View Full Version : french posters

10-14-2004, 12:03 PM
is tp's going to be own his radio show today?
http://www.rmcinfo.fr/ :fro

10-14-2004, 12:56 PM
Well, he'd better be! After all the show is about him and the people/things he likes. I'll keep you posted if you're interested.

10-14-2004, 01:01 PM

10-14-2004, 01:13 PM

After reading all those posts on TP's contract, I would like to understand why so many people consider TP as the responsible for last year lost against LA? I'm still amazed when I see all these posts on him, he is considered as the second or third offensive power of spurs roster, and neither TD nor Manu did better (I love those players but responsability is shared, TD were unable to dominate (Malone & Shaq it was too much!) & Manu were unconsistent).

Every body claims about match against Lakers but he permits to win the two first, not TD or Manu and no one blame them, why? (again, I'm not speaking about there level but only on their contribution during those games)

I hope he would sign the extension with spurs at a fair level for both of them!

Go Spurs, Go TP

10-14-2004, 03:48 PM
I don't think TP is considered "responsible". There was plenty of blame to go around. It's that his dropoff in play was far and away the most signficant factor.

If TP played the rest of the LA series like he did games 1 and 2, then the other factors (Pop's failure to adjust, Horry and Hedo's noncontributions, Tim's passive spells) wouldn't have mattered.

10-14-2004, 04:47 PM
There wasn't much NBA talks on TP's show tonight. He was in NYC getting prepared for Saturday's game and he reminded everyone how much he loves to play against Marbury... He said this game is meant to be a test for the new players, so don't expect too much from him. He sounded excited to play with Barry as he will help him to improve his assists #! Nothing new re. his contract, he only mentioned that he still negotiating with the Spurs and that he would never play for the Lakers.

On a side note, he had some nice words for a Spurs fan who posted a video on his website. I think it's missmyzte's. He said he loved your video, keep up the good work!

Kori Ellis
10-14-2004, 04:48 PM
Thanks for the report Elo!

10-14-2004, 04:48 PM
There wasn't much NBA talks on TP's show tonight. He was in NYC getting prepared for Saturday's game and he reminded everyone how much he loves to play against Marbury... He said this game is meant to be a test for the new players, so don't expect too much from him. He sounded excited to play with Barry as he will help him to improve his assists #! Nothing new re. his contract, he only mentioned that he still negotiating with the Spurs and that he would never play for the Lakers.

Awesome. Thanks for the report.


10-14-2004, 04:49 PM
Damn. Why you copy what I was going say?


10-14-2004, 04:57 PM
goooooooood job!

10-14-2004, 04:59 PM
You're both welcome! I'll post some updates if anything interesting leaks out in the French press.

10-14-2004, 06:07 PM
When I saw this topic, a thousand replies popped in my head and none of them were about basketball!!!!


10-14-2004, 07:08 PM
i just so want to go off on a french foreigner......

10-14-2004, 09:23 PM
Tony Parker reads the threads on SpursCentral?

10-14-2004, 10:14 PM
On a side note, he had some nice words for a Spurs fan who posted a video on his website. I think it's missmyzte's. He said he loved your video, keep up the good work!

I hadn't read this thread, a friend just pointed it out to me because she saw this note about my vid. I can't believe he talked about my video, that's so cool!!! :spin Thanks for sharing!