View Full Version : Republicant's Hemorrahaging At The Polls

06-03-2006, 02:44 AM
With the 06 mid-term elections less than 6 months away, Zogby came out with some very interesting numbers...


Zogby: "I've Never seen numbers like this"

MACKINAC ISLAND – The war in Iraq has become so unpopular that it could cost Republicans control of Congress, statehouses and governor races around the country, national pollster John Zogby said Friday.

He said 70% of voters believe the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction, adding, “I have never seen a number like that since I’ve been polling.”

He said 68% of voters believe the war in Iraq wasn’t worth the loss of American lives. He added, “Americans want their wars to be won, they want it won quickly and their troops home and out of harms way.”

Bush is so unpopular he can’t help Republican candidates get elected this year. “I don’t think you’ll see him in Macomb County,” he said.

Rawstory (http://www.rawstory.com/showarticle.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.freep.com%2Fa pps%2Fpbcs.dll%2Fartikkel%3FAvis%3DC4%26Dato%3D200 60602%26Kategori%3DNEWS11%26Lopenr%3D60602016%26Re f%3DAR%26template%3Dprintart)

You know your in bad shape when your media shills best propaganda is 'at least were not Democrats'.


Right Jack Raccardi?

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-03-2006, 11:01 AM
Not surprising. That all looks about like it looked during Vietnam. Congrats to the liberal media, they're doing a great job pussyfing this country.