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View Full Version : Official thread for Maverick's fan's!

Louie Vega
06-21-2006, 03:03 AM
.................................................. ...............I just want to see how many show up ! But til that happens let me start it off.

We got fucked by the refs. The fucken refs were babysitting Wade all series long. And what about all those bogus suspensions. I mean Stackhouse barely touched Shaq. Shaq is just a flopper. I think the media takes film of Cuban and edits it so that he looks like a freakin asshole.

Feel free to join in mavs fans. But before you do let me just say 2 things that will always reign true.

1. Karma is a bitch

2. Payback is a motherfucker!

Congrats Heat !

Kori Ellis
06-21-2006, 03:11 AM
Already done.
