View Full Version : Rumor: Javtokas and Scola to sign.

06-23-2006, 11:00 AM
You might not believe me because I dont have a link,and I understand.Anyways,my uncle is a cop in Houston and he said on some sports or news channel he heard the Spurs were close to signing Scola and agreed in principle to a multi-year deal with Javtokas.They are reportedly also going to wave Eric Williams.

06-23-2006, 11:02 AM
I am not buying they are waiving eric yet because he could be good trade bait

06-23-2006, 11:04 AM
You might not believe me because I dont have a link,and I understand.Anyways,my uncle is a cop in Houston and he said on some sports or news channel he heard the Spurs were close to signing Scola and agreed in principle to a multi-year deal with Javtokas.They are reportedly also going to wave Eric Williams.

all of that would be awesome! thanks for the news..

Extra Stout
06-23-2006, 11:05 AM
You might not believe me because I dont have a link,and I understand.Anyways,my uncle is a cop in Houston and he said on some sports or news channel he heard the Spurs were close to signing Scola and agreed in principle to a multi-year deal with Javtokas.They are reportedly also going to wave Eric Williams.
While you've probably fabricated all of that out of thin air, even if your "uncle" had heard it, it carries little weight, because no media outlet in Houston has close enough ties to the Spurs to make such a scoop. This forum has more and better information.

06-23-2006, 11:06 AM
Yeah I'd love it,and Williams could be ok trade bait.

06-23-2006, 11:09 AM
Hey,this is what my uncle said,he wouldn't lie about the Spurs.What makes me believe it so much is it's possible.

06-23-2006, 11:10 AM
scola baby hell yeah ive been praying to the ancient gods of greece for this moment

06-23-2006, 11:11 AM
Yeah I'd love it,and Williams could be ok trade bait.
not if they waive him :depressed

06-23-2006, 11:12 AM
Maybe Scola deliberately stunk it up in the ACB finals to get Tau to release him. :lol

06-23-2006, 11:12 AM
Scola is the 2nd coming of christ to me in basketball he's manu but bigger and thats freaking awesome

Batman Predicts....Scola=rookie of the year

06-23-2006, 11:14 AM
I know ducks,If they don't wave him he's ok trade bait.Also when did we get Scola,I don't know much about him.

06-23-2006, 11:17 AM
Waiving Williams makes zero sense unless it was in a buyout. Supposedly according to some Rap fans the reason he was so unhappy in TO was because he was away from his child in NJ. He ain't going to be any happier in SA if that's the case.

06-23-2006, 11:17 AM
Scola=manu with size ...he's a beast....he beasted tim duncan all over the olympics.....he has a great post presence and will be a freaking rebounding monster

06-23-2006, 11:17 AM
Scola is the 2nd coming of christ to me in basketball he's manu but bigger and thats freaking awesome

Batman Predicts....Scola=rookie of the year

Scola will be a bust. Guarantee it. he is the false hope for spur fans. You wait and see. I also predict Scola will be on the spurs soon.

He is not as good as Manu.

06-23-2006, 11:20 AM
im not saying he's as good as manu he's like manu he brings the kinda intensity that manu brings to the game......he wont be as good as manu simply cause manu has already adapted to nba play.....as opposed to international play......Scola will not be a bust........i gurantee it....simply put with duncan showing him the way scola will no doubt be a very effective player coming off the bench

06-23-2006, 11:24 AM
Intensity means nothing without ability. Scolas game will not translate well in the nba. He is best right where he is playing now. I do not want to see Scola on the spurs but I usually don't get what I want so expect him on the spurs.

06-23-2006, 11:25 AM
I expect Scola to have a great impact he will not be a Oberto trust me on that, Scola's game is great...he has ability....his game is great he proved that much in the olympics.....

06-23-2006, 11:25 AM
Waiving Williams makes zero sense unless it was in a buyout. Supposedly according to some Rap fans the reason he was so unhappy in TO was because he was away from his child in NJ. He ain't going to be any happier in SA if that's the case.

Exactly, my thought.
If he accepts a buyout at $2-3M (his salary is $4.3M), it makes a lot of sense for SA to buyout him.

06-23-2006, 11:29 AM
:lmao :lmao :lmao @ all the personal guarantees being thrown around

06-23-2006, 11:32 AM
My uncle might have meant buyout but he said waived

06-23-2006, 11:34 AM
BTW, can somebody translate this (or sum up what Scola say about his future):

and the last paragraph of this article :

06-23-2006, 11:34 AM
What was he drinking?

Scola won't be a Spur, moreless anything is the USA this coming season.

Jak is just a matter of time this offseason, but he's coming.

06-23-2006, 11:35 AM
and the last paragraph of this article :

But the loss that must more worry in the vitoriano equipment will be, doubtlessly, the one of the Argentine pivot Luis Scola, who in the third party of the end could have disputed his last party with Ceramic TAU before going away to NBA (San Antonio Spurs).

06-23-2006, 11:37 AM
Yeah, well my uncle said he had a magic lollypop in his pants and look where that got me.

06-23-2006, 11:37 AM
BTW, can somebody translate this (or sum up what Scola say about his future):

“To have left I seem a dishonor and that is unjust”
Although its “intensity” to play in NBA has decreased, the wing-pívot maintains “the intention to prove to me” in the best league of the world someday
D. GONZÁLEZ d.gonzalez@ diario-elcorreo.com/VITORIA
«Quedarme parece una deshonra y eso es injusto»
24 HOURS LATER. Luis Scola watches towards the field of a Buesa emptiness Sand, scene of recent the third party of the liguera end. /NURIA GONZÁLEZ
To print the newsTo printTo send the newsTo send


Hour to rest and to reflect. And Luis Scola follows between two waters; to follow in Vitoria - the TAU has offered to him to extend their contract or to prove NBA. Nevertheless, the captain admits that the “intensity” of its dream has lowered.

- How has the body?

- Tired, by all means. When the season finishes one does like a gesture of total relaxation. We are in process of assimilation and recovery, physical as as much mental.

- Unicaja has been better?

- Yes, without a doubt. I am of whom they think that there is a single truth; the one that dictates the marker. When an equipment gains five parties to you of the five that “jugás” is no form by where to take it to say the opposite. All the others, to my way to see, exceed.

- Is real 3-0?

- He is a little unreal. But what I it creates is a little anecdotal, because the 3-0 is the one that marked the season. If “you ask to me”, I will say to you that until the last second it thought that we were going to win. He was convencidísimo. But, evidently, I was mistaken. My opinion is that we had equipment to them to have won. That Serkan or Pablo is injured is part of the game. I do not believe in throwing the fault to him to an injury or a referee. It is part of the game and it thus works.

- Hard does not turn out to see proclaim itself to him by second consecutive year to the champion in Vitoria and who not outside the Baskonia?

- Honestly he is very hard. But we had the possibility of losing two end. That means that we had the possibility of playing them and of gaining them. In last the six end we were until the end fighting by the titles. That we lost some, there is no doubt. It hurt us to all. Also it means that we are making a good way. Nowadays we are the only equipment of Europe that can be conceited of that. There is no another one.

- Three questions in one: What seemed to him the died time of Scariolo? What explanation gave him? Convinced to Him?

- Later of the party, already at night, it hurt the situation to me because there is to know how to recognize the one of them and is necessary to know how to lose when one is inferior. At the moment I felt attacked by the dead time. I took it as a form to restregar the victory to us and hurt to me because we were in our house. Later speaking, because we spoke perfectly then both we are mature and educated people, he it explained to me that it was scared to lose. It is not possible to be blamed to him.


- Its average note to the season?

- I do not know, I leave it you that they analyze…

- Excellent.

- I agree, because if one considers objectives, objective what could have an equipment like ours? Ganar titles? We obtained it. Luchar until the end in all the competitions? We obtained it. The triennium? We obtained it and, in addition, before beginning “play off”. Sometimes, the difference between winning and losing is so small… We did not have that small point that we needed, for example, to gain this end.

- The secret of this club Keeps awake.

- I always say that it is not no secret, that is a solid structure thought by and for the equipment. All tour around his. That makes that the steps are slow, slow, but firm. There are many equipment that becomes crazy and makes the equipment most expensive. Often they win and they return to fall. Nevertheless, the TAU, pasito to pasito, always tries to raise a step more. That one is the most solid form to work and I am convinced that “here” they are going away to gain more titles by this way.

- And which will be its following step?

- I do not know it. It is a little while for disconnecting, assuming this defeat, to rest and to be in family. It was one season very long.

- But you always have been the sleepy of NBA. East Irá summer?

- I do not know it, honestly. NBA sometimes is a little special. Excessive secrecy is everything “very”. The equipment, before “draft”, does not want to keep awake their letters. I do not feel like a veteran person. I am only 26 years old, but I have been a time playing. It has not been the same for five or six years now. One is changing a little the form to think. In the sense that for six years he would be desperate, calling by telephone for above for down, watching in Internet… Right now if some equipment of NBA really wants to me to file, I seat and I analyze it. If no, it does not pass anything. “Here” I am very contented. I am going to continue working to improve, to gain titles and to give back all the joys that this club gave me. The decisions are not like before. Before they corresponded to me to me only, but now I have a family.

- Or it is, that is not going to move card. Regresará after the World-wide one?

- I am player of the TAU and I will continue it being while it has contract.

- San Antonio, who has his right, has sold to Nesterovic, pívot. Reopens that route?

- Of San Antonio, to day of today, I do not have any commentary. “Tenés” that to think that until I was centered yesterday in a end. Until the last day I was with the head put in this. Once it finishes I will begin to analyze and I will make a decision.

- But its perspective has changed.

- Better saying, the intensity with which one lives the situations. What I am living during these eight years is something that if one me it proposed it when it was fourteen years old, to probably it would laugh me and it would sign it desperate as if outside something only. Sometimes I feel because it seems a dishonor to remain “here” and it seems unjust to me. I always said to him that it would enchant to me to play in NBA because I want to play with the best ones. And, we like or no, NBA continues it being. Then, my intention is to prove to me in best basket of the world someday. But to be “here” is a great profit and a great joy.

“I am contented”

- And if the TAU offered to him to extend?

- (Smile) it would not have any problem in listening to it and analyzing the situation. At the moment I have two years more of contract and am contented. The options will appear upon the table and that one is including within the options.

- The Baskonia has experienced an extraordinary growth. This also will make think him, truth?

- It was 14 or 15 years old. Alfredo (Salazar) came to see me Argentina. He explained to me that he wanted to me to file, that they had gained the Glass. He did not know what was and I asked to him if it were most important. He said that there was another more important competition, the Glass of Europe. He explained to me that there was to be between both first and I said to him “ so that they never play it”. He said; “once we were near classifying to us”. That phrase to me was recorded. It makes poquito we obtained the triennium that it guarantees nine years to us followed of Euroliga. That mark a little the growth of the club. All we must be very contentments.

06-23-2006, 11:37 AM
But the loss that must more worry in the vitoriano equipment will be, doubtlessly, the one of the Argentine pivot Luis Scola, who in the third party of the end could have disputed his last party with Ceramic TAU before going away to NBA (San Antonio Spurs).

:lol I know babelfish.
If I ask, it's to have a better translation/summary.

06-23-2006, 11:38 AM
Really, a magic lollypop

06-23-2006, 11:39 AM
Well a lot of my friends speak spanish so reading that stuff makes some sense to me.


06-23-2006, 11:50 AM
Bring Scola in! I've been waiting for years.

06-23-2006, 11:54 AM
Well a lot of my friends speak spanish so reading that stuff makes some sense to me.


it wouldnt be in espanol it would be espana.

Lebowski Brickowski
06-23-2006, 11:58 AM
Wow! Finally someone was able to clear up the Scola situation!

Spurs Dynasty 21
06-23-2006, 12:00 PM
I thought only would sign, but both?

06-23-2006, 12:03 PM
I dont think Scola would sign. and i dont think they will release Williams. The only reason they would release Williams is if hes uncapable to play,because i know that if he was on the trading block, there would be a handful of teams looking to get him to clear up some cap space. I cant wait till Javtokas comes,though. I'm way more anzious for him then Scola.

06-23-2006, 12:03 PM
oh yeah that was my first post. woo! haha

06-23-2006, 12:08 PM
Wow! Finally someone was able to clear up the Scola situation!

Yeah it took a cop in Houston to do it..

06-23-2006, 12:09 PM
I'll believe it when I see it...

but I hope he fucking sign! Javtokas too!

06-23-2006, 12:09 PM
Yeah, well my uncle said he had a magic lollypop in his pants and look where that got me .

we must be cousins, cuz we have the same uncle, but that's okay we all turned out okay, right... right/?? :spin :spin :spin

but back to basketball...

Extra Stout
06-23-2006, 12:09 PM
Hey,this is what my uncle said,he wouldn't lie about the Spurs.What makes me believe it so much is it's possible.
You seem to be under the impression that Houston is a hotbed of up-to-the-date Spurs news not available in San Antonio.

I live in Houston. If anybody mentions the Spurs in the media, they are relaying third-hand information, usually highly inaccurate.

So, sorry, but even if your uncle thinks he is telling the truth, he is full of crap.

06-23-2006, 12:18 PM
My uncle works for NASA and he said that the Spurs are not gonna to sign any superstar ora a star this offseason.

06-23-2006, 12:20 PM
You might not believe me because I dont have a link,and I understand.Anyways,my uncle is a cop in Houston and he said on some sports or news channel he heard the Spurs were close to signing Scola and agreed in principle to a multi-year deal with Javtokas.They are reportedly also going to wave Eric Williams.
Jim, is that you? :spin

Boston George
06-23-2006, 12:24 PM
Scola=argentinian beast

06-23-2006, 12:24 PM
I will go back and translate the article correctly.

Biggest problem is time: lots of school stuff due (hate summer school).

but I will do it if somebody does not beat me to it.

I may just read it first and summarize it if there is anything earthshaking that isn't in this thread or already known.

Lots of other bilingual posters in here other than me so they may get to it sooner and posters here seem to be well connected.

So, it might not be worth much, but we'll see.

Boston George
06-23-2006, 12:27 PM
keda=non drinker

Boston George
06-23-2006, 12:27 PM
mospur=non spur fan

06-23-2006, 12:28 PM
Holy shit, babelfish sucks. It scrambles my brain cells and leaves a burnt, dry and useless mass in my head for a few seconds after I'm done reading. Luckily, I have the powers of WonderBoy and can reverse the damage done.

06-23-2006, 12:33 PM
A very SHORT summary
He’s tired because of the finals, and very disappointed because of the results. :oops
If TAU offers him an extension he’ll consider.
He has no news coming from San Antonio, since he was focused on ACB’s finals, a very light complain about NBA’s environment where everything is developed in secret. :angel
If he’ll become a NBA player, he’s not worried since he is very comfortable in TAU ... if the question were made 6 years ago he would be desperate but now he has a family and a different perspective about that.

06-23-2006, 12:40 PM
A very SHORT summary
He’s tired because of the finals, and very disappointed because of the results. :oops
If TAU offers him an extension he’ll consider.
He has no news coming from San Antonio, since he was focused on ACB’s finals, a very light complain about NBA’s environment where everything is developed in secret. :angel
If he’ll become a NBA player, he’s not worried since he is very comfortable in TAU ... if the question were made 6 years ago he would be desperate but now he has a family and a different perspective about that.

That's about right as a summary of the first article.

Last paragraph of the second article said that a low point for Tau could be that Scola might have played his last game for them.

Purely speculative comment made. No claim that it was certain or not.

Nothing really to give any confidence to him coming over now and attitude seems a little sour as I read it.

06-23-2006, 12:41 PM
too bad.

should not have gotten my hopes up.


06-23-2006, 12:43 PM
That's about right as a summary of the first article.
Last paragraph of the second article said that a low point for Tau could be that Scola might have played his last game for them.

Second article?

06-23-2006, 12:48 PM
Second article?

Second link on Bruno's post.

Anyways, there was a second link. He asked for the first article to be translated and the last paragraph of the second article to be translated.

There were two links. The second one goes to the second article.

The first one was the interview/article that you summarized.

06-23-2006, 12:50 PM
That's about right as a summary of the first article.

Last paragraph of the second article said that a low point for Tau could be that Scola might have played his last game for them.

Purely speculative comment made. No claim that it was certain or not.

Nothing really to give any confidence to him coming over now and attitude seems a little sour as I read it.

Thanks and thanks WalterBenitez.

06-23-2006, 12:51 PM
Also, those google translations or whatever need to realize that

equipo means team not equipment.

False conjugates get second language learners a lot I think.

06-23-2006, 12:51 PM
Scola has some reason to be pissy about the Finals, so I can't read too much into it.

06-23-2006, 12:53 PM
Thanks and thanks WalterBenitez.

You're welcome.

Just wish I could have been the bearer of great news: that Scola was coming over.

Still not impossible.


06-23-2006, 12:54 PM
Scola has some reason to be pissy about the Finals, so I can't read too much into it.

good point, ChumpDumper.

have to keep that in mind.

And Scola is such a competitor.

06-23-2006, 12:57 PM
Thoughts on whether we will trade draft rights to Scola for a mid first round pick so that we could pick up James White?

From what Kori said, the Spurs worked him out on the 19th. I doubt that they would do this unless they were seriously considering trying to acquire him by moving up in the draft. Otherwise, why bother. Unless they trade the draft rights to Scola, how do they move up in the draft? They must feel that there is at least a reasonable possibility that they can move up. So that leads us back to trading the draft rights of Scola.

Article does not enlighten us about this at all.

06-23-2006, 01:45 PM
Is there an official link yet about Scola and/or Javtokas signing?

06-23-2006, 01:54 PM
Is there an official link yet about Scola and/or Javtokas signing?

Official as in from the Spurs, don't think so about either one.

However, it is pretty well accepted here that Javtokas is coming. Not much doubt about that. RJ doesn't have any contract obstacles unlike Scola and he won't require as much money.

There were two articles about it which you probably saw earlier in this thread. They were summarized and I will get around to translating them as soon as I can.

If I understand things correctly, Scola still has not gotten arbitration to make it feasible for the Spurs to get him over here yet. This is from what I read here in the past (not from article). He still has 2 years on his contract I believe.

And as was pointed out, in the interview Scola did say that he had not been thinking about anything other than the Finals he was playing in and that his desire to move into the NBA was not quite as great as it was five or six years ago.

06-23-2006, 01:55 PM
Trading Scola's rights is tricky. Whoever would trade for his rights has no idea if Scola would actually sign with them if he didn't like the deal or the situation. Wild guess, if there is a deal I'm guessing it's with Chicago for their 16 pick since Nocioni is there.

T Park
06-23-2006, 01:56 PM
Id try and package him up to try and get Boozer.

06-23-2006, 01:56 PM
Trading Scola's rights is tricky. Whoever would trade for his rights has no if Scola would actually sign with them if he didn't like the deal or the situation. Wild guess, if there is a deal I'm guessing it's with Chicago for their 16 pick since Nocioni is there.

Good point and that makes sense.

Plus, Scola if they could get him over there would give them a low post scorer which is a major need of theirs.

06-23-2006, 01:57 PM
Id try and package him up to try and get Boozer.

I guess Boozer would be good enough to start.

He's okay. But not great.

06-23-2006, 01:58 PM
damm boozer is more of a sure bet then scola helping the spurs

06-23-2006, 02:00 PM
My uncle stayed at a Holiday Inn last night and he said that Cuban and Holt were going to exchange the Spurs and Mavs with each other.

06-23-2006, 02:01 PM
Boozer punked Cleveland and has been a bitch at Utah. Pass.

Pop doesn't take guys with that kind of character anyways.

06-23-2006, 02:45 PM
This is BS. Houston isn't going to scoop San Antonio about Scola signing.

T Park
06-23-2006, 02:58 PM
Boozer punked Cleveland and has been a bitch at Utah. Pass.



pass on a 20 and 10 guy.


06-23-2006, 03:00 PM


pass on a 20 and 10 guy.


Yea but now he seems to be in "injury-guy" section

06-23-2006, 03:03 PM
So Boozer is your latest hard on?

Pass on a guy that took a vacation for most of the season for a bruise costing the Jazz a playoff spot and kept talking about wanting to go to LA after the Jazz got him out of his promise to Cleveland. A guy who's played 51 and 33 games the last two years after he got his payday. You bet I'll pass.

06-23-2006, 03:06 PM
While you've probably fabricated all of that out of thin air, even if your "uncle" had heard it, it carries little weight, because no media outlet in Houston has close enough ties to the Spurs to make such a scoop. This forum has more and better information.
I agree, most of the time I find out things here a day before it gets announced.

Kori Ellis
06-23-2006, 03:09 PM
A very SHORT summary
He’s tired because of the finals, and very disappointed because of the results.
If TAU offers him an extension he’ll consider.
He has no news coming from San Antonio, since he was focused on ACB’s finals, a very light complain about NBA’s environment where everything is developed in secret.
If he’ll become a NBA player, he’s not worried since he is very comfortable in TAU ... if the question were made 6 years ago he would be desperate but now he has a family and a different perspective about that.

Out of curiousity, is Scola known as a complainer?

It seems he's complained before about how the Spurs/NBA handle stuff.

06-23-2006, 03:13 PM
For now, the Spurs don't have a true center. Mohammed is a free agent, and though the Spurs are open to re-signing him if the price is right, they also will explore sign-and-trade options. They expect to sign Robertas Javtokas, a 6-11 former second-round pick who has been playing in Lithuania, but consider him a solid rotation player more than a starting option.

The arrival of Bonner and Williams also increases the likelihood the Spurs will trade the rights to Argentine forward Luis Scola. With Fabricio Oberto also under contract, the team is deep at power forward.

In addition to finding a center, the Spurs will try to add a third point guard and a younger, athletic wing player via free agency or trade. They don't expect any immediate help from next week's draft even if they trade for a first-round selection. If the Spurs need to make a move during the season, Williams' $4.3 million contract might attract teams looking to get under the salary cap.


Mr. Body
06-23-2006, 03:13 PM
Out of curiousity, is Scola known as a complainer?

It seems he's complained before about how the Spurs/NBA handle stuff.

It does seem he's a complainer. I don't know if he's a complainer on his team - doesn't seem so. More, it's that he REALLY wants to play in the NBA and is getting frustrated about it. I have no idea if that carries over to the Spurs, if he plays here, but he does seem to be a fiery cuss.

Mr. Body
06-23-2006, 03:16 PM
The arrival of Bonner and Williams also increases the likelihood the Spurs will trade the rights to Argentine forward Luis Scola. With Fabricio Oberto also under contract, the team is deep at power forward.

This doesn't follow for me. Bonner is a situational player, Williams is far from a power forward. And Oberto, whatever he plays, is a back up. None of them have starting talents. I don't see the Bonner/Williams trade as doing anything about bringing Scola over.

06-23-2006, 03:16 PM
Scola seems like a pansy. Forget that dude. I can't wait for the Spurs to trade his rights.

Mr. Body
06-23-2006, 03:17 PM
Scola seems like a pansy. Forget that dude. I can't wait for the Spurs to trade his rights.

Ok. We'll tell the board your vote.

06-23-2006, 03:18 PM
I hope RJ signs soon,I hate waiting.

06-23-2006, 03:21 PM

We have a full house. More changes to come if Scola is indeed brought over.

06-23-2006, 03:22 PM
Ok. We'll tell the board your vote.

Its not a vote chump. Its an opinion.

06-23-2006, 03:26 PM

We have a full house. More changes to come if Scola is indeed brought over.

we need to dump horry. I want people on this team who are going to contribute.

Mr. Body
06-23-2006, 03:37 PM
Its not a vote chump. Its an opinion.

Okay, then. Your opinion sucks. Scola is not a 'pansy', whatever that means in basketball terms.

Buddy Holly
06-23-2006, 03:40 PM

We have a full house. More changes to come if Scola is indeed brought over.

Oberto, Brent, Beno, traded to Utah for either Boozer or AK.

06-23-2006, 03:44 PM
Okay, then. Your opinion sucks. Scola is not a 'pansy', whatever that means in basketball terms.

That would be your opinion. In my eyes, your opinion sucks.

Kori Ellis
06-23-2006, 03:45 PM
Oberto, Brent, Beno, and Erik Williams traded to Utah for either Boozer or AK.

Williams can't be traded in a package for 2 months.

Buddy Holly
06-23-2006, 03:48 PM
Williams can't be traded in a package for 2 months.

I read my post asking when he could be traded after I posted that.

06-23-2006, 03:48 PM
In the Basketball World

SCOLA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BONNER

And Bonner have a 2 million Contract so ´3-3.5 Millions aren´t a Big Deal

06-23-2006, 03:48 PM
Out of curiousity, is Scola known as a complainer?
It seems he's complained before about how the Spurs/NBA handle stuff.

Not sure about his record about this issue, in the article he sounds ironicaly about how different is NBA to Europe

06-23-2006, 03:54 PM
Oberto, Brent, Beno, traded to Utah for either Boozer or AK.

If you had Boozer or Kirilenko on your team would you do that deal?

cecil collins
06-23-2006, 03:57 PM
Maybe for Boozer(man is he overpaid), but Kirilenko is probably unrealistic.

06-23-2006, 04:00 PM
Boozer has $47 mil or so owed to him until 2010.
AK47 has $75 mil or so owed to him until 2011.

That is a lot of money.

Buddy Holly
06-23-2006, 04:01 PM
If you had Boozer or Kirilenko on your team would you do that deal?

The Jazz say everyone's tradeable on that team.

Beno is a great back up for them. Brent can hit the outside shot and Oberto would be a good back up to Okur.

The Heat got Shaq for Odom, Butler and Grant.

06-23-2006, 04:05 PM
It was rumored yesterday in Ole' that Scola was offered an extension until 2011 by TAU.

06-23-2006, 04:06 PM
Williams can't be traded in a package for 2 months.
Setting aside the question of whether that's a realistic deal or not, there have been deals teams have done in past summers where they work out a trade and announce it, but don't actually file to complete it for a couple of months.

If we wanted to package Williams in a deal, it probably wouldn't cause too big a problem if the deal couldn't be filed until August. That's still plenty of time before camp.

06-23-2006, 04:07 PM
Sure, Boozer or Kirilenko is available if something worthwhile is offered in return.

Spurs Dynasty 21
06-23-2006, 04:08 PM
Sure, Boozer or Kirilenko is available if something worthwhile is offered in return.

trade Scola's rights and Manu for AK47

06-23-2006, 04:09 PM
The Jazz say everyone's tradeable on that team.

Beno is a great back up for them. Brent can hit the outside shot and Oberto would be a good back up to Okur.

The Heat got Shaq for Odom, Butler and Grant.
"Everybody's tradeable" isn't the same thing as "we're holding a fire sale and everything must go."

They're trying to find someone who will trade them equal value.

No way they'd even take the phone call if that's for Kirilenko. If nothing better comes along, I suppose they might for Boozer given his contract and injury history.

Buddy Holly
06-23-2006, 04:12 PM
Sure, Boozer or Kirilenko is available if something worthwhile is offered in return.

Throw in Scola's rights.

Scola, Beno, Brent, Oberto for AK.

06-23-2006, 04:14 PM
Kirilenko is a very good player but when is the last time you saw him take over a game in the 4th quarter? You don't trade players that fairly regularly can take ovewr at the end of important games without getting a similar player back. I wouldn't trade Manu for Kirilenko.

06-23-2006, 04:18 PM
WTF. Why would Utah take four guys who can't get off the bench for Kirilenko. Dumb.

Buddy Holly
06-23-2006, 04:36 PM
Because they get expiring contracts with hree of them.

06-23-2006, 04:39 PM
You look for expiring contracts with Malik, with Rasho. You don't look for expiring contracts for Kirilenko or even Boozer, though you couldn't give him to me.

They want good players, high draft picks.

06-23-2006, 04:46 PM
Because they get expiring contracts with hree of them.Feh, they could just not make the trade and wait a year when they will have close to max cap space again....

....and have AK.

06-23-2006, 04:53 PM
AK47 is a triple-double waiting to happen on each game. I would deal any player for him except Tim, Manu or Tony. And yes I meant to include Bowen (since AK47 plays the same position).

06-23-2006, 05:08 PM
AK47 is a triple-double waiting to happen on each game. I would deal any player for him except Tim, Manu or Tony. And yes I meant to include Bowen (since AK47 plays the same position).
Well who the fuck wouldn't?????

06-23-2006, 05:11 PM
Well who the fuck wouldn't?????
Now, the question is: what should we give the Utah front office to smoke? :smokin

06-23-2006, 06:48 PM
Javtokas = better in NBA than in Euro-ball.

Scola = better in Euro-ball than in NBA.

Manu = better than anyone (almost).

06-24-2006, 05:12 PM
You might not believe me because I dont have a link,and I understand.Anyways,my uncle is a cop in Houston and he said on some sports or news channel he heard the Spurs were close to signing Scola and agreed in principle to a multi-year deal with Javtokas.They are reportedly also going to wave Eric Williams.

:rolleyes Wow a Houston Cop knows about the Spurs situation first before the city of San Antonio amazing :cop This must be totally true!! :lol

06-25-2006, 03:58 AM

orb=2.5mill, javtokas=lle,

if i was javtokas fuk that