View Full Version : Ludden: Brown will attempt to get by without Elie

Kori Ellis
10-14-2004, 12:24 AM
Brown will attempt to get by without Elie
Web Posted: 10/14/2004 12:00 AM CDT

Johnny Ludden
Express-News Staff Writer


Mario Elie often made Devin Brown stay two hours after practice. He ran him through exhausting conditioning drills. He even once "fired" Brown after he arrived late for a pregame workout.

So when Elie left his assistant coaching job with the Spurs this summer for a position with Golden State?

Brown was disappointed, not relieved.

"All of my success last year was because of him," Brown said. "He was always in my ear saying, 'Be ready, be ready.' I appreciate every thing he did for me."

Elie served as Brown's mentor last season, pushing him when he needed to be pushed, encouraging him when he needed support. Like Brown, Elie first played in the minor leagues before joining the NBA. His advice: Learn how to make shots.

Brown's shooting gradually improved. By the end of the season he had developed into a regular contributor in the rotation. During the Spurs' loss to the Los Angeles Lakers in the Western Conference semifinals, he was the team's most consistent player.

Brown said he hasn't forgotten what he learned from Elie, who was recruited by his good friend, Chris Mullin, to join the staff of new Warriors coach Mike Montgomery. Brown played on both of the Spurs' summer-league teams, then became a regular at the team's practice facility during informal workouts.

"I can feel proud of what I did last year," Brown said, "but I know it's an everyday process. I can't relax."

Despite his success last season, Brown knows his minutes this season aren't guaranteed. The team re-signed Manu Ginobili and Bruce Bowen and added Brent Barry and Beno Udrih.

To make himself more valuable, Brown worked to improve his 3-point shooting during the summer.

"There were times last year when I got caught going to the basket when I should have been out on the 3-point line," Brown said. "I know it's going to be key that I knock some of those down this year."

With Elie gone, former Spurs forward Monty Williams will help work with Brown this season.

Said Brown: "I still have someone that is going to be watching over me."

Day off: The Spurs did not practice Wednesday. They will work out this morning before flying to New York. They begin their exhibition season Saturday afternoon when they play New York at Madison Square Garden.

Kori Ellis
10-14-2004, 12:27 AM
He even once "fired" Brown after he arrived late for a pregame workout.

Devin really needs someone to keep pushing him. I hope someone else does that for him this season, or even moreso I hope that he's become more self-motivated. He needs to realize the importance of being at/on time to every practice and working hard everyday.

Marcus Bryant
10-14-2004, 12:31 AM
Ludden just updated his article. New text in italics:

Big help: Don Newman, the Spurs' new assistant coach, will spend some of his time this season working with the team's centers and power forwards.

That seems an appropriate task considering Newman played seven seasons in the Canadian Football League and also went to training camp with the New York Jets and Seattle Seahawks.

Newman sometimes uses a blocking pad in drills to get physical with the Spurs' big men, except for center Rasho Nesterovic, whose contact is limited to down feather pillows for fear of risking further injury to his vagina.

"A lot of people call it the football mentality, but it just gives you an opportunity to make contact," said Newman, who also played three seasons in the CBA under George Karl.

"You're not trying to hurt or maim anyone or do anything like that. But it does give the guys an opportunity to feel more of a live situation, and the contact and the force that's going to be behind a play."

Kori Ellis
10-14-2004, 12:32 AM
LJ actually just cut that part out of my post and is making it into another thread.

10-14-2004, 12:38 AM

10-14-2004, 01:17 AM
To make himself more valuable, Brown worked to improve his 3-point shooting during the summer.

"There were times last year when I got caught going to the basket when I should have been out on the 3-point line," Brown said. "I know it's going to be key that I knock some of those down this year."

With Elie gone, former Spurs forward Monty Williams will help work with Brown this season.

Monty will be absolutely NO help with his shot, never having had one himself.

10-14-2004, 01:20 AM
Monty will be absolutely NO help with his shot, never having had one himself.

So true. Going from Mario Elie to Monty Williams is a HUGE drop off. Couldn't the Spurs have found someone with a respectable game?

Hell, what could Chuck Person, Dale Ellis, Jerome Kersey or Mike Mitchell be up to?

T Park
10-14-2004, 02:11 AM
Person is in a front office somewhere.

Jerome Kersey is an assistant with the Blazers.

Dale Ellis is in jail more than likely.

Mike Mitchell is probobly in europe putting up 30 points a game.

Dale Ellis???

Why dont we go get Vincent Askew and Vernon Maxwell while were at it.

Anyways, if Ellis taught Brown, hed tell brown, "Now, you gotta get that big man to set that pick to open ya up"

10-14-2004, 02:27 AM
:lmao @ MB

Mike Mitchell actually retired from Europe in 1999, and I think lives in the SA area. I watched Spurs-Knicks game 5 at house party he attended. Dude was still in awesome shape.

What was so bad about Dale Ellis?

T Park
10-14-2004, 02:29 AM
a great shooter who had to have a pick set for him to get a shot off, and a total jail bird.

Dont you remember the nickname "Jail" Ellis?

He was behaved in SA i believe, but I think he got thrown in the stew after he retired.

Kori Ellis
10-14-2004, 02:33 AM
In 1989, he was convicted of domestic violence and resisting arrest but did not serve time.

In 2002, he was convicted of domestic violence again. I'm not sure if he went to jail though.

T Park
10-14-2004, 02:38 AM
In 2002, he was convicted of domestic violence again.

and I believe was on the run evading police.

Served a couple months maybe.

Great influence on an impressionable guy like Devin no question.

Kori Ellis
10-14-2004, 02:39 AM
Actually he didn't go to jail .. not that makes hitting his wife okay.

Saturday, March 30, 2002
BELLEVUE, Wash. -- Former Seattle SuperSonics All-Star Dale Ellis avoided jail time for domestic violence.

Bellevue District Court Judge Janet Garrow suspended a one-year jail sentence, contingent on Ellis having no new offenses and meeting other sentencing conditions.

He will be on probation for 24 months and is ordered not to contact his wife. The court also suspended all but $200 of a $5,000 fine, said Ketu Shah, a domestic violence prosecutor for King County.

Kori Ellis
10-14-2004, 02:41 AM
Mike Mitchell actually retired from Europe in 1999, and I think lives in the SA area.

Yeah I'm pretty sure that he lives in S.A. We went to a party a while back and he and Mike Gale were both supposed to be there, but just Mike Gale was. But they both live here locally.

T Park
10-14-2004, 02:44 AM
Former Seattle SuperSonics All-Star Dale Ellis avoided jail time for domestic violence.

Bellevue District Court Judge Janet Garrow suspended a one-year jail sentence, contingent on Ellis having no new offenses and meeting other sentencing conditions.

He will be on probation for 24 months and is ordered not to contact his wife. The court also suspended all but $200 of a $5,000 fine, said Ketu Shah, a domestic violence prosecutor for King County.

Nice, the coward beats up a woman, and all hes got to do is pay a couple hundred bucks and keep his nose clean for two years.

No jail time is a joke.

10-14-2004, 11:28 AM

Mike Mitchell is probobly in europe putting up 30 points a game.

Mitch had a sweet rainbow shot!!!

Devin Brown will have a break out year!!!

10-14-2004, 11:43 AM
With the toughness that DBrown showed in the playoffs, you can tell that Elie worked with him a lot. That mental toughness to perform well in the playoffs is something the Spurs need more of.

10-14-2004, 09:39 PM
Person is in a front office somewhere.

For the Pacers

T Park
10-14-2004, 11:05 PM
I thought so, but I didnt want to say that and be wrong.

I mean, heaven forbid you be wrong around here.