple's Center, packed and rowdy as if it were a Lakers playoff game, erupted in boos. Ice cold, man. After that kind second glance from Paris’ friend, I was not among the boo birds.

Then they showed the Rock, they cheered him...then they played on the jumbotron an interview with him in which he stated his opinion that the Brazilian champ would go down tonight. The Brazilian guy trains in L.A. and Rio and is largely responsible for spreading Brazilian-style fighting to California and, hence, has since become a local hero. So, naturally, the Rock suddenly got turned upon L.A. bandwagon-style and many in the crowd booed the Rock to no end. After seeing how huge the guy is up close, I doubt many would do it up close and personal, though.

Other celebs in the house who I brushed by were Vince Vaughn and that Wayans funny guy from the Scary Movie series and White Chicks. I also saw a few San Diego Chargers and Ron Jaworski. But who stole the show for me in terms of elegance, grace and beauty was Cindy Crawford. True, she is a super model with plenty of cash for cosmetic surgery procedures, but still, she looked to be in her mid-twenties rather than her actual forties. Cindy Crawford is a very, very beautiful woman with a down-to-earth aura about her.

The fights leading up to the main event were a blast to watch. Feeling the adrenaline, the mistakes fighters paid for the slightest mistakes and the crowd enthusiasm was electrifying. One Brazilian fighter was losing so badly to a guy from Houston through the first two rounds. He had had his forehead busted open, had to be attended to by a doc after the first round, was wobbled and all but out, until the Texan got cocky and tried some running knee to the head, a bad stunt to pull on a jiu jitzu master. The Brazilian not only dodged the effort, but lept onto the guy's back like a leach, tripped him up, rolled him over, and put some double leg strangle hold on the Texan so fast that the ref called the fight. Had it been a real fight, he could have snapped the guys’ neck. Unbelievable. Sort of like if the Spurs were beating the Hawks by fifty, and suddenly every Spurs player blew their knee out and they had to forfeit. Hawks win, game over. Oh, man, was it fun.

In another fight, a local L.A. guy of Mexican origin came into the center with a blaring Mexican tune with horns blasting. The crowd erupted in a frenzy of cheers, some dancing. His opponent was a blonde Canadian guy who appeared too cocky for his own good, coming in full of tattooes, flair and blaring ACDC. The Mexican fighter is also a Brazilian jiu jitzu fighter who used to box professionally. His specialty is getting guys on the mat to apply chokeholds which force submissions. The Canadian was a kickboxing, duke it out, tough guy. In Ultimate Fighting there are three five minute rounds, and while that seems short, believe me, one full round seems like an eternity when you see what these guys do. This fight went the distance and it seemed the Canadian had gotten the best of the Mexican fighter. No matter what diving trip moves he tried, the Canadian would jump and dance and avoid the takedown. Just before the end of round two, the Canadian landed a driving forearm to the Mexican fighter’s forehead which opened a huge gash.

The third round followed the same pattern. Lots of dancing, jabbing, nearly-connecting roundhouses and flying knees. But with two minutes left, the Mexican fighter did something so improbable that the only befitting description would range from comical to superhuman. He somehow managed to trip up the Canadian and literally jump on his back while the Canadian remained on his feet, wrapping his legs around the continually standing, and walking, Canadian and attempting to apply a stranglehold. The Canadian tried everything to break this pest off his back, slamming his back against the cage, but nothing worked. The Canadian was actually laughing as the bleeding Mexican fighter continued locked on him, occasionally landing some light blows to the Canadian’s jaw and head, all from behind. Again, picture the Canadian standing up the whole time, literally walking around the ring with a human backpack glued to him. Now the blows the Mexican landed had no leverage or force behind them, but they technically scored points. He could have done this all day and the Canadian would have thought it was but styrophone paddle tickling his dome. Finally the bell rang and the Mexican jumped off his back, both of the fighters laughing and then embracing.

But when the judge announced that the hometown favorite, the Mexican fighter, won by decision, the Staples Center crowd erupted in fierce boos. Yes, that’s right, they booed their beloved son to no end. I asked my friend what was up, and he said that the crowd thinks that the Mexican fighter used a wussy-type trick to score points and survive to win the match. I saw it differently. I thought it was so amazing how cunning and athletic this Mexican fighter was to pull off such an improbable stunt. So I guess you could call it a bittersweet victory for him. Boy can that L.A. home crowd switch sides at the drop of a dime!

Now to the main event...


06-02-2006, 11:09 AM
Most LA fans are not only fickle, they don't know crap about mma and wouldn't be able to give you an example of skill if it kicked them in the behind. That being said... you lucky b*st*rd! I'd love to see a live UFC.

By the way - the Brazilian (Royce Gracie) was champion 13 years ago. The guy he faced (Matt Hughes) is no up-and-comer - he's been the most dominant champ of his weight class for quite some time now.

Marklar MM
06-02-2006, 11:27 AM
Man...you just now see the beauty of UFC.

06-02-2006, 11:35 AM
I would LOVE to see a UFC event!

Marklar MM
06-02-2006, 12:06 PM
I would LOVE to see a UFC event!

You would look at the chicks more than the fighting.

06-02-2006, 12:10 PM
You would look at the chicks more than the fighting.

You're probably right. I've been to a world championship boxing match and that was awesome. UFC would be even better.

06-02-2006, 01:01 PM
Are you kidding me?!

This fucking guy got to see Gracie vs Hughes?!


BTW, Im just messing with you. As long as youre writing stories like that, im hip. Pretty damn good story teller.

Mr Dio
06-02-2006, 01:49 PM
I was in the Caliente Casino Real in Cabo & the place was PACKED.
They weren't taking any action for the fight though & if you did want to bet you had to walk 1/2 a block down & go upstairs to some smoke filled room with diehards in it.

06-02-2006, 01:50 PM
lucky bastard. i would give an arm to go see the ortiz/shamrock and arlovski/sylvia fight

Mr Dio
06-02-2006, 01:51 PM
Californians in general don't like Diego Sanchez.
He is a huge favorite with Hispanic fans just about anywhere else in the South/Southwest of the US including Texas.

Mr Dio
06-02-2006, 01:52 PM
lucky bastard. i would give an arm to go see the ortiz/shamrock and arlovski/sylvia fight

That is going to be a bad ass fight.
Ortiz left Ken with bumps on bumps last time.

06-02-2006, 01:57 PM
Californians in general don't like Diego Sanchez.
He is a huge favorite with Hispanic fans just about anywhere else in the South/Southwest of the US including Texas.

i like sanchez a great deal. also very impressive was brandon vera, hes on the come up.

06-02-2006, 01:59 PM
lucky bastard. i would give an arm to go see the ortiz/shamrock and arlovski/sylvia fight
I think Matt Hughes/Georges St. Pierre is going to be better.

06-02-2006, 02:01 PM
I think Matt Hughes/Georges St. Pierre is going to be better.

i am definetely looking forward to that fight too. i would love to see st. pierre win

06-02-2006, 03:08 PM
I think Matt Hughes/Georges St. Pierre is going to be better.

Absolutely, but one of my friends bet me Gracie beats Hughes.


Sanchez impressed me even on the TV show. He was the only one who worked ever moment he was there. And it paid off, he won in dominating fashion.

He has to work on his striking though. His ground-and-pound is phenomonal, but he has to seriously concentrate on stand-up. Mainly defense, but a little offense too. No one in his weight class wants to goto the ground with him, so if he could just hold his own on his feet and get closer instead of that endless flying takedown he tries, he would really have no weakspots in his game.

06-02-2006, 03:10 PM
i am definetely looking forward to that fight too. i would love to see st. pierre win

I just have this thing where I cant like Canadians. Love hockey, have family in da' North, but something seems too....sneaky to me about them damn canucks.

Like theyre just lying in the weeds, waiting for their opportunity to strike and turn America into the quasi-Euro culture Canada is.

Corruption, I tell you!

Seriously, its the French-Canadians. They bother me.

Mr Dio
06-02-2006, 06:28 PM
I think Matt Hughes/Georges St. Pierre is going to be better.

Gonna be a great rematch...If it ever happens.
Is there a date set?

06-02-2006, 06:36 PM
So, does the Gracie bet (I heard from a "ground fighting" buddy of mine that the Gracies have a bounty on anyone that can beat them), still stand?

06-02-2006, 06:37 PM
UFC kicks ass.

06-02-2006, 06:40 PM
Have been watching the UFC for years. Many of the fighters are college grads who competed in wrestling (the REAL wrestling, not the fake shit). The current Middleweight Champion, Rich Franklin, is a former teacher who has a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a master's in education.

The current Welterweight champion, Matt Hughes, was a 4 time All American wrestler at Eastern Illionois University.

06-02-2006, 06:41 PM
So, does the Gracie bet (I heard from a "ground fighting" buddy of mine that the Gracies have a bounty on anyone that can beat them), still stand?

Matt Hughes just kicked Royce Gracie's ass this past weekend.

06-02-2006, 06:42 PM
That Arlovski guy, the Russian pitbull is a freak of nature. That is one tough mofo.

06-02-2006, 06:44 PM
That Arlovski guy, the Russian pitbull is a freak of nature. That is one tough mofo.

He's a badass, but Tim Sylvia proved that Arlovski (who is from Belarus, by the way) is human.

06-02-2006, 06:45 PM
He's a badass, but Tim Sylvia proved that Arlovski (who is from Belarus, by the way) is human.
Tim Sylvia has a lot more size to begin with.

06-02-2006, 06:53 PM
I just found out that Arlovski has a website:


06-02-2006, 09:04 PM
I'm amazed at how many people like this shit

06-02-2006, 09:14 PM
thanks for sharing the cool story. the ROCK is fucking bad ass. i wonder what would happen if he ever did UFC :lol

He would get knocked out in record time.

06-02-2006, 09:16 PM
Wow, Matt Hughes is THE MAN!!!


06-02-2006, 11:14 PM
the rock is a small bastard. anyone who saw the last fight realized just how small that little bastard really is. go shamrock and arlovski.

06-03-2006, 06:31 AM
He could probably fight once in the light heavyweight division. Then somebody like Babalu or even Stephen Bonner would send him home with a horrible sense of failure. It's about skill, not size. This is not professional wrestling, son.

The Hughes/GSP fight has been signed and made official. It'll probably take place in September or October.

06-03-2006, 08:13 AM
He could probably fight once in the light heavyweight division. Then somebody like Babalu or even Stephen Bonner would send him home with a horrible sense of failure. It's about skill, not size. This is not professional wrestling, son.

The Hughes/GSP fight has been signed and made official. It'll probably take place in September or October.

It would take a fighter of far less skill that Bonnar or Babalu to dispose easily of that douche. Anyway, why am I wasting my time talking about ginobili is god's homosexual fantasy?

Hughes/GSP II will be one for the ages. I am a fan of both, but I gotta go with Hughes on this one. I don't see anyone beating him for a long time.

Mr Dio
06-03-2006, 01:27 PM
he is fucking HUGE

Yeah, but what about from the waist up???????? :lol

Mr Dio
06-03-2006, 01:33 PM
Wow, Matt Hughes is THE MAN!!!


She has been a fan of his for yrs.
I think when Matt fought Frank Trigg in a rematch they showed her on tv & commented that she was a huge fan of Matt's.

06-03-2006, 01:46 PM
The Rock would kick anyone's ass. He played D-1 football and is an absolute monster.
He was playing for Miami, he was on his way to the NFL until he fucked up his knee.

06-03-2006, 01:47 PM
I'm amazed at how many people like this shit

This isn't fake WWE shit, it's fighting.

Mr Dio
06-03-2006, 02:04 PM
He was playing for Miami, he was on his way to the NFL until he fucked up his knee.

The Rock in his best shape ever still wouldn't win against a top 10 ranked/rated UFC Heavyweight.

06-03-2006, 02:14 PM
The Rock in his best shape ever still wouldn't win against a top 10 ranked/rated UFC Heavyweight.

Top 10 in the UFC? That's the cream of the crop in the US.

He wouldn't win against any of the top 50 fighters ranked in the smaller promotions like KOTC, Extreme Challenge, amd Superbrawl.

06-03-2006, 02:46 PM

This isn't fake WWE shit, it's fighting.

Watch people kick the shit out of each other is not my definition of entertainment.

06-03-2006, 05:15 PM

Watch people kick the shit out of each other is not my definition of entertainment.

So you must not find any contact sport entertaining.

06-03-2006, 09:18 PM
Who drinks "Wine" at a sporting event? :rolleyes

06-04-2006, 04:02 AM
By the way - the Brazilian (Royce Gracie) was champion 13 years ago. The guy he faced (Matt Hughes) is no up-and-comer - he's been the most dominant champ of his weight class for quite some time now.

Holy crap. Royce Gracie is fighting in the UFC again?

I have been really busy the past few months and haven't had the chance to pay much attention to UFC fights and news.

That would have been awesome to see.

Joyce and Ken Shamrock were the two that got me into watching UFC fights in the first place..back when they first got started.

06-04-2006, 10:03 PM
So you must not find any contact sport entertaining.
Not the ones whose sole purpose is to beat the shit out of your opponent.

06-13-2006, 05:21 PM
Good write-up, but it's pretty obviously that you're not familiar with mixed martial arts at all. ;)

MMA is blowing up in the US...not only the UFC, but other org's like Strikeforce and WFA are putting together great cards. Especially WFA...

thanks for sharing the cool story. the ROCK is fucking bad ass. i wonder what would happen if he ever did UFC :lol

He'd get destroyed...being "huge" means nothing in MMA...

I'm amazed at how many people like this shit

It's THE shit...not it is shit...get it right!! It's not for everybody...

There's more sportsmanship between MMA fighters than any of the pro sports in the US in my opinion. Especially considering what they have to do to compete against each other...

06-14-2006, 11:20 AM

06-14-2006, 12:20 PM


Happy?? :fro