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06-07-2006, 10:07 AM
Well the agony has begun for the dimm-o-craps and their year of
return to power.

Republican Wins House Race in Calif.

Jun 7, 7:54 AM (ET)


(AP) Brian Bilbray, Republican candidate in the 50th congressional district, smiles as he arrives at an...
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A former Republican congressman narrowly beat his Democratic rival early Wednesday to fill the House seat once held by jailed Randy "Duke" Cunningham, one of several contests in eight states closely watched as a possible early barometer of next fall's vote.

Republican Brian Bilbray emerged victorious after a costly and contentious special election race against Democrat Francine Busby, a local school board member.

"I think that we're going back to Washington," Bilbray told cheering supporters. He will serve out the remaining seven months of Cunningham's term and get a boost for the November election.

With 90 percent of precincts reporting, Bilbray had 56,130 votes, or 50 percent. Busby trailed with 51,292 votes, or 45 percent.

The race was viewed by Democrats as an opportunity to capture a solidly Republican district and build momentum on their hopes to capture control of the House.

Another Washington corruption case figured in Montana's primary, where GOP Sen. Conrad Burns won the nomination for a fourth term. After his ties to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff became known, Burns saw his popularity fall. But he beat several primary challengers and won nearly three-quarters of the vote. His Democratic challenger in the fall will be state Senate President Jon Tester.

In Iowa, the retirement of two-term Democratic Gov. Tom Vilsack set off a wide-open race. Secretary of State Chet Culver will face GOP Rep. Jim Nussle in the fall.

Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico and South Dakota also held primaries. Corruption and allegations of corruption - in California, Alabama and Montana - crisscrossed the country. Immigration was a campaign issue from the South to the Plains.

Still, the biggest race was the one to replace Cunningham, who was sentenced to eight years in prison for taking bribes on a scale unparalleled in the history of Congress.

National Democrats spent nearly $2 million on the race; the GOP spent $4.5 million. President Bush and first lady Laura Bush recorded telephone messages for Bilbray, while the Democrats' last two presidential candidates - John Kerry and Al Gore - urged supporters to back Busby.

Bilbray, made immigration the centerpiece of his campaign, proposing a fence "from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico" and restrictions to keep illegal immigrants from collecting Social Security and other benefits.

Busby focused her campaign on public dissatisfaction with the Bush administration and the GOP-led Congress, and assailed Bilbray for working as a lobbyist in Washington. She consistently referred to him as "the lobbyist Bilbray."

A few races brought back some familiar names:

- Jerry Brown - the former California governor, presidential candidate and current Oakland mayor - won the Democratic primary for attorney general.

- George C. Wallace Jr., son of the former Alabama governor, trailed in the GOP primary for lieutenant governor to attorney Luther Strange but the race goes to a runoff because no one got 50 percent.

- Hollywood director Rob Reiner was the leading backer of a measure in California to create a $2.4 billion universal preschool program, which went down to defeat by a 60-to-40-percent margin.

06-07-2006, 10:52 AM
Not surprising since this is heavy republican district but I was impressed by how close it was. No agony on my part at all.

Good job.

06-07-2006, 10:55 AM
lol I still can't belive the Duke got fucking thrown in jail...

He was bad ass in the day.. Brick Shithouse Ace (brick shithouse is F4 phantom)

06-07-2006, 12:05 PM
Bilbray, made immigration the centerpiece of his campaign, proposing a fence "from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico" and restrictions to keep illegal immigrants from collecting Social Security and other benefits.

Busby focused her campaign on public dissatisfaction with the Bush administration and the GOP-led Congress, and assailed Bilbray for working as a lobbyist in Washington. She consistently referred to him as "the lobbyist Bilbray."

Typical fucking Democrats. How fucking childish. At least fucking pretend to have an opinion and some damn maturity.

The Democratic party spent $2+ million dollars for a campaign slogan that read "Vote for me! Im the lesser of 2 evils!"

Cant even lie effectively. "Oh the Agony" is spot on....

06-07-2006, 03:10 PM
Strangely quite in this thread from the folks on the left. Guess they
don't feel Busby's pain.

06-07-2006, 03:17 PM
Well, stop the presses!! This is huge. I've completely reconsidered all of my political opinions and have finally been convinced that Republican hegemony is here to stay. After all, a Republican won a district that has voted republican for this seat in the last 7 elections. It's a clear as proof gets that the Democratic party will never win again.


06-07-2006, 03:19 PM
Folks on the left don't always agree with every issue. That much can rarely be said about folks on the right. Folks on the right don't have to deal with those pesky little problems like thinking on their own. All they have to do is follow.

06-07-2006, 03:22 PM
^^Hmmmmm, I thought they were saying that they had this one
in the bag, because of all the corruption.

Oh, and did you look to see the HUGH turnout by the dimm-o-craps
to vote for their candidate. Guess the dimms are really on to the
issues. Well they still have a few months to figure out what
junk to drag out before November. Like "corruption". Oh, forgot
about their little problem. Mr. Jefferson and cold cash..... And they
just tried that in California, didn't they. My mistake.

06-07-2006, 03:27 PM
That is true. But the left understands that our "Mission has NOT been accomplished".

06-07-2006, 03:27 PM
Folks on the left don't always agree with every issue. That much can rarely be said about folks on the right. Folks on the right don't have to deal with those pesky little problems like thinking on their own. All they have to do is follow.

Yeah, you are so right. They like to form coaliations and
give them pretty little names like: rainbow. Or talk about
diversity and humanity. Of course they don't practice a bit
of it. Like if you really do disagree with Jesse or Gore or
anyone of a number of your leaders, duck, you rear end is
a mud hole. Tell me when they last had a public disagreement
that amount to anything. Usually they go behind closed doors
and talk about "talking points".

06-07-2006, 03:29 PM
^^Hmmmmm, I thought they were saying that they had this one
in the bag, because of all the corruption.

A democrat narrowly lost in a race to fill a seat that the Republicans have won in 7 consecutive elections with at least 55% of the vote. Republicans who are inclined to vote for republicans did not change sides and a republican won. How about that!!!

I'm sure there is meaning in that result somewhere, but it's lost in my celebratory frenzy about the obvious doom this forecasts for Democrats.

06-07-2006, 03:30 PM
Thats true. Fools rush in. Lesson learned from GOP.

06-07-2006, 03:36 PM
A democrat narrowly lost in a race to fill a seat that the Republicans have won in 7 consecutive elections with at least 55% of the vote. Republicans who are inclined to vote for republicans did not change sides and a republican won. How about that!!!

I'm sure there is meaning in that result somewhere, but it's lost in my celebratory frenzy about the obvious doom this forecasts for Democrats.

Well actually Busby did lose by 55 percent. There was a
third candidate who got a few percentage points of the vote.
Not that it matters. A win is a win, is a win. So enjoy your
moral victory. I will give you all them you want.

Doom for the dimm-o-craps. Hmm, don't remember that
forecast. But just remember you said it, not I. :lol

06-07-2006, 03:43 PM
Well actually Busby did lose by 55 percent. There was a
third candidate who got a few percentage points of the vote.
Not that it matters. A win is a win, is a win. So enjoy your
moral victory. I will give you all them you want.

Doom for the dimm-o-craps. Hmm, don't remember that
forecast. But just remember you said it, not I. :lol

Yes, I'll be certain to recall my faceitiousness.

I'm not claiming a moral victory; I'm simply saying that its foolish to suggest some national trend based on a reversion to form in a race for the House in a predominantly-Republican district. That race and its result strike me as wildly irrelevant to anything in my own life.

06-07-2006, 03:47 PM
Let's see how the full 06 elections turn out.. don't pop the cork too early...

06-07-2006, 03:51 PM
Every successful republican win is somehow his own personal victory. A very well programmed republican, I say! Cheers to you my friend and many more happy years of making excuses for your parties actions.

06-07-2006, 04:05 PM
Be more specific.. that was kinda a blind shot.. the first part of your post was good..

The part about making excuses.. if your gonna call someone out take on the issue(s).

Like for instance.. all democrats except maybe 2 are a big bunch of gutless pussies who could give a FUCK less about Iraqi or other people... but love it when the military and Bush is the problem. Now to me DNC is "making excuses for your parties in-action"..

Richard Cranium
06-07-2006, 05:38 PM
Are people on the right really this stupid?

06-07-2006, 05:47 PM
Republican wins race in Republican district?
