View Full Version : Suck-ass computer game.

06-12-2006, 10:21 PM
I bought Gaacticl Civilizaion and liked it. It was a good game in a genre that I enjoy.

When Gal Civ 2 came out, I decided that it would be worth paying full price at the store for and bought it.

I installed it, and played it for a few minutes. It crashed.

I read the website and lo’ and behold, it is *my* fault for having an older computer, and I am informed that since Stardock doesn’t have the ability to figure out that testing a new game on older common components of Dell computers might be a Good Idea, and that I have to install new drivers for my very common video card.

I realize Dell is a *little-known* computer brand, and I am probably the only person here that owns a computer made by Dell, so I didn’t really blame Stardock too much and soldiered on after installing the updates.

I played the game some more. It crashed, but not as much as before.

I decided that the updated patch would be a good thing to try, and downloaded that.

It told me that I was stealing from Stardock and wouldn’t play.

I uninstalled the whole game and re-installed the disk version.

I play a bit more and decide to email support. I am blamed a bit more, and told that I should do some free work for Stardock by downloading a special bug log, and emailing Stardock every time the game crashes.

At that point I still liked the game enough to do so, and start faithfully mailing in the numerous crashes.

Two days later, the mails come back as undeliverable.

I contact support again and get more blame and apathy in the form of one-sentence replies that could have been written by a ‘bot, and for all I know, could have been.

That’s it. I quit.

I *might* download whatever patch might finally fix these problems, but I will never, EVER spend another dime on a Stardock product.

I am still considering how much to post this on the rest of the internet. I will get some sleep and see if I still feel as ripped-off tomorrow as I do now.

I take that back. I can’t even post anything on their buggy-ass website. That’s war. I will make sure as many people know how much of a piece of crap this game is.

06-12-2006, 11:00 PM
Is this just a Sid Meier's Civ game set in space? Go for Civ 4 bro.

But FWIW, the update feature in Civ 4 causes my system to crash as well.

06-12-2006, 11:06 PM
new games require new hardware. games basically propel graphic technology, and new games try to take advantage of the new technology. if the company is worth a shit, they may fix your error in a patch for the game. otherwise, it's time for a new video card.

06-13-2006, 12:06 AM
new games require new hardware. games basically propel graphic technology, and new games try to take advantage of the new technology. if the company is worth a shit, they may fix your error in a patch for the game. otherwise, it's time for a new video card.
Strategy games aren't normally as graphic-intensive as some other types of games, such as first-person shooters. But any decent game will give a graphics card a workout, and older, unpatched drivers are going to cause a problem for a variety of games.

There are so many graphics cards (and other system configurations, for that matter) in the world that it is completely impractical to test on all the hardware configurations, even somewhat common ones. And when you throw in all the different patch levels of the drivers, companies would have to patch their software to work around potentially millions of already-patched bugs in all the old drivers. That's completely impractical.

It really sucks that ordinary users have to hunt down and install patches on their own to keep their drivers up to date and be able to run the software they want. But that's still basically the way of the world.

06-13-2006, 02:32 AM
Strategy games aren't normally as graphic-intensive as some other types of games, such as first-person shooters. But any decent game will give a graphics card a workout, and older, unpatched drivers are going to cause a problem for a variety of games.

There are so many graphics cards (and other system configurations, for that matter) in the world that it is completely impractical to test on all the hardware configurations, even somewhat common ones. And when you throw in all the different patch levels of the drivers, companies would have to patch their software to work around potentially millions of already-patched bugs in all the old drivers. That's completely impractical.

It really sucks that ordinary users have to hunt down and install patches on their own to keep their drivers up to date and be able to run the software they want. But that's still basically the way of the world.

Honestly? Whatever keeps people who don't know what they're doing and willing to make a commitment towards PC gaming, away! I'm sick of people thinking that PC game makers should cater towards old systems. It costs $150 at MOST to get an AGP video card. UPGRADE YOUR FUCKIN COMPUTER! If you can't do it, I normally will do it for a friend for free ... But seriously, don't blame the game company ... it's like saying you blame a burned DVD-R for not working in your home DVD player ... So much media, so many players ... No way is it possible to test it all.

/rant off

What kind of system do you have? How old? Video card, processor, RAM? Have you ran MS Update, DirectX 9.0c? You were probably asked all this by their tech support, but you probably got some jackass who gets $7 an hour to read shit off a screen. Update what you can and I'll see what I can do to help you if you'd like.

06-13-2006, 03:53 AM
civilisation 3 was fuckn hard, didnt understand it let alone i never tried playin p1 p2

the emperor was another game i didnt bother.

06-13-2006, 03:55 AM
civilisation 3 was fuckn hard, didnt understand it let alone i never tried playin p1 p2

the emperor was another game i didnt bother.

Civ 3 is one of those games that you constantly put on and off your hard drive. If I feel like conquering some damn Aztecs... load that bastard up.

06-13-2006, 04:40 AM
i still prefer aoe2 or aok

havnt tried aoe3

for the clown who was thinkin of system upgrate, try this site

p4 805D 2.66GHZ OC@ 4GHZ :D, i got one but its a p4 3ghz, i mite try a project on it to goto 5ghz

06-13-2006, 06:27 AM
Honestly? Whatever keeps people who don't know what they're doing and willing to make a commitment towards PC gaming, away! I'm sick of people thinking that PC game makers should cater towards old systems. It costs $150 at MOST to get an AGP video card. UPGRADE YOUR FUCKIN COMPUTER! If you can't do it, I normally will do it for a friend for free ... But seriously, don't blame the game company ... it's like saying you blame a burned DVD-R for not working in your home DVD player ... So much media, so many players ... No way is it possible to test it all.

/rant off

What kind of system do you have? How old? Video card, processor, RAM? Have you ran MS Update, DirectX 9.0c? You were probably asked all this by their tech support, but you probably got some jackass who gets $7 an hour to read shit off a screen. Update what you can and I'll see what I can do to help you if you'd like.

Why shouldn't game makers cater to older systems?

If it is your job to code games, shouldn't there be some MINIMAL testing with older hardware?

How much does it cost to buy an old computer made by a company (Dell) that makes more computers than anybody else, install your beta and test it?

I wasn't really that upset about it, because I do understand that gaming normally requires newer computers. That's why I normally wait to buy a game that is as old as my computer. Saves a LOT Of money.

As I said in my rant, I did install the updated video drivers, but the game still is a memory hog and crashes at random moments.

From what I understand reading the company's website, I am not alone either.

But it was the company's attitude that really got me cheesed.

06-13-2006, 07:17 AM
Why shouldn't game makers cater to older systems?

If it is your job to code games, shouldn't there be some MINIMAL testing with older hardware?

How much does it cost to buy an old computer made by a company (Dell) that makes more computers than anybody else, install your beta and test it?

I wasn't really that upset about it, because I do understand that gaming normally requires newer computers. That's why I normally wait to buy a game that is as old as my computer. Saves a LOT Of money.

As I said in my rant, I did install the updated video drivers, but the game still is a memory hog and crashes at random moments.

From what I understand reading the company's website, I am not alone either.

But it was the company's attitude that really got me cheesed.
Try playing some MMOs - you're constantly paying to beta test their game. It was a long running joke in Dark Age of Camelot that all we did was Beta test for Mythic's next big MMO because of the state of their game.

While game companies should attempt to work with older systems - that will also hamper the game on higher end equipment. The more hardcore gaming crowd will more than likely be buying the game than a normal person, and that's who a lot of companies try to cater to.

06-13-2006, 07:38 AM
Why shouldn't game makers cater to older systems?

If it is your job to code games, shouldn't there be some MINIMAL testing with older hardware?

How much does it cost to buy an old computer made by a company (Dell) that makes more computers than anybody else, install your beta and test it?

I wasn't really that upset about it, because I do understand that gaming normally requires newer computers. That's why I normally wait to buy a game that is as old as my computer. Saves a LOT Of money.

As I said in my rant, I did install the updated video drivers, but the game still is a memory hog and crashes at random moments.

From what I understand reading the company's website, I am not alone either.

But it was the company's attitude that really got me cheesed.

i don't really play mmorpg's, but one thing that worked when i played fps's is turning down some of the gfx and audio features that hog memory - turn off dts, put the graphics on their lowest settings. you can also go into your graphics card settings in windows and turn off anti-aliasing, that used to really eat up system resources back when i played games.

06-13-2006, 07:56 AM
I don;t have any time in my life for anything beyond Heroes of Might and Magic 3.

06-13-2006, 08:00 AM
What a bunch of nerds y'all are. :lol Just kidding. I had to listen to Random Guy bitch about this for 10 minutes at bedtime and, really, I feel your pain. I think he should give up his gaming habit and watch more movies with his wife.

06-13-2006, 08:07 AM
I have that game. It runs fine on the Dell I have it on. But please note that machine is brand new and cost like 4 grand.

On a side note, I understand the pain of having a computer that can't run the latest and greatest games. But I dont want software makers to cater to older machines, when they should be trying to push the envelope with better graphics and gameplay.

The minimum system requirements for Galactic Civilizations II is as follows:

Pentium III 800Mhz or =
256MB RAM, 32MB DirectX 9.0c capatible graphics card

Recomended Req.

Windows XP or later
P4 1.8 or higher
512MB, 128 MB video card

Now I don't find those numbers that demanding. Start saving for a new system or upgrades now.

06-13-2006, 08:09 AM
On a side note, I understand the pain of having a computer that can't run the latest and greatest games.


Well, you know the resolution to that problem. :lol :makeout

06-13-2006, 07:11 PM
I have that game. It runs fine on the Dell I have it on. But please note that machine is brand new and cost like 4 grand.

On a side note, I understand the pain of having a computer that can't run the latest and greatest games. But I dont want software makers to cater to older machines, when they should be trying to push the envelope with better graphics and gameplay.

The minimum system requirements for Galactic Civilizations II is as follows:

Pentium III 800Mhz or =
256MB RAM, 32MB DirectX 9.0c capatible graphics card

Recomended Req.

Windows XP or later
P4 1.8 or higher
512MB, 128 MB video card

Now I don't find those numbers that demanding. Start saving for a new system or upgrades now.

I've got windows XP, a 1.7Ghz processor with 640mb ram and a decent video card.

I bought it as a good gaming comp and upgraded the ram.

The game is just buggy.

I really feel defrauded more than anything else, and the company's response, or lack of it doesn't help.

06-13-2006, 07:14 PM
Try playing some MMOs - you're constantly paying to beta test their game. It was a long running joke in Dark Age of Camelot that all we did was Beta test for Mythic's next big MMO because of the state of their game.

While game companies should attempt to work with older systems - that will also hamper the game on higher end equipment. The more hardcore gaming crowd will more than likely be buying the game than a normal person, and that's who a lot of companies try to cater to.

Heh, I played one called Mankind online. It was cool, until the french sold it to the chinese.

The chinese never put any effort into improving the game, and it just stagnated.

I was one of the most powerful players in the game until I quit. Governor Summarius of the Alliance, one of the best battleship admirals and logistics gurus of the game. Heh, I had SPREADSHEETS... (sighs) those were the days...

Das Texan
06-13-2006, 07:29 PM
Civ 3 is one of those games that you constantly put on and off your hard drive. If I feel like conquering some damn Aztecs... load that bastard up.

i love the civilization series.

i have yet to fully win a game via military rule.

Civ IV has an expanasion pack coming out this summer. Should provide me a little bit more of fun action.

A game I havent been able to get for some reason is Sim City 4. And I have always loved that series...I just cant actually get past the first series of things you have to do...in terms of connecting cities...annoys me.

I have always loved the strategy genre basically.

Railroad Tycoon is another fun one, I need to get the one that came out a couple years ago, might be my plan for next week.

Pistons < Spurs
06-13-2006, 08:54 PM
I've got windows XP, a 1.7Ghz processor with 640mb ram and a decent video card.

I bought it as a good gaming comp and upgraded the ram.

The game is just buggy.

I really feel defrauded more than anything else, and the company's response, or lack of it doesn't help.

640 of ram is not that much. XP is a memory hog, and you really need 512 just for it to run smoothly. let alone any other apps or processes you may have running.

Also, and most importantly, older Dell computers used integrated graphics chips which are no where near suitable to play any modern game. Is that what you're using? or do you have a stand alone AGP graphics card?

If it is integrated, remember that it will then also suck up your system ram.

Graphic cards have grown sooo much in the last few years that something that was really good 2 years ago will hardly play any modern games.

06-13-2006, 10:50 PM
640 of ram is not that much. XP is a memory hog, and you really need 512 just for it to run smoothly. let alone any other apps or processes you may have running.

Also, and most importantly, older Dell computers used integrated graphics chips which are no where near suitable to play any modern game. Is that what you're using? or do you have a stand alone AGP graphics card?

If it is integrated, remember that it will then also suck up your system ram.

Graphic cards have grown sooo much in the last few years that something that was really good 2 years ago will hardly play any modern games.

and unless a lot has changed in the last few years, a game run in direct x will make it even worse. opengl >>>>>>>>>>>> directx

Pistons < Spurs
06-13-2006, 11:31 PM
and unless a lot has changed in the last few years, a game run in direct x will make it even worse. opengl >>>>>>>>>>>> directx

I'm guessing you're an old school Quake or maybe even Unreal Tournament gamer huh'?

As far as I know, the developments in DirectX and D3D has grown so much in the last 4 or 5 years or so that DX is considered superior.

Vashner is probably more of an expert and a better source than I though.

I'm really looking forward to the new Nvidia G80 chipsets which will support DirectX 10 and hopefully Pixel Shader 4.0

06-14-2006, 12:20 PM
I'm guessing you're an old school Quake or maybe even Unreal Tournament gamer huh'?

As far as I know, the developments in DirectX and D3D has grown so much in the last 4 or 5 years or so that DX is considered superior.

Vashner is probably more of an expert and a better source than I though.

I'm really looking forward to the new Nvidia G80 chipsets which will support DirectX 10 and hopefully Pixel Shader 4.0

quake, yes. i haven't played a game in ages, but for the longest time direct x sucked. i just always had way more faith in openGL since carmack chose to program in it. carmack is a genius. thanks for filling me in though. i spend a lot less on computer hardware now that i stick to nintendo ds!

06-14-2006, 12:36 PM
and unless a lot has changed in the last few years, a game run in direct x will make it even worse. opengl >>>>>>>>>>>> directx

Yuppers. I have a feeling that is part of the problem.