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06-20-2006, 07:19 AM
Cuban then turned to Stern and other NBA officials who were seated at the scorer's table and was overheard to shout venomously in the jubilant din, `` you! [Bleep] you! [b]Your league is rigged!''


06-20-2006, 07:28 AM
So, which Mav Fan trolling in here is Cuban?

Should the Mavs lose the series, does anyone not expect Cuban to blame the refs, David Stern, Stu Jackson, and the Easter Bunny?

George Gervin's Afro
06-20-2006, 07:30 AM
Memo to Cuban... you are a whiny school girl who has done nothing but compalin since you came into the league. :stfu

By the way those changes you bragged about on Letterman that helped the league change their rules to allow less contact (Riley Ball) on the perimeter is going to cost you the championship..I'm sure the Miami heat and Dwayne Wade are greatful for your consistent whining you did about the rules and it has now come back to bite you in the ass.. :lol

I hope to see Wade take 25 more free throws tonight..

06-20-2006, 07:30 AM
what kind of suspension/fine do you think Cuban will get for this.

06-20-2006, 07:39 AM
Think about this people...

1 column is reporting this
It's in the TENTH paragraph
"was overheard to shout" isn't the best source

If Cuban said this it would be the headline of not only THIS column, but EVERY column...not to mention Sportscenter, etc...

I'm pretty sure this is complete BS...

Mike & Mike were trying to get the columnist on the phone this morning because they weren't buying it either...

06-20-2006, 07:57 AM
If he was running around the court and shouting and staring at Stern, is it really out of the question that he'd utter something like that?

06-20-2006, 08:07 AM
If he was running around the court and shouting and staring at Stern, is it really out of the question that he'd utter something like that?

Anything is possible...

But I think some verification is in order before people run with this...

But I expect most Cuban haters to blindly run with it anyway... :drunk

06-20-2006, 08:09 AM
If the NBA is rigged, then Cuban made it that way. After all, he claimed to Letterman to be the architect behind the the new, defenseless NBA.

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-20-2006, 08:18 AM
I really hope that the refs put Cuban in his place tonight and go whistle happy on the Mavs.

"You want fixed? Fine, we'll foul out your starters by halftime."

Sadly though I suspect all this whining, like every time it's happened in the past (no matter the coach), will result in Dallas shooting about 50 FTs tonight and at the other end Miami shooting about 10.

That said, I'd love nothing more than the refs to give the proverbial middle finger to Cuban and tag his team for fouls until they're blue in the face.

06-20-2006, 08:20 AM
I think Cuban enjoys the publicity that comes with being fined.

I mean really in the light of all his wealth, all the attention he gains cost him relatively nothing.

06-20-2006, 08:22 AM
Anything is possible...

But I think some verification is in order before people run with this...

But I expect most Cuban haters to blindly run with it anyway... :drunk
What's the difference LEONARD? If it's confirmed you'll just say "Cuban is the man".

06-20-2006, 08:23 AM


He just figured that out ? How does he think he GOT to the NBA finals ?

06-20-2006, 08:28 AM
What's the difference LEONARD? If it's confirmed you'll just say "Cuban is the man".

If he said that he was way out of line...

I just don't buy it...sorry...it wouldn't been a HUGE headline YESTERDAY. Not in the 10th paragraph of a Miami column TODAY... :rolleyes

06-20-2006, 08:29 AM
He just figured that out ? How does he think he GOT to the NBA finals ?

Whippin' some Spur ass?? :fro

Spurs making critical mistakes late like the Mavs have done in games 3 and 5...

06-20-2006, 08:32 AM
"the new, defenseless NBA."

NBA TV ran Game6 of the 1998 Finals Tue afternoon, Bulls @ Jazz.

Extremely physical compared today. Plenty of fouls called, but plenty of "fouls" not called. But not one bit less entertaining, nor was it lower quality game.

Eunuch Cuban lobbied for the perimeter defense to be castrated because he's never been able to buy big men that can do shit, so he MUST have his perimeter guys able to penetrate. Cuban likes guys who can penetrate.

Cuban, effeminate/gay/rainbow-warrior, has helped feminize the NBA.

Hook Dem
06-20-2006, 08:35 AM
Whippin' some Spur ass?? :fro

Spurs making critical mistakes late like the Mavs have done in games 3 and 5...
You and your homerism are pathetic Leonard!

06-20-2006, 08:38 AM
You and your homerism are pathetic Leonard!

So the Mavs earned nothing in that series? It was just the refs handing it to them?

They didn't win game 2 easily?
Blowup the Spurs in the 1st half of game 7?


And the Spurs didn't blow chances? Tim missing a game winner...Manu's foul on Dirk...Manu's TO in game 3 (I think) at the end??


06-20-2006, 08:43 AM
If he said that he was way out of line...

I just don't buy it...sorry...it wouldn't been a HUGE headline YESTERDAY. Not in the 10th paragraph of a Miami column TODAY... :rolleyes
So was he way out of line when he shouted out to Bowen "you're a fucking asshole" after a game?

06-20-2006, 08:44 AM
So was he way out of line when he shouted out to Bowen "you're a fucking asshole" after a game?

Yea...if that's all there was to the story...

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-20-2006, 08:44 AM
So the Mavs earned nothing in that series? It was just the refs handing it to them?

They didn't win game 2 easily?
Blowup the Spurs in the 1st half of game 7?

You might not want to hold up a game where the Mavs shot 43 FTs on the Spurs court (game 2) as an example of fairness or something 'earned'.

Just a thought.

06-20-2006, 08:46 AM
I agree with Leonard, the NBA is not "fixed" per se. If it was, I wouldn't watch it. I'd just watch the American equivalent of Nacho Libre...

I do have a problem with "every touch is a foul." I think the "new" NBA, that Cuban had taken credit for helping develop, is not fun to watch. I want to see players making incredible moves, through some physical contact. I don't want to see every drive rewarded with either a no-contest basket or free-throws.

06-20-2006, 08:47 AM
You might not want to hold up a game where the Mavs shot 43 FTs on the Spurs court (game 2) as an example of fairness or something 'earned'.

Just a thought.

Total # of FT's means JACK $HIT...

06-20-2006, 08:48 AM
Bottomline Cuban, for all his money, is an emotional disturbed individual who is spiraling out of control. I don't know what the bylaws of the NBA are regarding ownership requirements in terms of conduct but it would not surprise me if Cuban someday isn't forced to divest himself of ownership of his franchise.

06-20-2006, 08:49 AM
At the end of round 1, ESPN poll...'Who would you like most to see in the NBA Finals'

#1 Dallas/Miami

Makes you wonder. But it was a horribly reffed series. Of course if GinoBilly wasn't such a DUMBASS, you'd be fishing right now.

I'm still bewildered by that foul. I'll bet every once in a while pop and every other spurs players are still, every once in a while, stopping what ever they're doing and just shake their heads.

It just boggles the mind...

06-20-2006, 08:52 AM
Shit happens. Manu pulled a Phil Mickelson.

06-20-2006, 08:53 AM
Bottomline Cuban, for all his money, is an emotional disturbed individual who is spiraling out of control. I don't know what the bylaws of the NBA are regarding ownership requirements in terms of conduct but it would not surprise me if Cuban someday isn't forced to divest himself of ownership of his franchise.

It'll never happen...

At the end of round 1, ESPN poll...'Who would you like most to see in the NBA Finals'

#1 Dallas/Miami

Makes you wonder. But it was a horribly reffed series. Of course if GinoBilly wasn't such a DUMBASS, you'd be fishing right now.

I'm still bewildered by that foul. I'll bet every once in a while pop and every other spurs players are still, every once in a while, stopping what ever they're doing and just shake their heads.

It just boggles the mind...

Wow, that poll pretty much confirms any hunches of a fix :lol

Exactly...Spurs F'd up their chances...just like the Mavs have done the last 3 games...

06-20-2006, 08:53 AM
Shit happens. Manu pulled a Phil Mickelson.

I think Phil gets the choke of the week...even worse than the Mavs in games 3 and 5 :lol

06-20-2006, 08:54 AM
I just want to know if the league has in place ways to suspend an owner- that is from a game. The only solution to Cuban is to bar his from the arena- and I would think chasing down an official could be grounds for that.

06-20-2006, 08:55 AM
It'll never happen...

No, but I can totally see Cuban selling the Mavs in frustration.... :elephant

I just want to know if the league has in place ways to suspend an owner- that is from a game. The only solution to Cuban is to bar his from the arena- and I would think chasing down an official could be grounds for that.

I hope not. I want him to be in the Arena when the Mavs lose tonight! :angel

06-20-2006, 08:56 AM
No, but I can totally see Cuban selling the Mavs in frustration.... :elephant

He'll sell if he gets bored with it...

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-20-2006, 08:59 AM
I do have a problem with "every touch is a foul." I think the "new" NBA, that Cuban had taken credit for helping develop, is not fun to watch.

Therein lies the rub.

Memo to Mark Cuban: Be careful what you wish for


Total # of FT's means JACK $HIT...

I was just quantifying the fact that in that game the Mavs were on a parade to the FT line all day, particularly in the second quarter, when the game went from being close to being a blowout.

You can't play defense when you're in the bonus 3 minutes into the quarter and the dorky Duetschmark is getting sent to the FT line every time someone breathes on him.

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-20-2006, 09:00 AM
Cuban won't sell the team. Y'all totally misunderstand what he's all about. The basketball is secondary. Cuban is all about being the center of the attention, and being the self-professed bad boy owner of the league gives him all the pub he could ever want. He gets off on it.

06-20-2006, 09:02 AM
Shit happens. Manu pulled a Phil Mickelson.

Man, that was a meltdown of epic proportion. Phil sucks under pressure.

But, not comparable.

Spurs just had a timeout. Pop tells 'em, don't foul. A SEVEN FOOT forward and 80% free throw shooter drives to the hoop for a layup.....

The rest, as they say, is history.

06-20-2006, 09:05 AM
I was just quantifying the fact that in that game the Mavs were on a parade to the FT line all day, particularly in the second quarter, when the game went from being close to being a blowout.

You can't play defense when you're in the bonus 3 minutes into the quarter and the dorky Duetschmark is getting sent to the FT line every time someone breathes on him, IN MY BIASED OPINION.


PS...Dirk shot SEVEN FT's in game 2... :lol

and the Mavs shot 6 more than the Spurs...

What exactly were you saying?? :lol

Devin Harris was the difference in game 2...ie, Avery's move...

06-20-2006, 09:25 AM
That's pretty rich, coming from the "Rigger in Chief" himself. :lol

06-20-2006, 09:41 AM
I think Phil gets the choke of the week...even worse than the Mavs in games 3 and 5 :lol


Reminded me of that Frenchie, Jean Van de Velde, that only needed to make a 6 on the par 4 18th at the British Open in '99 to win and wound up making a 7 instead.

06-20-2006, 10:14 AM
Cuban won't sell the team. Y'all totally misunderstand what he's all about. The basketball is secondary. Cuban is all about being the center of the attention, and being the self-professed bad boy owner of the league gives him all the pub he could ever want. He gets off on it.

Well, it's funny you should say that.

Cubes was interviewed live on WFAA last night (http://www.wfaa.com/sharedcontent/VideoPlayer/videoPlayer.php?vidId=71634&catId=104) by that other blowhard, Dale Hansen, who to his credit did say on the 6PM news that the Mavs should look at themselves and not the refs if they want to blame someone for the predicament they find themselves in. Hansen asked Cubes something along the lines of "if the NBA doesn't change itself to suit you, would you sell the team," and Cubes said "absolutely."

Then again, Cubes went on to say how much he gives to charity and that he NEVER publicizes what he does. Yep, right Mark. The Fallen Patriot Fund (http://www.fallenpatriotfund.org/4_16_03.html) (a worthy cause, make no mistake) must not count, I guess.

06-20-2006, 10:19 AM
Cuban is in a no-win situation...people just hate him too much...

He gets ripped for given money to charity...including matching every fine by the NBA with a charity donation of the same amount...

No way he sells the team...he was just pissed. (Hansen IS a blow hard though)

06-20-2006, 10:20 AM
Then again, Cubes went on to say how much he gives to charity and that he NEVER publicizes what he does.

That's like saying, "I'm the most humble person I know."


Dude, if you're bragging how much you're giving to charity, then you are publicizing it!

Cuban is in a no-win situation...people just hate him too much...

He gets ripped for given money to charity...including matching every fine by the NBA with a charity donation of the same amount...

I actually thought that was pretty funny. You know, I liked Mark as long as he was losing... :angel

06-20-2006, 10:25 AM
Cuban is in a no-win situation...people just hate him too much...

He gets ripped for given money to charity...including matching every fine by the NBA with a charity donation of the same amount...Maybe he should just shut the fuck up and stop giving the haters more ammo.

06-20-2006, 10:27 AM

Cuban is such a tool.

06-20-2006, 10:30 AM
Cuban is in a no-win situation...people just hate him too much...

He gets ripped for given money to charity...including matching every fine by the NBA with a charity donation of the same amount...

No way he sells the team...he was just pissed. (Hansen IS a blow hard though)

hey bill gates gives plenty to charities too and hes still a dipshit.... what makes cuban any different? oh yeah his arrogance, ingnorance, and self absorbed mentality.

i cant stand cuban as a person & owner. who the fuck does he think he is getting away with everything he does? hasnt stern by now realized what a douche cuban is and that fines arent going to make a difference in calming his punk ass down? i say ban his ass for the whole next season if he pulls some shit tonight like he did after game5.

i cant wait for the tears to roll down his fat fuckin gerbil ass cheaks..... fuck them pussies out in dallas!

heat 4-2! that means the end is near!

06-20-2006, 10:32 AM
The NBA IS rigged! I've known this fact for years. People that laugh it off as a ridiculous conspiracy thoery are clueless.

06-20-2006, 10:34 AM
Maybe he should just shut the fuck up and stop giving the haters more ammo.

Of course he SHOULD...but he's NOT going to... :fro

hey bill gates gives plenty to charities too and hes still a dipshit....

...says the guy that constantly posts that the Mavs "cheated" their way to the finals...I've yet to see you respond with HOW they "cheated?"

The NBA IS rigged! I've known this fact for years. People that laugh it off as a ridiculous conspiracy thoery are clueless.

Complete morons believe this crap...unbelievable...

06-20-2006, 10:36 AM
If he said that he was way out of line...

I just don't buy it...sorry...it wouldn't been a HUGE headline YESTERDAY. Not in the 10th paragraph of a Miami column TODAY... :rolleyes

He didn't have a problem cursing at Bruce Bowen as he walked off the court, so this wouldn't be too much more out-of-line for him.

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-20-2006, 10:37 AM
Cuban is in a no-win situation...people just hate him too much...

He gets ripped for given money to charity...including matching every fine by the NBA with a charity donation of the same amount...

No one rips him for giving to charity, they rip him for being an idiot who can't keep his mouth shut and does stuff like cry about the officiating two days after bragging on Letterman that he led the effort to change the rules so perimeter players can't be touched without getting a foul call on them.

Look in the mirror.

The NBA IS rigged! I've known this fact for years. People that laugh it off as a ridiculous conspiracy thoery are clueless.


If the league was rigged, the Spurs never would have gotten the ping pong ball for Tim Duncan, it would have gone to the Celtics like everyone thought it would, so that they could return to their glory days.

Similarly, if it was truly rigged the Spurs are one of the last teams in the league that would have ended up with 3 titles in 7 years.

06-20-2006, 10:39 AM
...says the guy that constantly posts that the Mavs "cheated" their way to the finals...I've yet to see you respond with HOW they "cheated?"

youve must have skimmed over my posts cause ive clearly stated such things as whistles staying in pockets when they should have been blown.

get your head out of your ass too!

dallas mavericks are cheaters&chokers!

06-20-2006, 10:40 AM
Of course he SHOULD...but he's NOT going to... :froThen he has no one to blame but himself :fro

06-20-2006, 10:41 AM
He didn't have a problem cursing at Bruce Bowen as he walked off the court, so this wouldn't be too much more out-of-line for him.

And wasn't that in response to something Bowen had said??

youve must have skimmed over my posts cause ive clearly stated such things as whistles staying in pockets when they should have been blown.

get your head out of your ass too!

dallas mavericks are cheaters&chokers!

How is that the Mavs "cheating?" :lol

No one rips him for giving to charity, they rip him for being an idiot who can't keep his mouth shut and does stuff like cry about the officiating two days after bragging on Letterman that he led the effort to change the rules so perimeter players can't be touched without getting a foul call on them.

Look in the mirror.

No response regarding your claim about the # of FT's for Dirk in game 2?? :lmao

Doh!! :fro

06-20-2006, 10:46 AM
dallas mavericks are cheaters&chokers!

Cheaters AND Chokers? Damn, they must suck at being both... :rolleyes

06-20-2006, 11:03 AM
Cuban is in a no-win situation...people just hate him too much...

Awww, poor Mark. Who's fault is it that he's in this situation?

I know! Must be the refs!

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-20-2006, 11:07 AM
o response regarding your claim about the # of FT's for Dirk in game 2??

I was generalizing about the series and the kid gloves treatment Dirk got.

As for game 2, sorry I had the player wrong, but the fact remains the refs opened the floodgate wide in the second quarter and the Spurs got buried.

06-20-2006, 11:07 AM

If the league was rigged, the Spurs never would have gotten the ping pong ball for Tim Duncan, it would have gone to the Celtics like everyone thought it would, so that they could return to their glory days.

Similarly, if it was truly rigged the Spurs are one of the last teams in the league that would have ended up with 3 titles in 7 years.

Your points don't mean squat. Of course they can't rig every last aspect of the game. What they can do is influence the officiating. See Lakers vs Blazers in 2000 WCF. See Lakers vs Kings in 2002(?) WCF. See Spurs vs Mavs in 2006 WC semis. See Mavs vs Heat in 2006 NBA Finals. The list goes on and on.

06-20-2006, 11:08 AM
The NBA has been rigged since 1977.

06-20-2006, 11:12 AM
The league has to be rigged. Could all these dumbass moves the Trailblazers have been making for years just be sheer stupidity? I think not.

06-20-2006, 11:18 AM
I'm still bewildered by that foul. I'll bet every once in a while pop and every other spurs players are still, every once in a while, stopping what ever they're doing and just shake their heads.

It just boggles the mind...[/QUOTE]

Um, I really doubt it. If it wasn't for Manu, the game would've ended in a blowout. Plus they know the refs screwed them in at least two games that series. Believe it or not, the Spurs are professional enough and balanced enough in their lives to have perspective. They're not going to regret anything, because they know they gave their best. If they feel bad about anything, it'd be how poorly and lackluster they played for the first 20 mins or so of the game.

06-20-2006, 11:19 AM
I was generalizing about the series and the kid gloves treatment Dirk got.

As for game 2, sorry I had the player wrong, but the fact remains the refs opened the floodgate wide in the second quarter and the Spurs got buried.

Dirk avg'd 11.4 FT/game in the Spurs series...
9 against the Suns
10 against the Grizz

Doesn't really seem that out of whack...he's a matchup nightmare... :fro

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-20-2006, 11:39 AM
Dirk avg'd 11.4 FT/game in the Spurs series...
9 against the Suns
10 against the Grizz

Doesn't really seem that out of whack...he's a matchup nightmare..

Go run your numbers again for just Dallas home games.

06-20-2006, 11:50 AM
Go run your numbers again for just Dallas home games.

15.6 @ home
8.25 @ SA

and let's look at Duncan
12.9 FT's / game
16 @ home
8.6 @ Dal

Amazingly similar...for the 2 guys that are matchup nightmares for the other team... :lol

The fact that the NBA's superstars a) get more calls and b) get more calls at home is NOTHING new...

What was the point of this again? :fro

06-20-2006, 11:54 AM
Snakes on a Plain.

06-20-2006, 11:54 AM
Will Mavs fans go away once they lose the series?

06-20-2006, 12:02 PM
Quite the contrary. If they lose they'll flock here in droves for the 'at least we beat the Spurs ' consolation prize.

06-20-2006, 12:05 PM
Quite the contrary. If they lose they'll flock here in droves for the 'at least we beat the Spurs ' consolation prize.

Naah, the ol' 3-0 will beat them back should they lose.

06-20-2006, 12:06 PM
I dont really hope that wont be the catchphrase IF the Mavs lose (which I am still doubting - its goin 7). I would hope "least we beat the spurs" is not enuf.

Bc its not enuf. By no means. There's no such thing as a consolation prize when you lose the Finals. Not to me. But who am I?

That isnt even fun thinking about "least we beat the Spurs..." please.

06-20-2006, 12:09 PM
If he said it, he will never admit it. Anyways...

Cuban's Reply (http://www.blogmaverick.com/entry/1234000720073759/)

06-20-2006, 12:17 PM
Cuban blasts the Miami Herald for going with the story without trying to confirm it with him first. I heard part of the interview with the reporter on Mike&Mike this morning. He claimed to had sent an e-mail to Cuban that went unanswered. Mike&Mike sent him an e-mail as well. Mark Cuban in the article claims to have received over 8000 e-mails in the last week. This is one problem with making e-mail your primary method of contact.

06-20-2006, 12:19 PM
Without Cuban Parker and Ginobli would be nothing in this league.

and like he said, the Miami Herald is the same place who informed him of having a boat docked in Miami.

06-20-2006, 12:19 PM
The real question is when Cuban says that the NBA is rigged, is he complaining or bragging?

06-20-2006, 12:22 PM
The most amusing thing is when opposing teams' fans postulate that the NBA rigs games so that the San Antonio Spurs and their 50th in the US media market will win championships.

06-20-2006, 12:24 PM
Without Cuban Parker and Ginobli would be nothing in this league.
Why? Does he coach them on the down low?

06-20-2006, 12:28 PM
It was cuban who helped get hand checking on the perimeter, and that opened up the guards being able to get into the paint where parker thrives.

06-20-2006, 12:30 PM
Two words: $250,000 fine

06-20-2006, 12:31 PM
If he said it, he will never admit it. Anyways...

Cuban's Reply (http://www.blogmaverick.com/entry/1234000720073759/)

If he said it, it would've been reported in more than one article, in the 10th paragraph, in Miami...

Get a clue people...

06-20-2006, 12:31 PM
It was cuban who helped get hand checking on the perimeter, and that opened up the guards being able to get into the paint where parker thrives.
So what your telling me is, that they have no talent and they just get by refs bailing them out with foul calls?

06-20-2006, 12:31 PM
And wasn't that in response to something Bowen had said??

And just what did Bowen say?

06-20-2006, 12:37 PM
The only way the league will deal with him effectively is through either ridicule or giving him no attention at all. In general, I think his novelty is wearing off among the public at large.

06-20-2006, 12:38 PM
LEONARD yuo sure work hard apologizing for Cuban. What exactly did Bowen say to Cuban? Come on put up with it instead of grabbing for imaginary excuses.

I know Cuban tried to apologize half-assedly to Bowen with an e-mail or some BS like that so apparently he recognized that he's an asshole. You seem to still be in denial though.

06-20-2006, 12:38 PM
And just what did Bowen say?

IIRC, Bowen was talking to someone else and Cuban interjected.

06-20-2006, 12:39 PM
And just what did Bowen say?

It was a question...it seems like a vaguely remember some story, but don't recall the details...

LEONARD yuo sure work hard apologizing for Cuban. What exactly did Bowen say to Cuban? Come on put up with it instead of grabbing for imaginary excuses.

I know Cuban tried to apologize half-assedly to Bowen with an e-mail or some BS like that so apparently he recognized that he's an asshole. You seem to still be in denial though.

See above...

06-20-2006, 12:40 PM
IIRC, Bowen was talking to someone else and Cuban interjected.

Was the incident where Cuban's preggo wife was called a "fat heffer" (something to that effect) unrelated? (I honestly don't remember if the 2 stories were connected)

06-20-2006, 12:43 PM
The 'Ricks need a whole new PR staff after this playoff series.. even if they win, who will not forget their childish antics and unclassy ways of the 2006 playoffs. Thanks for being the joke of the league 'Ricks.

06-20-2006, 12:43 PM
Was the incident where Cuban's preggo wife was called a "fat heffer" (something to that effect) unrelated? (I honestly don't remember if the 2 stories were connected)


Aggie Hoopsfan
06-20-2006, 12:43 PM
Amazingly similar...for the 2 guys that are matchup nightmares for the other team...

The fact that the NBA's superstars a) get more calls and b) get more calls at home is NOTHING new...

What was the point of this again?

Right, a low post big man whose opponents hacked him rather than give up layups should have basically the same amount of FTs as a seven foot tall German who likes to jack up jumpers.

Have you ever played basketball in your life? I mean out on a court with a ball, not in a video game.

You would expect the low post player to have more FT attempts than the guard in a seven footer's body.

06-20-2006, 12:48 PM
Right, a low post big man whose opponents hacked him rather than give up layups should have basically the same amount of FTs as a seven foot tall German who likes to jack up jumpers.

Have you ever played basketball in your life? I mean out on a court with a ball, not in a video game.

You would expect the low post player to have more FT attempts than the guard in a seven footer's body.
What? Don't you see how the refs giving Shaq all those imaginary and touch fouls and the Heat are getting that huge FT discrepancy. It's pretty blatant to me. How come Dirk isn't getting to the line as much as Shaq? Fix?

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-20-2006, 12:51 PM
:lol pic...

BTW, I love Cuban's blog for today.

* He calls for reporters to be able to ask officials questions after games. Someone want to point out to the guy that the officials did issue a statement after game 5.

* He says the league needs to explain the rules to the fans. What good would that do? Even Cuban and AJ don't know the rules, and at least one (AJ) is paid to know them.

06-20-2006, 01:04 PM
Right, a low post big man whose opponents hacked him rather than give up layups should have basically the same amount of FTs as a seven foot tall German who likes to jack up jumpers.

Have you ever played basketball in your life? I mean out on a court with a ball, not in a video game.

You would expect the low post player to have more FT attempts than the guard in a seven footer's body.

Dirk gets fouled when he drives...

and he gets fouled on jumpshots sometimes...

Both as a result of being a MATCHUP NIGHTMARE...

Dirk avg'd MORE FT's per game this season than Duncan, yet Duncan got more FT's in the Mavs series....

06-20-2006, 01:05 PM
Sweet...$250k fine for Cuban :fro

06-20-2006, 01:10 PM
Sweet...$250k fine for Cuban :fro

250k for Cuban is like me being fined $250....BFD. He should be suspended for the rest of the series.

06-20-2006, 01:13 PM
If Dallas wins next two games and Stern has to hand Cuban the trophy, I would stay away from the trophy for a while....I think it will have Anthrax sprinkled on it.


06-20-2006, 01:18 PM
So, which Mav Fan trolling in here is Cuban?

Should the Mavs lose the series, does anyone not expect Cuban to blame the refs, David Stern, Stu Jackson, and the Easter Bunny?

I'm going to pull up some old threads on games 3 and 4 of the Western Semifinals. How about all the talk about Duncan being fouled in Game 7 of that series?

I have my complaints and my games, too. Recognize that the NBA is thriving off of 30 fanbases snickering at one another when it happens to them. Fight that urge, and try and get something done about it.

06-20-2006, 01:22 PM
I'm going to pull up some old threads on games 3 and 4 of the Western Semifinals. How about all the talk about Duncan being fouled in Game 7 of that series?

Good, then you can highlight all of the times Mav Fan lectured the forum about not "whining" and accepting the results.

I have my complaints and my games, too. Recognize that the NBA is thriving off of 30 fanbases snickering at one another when it happens to them. Fight that urge, and try and get something done about it.

Like changing the channel and closing the tab?

06-20-2006, 01:41 PM
Good, then you can highlight all of the times Mav Fan lectured the forum about not "whining" and accepting the results.

<--- Not whining about the Heat series...

06-20-2006, 01:43 PM
If Dallas wins next two games and Stern has to hand Cuban the trophy, I would stay away from the trophy for a while....I think it will have Anthrax sprinkled on it.

That's gonna be awkward. "And to the Dallas Mavs, for being the best team in the NBA, and showing what is necessary to be a Cham....

oh, fuck it, Cuban, you win."

06-20-2006, 01:46 PM
don't recall the details...

That's very convenient for you. I've noticed that happens to you frequently when someone calls your bluff or puts you on the spot.

Regardless of what Bruce Bowen said or didn't say or who he said it to or didn't say it to, Mark Cuban was an ass then for interjecting himself (and he was an ass on Sunday for "glaring" at Stern if that's all he did, which I doubt...but, even if he didn't say a word, doesn't make it right). He's an owner for crying out loud. Supposedly a professional (professional what, I've never been able to figure out...spoiled rich frat boy?)...this is not the behavior of someone who presents themselves to the world as a "businessman". Of course, hardly any facet of his behavior is "businesslike". No wonder his organization is out of control.

Kori Ellis
06-20-2006, 01:56 PM
Well Cuban says he never said the league was rigged and didn't yell at Stern at all.

Regarding the Bowen situation, Cuban called Bowen "fucking asshole" or something to that effect after Game 6. Then immediately sent a Mavericks employee to the locker room to apologize.

Then before Game 7, Cuban came up to Bowen to ask him if he got the apology.

Stern was told about it and said that it was taunting and inappropriate IIRC.

06-20-2006, 02:00 PM
Bowen did not foul Dirk at the end of the game so if anything was fucked up it was Dallas gifts against the Spurs.

06-20-2006, 02:16 PM
That's very convenient for you. I've noticed that happens to you frequently when someone calls your bluff or puts you on the spot.


Where have I done this exactly? I made my statement as a QUESTION from the beginning in this thread...

Bowen did not foul Dirk at the end of the game so if anything was fucked up it was Dallas gifts against the Spurs.


Well Cuban says he never said the league was rigged and didn't yell at Stern at all.

Regarding the Bowen situation, Cuban called Bowen "fucking asshole" or something to that effect after Game 6. Then immediately sent a Mavericks employee to the locker room to apologize.

Then before Game 7, Cuban came up to Bowen to ask him if he got the apology.

Stern was told about it and said that it was taunting and inappropriate IIRC.

Thanks for clarifying Kori :fro

06-20-2006, 02:24 PM
"You want fixed? Fine, we'll foul out your starters by halftime."

Hmmm....sounds oddly familiar....

06-20-2006, 02:31 PM
I'd imagine that if anyone heard him said it they would come forward. I don't really believe Cuban, but who really knows other than the people close by.

06-20-2006, 02:31 PM
Well Cuban says he never said the league was rigged and didn't yell at Stern at all.

Regarding the Bowen situation, Cuban called Bowen "fucking asshole" or something to that effect after Game 6. Then immediately sent a Mavericks employee to the locker room to apologize.

Then before Game 7, Cuban came up to Bowen to ask him if he got the apology.

Stern was told about it and said that it was taunting and inappropriate IIRC.

What a swell guy. Cuban, I mean.

miss paxton
06-20-2006, 02:36 PM
Cuban sent an employee to apologize? Was he scared of Bown? I'll give him partial credit for having the nerve to ask Bowen later if he got the apology, but that's pretty lame to apologize by proxy.

06-20-2006, 02:40 PM
What a great guy, that Mark.

06-20-2006, 02:43 PM
I am the easiest person in the world to get a hold of. My email is everywhere. If you want to know if i have a boat BEFORE you write that I do. Just ask.

If you want to know if or what I said to someone. Just ask.

Going to a source. Isnt that Journalism 101 ?Gee Mark, I thought you'd like to take the opportunity to clear everything up in your blog by writing what you actually said. It's all about transparency after all isn't it?

06-20-2006, 04:29 PM
doesnt being an owner require some level of decorum?

06-20-2006, 04:32 PM
doesnt being an owner require some level of decorum?

Bor-ing... :fro

06-20-2006, 04:35 PM
fine, cornbread. cuban is a butch lesbian in male drag who is the joke of the league, much like the mavs' mayonaisse sandwich eating fanbase.

06-20-2006, 04:40 PM
fine, cornbread. cuban is a butch lesbian in male drag who is the joke of the league, much like the mavs' mayonaisse sandwich eating fanbase.


Alrighty then...

06-20-2006, 04:51 PM
Therein lies the rub.

Memo to Mark Cuban: Be careful what you wish for


I was just quantifying the fact that in that game the Mavs were on a parade to the FT line all day, particularly in the second quarter, when the game went from being close to being a blowout.

You can't play defense when you're in the bonus 3 minutes into the quarter and the dorky Duetschmark is getting sent to the FT line every time someone breathes on him.


06-20-2006, 04:51 PM
Stern was just on PTI and said he didn't hear Cuban say that. I think its pretty much a non story that if it did happen will be burried by all involved parties. It makes for very bad press for the NBA anyway you slice it, so there's no reason for Stern to make more of an issue on it. The smart thing is just to bury it.

06-20-2006, 05:03 PM
Hey, I took Cuban's advice and asked him straight out what he said after the game in the comments section of his blog.

06-20-2006, 05:37 PM

all fucking DAY today, the radio station DJ's were empathizing with Cuban!!!

I shit you not, seuging into songs, the DJ would say something along the lines of, "Gooooo mavvs (normal smug mavs chant, then), and we're with you Cuban! The NBA IS rigged!"


This city is full of dipshits
They said similar things on like 3 fucking stations today!
Go mavs, the nba IS rigged? What a bunch of douchebags

06-20-2006, 05:56 PM
When the Mavs and their fans accuse the NBA of being rigged, I wonder what they say when they win the trophy?

06-20-2006, 05:56 PM

all fucking DAY today, the radio station DJ's were empathizing with Cuban!!!

I shit you not, seuging into songs, the DJ would say something along the lines of, "Gooooo mavvs (normal smug mavs chant, then), and we're with you Cuban! The NBA IS rigged!"


This city is full of dipshits
They said similar things on like 3 fucking stations today!
Go mavs, the nba IS rigged? What a bunch of douchebags

Uhhh...what stations were these?? :smokin

06-20-2006, 06:02 PM
JACK 100.3, 102.1 EDGE, and the ticket

93.3 the Bone said some tthings similar, but nothing as outright blatant as "We agree cuban, nba is rigged, goooo mavvvsss :smokin"

I listen to the radio at work for 9 hours a day, so im not BSing

06-20-2006, 06:11 PM
how many megachurch goers are going to be at the arena tonight?

06-20-2006, 06:22 PM
JACK 100.3, 102.1 EDGE, and the ticket

93.3 the Bone said some tthings similar, but nothing as outright blatant as "We agree cuban, nba is rigged, goooo mavvvsss :smokin"

I listen to the radio at work for 9 hours a day, so im not BSing

WTF? I've had The Ticket on since 6:45...

Who on The Ticket is saying the NBA is rigged?? :lmao

06-20-2006, 06:25 PM
WTF? I've had The Ticket on since 6:45...

Who on The Ticket is saying the NBA is rigged?? :lmao
Since when does the ticket play music? Reading comprehension is your friend, hair splitter.

06-20-2006, 06:25 PM
WTF? I've had The Ticket on since 6:45...

Who on The Ticket is saying the NBA is rigged?? :lmao

How can you listen to that shit for twelve hours?

06-20-2006, 06:26 PM
another bitch move by cuban. he acts all hard but he wont stick his neck out. talking loud but aint saying nothing.

06-20-2006, 06:27 PM
Since when does the ticket play music? Reading comprehension is your friend, hair splitter.

WTF are you talking about??? :drunk

06-20-2006, 06:28 PM
WTF? I've had The Ticket on since 6:45...

Who on The Ticket is saying the NBA is rigged?? :lmao

my bad fuck, i meant espn radio, but a caller did, at around 10 in the morning, i think it was that mike and mike show (?) and the chick who hosts with them said she agreed with cuban and you're not supposed to make that call.

06-20-2006, 06:30 PM
How can you listen to that shit for twelve hours?

The Ticket (in Dallas...the REAL Ticket) = genius

06-20-2006, 06:32 PM
my bad fuck, i meant espn radio, but a caller did, at around 10 in the morning, i think it was that mike and mike show (?) and the chick who hosts with them said she agreed with cuban and you're not supposed to make that call.

Oh, ok...So you're referring to callers on all these stations? Or DJ's? The Edge's DJ's are flamers... :lol

I don't doubt that idiot callers would spew BS...

06-20-2006, 06:37 PM
WTF are you talking about??? :drunk
The original quote was this:

"seuging into songs, the DJ would say something along the lines of, "Gooooo mavvs (normal smug mavs chant, then), and we're with you Cuban! The NBA IS rigged!"

You, in your typical way, challenged the person that said it for the exact station names so you could refute it, or just in an attempt to call out someone for noticing that you and your brethren are morons. When given the list of stations, you latched onto one and, attributing all comments in the original quote to all stations mentioned, proceeded to try to discredit him in spite of the fact that it couldn't possibly have been the ticket that said it due to the fact that thay don't play songs. In addition to being a douche you apparently have a good fraction of an Oklahoma public school education.

06-20-2006, 06:47 PM
Stern needs to go Marge Schott on his ass, and bar him from all NBA events, including Mavs games, for an entire season. The money doesn't even faze him, but take away his damn prima donna stage (or threaten to) and I'll bet he ShutsTFU.

06-20-2006, 06:49 PM
Stern needs to go Marge Schott on his ass, and bar him from all NBA events, including Mavs games, for an entire season. The money doesn't even faze him, but take away his damn prima donna stage (or threaten to) and I'll bet he ShutsTFU.

If that happened, he'd sell off the team and go hit up another league. Remember, he owned the Pittsburgh Penguins once upon a time.

edit: Or was he just talking about it? I honestly can't remember.

06-20-2006, 06:55 PM
stern would never run out cuban like that because his drama is good for business. stern had the opportunity to drop the hammer today and instead he gave cuban a light slap on the wrist.

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-20-2006, 06:55 PM
If he's listening to 102.1 the Edge, he's listening to Dallas radio. Everyone in this town are fucking idiots about game 5, saying it was fixed, the league hates the Mavs, etc.

These are the same fuckers who told me that those fouls on Bowen against Dirk in game 3, etc. in our series were legit fouls that had to be called :lol

06-20-2006, 06:56 PM
stern would never run out cuban like that because his drama is good for business. stern had the opportunity to drop the hammer today and instead he gave cuban a light slap on the wrist.
Yep. That means he likes the publicity more than he fears the backlash. That means that he'd rather have the whining crybaby cheap shotting Mavs in the Finals than the alternative.

06-20-2006, 06:57 PM
The original quote was this:

"seuging into songs, the DJ would say something along the lines of, "Gooooo mavvs (normal smug mavs chant, then), and we're with you Cuban! The NBA IS rigged!"

You, in your typical way, challenged the person that said it for the exact station names so you could refute it, or just in an attempt to call out someone for noticing that you and your brethren are morons. When given the list of stations, you latched onto one and, attributing all comments in the original quote to all stations mentioned, proceeded to try to discredit him in spite of the fact that it couldn't possibly have been the ticket that said it due to the fact that thay don't play songs. In addition to being a douche you apparently have a good fraction of an Oklahoma public school education.

Yea I asked because Spurs fans are acting like the entire DFW metroplex is flipping out, blaming the refs, having rally's for Cuban, etc.

You're clinging to the one statement of "seuging into songs" and telling me I can't read because The Ticket doesn't play music? Despite the fact that he specifically named The Ticket as one of the stations? (which one make the statement you clung to irrelevant)

and he was wrong about The Ticket... :lol

I've been meaning to ask you...why do you disappear around here for long periods of time?

Say 5/9-5/18, for example...right after the Mavs/Spurs game 2...returning for game 6?

I love how you can determine my level of education based on this BS... :lol :lol

06-20-2006, 06:57 PM
If that happened, he'd sell off the team and go hit up another league. Remember, he owned the Pittsburgh Penguins once upon a time.

edit: Or was he just talking about it? I honestly can't remember.
You say that like it's a bad thing.

Seriously, he needs to go. It's obvious that, as one of 30 owners, he wants to totally remake the league to his liking, and Stern and the other 29 aren't having it.

06-20-2006, 06:58 PM
If he's listening to 102.1 the Edge, he's listening to Dallas radio. Everyone in this town are fucking idiots about game 5, saying it was fixed, the league hates the Mavs, etc.

These are the same fuckers who told me that those fouls on Bowen against Dirk in game 3, etc. in our series were legit fouls that had to be called :lol

Yea, we know he's referring to Dallas radio, Sherlock...

"Everyone"??? WTF?

Unbelievable... :lol

06-20-2006, 06:58 PM
Cuban has never owned another team, but has talked about the Penguins and Pirates...

06-20-2006, 07:02 PM
cuban will probe how far he can go without really, really pissing off stern and then he will step back. that's why he backed away from saying that the league was rigged. stern was just on pti and had mainly warm things to say about cuban. at the end of the day, both's fortunes ride on keeping interest in the league growing and not blowing it up.

06-20-2006, 07:05 PM
cuban will probe how far he can go without really, really pissing off stern and then he will step back. that's why he backed away from saying that the league was rigged.


One MIAMI reporter wrote that...
It was in his TENTH paragraph...NOT even in HIS own headline...
With a WEAK "source"...or lack of...ie, "overheard saying..."

Cuban probably did say other stuff, which he is denying. But if he would've yelled to Stern that the "league is rigged" it would've made ALL the headlines...


06-20-2006, 07:05 PM
Cuban has never owned another team, but has talked about the Penguins and Pirates...


I wish he'd buy the Rangers off Tom Hicks. Even a jaded SOB like me could learn to appreciate a rich, bitchy owner like him if he could put the Rangers in the World Series.

Of course if Cuban was selling off the Mavericks to do so, that would help.

06-20-2006, 07:05 PM
I've been meaning to ask you...why do you disappear around here for long periods of time?

Say 5/9-5/18, for example...right after the Mavs/Spurs game 2...returning for game 6?
I don't know if I should be creeped out that you would know when and when I'm not on the boards. Are you aware that I can be on the boards without actually posting? I probably wouldn't be posting here now except that you and the other Maverick mouth breathers are here doing reverse damage control. Are you implying something nefarious, or are you just trying to distract from the fact that I exposed you for being a little twat once again? If you are so interested in me you should have already read my post explaining why I hadn't been on the boards during that time.

And just so you know, I can determine your education level based upon the fact that you sit here in this hailstorm with your little tennis racket, trying to make sure you hit everything back.

06-20-2006, 07:06 PM

One MIAMI reporter wrote that...
It was in his TENTH paragraph...NOT even in HIS own headline...
With a WEAK "source"...or lack of...ie, "overheard saying..."

Cuban probably did say other stuff, which he is denying. But if he would've yelled to Stern that the "league is rigged" it would've made ALL the headlines...


youre the only dumbfuck here you inbred hick piece of shit.

06-20-2006, 07:06 PM

I wish he'd buy the Rangers off Tom Hicks. Even a jaded SOB like me could learn to appreciate a rich, bitchy owner like him if he could put the Rangers in the World Series.

Of course you would...

and most NBA fans would have him as THEIR owner if the situation arose...

06-20-2006, 07:08 PM
Of course you would...

and most NBA fans would have him as THEIR owner if the situation arose...

if you're into big gay loudmouth douchebags hogging the spotlight

06-20-2006, 07:09 PM
Of course you would...

and most NBA fans would have him as THEIR owner if the situation arose...
Again, what has Mark Cuban done to improve the team? List form would be good. Just to get you started, the AA center was already under construction when he bought the team, the big three were already on the roster, and the Nelsons were already handling coaching and personnel.

Ready, GO.

06-20-2006, 07:09 PM
I don't know if I should be creeped out that you would know when and when I'm not on the boards. Are you aware that I can be on the boards without actually posting? I probably wouldn't be posting here now except that you and the other Maverick mouth breathers are here doing reverse damage control. Are you implying something nefarious, or are you just trying to distract from the fact that I exposed you for being a little twat once again? If you are so interested in me you should have already read my post explaining why I hadn't been on the boards during that time.

LMAO...exposed me for what exactly??? And how?? :lol

It's not hard to notice the biggest prick on this forum going missing during the Mavs 3 game win streak against the Spurs. Why would you read and not post while the Mavs were beating up on the Spurs? Makes no sense...

youre the only dumbfuck here you inbred hick piece of shit.


What you're saying makes ZERO sense.
What I'm saying makes TOTAL sense.

Do the math...

06-20-2006, 07:10 PM
I don't know if I should be creeped out that you would know when and when I'm not on the boards. Are you aware that I can be on the boards without actually posting? I probably wouldn't be posting here now except that you and the other Maverick mouth breathers are here doing reverse damage control. Are you implying something nefarious, or are you just trying to distract from the fact that I exposed you for being a little twat once again? If you are so interested in me you should have already read my post explaining why I hadn't been on the boards during that time.

And just so you know, I can determine your education level based upon the fact that you sit here in this hailstorm with your little tennis racket, trying to make sure you hit everything back.

06-20-2006, 07:11 PM
i'm still trying to understand how there's a dress code for players and yet an owner can dress like he just hit the dirty clothes pile for the 5th straight day. what a weird double standard.

06-20-2006, 07:13 PM
What you're saying makes ZERO sense.
What I'm saying makes TOTAL sense.

Do the math...

yeah, you need someone else to do it einstein.

06-20-2006, 07:15 PM
Again, what has Mark Cuban done to improve the team? List form would be good. Just to get you started, the AA center was already under construction when he bought the team, the big three were already on the roster, and the Nelsons were already handling coaching and personnel.

Ready, GO.

Again? You never asked the first time did you? :lol

Where did I say I had a big list of accomplishments due to Cuban?

He's entertaining, he'll spend money, and he's completely changed the atmosphere at the Mavs games...

yeah, you need someone else to do it einstein.


Tell me why what I said makes me the dumbfuck?? :drunk

06-20-2006, 07:17 PM
And just so you know, I can determine your education level based upon the fact that you sit here in this hailstorm with your little tennis racket, trying to make sure you hit everything back.

So....me sitting here replying makes me an idiot...

But you doing the same says what exactly??

06-20-2006, 07:19 PM
hey somebody posted something. jump.

06-20-2006, 07:20 PM
I don't have an answer, so I'll just post some garbage...


06-20-2006, 07:21 PM
here boy, go get that post.

06-20-2006, 07:23 PM
It's not hard to notice the biggest prick on this forum going missing during the Mavs 3 game win streak against the Spurs. Why would you read and not post while the Mavs were beating up on the Spurs? Makes no sense...

Oh puh leeeze.

So it's because I'm afraid of you that I wasn't posting? So I'm somehow required to show up and post on the boards when the Mavs are winning? Son, you think way too highly of yourself.

Not that I owe you an explanation, but it's only fitting that I prove you wrong once again. I didn't feel like talking about the Spurs, but it had nothing to do with you or the Mavericks. I'm still pissed about smallball, and I was sick watching Pop sit his centers while an inferior Mavericks team took advantage. I was sickened having to watch the Spurs abandon the defense that won 62 games for the hacking, chasing, shot clock violating mess it became. I guess I could have taken a cue from Mavericks fans and posted up how unfair the world is because my team was losing, but that isn't my style. I guess I could have showed up on the site so some fuckstick in Dallas wouldn't think I was "yella", but to be honest it didn't occur to me. Once I had seen enough of it, I posted up exactly what I thought and discussed it with the Spurs fans that I respect, and for whom I continue to log into this site.

Understand this: I have zero respect for your basketball knowledge, and I could give a shit what you think. You are so predictable, it's not like I even need you to post it for me to know what you are going to say. You have done nothing to add to that, and you are pissed that I've continually embarassed you on this site. If you weren't such an incompetent asshat it wouldn't be so easy. Nobody asked you to suddenly show up when your team made the conference semis. I was here for years before you showed up, and I'll be here long after you are gone.

06-20-2006, 07:24 PM
So....me sitting here replying makes me an idiot...

But you doing the same says what exactly??
I'm a Spurs fan. This is SPURStalk. I've been here for a while. Besides, it's the offseason for me. It's not like my team is playing in the fucking NBA finals or anything.

What's your excuse, again?

06-20-2006, 07:24 PM
who pays attention to when people are posting? thats some weird shit. leonard must not get out much except to shit piss eat and get mommy her carton of kools from the 7-11 down the street.

06-20-2006, 07:29 PM
According to Rule 4, Section VI, which deals with frontcourt/backcourt.

Replays showed Wade leaped near midcourt to catch the ball in the air, landing with possession in the backcourt.

Part of the rule states that, "frontcourt/backcourt status is not attained until a player with the ball has established a positive position in either half during a throw-in in the last 2 minutes of the fourth period and/or any overtime period."

06-20-2006, 07:32 PM
Oh puh leeeze.

So it's because I'm afraid of you that I wasn't posting? So I'm somehow required to show up and post on the boards when the Mavs are winning? Son, you think way too highly of yourself.

Not that I owe you an explanation, but it's only fitting that I prove you wrong once again. I didn't feel like talking about the Spurs, but it had nothing to do with you or the Mavericks. I'm still pissed about smallball, and I was sick watching Pop sit his centers while an inferior Mavericks team took advantage. I was sickened having to watch the Spurs abandon the defense that won 62 games for the hacking, chasing, shot clock violating mess it became. I guess I could have taken a cue from Mavericks fans and posted up how unfair the world is because my team was losing, but that isn't my style. I guess I could have showed up on the site so some fuckstick in Dallas wouldn't think I was "yella", but to be honest it didn't occur to me. Once I had seen enough of it, I posted up exactly what I thought and discussed it with the Spurs fans that I respect, and for whom I continue to log into this site.

Understand this: I have zero respect for your basketball knowledge, and I could give a shit what you think. You are so predictable, it's not like I even need you to post it for me to know what you are going to say. You have done nothing to add to that, and you are pissed that I've continually embarassed you on this site. If you weren't such an incompetent asshat it wouldn't be so easy. Nobody asked you to suddenly show up when your team made the conference semis. I was here for years before you showed up, and I'll be here long after you are gone.


1. I signed up here in March....not when the Mavs got to the semi's.
2. I couldn't care less that you weren't posting and certainly didn't want you to post because I was here.
3. Have you contacted Pop to tell him about his mistakes running the Spurs?
4. How exactly have you embarassed me? I guess I missed all that.
5. Sharing my "basketball knowledge" with you has never been my intention. Not sure where you got that from...
6. I'm out...back tomorrow...win or lose...

who pays attention to when people are posting? thats some weird shit. leonard must not get out much except to shit piss eat and get mommy her carton of kools from the 7-11 down the street.

Ouch, stinger...

Like I said...he's one of about 3 people that I'd actually notice has disappeared...

06-20-2006, 07:37 PM
I just don't buy all this cuban hating. It reminds me of high school when you would say something bad about a person so your friends wouldn't think you liked them, when in reality you love them.

Come on spurs fans. Show cuban the love!

06-20-2006, 07:40 PM
Well, I'm an adult now. Don't care for the man.

An attention whore -- have you ever seen any sports owner with more face time?

No, you haven't.

06-20-2006, 07:41 PM
we're not stuck in high school like cuban and you

06-20-2006, 07:45 PM
have you ever seen any sports owner with more face time?

Ya know, that's a good question.

Jerry? Steinbrenner? Dan Snyder? The Maloof's? Vince McMahon (he does own the wrestling org, I think)?

06-20-2006, 07:46 PM
Vince McMahonAnd with that, we have found the level of the room...

06-20-2006, 07:53 PM
Spurs fans and Cuban have been complaining about the same things. The difference is Cuban has a camera in his face.

06-20-2006, 07:53 PM
Dan Synder watched Cuban on Letterman and remarked, "What an asshole!"

06-20-2006, 07:54 PM
Spurs fans and Cuban have been complaining about the same things. The difference is Cuban has a camera in his face.Cuban has been complaining about himself?

06-20-2006, 07:57 PM
Spurs fans and Cuban have been complaining about the same things. The difference is Cuban has a camera in his face.
The difference is, he's the owner of the team. Ideally, if he has a complaint, he should complain in a way that doesn't reflect negatively on his entire organization -- preferably, without it ever being made public.

06-20-2006, 07:57 PM
I wonder what Mrs. Cuban thinks?

06-20-2006, 07:59 PM
I wonder what Mrs. Cuban thinks?
That she wishes that he spent half as much time with her as he did jacking off watching his own image on TV?

06-20-2006, 07:59 PM
Spurs fans and Cuban have been complaining about the same things. The difference is Cuban has a camera in his face.
The difference is Cuban's an idiot. There are some people here who can actually sound rational while making complaints, unlike Mark "Just because it was a closed fist doesn't make it a punch" Cuban.

06-20-2006, 08:10 PM
I wonder what Mrs. Cuban thinks?"Jackpot!"

06-20-2006, 08:24 PM
the NBA doesn't care what Cuban wants the league to do regarding his team.

now that the NBA said Tuesday that there was no backcourt violation on the play that led to Dwyane Wade's winning free throws in Game 5 of the NBA finals, it would bring more fire in him to whine & whine forever :D

i just wish the Heat will play like game in game 4, win the series and end all this bruhaha! Cuban & Aj are getting on everyone else's nerves. They're out of control.


06-20-2006, 08:28 PM
would cuban like some cheese with that whine?

06-20-2006, 08:32 PM
the only thing that is rigged is the Gorillas set to gang rape Mark Cuban

Aggie Hoopsfan
06-20-2006, 08:34 PM

I mean this as nicely as possible but really, drop the fucking retarded gorilla rape shit.

06-20-2006, 08:43 PM

I mean this as nicely as possible but really, drop the fucking retarded gorilla rape shit.


it was fun while it lasted. Failed sponsorship by Mark Cuban led to its dismissal.

06-20-2006, 09:16 PM
So with apologies to American Airlines, the AAC shall be dubbed the "Whine Cellar" for the remainder of this series. We're not talking white, red, sweet, dry or any other variation. We're talking pure, unadulterated whine.

OK, as the Mavs lost three games in a row, along with their grip on a 2-0 lead that was on the verge of becoming 3-0, all we've heard about is the officiating. All we heard out of Dallas after Sunday night's thrilling one-point overtime victory was how Heat guard Dwyane Wade committed an offensive foul and was not fouled by Dallas forward Dirk Nowitzki, thus making his two free throws that clinched the 101-100 victory unworthy.

Next Great Sportswriter
Check out the battle to become the Next Great Sportswriter and a contributing writer to FOXSports.com.

And oh yeah, there was the rather large circumstance of Mavs forward Josh Howard calling timeout before Wade's second free throw thus expending Dallas' final timeout and preventing them from advancing the ball beyond midcourt with 1.9 seconds left as opposed to having to travel the length of the floor.

Sure, they can claim all they want Howard was telling the officials they wanted a timeout after the second free throw if he made it. But what was the point of that? In an incredibly raucous building with so little time on the clock, why would he walk to an official who may or may not hear an entire sentence, look at him and signal timeout?

It was in plain view of everyone, including a national television audience. There was no reason for it, and it will forever be a historic moment in Finals lore.

Of course, Dallas owner Mark Cuban was going to complain (and the NBA noticed, given Tuesday's $250,000 fine). That appears to be at least 30 percent of his job description, to complain about everything. He even admitted in his blog that he's a whiner. Well, that's just fine Mark. And while you were espousing the finer intricacies of Mavericks braggadocio on late night television with your team up 2-0, it did nothing but incite the Heat.

And one more thing we might like to make clear. Wade made his two free throws. Had the Mavericks not missed four of their last eight free throws and this is from a great free-throw shooting team, not the rock tossing Heat this wouldn't have mattered. You guys would have been returning home to the Whine Cellar up 3-2 instead of down 3-2.

Even more so, had Nowitzki the superstar who was shooting 94 percent from the free throw line much of the playoffs, not missed a late free throw in Game 3 and in Game 5, chances are the series never would have been returning to Dallas. It would be over.

It's kind of like Al Gore complaining he was robbed by the hanging chads of Florida in the 2000 election. All he had to do was carry his own state of Tennessee and allow Bill Clinton to help him get Arkansas, and Florida wouldn't have mattered.

The Mavs have taken Mark Cuban's lead ... and it isn't helping matters at all. (Lynne Sladky / Associated Press)

That's not justifying the Florida political shenanigans. That was handled dubiously any way you look at it. And that's not to say it was fair the way Wade was 21-of-25 from the free throw line Sunday (the exact same numbers as your entire team, while the Heat overall was 32-of-49.

But hey now ... if y'all hadn't missed four in the final minute of regulation and overtime, y'all probably wouldn't be so steamed right now.

Even though the one-game suspension of Jerry Stackhouse for his hit on Shaquille O'Neal in the second half of Game 4 was ludicrous during previous eras of basketball, it was right on the money in the NBA, circa 2006. It may pale in comparison to the clothesline Raja Bell put on Kobe Bryant, but realistically Bell should have gotten multiple games if they were being consistent based on the act itself. At any rate, Stackhouse did not attempt to make a basketball play. O'Neal, all 325-plus pounds of him, was airborne and vulnerable. Stackhouse came at O'Neal high and hard with a shove that could have injured him.

Had Ron Artest or Danny Fortson made that play, people would have been calling for a season-long expulsion.

The bottom line is, according to the present day interpretation of the rules, he earned a suspension.

"It's sad for the players that he's decided to become the story of the Finals ... I think the pressure of his first Finals may be getting to him."
David Stern on Mark Cuban, Best Damn Sports Show
So now, Stackhouse will be back for Game 6 at the Whine Cellar with another level of energy for a team seeking some version of controlled rage because they are convinced they've been hosed.

Funny how whenever the San Antonio Spurs mentioned officiating briefly during the early losses of their seven-game loss to the Mavs, everybody said they were nuts. Give the Mavs credit.

Well, it's time to give the Heat their due for bouncing back from the verge of extinction in Game 3 to take a 3-2 series lead. Had the Mavs taken care of business the way they should have, all of this officiating conjecture would be moot. In fact, that's virtually always the case when it comes to tough losses on a shaky call. There are plenty of other reasons for the loss that had more to do with the outcome than blaming it on an official.

So as the throng heads for Big D, and the strong possibility of this series being extended to a seventh game in the Whine Cellar, there is just one more bit of advice for the Mavs.

Y'all may be proud of your knowledge of fine whine, but this is a beer-guzzling series survival of the toughest. Just shut up and play.

Article by Mike Kahn (Foxsports)

06-20-2006, 09:39 PM
I'm down with calling the AAC the "Whine Cellar". from now on. Anybody with me?

06-20-2006, 09:54 PM
I'm down with calling the AAC the "Whine Cellar". from now on. Anybody with me?

Im totally with you bro

06-20-2006, 10:06 PM
Mark Puban, welcome to the world of ABC!!!

Ratings are bitch aren't they? :lol