View Full Version : blogmaverick...someones in a pissy mood today LOL

06-19-2006, 03:19 PM
Posted Jun 19, 2006, 3:22 PM ET

When I was a kid, one of my favorite comedy routines was George Carlin’s Seven Dirty Words.

Words, words, words. My friends and I couldnt get away with cursing so we made up our own language. From the basic, like, Sugar Honey Ice Tea. to, HE double hockey sticks (for those old enough to remember when using the word Hell was considered cursing) to more advanced words for more advanced cursing. This way we could curse in front of parents, teachers, whoever. The intent was the same, but no one knew we were cursing !

I remember thinking back then, that our culture was evolving quickly enough that some day we all would realize the ridiculousness of everyone deciding together to be offended by those seven words. Typical thinking for an 11 year old, right ?

The good news is we didnt.

Now anyone in America can get a rise out of people by using most of Carlin’s 7 Dirty Words. I know I get a rise out of my wife. I cant think of anything funnier than a 3 year old cursing. I mean come on, does it really matter if we say Poo Poo or shit ? Of course not. Unless of course your married and your wife tells you it matters. She doesnt want to be the one who gets phone calls from teachers and other parents getting blamed for all the 3 year olds in the little gym class screaming “Kiss My Ass you Mo Fo”... Me, i couldnt think of anything i would rather see and hear. but thats me.

Back to the point here. I like to curse. I like to curse because I enjoy how it gets everyone in an uproar. I wont curse in an environment where I have accepted an invitation or am a guest of someone else. I will play by their rules.

But if you come on my home turf and want something from me. Its my rules.

Last night in the locker room after we lost in overtime to the heat. I was asked by reporters to answer some questions. I told them i would if they asked good questions and didnt ask the same cliche’d questions they had asked after other games. It was interesting how quiet everyone got.

then someone asked “Is this your worst loss ever” . What the fuck kind of question is that ? Is this for a VH1 special ? “Worst Losses Ever ?” If it was, then maybe it was a decent question. Otherwise, how do you answer that question…

Let me think. Well we have never been to the finals before, and this is our most recent finals lost. The 3rd in a row. So that could make it the Mavs worst ever. There was a baseball game I played in where I hit the ball into the gap and some guy made a diving catch to end the game instead of me driving in the winning runs and winning the tournament. I cried in the dugout after that one. There have been some tough rugby losses. Am I supposed to get this reporter a thought out answer and catalog my past, or a catalog answer like “this was a tough one… yadda yadda, that sounds like every other answer ever given to this type of question after a lost game.

The reality is that it would be a waste of both of our time if i gave him the “this was a tough one” answer, and a waste of my time to really think about it. Particularly given there were 10 other reporters wanting to ask questions and we had a bus to catch

So I told the reporter to “Ask me a real fucking question”

Apparently some folks have taken exception to me cursing in my response. Well in this case, the reporter was using my time, we were in a locker room and I was trying to provide a response that had no value to me, but could only help him. If he doesnt think enough of either of our time to invest the brainpower and minutes it takes to come up with something different than has been asked a thousand times.

Fuck em.

Kori Ellis
06-19-2006, 03:28 PM

He's going to get in a lot of trouble.

06-19-2006, 03:29 PM
why were you in the lockerroom
did you need to see some ... since you have none

06-19-2006, 03:32 PM
:lmao @ Ducks

06-19-2006, 03:35 PM
Well, “Ask me a real fucking question” is an answer and definitely quotable with a couple of dashes. And since it will cause an uproar it will be chosen over anything insightful Cuban might have to say to anyone who asks a "real" question.

Congratulations for contributing to the overall waste of time, Q-Bert.


06-19-2006, 04:53 PM
Hey you guys can get off Cuban's ass, he has every damn reason to be pissed. I know if it was me, with my temper, I would have done much worse after the game.

06-19-2006, 04:56 PM
Oooh, scary.

06-19-2006, 05:02 PM
I bet he feels like such a hard ass typing that shit, A real e-thug if you ask me. :smokin

06-19-2006, 05:16 PM
why were you in the lockerroom
did you need to see some ... since you have none

If I owned a pro team I'd like to think I could go in the lockerroom... :fro

06-19-2006, 08:26 PM
If I owned a pro team I'd like to think I could go in the lockerroom... :fro

There a difference betwen going in the lockerroom and coming in the lockerroom.

06-19-2006, 08:42 PM
What I don't understand is what the intelligent question he wanted them to ask was. His thoughts on the Middle East Crisis? How we stop world hunger? It was a basketball writer asking a basketball question. What did Cuban expect?

If he doesn't want to be asked basketball questions, perhaps he shouldn't make himself available to the media. How many other owners field questions after games?
Give the reporter credit for asking a safe, boring question. If he asked an intelligent question, like questioning the ref's integrity or that of the league office, any response Cuabn could give would have gotten him suspended from the NBA. The rerporter did Cuban a favor, and he acted like an asshole to him. Why? Because it made him feel better. He knew he was going to be a dick before any questions were asked, but he vented at the media like a little petulant brat.

06-19-2006, 08:47 PM
What I don't understand is what the intelligent question he wanted them to ask was. His thoughts on the Middle East Crisis? How we stop world hunger? It was a basketball writer asking a basketball question. What did Cuban expect?

If he doesn't want to be asked basketball questions, perhaps he shouldn't make himself available to the media. How many other owners field questions after games?
Give the reporter credit for asking a safe, boring question. If he asked an intelligent question, like questioning the ref's integrity or that of the league office, any response Cuabn could give would have gotten him suspended from the NBA. The rerporter did Cuban a favor, and he acted like an asshole to him. Why? Because it made him feel better. He knew he was going to be a dick before any questions were asked, but he vented at the media like a little petulant brat.

Thank God the Spurs have Holt Cat as their owner.

06-19-2006, 08:47 PM

06-19-2006, 09:12 PM
Thank God the Spurs have Holt Cat as their owner.:lmao

06-19-2006, 10:04 PM
Hey you guys can get off Cuban's ass, he has every damn reason to be pissed. I know if it was me, with my temper, I would have done much worse after the game.

If basketball upsets you you should watch something else.

06-19-2006, 10:10 PM
What I don't understand is what the intelligent question he wanted them to ask was. His thoughts on the Middle East Crisis? How we stop world hunger? It was a basketball writer asking a basketball question. What did Cuban expect?

If he doesn't want to be asked basketball questions, perhaps he shouldn't make himself available to the media. How many other owners field questions after games?
Give the reporter credit for asking a safe, boring question. If he asked an intelligent question, like questioning the ref's integrity or that of the league office, any response Cuabn could give would have gotten him suspended from the NBA. The rerporter did Cuban a favor, and he acted like an asshole to him. Why? Because it made him feel better. He knew he was going to be a dick before any questions were asked, but he vented at the media like a little petulant brat.

Maybe he should have asked Cuban if he believes in World Peace, or who he thinks will win the World Cup, or maybe an all-time genuis question like the one Cuban posed to Shaq before game 1, something like "what is your favorite wiggles song?"

Why is Cuban complaining about being interviewed? I don't see every other owner in the league letting the world know their ever whiney thought/desire. If he'd grow up and start to act like an owner instead of a little brat in need of a time-out maybe he'd get treated with some respect and asked decent questions.

06-19-2006, 10:35 PM
Stern bitch slaps Cuban on Best Damn Sports Show

""it's too bad that he wants the Finals to be about him instead of his team," and "he's losing it under the pressure of the Finals."

06-19-2006, 11:04 PM
Breaking NEWS

Just got word from Gorilla's daily newspaper, the Gorilla Gazette. The number one victim for most wanted for gorilla gang raping is out.

Here he is:

Mark Cuban

06-20-2006, 07:33 AM
What I don't understand is what the intelligent question he wanted them to ask was. His thoughts on the Middle East Crisis? How we stop world hunger? It was a basketball writer asking a basketball question. What did Cuban expect?

What someone should have asked Cuban is simple: "Why are you such a whiney bitch?"

06-20-2006, 08:07 AM
Stern bitch slaps Cuban on Best Damn Sports Show

""it's too bad that he wants the Finals to be about him instead of his team," and "he's losing it under the pressure of the Finals."


Cuban got owned by Stern...

06-20-2006, 08:15 AM
Stern bitch slaps Cuban on Best Damn Sports Show

""it's too bad that he wants the Finals to be about him instead of his team," and "he's losing it under the pressure of the Finals."

David Stern said that?!?

Woah, I didn't think Stern would call out an owner like that. :elephant

06-20-2006, 08:21 AM
mavs fan>>kingkong ugly!

Hook Dem
06-20-2006, 08:52 AM

Cuban got owned by Stern...
Maybe thats what the reporter should have asked him about! :lol