View Full Version : Oh my gosh! I was just on Kens 5 News

06-12-2006, 05:32 PM
I just recently started making weekly visits to the humane society. I have been pretty stressed with all the changes going on in and around me.
I find loving on people's to the future pets fulfilling and theraputic.

I make it a point to go during the week because I always have the place to myself.
That is why I was all the more surprised when I walked to the cat house and found Vicki Buffolino with her cameraman in tow, both of whom were very nice by the way.

As it turns out Vicki was touring the facility and interviewing the H.S. staff as part of Ken's news feature on the homeless pet population in San Antonio.
And, unbeknownst to me at the time, the camera man recorded me as I was cuddling one of my kitten friends ( Boci) and used it in the 5 o'clock news footage.

:cat :)

06-12-2006, 05:33 PM
And since I started this thread:
If any of you are looking to adopt, please do visit the humane society. If you go to the one near Naco Perrin, I can recommend several cats to you.
There is one cat in particular, Shannon, who I really want to see in a great home. She is half blind and the sweetest thing you will ever meet.

My room mate's cat would not tolerate another feline in the house or I would take her myself.

If you are looking for a kitten-Boci, Ashton, Skittles, Velvet, Nan, Eddie and Freddie are particularly great. :)

For the puppy lovers, Foxy and Sophy :tu

Kori Ellis
06-12-2006, 05:34 PM

That's really sweet, angel.

We are contemplating getting Deuce a friend.

06-12-2006, 05:36 PM
SA has a TV reporter named Vicki Buffalo?

06-12-2006, 05:36 PM

That's really sweet angel.

We are contemplating getting Deuce a friend.

That would be awesome. Deuce is a great dog. You were blessed with him. :)

Kori Ellis
06-12-2006, 05:37 PM
He is a good dog. And he's very needy. Maybe having a friend will help him not be so sad when we leave the house.

06-12-2006, 05:37 PM
Angel where were you when I needed a babysitter for Bigo and Bella? :lol

06-12-2006, 05:38 PM
He is a good dog. And he's very needy. Maybe having a friend will help him not be so sad when we leave the house.

I am sure he would enjoy a companion. It helped settled my pooch down quite a bit. :)

06-12-2006, 05:40 PM
Angel where were you when I needed a babysitter for Bigo and Bella? :lol

At the play offs! :angel

You know I am only a free night and a phone call away. I love the B's!

Kori Ellis
06-12-2006, 05:41 PM
Deuce is EXTREMELY dependent on LJ and I. He's in the room with us all day, but if one of us leaves the house for even a few minutes -- he cries the whole time, even though the other of us is still next to him. If we both leave, he has some sort of panic attack the whole time. I know it's the Katrina trauma that makes him worried but I'm hoping a friend will help. If not, maybe he needs Xanax. :)

06-12-2006, 05:42 PM
Deuce is EXTREMELY dependent on LJ and I. He's in the room with us all day, but if one of us leaves the house for even a few minutes -- he cries the whole time, even though the other of us is still next to him. If we both leave, he has some sort of panic attack the whole time. I know it's the Katrina trauma that makes him worried but I'm hoping a friend will help. If not, maybe he needs Xanax. :)

How old is Deuce?

Kori Ellis
06-12-2006, 05:43 PM
They think he's about 3.

He majorly panics when we leave.

Anyway, we are visiting a dog tomorrow night that we might get. He's a 1 1/2 year old Chocolate Lab. (Deuce is black lab)

06-12-2006, 05:45 PM
They think he's about 3.

He majorly panics when we leave.

Anyway, we are visiting a dog tomorrow night that we might get. He's a 1 1/2 year old Chocolate Lab. (Deuce is black lab)

Chocolate Labs are gorgeous. :)

06-12-2006, 05:49 PM
They think he's about 3.

He majorly panics when we leave.

Anyway, we are visiting a dog tomorrow night that we might get. He's a 1 1/2 year old Chocolate Lab. (Deuce is black lab)

Aww.. let me know. How exciting.

I wish I lived closer to you. I could take Deuce for walks.

I love dogs- just can't have one.

Kori Ellis
06-12-2006, 05:50 PM
Aww.. let me know. How exciting.

I wish I lived closer to you. I could take Deuce for walks.

I love dogs- just can't have one.

If we are going to Rocky Mt Revue in July, I might ask you to house/dog sit while we are gone.

06-12-2006, 05:54 PM
If we are going to Rocky Mt Revue in July, I might ask you to house/dog sit while we are gone.

I would be happy to. Just let me know. :)

06-12-2006, 06:20 PM
I think finding a companion for Looter would be a great idea.

06-12-2006, 06:22 PM
If we are going to Rocky Mt Revue in July, I might ask you to house/dog sit while we are gone.

Woo Hoo!

House party angel!!! :angel

06-12-2006, 06:27 PM
Great job on the community service Veronica.


Duece is one of the friendlist dogs of all-time. He has one of those personalities that would make it hard to get mad at him. It was funny the time he was licking the cage to get out.

06-12-2006, 06:44 PM

Das Texan
06-12-2006, 07:38 PM

That's really sweet, angel.

We are contemplating getting Deuce a friend.

name him bigelow.

Das Texan
06-12-2006, 07:41 PM
I volunteered at the Animal Defense League a few years back myself. Very rewarding. I'd take the big dogs out for walks in the dog park area. That was quite fun, always have wanted to get a big dog, never have been able to. Really fun time and allowed me to get away from the usual service stuff I was doing at the time.

I was Santa one year when they did their dog pictures with Santa at Petsmart. Also remember helping out in their big carnival or whatever it was called, which was also a lot of fun.

06-12-2006, 07:54 PM
I am not an official volunteer- my work schedule is still too up in the air for me to commit.

I just go when I can.

Das Texan
06-12-2006, 07:58 PM
I am not an official volunteer- my work schedule is still too up in the air for me to commit.

I just go when I can.

thats what i did anyway.

i just didnt feel like being committed to coming in at a certain time all the time.

I told them I'd be there when I was free. They were cool with it. Although it helps when you know people sometimes... :lol

06-12-2006, 10:08 PM
I get sad just going to pet stores because I can't take them all home with me, I'd probably cry leaving the Humane Society.

Getting Deuce a friend would be a fantastic idea, Kori. I bet they'd love eachother and be best friends for life.

Das Texan
06-12-2006, 10:10 PM
I want to get one of these eventually....


06-12-2006, 10:10 PM
I was sad and happy when I went today.

A bunch of my favorites from last week were adopted over the weekend.

I wanted to see them but am thrilled they all found homes. They better be good ones.

T Park
06-13-2006, 01:55 AM
Glad to see there are more animal lovers here.

Too bad you guys don't consider Basset Hounds.

You woul IMMEDIATELY fall in love with em, I swear!!!!

06-13-2006, 08:47 AM
I want to get one of these eventually....


Are those Blue Laceys? I had a female about 10 years ago...great truck dog...she went everywhere with me...great temperment, good with kids, great nose...incredibly smart and intuitive...better have a hell of a good fence though...they are incredibly athletic...mine could jump through the passenger window of my 4WD truck without even touching the door and land on the seat...and could clear a 6' fence from a standing start.

06-13-2006, 08:56 AM
Are those Blue Laceys?

It looks more like a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Those are GREAT dogs. So friendly and sweet-natured. They are very protective, though, and can be downright aggressive. They take a lot of time and training to make them good companions. I knew a guy who had one; this guy was an artist and traveled around to festivals and fairs and stuff doing caricatures. That dog went everywhere he went and would protect their vehicle to the death. He was so sweet, though, if he knew you.

06-13-2006, 10:16 AM
Those are Silver Labs. Rather rare and raised in Texas.

Das Texan
06-13-2006, 04:28 PM
Those are Silver Labs. Rather rare and raised in Texas.

and rather expensive.

Kori Ellis
06-13-2006, 04:32 PM
Are they regular labs cross bred with something else to make Silver Labs? Because their legs look shorter than black labs.

Das Texan
06-13-2006, 04:53 PM
Silver labs supposedly are simply a color variation of labs and are supposed to have the same genetic qualities of the other colored labs. Here is a website I got some info from, its a bit of a read though, so take a few minutes.


The AKC Stand on Registration of Silver Labradors:

Response of Jack Norton of the AKC on 1/24/00 giving AKC official position on the issue of Silver Labs.

The registry of the American Kennel Club is based on parentage and not the coat color of a member of any breed.

In 1987 the AKC, in corporation with the Labrador Retriever Club of America, conducted an inquiry into the breeding of litters that contained members that were registered as silver. An AKC representative was sent to observe these dogs. The report and color photographs of these dogs were reviewed by AKC staff and representatives of the Labrador Retriever Club of America. Both Parties were satisfied that there was no reason to doubt that the dogs were purebred Labrador Retrievers, however they felt that the dogs were incorrectly registered as silver. Since the breed standard at the time described chocolate as ranging in shade form sedge to chocolate, it was felt that the dogs could more accurately be described as chocolate rather than silver. This remains the current policy of the American Kennel Club.

Jack Norton
Special Services Dept

Some Falsehoods Regarding the Silver Coloration in Labs

There is no such thing as a silver Labrador.

False. This is really more an argument based on semantics and upon which most conflicts regarding the silver color in the breed are based. Silver Labs do exist here and now, however, history records of the Labrador breed strongly support the conclusion that the silver color was introduced sometime in the mid-history (between the 1940s - 1950s) of the Labrador breed (see below for discussion of origins). For this and other reasons, the trait is not considered as being representative of the breed.

The silver coat color has been recorded in early writings about Labradors.

False. There is no record of "silver", "gray" or any other color that could be construed as silver between 1878 and 1948 (i.e. the early history of the breed) in the breed stud books. Reportedly, a Norwegian Elkhound cross was performed sometime in the 1940s which coincides with subsequent European reports of "silver" Labradors appearing in some lines during the 1950s and 1960s (see below for more information).

The small gene pool in the early history of the breed had made it difficult to select for silver because "there was never a large enough gene pool of other grays to replicate the color."

False. It is a well established principle of genetics that the smaller the population (i.e. gene pool) the more likely for the offspring of the population to express traits associated with recessive genes.

Genetic analysis has demonstrated that the gene responsible for the silver coloration in Labs is mapped to a site different from the site responsible for the silver color in other breeds of the dog.

False. There is currently no scientific data, either published or preliminary, which has mapped the silver gene locus in Labs. Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, are, however, currently conducting pedigree analysis on silver bloodlines to determine origins of the silver coloration.

The observation that general breeders of Labradors have not accepted the challenge to disprove the purity of Silver Labradors is confirmation that the bloodlines are pure.

False. General Lab breeders have consulted with geneticists on the feasibility of performing genetic analysis on the silver Labradors. Current DNA technology is, ironically, too specific a method for assessing genetic relationship between silver Labs and the general Lab population. Although parentage can be determined by DNA testing, there exists too much genetic diversity even between related Labrador bloodlines, which limits the ability of this method to prove or disprove the degree of relatedness between silver Labs and the general Lab population.

Silver puppies born of purebred, AKC registered Labrador parents should be destroyed to preserve the breed.

False. The silver coloration is considered a serious fault in the breed, however, it does not alter the health or disposition of the dog. Therefore, it is recommended that silver puppies produced by registered Labs be placed in pet-homes without AKC registration papers or with Limited Registration to prevent further propagation of the silver gene.

Additional information on the silver coloration:
Are there silver Labs?

This is one of the most common questions voiced by the public. Commonly the answer is provided that " the silver Labrador is not a Labrador at all because it is a product of crossbreeding (interbreeding)." This statement may hold both truth and fiction.

Some individuals may argue from the point that up until a few decades ago, the chocolate Lab was, indeed, a minority with many people doubting the genetic integrity of the chocolate coloration. In bench competition, chocolates were often disqualified from competition and even in recent years the chocolates still are considered disparagingly among some Labrador enthusiasts. However, the "liver" (chocolate) coloration appears in most of the retriever breeds and also appears in the original ancestors of the Labrador. In support of this, records of early breedings, around the late 1800s, confirmed that livers were occasionally whelped to black Labs.

Though it is suspected that the yellow coloration was the product of interbreeding, yellow Labradors have been around since the breed was originally accepted as a purebred dog. Therefore, the yellow coloration, though foreign to the original ancestors of the breed (since no yellowed-colored water dogs, only black and occassionally liver-colored, were ever documented as arriving from the breed's country of origin, St. John's) was recognized as an acceptable trait in the Labrador.

So, what of silver? Given the fact that much inbreeding was performed during the early history of the breed because of the small gene-pool, expression of the silver trait would have occurred at least frequently enough for someone to take note of its existence. This was, indeed, the case with the expression of the "black and tan" trait. Early history cites cases of puppies born with tan points (as found in Dobermans, Rottweilers, etc.). This trait was attributed to early interbreeding with Gordon Setters. There is no record, however, of silver Labs or any similar color documented in the stud books spanning the years 1878 to at least 1948 (though other color oddities are documented). This strongly suggests that the silver color is not a color that was present (indigenous) in the early ancestors of the Labrador breed. Therefore, the color must have been introduced sometime after the 1940s. The instances of silver Labs appearing, albeit rarely, in litters from the general population that bear no common ancestors within several or more generations suggests that the gene has been in the population for quite a few decades (This does not necessarily rule out the possibility of more recent interbreeding to purposely achieve or increase frequency of expression of the color). As such, possibilities for the origin of the silver gene may include, but are not limited to the following: 1) a spontaneous gene mutation, or 2) mid-history introduction of the silver gene through interbreeding with a breed carrying the silver gene.

Spontaneous gene mutations occur frequently within any given population. Conceivably a change, most likely in the melanin-stimulating-hormone receptor (Mc1-r) encoded by the Extension Locus (E), could result in a dilution of eumelanin (black/brown pigment) synthesis in Labradors inheriting this mutation and lead to expression of a charcoal or silver coat. Mutations of the Mc1-r have been reported in canines, including the Labrador, and other species (see B/b, E/e, and Beyond: A Detailed Examination of Coat Color Genetics in the Labrador Retriever). Characterization of the Mc1-r in these silver Labs may provide some clues to support or deny spontaneous mutation events as a potential cause for this coloration. To my knowledge, however, no such studies in regard to silver Labs are currently being conducted.

In regard to interbreeding, it is important to understand that purebred development was frequently based upon crossing one breed with a different breed to bring in desirable traits from that different breed. (i.e. introducing "foreign" genes). Through careful breeding programs, early breeders were able to select for the desirable traits of the "foreign" dog while breeding out the other obvious, non-standard traits characteristic to the "foreign" purebred. Mary Roslin-Williams, in her book All About the Labrador, describes a prime example of this, which may have direct implications regarding the origin of the silver Lab phenotype. In her book, she makes reference to a Norwegian Elkhound/ Labrador crossbreeding occurring in the 1940s, as well as to Pointer/Labrador crossbreedings occurring in some field lines. Generally speaking, one may recognize why frequent, widespread crossbreeding, especially in inexperienced hands could cause considerable problems within any breed. However, not all instances of this practice should be viewed negatively. In fact, from a genetic standpoint, there are many positive arguments for the occasional, but controlled use of interbreeding (refer to: Purebred Dog Breeds into the Twenty-First Century -- Achieving Genetic Health for Our Dogs by Dr. J. Jeffrey Bragg). In regard to the Labrador, it is important to recall that at that time, the yellow Labradors were devoid of type, appeared houndy-looking, and had no undercoat to speak of. Crossbreeding of the Norwegian Elkhound offered a quick means of introducing the correct undercoat. Furthermore, the two breeds were similar in terms of structural build. Indeed, this crossbreeding, which may have been one of the key factors leading to improvement of "type" in yellow Labs, may also provide another explanation of how the silver phenotype was introduced into the breed: the silver gene found in the Norwegian Elkhound.

Some purists may be alarmed by this information, however, from a genetic standpoint, the selection and cultivation of "Labrador traits" and the elimination of traits foreign to the breed over subsequent generations has assured the genetic integrity of breed as being "Labrador", even in the presence of such historical crossbreeding. However, one may understand the importance and necessity of a breed standard for ensuring a general consistency among individuals of the breed. As with other traits that are a throw-back to early interbreeding, such as the black-and-tan (attributed to early interbreeding with the Gordon Setter), breeders concerned with maintaining the original attributes of the breed recognize these traits as being associated with the remnants of past crossbreedings. Additionally, to maintain a general consistency within individuals of the breed, selection against undesirable traits, whether they are due to "spontaneous mutation" or "foreign" genes introduced by selective crossbreeding, is maintained. It is for this reason that we rarely see evidence of "foreign" genes in the Labs of today.

A Matter of Breeding Ethics

Canine genetics is a fascinating area of science. Experimental interbreeding performed by early researchers like Little and Whitney provided many answers to modes of inheritance of many traits including but not limited to coat color. Such purposeful interbreeding was carried out to increase breeders' knowledge and therefore assist them in producing better pure-bred dogs. But what exactly is a better pure-bred dog? Because opinions and tastes may vary widely from one breeder to the next, if left to the individual breeder, one particular breed could become so diversified that members of that breed may look and act nothing like other members. That is why the American Kennel Club, working with the breed parent club, sets the standard for each breed. The standard describes physical and temperament characteristics which are inherently typical of a dog of that particular breed and therefore serves as a guideline for breeders.

As with early breeders who cultivated the traits of the Labrador breed through careful propagation of desirable traits and elimination of faults through selective breeding programs, breeders today follow the breed standard to ensure that the qualities of the breed are preserved. Therefore, at this time, traits such as black and tan, brindling, and silver coloration are considered serious faults of the breed and purposeful selection of these traits for breeding purposes is not recommended. Additionally, the American Kennel Club recognizes only Labradors which are black, chocolate, or yellow. The AKC standard for the Labrador specifically states: "The Labrador retriever coat colors are black, yellow and chocolate. Any other color or combination of colors is a disqualification."

Will silver Labs make good companions?

As with any Lab, temperament and type will depend on the bloodlines of the dog regardless of color. Depending on the breeding lines, a silver Lab can make just as lovely a companion dog as a Lab of any other color. However, as with any Lab that may express an undesirable hereditary trait, a silver lab should be placed in a pet home without registration papers or with Limited Registration to ensure that the fault is not passed to offspring.

A final word on the silver coloration:

The origin of the silver coloration in Labradors remains uncertain at this time. For the AKC to recognize the silver coloration, the parent club would first have to rewrite the standard and vote to accept the silver coloration. For the first of these situations to happen, the silver Lab would have to gain support among a number of its parent club members (as the yellow coloration once had its enthusiastic supporters back in England during the early days of the breed). This scenario is most likely not to happen in the near future. As such, breeders, either established or novice, who may consider breeding for silver will most likely find many doors closed to them in terms of breeding to the best Labrador bloodlines. As such, there are many factors (of which the true origin of the silver is just one) to take into consideration before a breeder or owner should consider the silver colored Lab.

Research Contacts: Any breeders who have produced silver-colored puppies and would like to assist in the research of the silver-coloration are invited to contact Dr. Neff at: [email protected]. All contacts and information will be handled confidentially.

06-13-2006, 04:55 PM
Weimaraner/Lab mix?

Kori Ellis
06-13-2006, 04:57 PM
Weimaraner/Lab mix?

I thought that at first but then they would be taller I'd think.

Silver labs supposedly are simply a color variation of labs and are supposed to have the same genetic qualities of the other colored labs. Here is a website I got some info from, its a bit of a read though, so take a few minutes.

Yeah I read up after I posed the question. Seems like they are just Chocolate Labs that are a little light and look silver.

Kori Ellis
06-13-2006, 04:58 PM
By the way, we are going to visit the Chocolate Lab tonight to see if it's a suitable friend for Deuce.

Das Texan
06-13-2006, 05:01 PM
I thought that at first but then they would be taller I'd think.

Yeah I read up after I posed the question. Seems like they are just Chocolate Labs that are a little light and look silver.

I happened to 'discover' them by accident when crusing around the Internet, I forget what I was even looking for.

When I saw them, and knowing my 'fetish' for silver, I knew that this was something to explore fully.

I'd get one in a heartbeat if....

a) i had my house already

b) i wasnt constantly on the road

hopefully these can both be corrected in the next year or so.

oh and kori....name the companion bigelow, that would be a great complimentary name ;)

06-13-2006, 05:02 PM
By the way, we are going to visit the Chocolate Lab tonight to see if it's a suitable friend for Deuce.

I hope it works out, Good Luck!! :)

06-13-2006, 05:03 PM
By the way, we are going to visit the Chocolate Lab tonight to see if it's a suitable friend for Deuce.

Shouldn't that be Deuce's call? :lol

Kori Ellis
06-13-2006, 05:03 PM
oh and kori....name the companion bigelow, that would be a great complimentary name ;)

I was thinking of naming him, Ace. :)

Kori Ellis
06-13-2006, 05:04 PM
Shouldn't that be Deuce's call? :lol

Yeah we are just doing the preliminary meeting. :lol Deuce won't ride in the car, so if we think it's a good idea, we'll have the newcomer come to visit Deuce.

Das Texan
06-13-2006, 05:06 PM
I was thinking of naming him, Ace. :)

Ace would also be quite cool.

I should name a dog Cowboy, after my favorite pair in poker.

06-13-2006, 05:16 PM
Are those Blue Laceys? I had a female about 10 years ago...great truck dog...she went everywhere with me...great temperment, good with kids, great nose...incredibly smart and intuitive...better have a hell of a good fence though...they are incredibly athletic...mine could jump through the passenger window of my 4WD truck without even touching the door and land on the seat...and could clear a 6' fence from a standing start.

Wow, somebody who actually knows what a Blue Lacey is. I have one and constantly get asked what kind of dog is he or is that a Weimaraner.

Poor guy, I don't pay much attention to him like I use too. Been to busy, we use to keep him inside, but know mostly outside.

06-13-2006, 06:23 PM
This isn't him, but he looks almost exactly the same. My dogs pics are on my other PC. They're working/herding/hunting dogs. They're a mix of bloodhound, greyhound and coyote. They range in wt from 25-70 pounds. Mine is around 63 pounds.


06-13-2006, 06:34 PM
He's great with the kids and just loves to be around you. He use to be very timid when he was young and I always thought he was a wimp. But one day when I went for a walk, three dogs came barking at us and he jumped in front of me and went crazy, those dogs did a 360 and ran. Then another time another dog, it must of been a pitbull/rot mix was walking real slow towards us, again he got in front of me and as soon as the dog got to close he jumped on him. They went at it for several seconds until I pulled him away. Noboby got the better of the other, but i just keep walking back slowly pulling him and the othe dog just stood there and turned around.

But when other dogs coming wagging he's fine and starts smelling, its amazing how they sense danger or trouble.

Another time my wife was walking with him by herself and a man stopped to talk to her and he got in front of her and was barking and growling at the man. All he wanted to ask was directions, but she said she tensed up and he felt it. She said he made her feel real safe with him.

Sorry just started thinking of my dog. Damn, know i gotto go bath the dog to bring him in.

06-13-2006, 06:35 PM
I hope you like Ace, Kori. :)

06-13-2006, 06:46 PM
Nice dogs. I have two German Shepards, Hiedi and Rikka.



http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b331/pwnjoo1/DSCN4560.jpg :lol Funny face

06-13-2006, 06:47 PM

06-13-2006, 06:59 PM
I've always been a bit partial to Labs ... but German Shephards are pretty close.

Das Texan
06-13-2006, 07:31 PM
my family has beagles right now. they are not bad dogs.

still too small for me though.

its funny cause the one dog only listens to me pretty much. its so fun.

Buddy Holly
06-13-2006, 07:36 PM
I heart Vikki Buffolino.