View Full Version : Now You Know Why

Hook Dem
10-17-2004, 07:15 PM
by Don Bendell

If you are an American of any political party, nothing will make you see the color red like this next paragraph will!

A member of the US Army Reserves, a twenty-five year old first lieutenant assigned to the 1st Cavalry Division serving in Iraq, a recipient of the Silver Star and Purple Heart, recently traveled to Tehran, Iran, where he met with senior Al Queda officials close to Usama bin Laden and several extremist Iranian mullahs to try to negotiate a peaceful end to the War in Iraq with no authorization from our government. The terrorist leaders met for two days of intense discussions with the junior officer. Yesterday, the young lieutenant returned to Washington, DC to meet with a congressional select committee, where he plans to propose the Al Queda’s list of demands for the United States incorporated into his own personal proposed peace plan, and this will be followed by a press conference. The soldier also plans to testify for the congressional committee and expound about American soldiers committing horrendous daily atrocities in Iraq against civilians and terrorists alike, with the full knowledge and sanction of the entire US military chain of command.

Can you imagine the harm this will do to our efforts against terrorism? Are you as infuriated, outraged, and beyond upset as I am? Then do something about it! But first, my fellow Americans, just chill: The lieutenant is fictional.

The story is not; I just retold John Kerry’s Vietnam story with a modern-day setting. Now, you know more clearly why so many of us Vietnam veterans are so passionately against the election of John F. Kerry for President, and why the Vietnam War does indeed matter in this election.

For those who loudly proclaim that there was a My Lai and other atrocities, I reply but there are also Crips and Bloods in our society. For every large group of good guys in our society, we have a rapist, a murderer, a torturer, but that does not mean that MOST men are that way.

Unlike Hollywood’s portrayals and John Kerry’s myths, most generals and admirals are actually men of honor who want to preserve American’s lives, not rush young men into war. 288 of them and 53 Vietnam Medal of Honor recipients support George W. Bush’s re-election, by the way. That is also why Swift Boat Veterans and POW’s for the Truth should be heeded and respected http://www.swiftvets.com/.

Our greatest proponents of peace are the true warriors who have been there. We have seen the hell. We have lived the hell. But most of us lived through it with our honor, dignity, and sense of being an American soldier, sailor, airman, or marine intact: We have always been the good guys; that is, until Kerry, Fonda, wannabe-Woodward’s and Bernstein’s, and their ilk came along. Then we Vietnam veterans became the disenfranchised, zombie-like, robotic killers, cast under the spell of our evil government-controlled mind machine. But now, somehow we are normal people, albeit with some very rough memories, who are active in your church, PTA, local businesses, government, factories, and professional offices.

John Kerry is out to use anti-war rhetoric to hurt our soldiers again. John Kerry has used a war to his advantage and he is doing it again. John Kerry has left a trail of deeply wounded Vietnam Veterans and he wants to turn the United States against our soldiers again. The process has already started.

If you are an undecided voter or a democrat, please listen to me. You cannot, you must not, I implore you, please do not screw our veterans and active duty military again with apathy like it was done to Vietnam vets before! John Kerry opened the deep scabbed-over wounds that so very many of our number suffered from. We are now blood-letting those wounds, and the re-election of George W. Bush can be the very antiseptic we need, so those wounds can properly heal over this time. We Vietnam veterans can finally have some closure, or you can elect Kerry, and many of us will go deeper into that quiet painful place again. That deep bottomless pit of hurt and betrayal. Many did not care then. Will you now? We all walked around fairly normal but sometimes with that blank faraway look in our eyes. If you are a wife of one of us, you know what I mean by that look. But now, there is hope, and some of us even have a spring in our limping steps, but our proper healing is totally in your hands, and the potential emotional wounding of our children serving in Iraq and Afghanistan is also in your hands. Will you let them come home being told they served in the “wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time?” We must stay the course with President Bush. We absolutely must.

John Kerry’s low-class invasion into the dignity and privacy of the Cheney family in the third debate showed you a glimpse at the darkness of his true character that many of us already knew. His running mate’s equally inappropriate remark in the Vice-Presidential debate showed us Kerry also has an evil “Mini-Me” to parrot the mannerisms of his dark side.

But to most of us Vietnam veterans, John Kerry is quite simply Benedict Arnold, and now mounting evidence as reported in the NEW YORK SUN, October 13 article http://www.nysun.com/article/3107 shows he may well have received a less than honorable discharge, which was later reversed by a “board of officers” at Jimmy Carter’s direction. In fact, as your President, John Kerry would be a copper-toned Jimmy Carter without the religious convictions.

4 out of 5 active duty military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan strongly support George W. Bush. Their very lives are on the line day in and day out. What do you suppose your vote putting Kerry into office will do to their morale? If 4 out of 5 don’t like him, how can he possibly lead them? Or do you really care as long as you think your health care cost is going to actually come down?

John Kerry has put the ultimate “Me” into Presidential politics. Isn’t it about time we get back to “We,” as in “We, the People?”

In his time off, Kerry likes to windsurf in the Hamptons. President Bush puts on old jeans and fixes fence and cuts firewood on his ranch. Who do you really want protecting us and leading our brave troops, Windsurfer Dude or the American cowboy?

Don Bendell served as an officer in four Special Forces Groups, including a tour on a green beret A-team (Dak Pek) in Vietnam in 1968-1969, and was in the Top Secret Phoenix Program, is a top-selling author of 21 books, with over 1,500,000 copies of his books in print worldwide, a 1995 inductee into the International Karate Hall of Fame, and owns karate schools in southern Colorado. His pro-Bush/anti-Kerry editorials have been widely published and circulated by millions all over the world on the internet, he has been interviewed on FOX NEWS LIVE and on many radio talk shows.

Permission is hereby granted to reprint, copy, or pass this on wherever and to whomever you choose. This is the 14th in a series of 14 editorials about John F. Kerry, and is posted on my website with the other 13.
Don Bendell

mailto:[email protected] website: www.donbendell.com <http://www.donbendell.com/>

10-17-2004, 07:27 PM
That is also why Swift Boat Veterans and POW’s for the Truth should be heeded and respected http://www.swiftvets.com/.

The swift vets are about as reliable of a source as Michael Moore. It's propaganda.

Respectable veterans and leaders like John McCain have condemned the group.

10-17-2004, 07:36 PM
Respectable veterans and leaders like John McCain said the same thing 30 years ago about Kerry's comments to the Senate, after coming home from VietNam POW camps, and before they ever had any inkling Kerry was going to be a Senator or run for President.

McCain has been critical of the Swiftboats attacking his VietNam Service...not of the attacks on Kerry's Senate comments...in fact McCain was the first one to attack those comments back in the early 70's.

He didn't work with Kerry on the Swiftboats or he might have had the same opinion on that issue as well.

10-17-2004, 07:42 PM
And Michael Moore is 1 man as is John Kerry...nither of them are a veterans group consisting of 200 members...all saying the same thing. I'd say the odds are that Michael Moore and John Kerry are both liars before I'd say everyone of the swiftboat vets is propagandizing.

But if you truly respect McCain then I hope you realize he is supporting Bush, not Kerry, inspite of his disdain for those swiftboat adds.

10-17-2004, 07:45 PM
Kerry could silence the SwiftVets easily if he really wanted...all he has to do is release his military records in their entirety...he won't do it...why not?

10-17-2004, 08:24 PM
I for one could give two shits about what Kerry did in Vietnam. He went. W was at home protecting Texas and Alabama from the Viet Cong.

Swift Vote Vets have been tied to money dished out by people close to Bush. Money is a great incentive that will make you distort the truth.

That brings us to the allegations that he misrepresented his own experiences. Here, Kerry's testimony was firsthand, so his veracity is on the line. Only two statements in the ad fall into this category. One comes from Louis Letson: "I know John Kerry is lying about his first Purple Heart because I treated him for that injury." The other comes from Van O'Dell: "John Kerry lied to get his Bronze Star. ... I know, I was there, I saw what happened."

Letson loses credibility right away for implying that he has firsthand knowledge about his allegation. He doesn't. The allegation has to do with the source of Kerry's injury, not its severity. According to Tuesday's Los Angeles Times, Letson told the paper that after treating Kerry, "[Letson] learned from some medical corpsmen that other crewmen had confided that there was no exchange of fire and that Kerry had accidentally wounded himself as he fired at the guerrillas. Letson said he didn't know if the crewmen giving this account were in the boat with Kerry or on other boats."

That's third-hand testimony from somebody who doesn't even know the identity or location of the firsthand source. Pretty lousy stuff. Furthermore, the Times notes, "Navy rules during the Vietnam War governing Purple Hearts did not take into account a wound's severity—and specified only that injuries had to be suffered 'in action against an enemy.' … A Times review of Navy injury reports and awards from that period in Kerry's Swift boat unit shows that many other Swift boat personnel won Purple Hearts for slight wounds of uncertain origin." Case closed.

O'Dell, on the other hand, really "was there" when Kerry earned his Bronze Star. This was the incident in which Kerry pulled Jim Rassman, a green beret, from a river. Nobody disputes that it happened or that mines had gone off. Kerry says the rescue happened under fire. O'Dell and some others who were in boats nearby say it didn't. Rassman backs up Kerry's version. So does Del Sandusky, a crewman on Kerry's boat, who told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch last week, "I saw the gunflashes shooting at us from the shore. I saw the rounds hitting the water." So does the Navy's official after-action report. Such reports normally included input from all Swift boat officers involved in a battle. Bottom line: Everyone agrees that there were explosions, and among the men who were on Kerry's boat or in the water next to it, the record of testimony on Kerry's account that


Aggie Hoopsfan
10-17-2004, 09:18 PM
Yeah, and we all know there's no political action groups or big money behind Kerry...

It's amazing how ready liberals are to piss on our veterans and POWs when they criticize the Hanoi Boy, but one whiff of impropriety WRT veterans' benefits or the like and they're screaming bloody murder about how our vets need to be taken care of/treated with respect.

Same shit, different liberal.

10-17-2004, 09:29 PM
It's amazing how ready liberals are to piss on our veterans and POWs when they criticize the Hanoi Boy
yes, republicans never piss on any vietnam veterans who speak out or are running against Bush!
John McCain, John Kerry, and Max Cleland

10-17-2004, 10:09 PM
I for one could give two shits about what Kerry did in Vietnam.

Swift Vote Vets have been tied to money dished out by people close to Bush. Money is a great incentive that will make you distort the truth.

Served? He tried to do the same thing Bush did...you do realize Kerry joined the naval reserve right? You do realize he tried to defer his service to study in Paris right?

You do realize his commencement speech at Yale(before he joined the service) was anti war?

THe only reason Kerry was in VietNam was because he got fucked.

Bush is certainly no hero...but Kerry is a traitor.

I want you to tell me one time Kerry has ever mentioned that he tried to defer his service and joined the Reserve just like Bush. He lies and says he volunteered to serve in VietNam...an outright lie.

Kerry has sold out this country and it's soldiers to advance his career, Bush has never done that.

And Kerry comes from the same big money background as Bush...do some research...you'll find out which candidate is hiding more.

Hook Dem
10-17-2004, 10:14 PM
"And Kerry comes from the same big money background as Bush...do some research...you'll find out which candidate is hiding more." .................They know that Whottt but they got their head up Kerry's ass and can't see nothing! :lol

10-17-2004, 10:37 PM
Dammit they know?

I guess there's no sense holding back on my bombshell that they are cousins..I was saving that for just the right opponent. I have to admit that I thought they knew before I thought they didn't know, so I guess it's back to square one.

What it is is that the true intellectuals(that do not rely on party press releases for their info) and the non intellectuals, know Bush is more legitimate and honest about his background...while the pseudo intellectuals think they have discovered something by parroting democratic party propaganda and Michael(I voted for Nader and advocated everyone else do the same before I realized it was an incredibly stupid thing to do) Moore.

Ultimately my research leads me to conclude that Bush is what he says he is, a silverspoon, money loving, patriot, who genuinely loves this country, while Kerry is definitely not what he claims to be...and what he really is...he shouldn't even have citizenship, much less be allowed to run for President.

Aggie Hoopsfan
10-17-2004, 11:49 PM
yes, republicans never piss on any vietnam veterans who speak out or are running against Bush!
John McCain, John Kerry, and Max Cleland


McCain's backing Bush, has even been campaigning for him.

Kerry's campaigning against Bush? No shit, I would expect a guy trying to be president from the other party to be against Bush.

Cleland? Wow, you got me. One vet obviously trumps the 280+ or whatever it is that make up the SBV/POWFT group, especially Bud Day.

10-18-2004, 01:03 AM
Served? He tried to do the same thing Bush did...you do realize Kerry joined the naval reserve right?


10-18-2004, 01:42 AM
LMAO, ahh the naive...

He was already called into duty when he made that request, in effect he was already involved in the war...he had already been in VietNam.

And I'll tell you how he got fucked...First of all he didn't expect to have to go to VietNam or be on avtive duty when he joined the Naval Reserve..And secondly...well I'll just let noble John tell you himself....In his own words from a favorable book about him:

"I didn't really want to get involved in the war."When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling and that's what I thought I was going to be doing." - John Kerry. Source - Tour of Duty, Brinkley 1986 Pp:431.

So after he got fucked by being sent to Vietnam as a member of the Naval Reserve, he signed up for what he thought would be a cushy low risk job and they changed the purpose of the swiftboats in the VietNam war to that of brownwater combat and patrol.

Give our Johnny credit though...it took him a mere 4 months to get the fuck out of that bad idea...

10-18-2004, 03:11 AM
Douglas Brinkley is a Kerry supporter dumbass..

John Kerry enlisted in the Navy in February of 1966, months before he graduated from Yale. In December of 1967 Ensign Kerry was assigned to the guided-missile frigate USS Gridley; after five months of service in the Pacific, with a brief stop in Vietnam, he returned to the United States and underwent training to command a Swift boat, a small craft deployed in Vietnam's rivers. In June of 1968 Kerry was promoted to the rank of lieutenant (junior grade), and by the end of that year he was back in Vietnam, where he commanded, over time, two Swift boats. He received the Purple Heart three times for wounds suffered in action, and was awarded the Bronze Star and the Navy's Silver Star for gallantry in action. Kerry was discharged from the Navy in January of 1970, and soon became one of the most prominent spokesmen for the antiwar movement.

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Tour Of Duty, the Atlantic Online (http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/prem/200312/brinkley)


Here's how "presidential historian" Douglas Brinkley figures it: Various factual inaccuracies and contradictions in Tour of Duty, his famously sycophantic biography of John Kerry, are frequently cited by opponents of Kerry's presidential campaign. On the other hand, the sycophantic parts of the book are just as frequently cited by Kerry's friends. In other words, both parties find his work useful. And what better proof of his academic objectivity and integrity could there be than that?

So, nah, Brinkley's "not worried" about appearing biased, he tells the New Orleans Times-Picayune in a "wide-ranging interview in the soaring lobby of his Uptown home" published August 27. Sure, he says, "I'm sympathetic to Kerry in his 20s." And "it's no secret I think he would make a first-rate president." And, okay, Brinkley's "angry" about "false accusations made against Kerry's military record." Also, Brinkley cohosted a fundraiser for Kerry in February 2003. Plus which, he spoke at a rally for Kerry in New Orleans this past March. . .

But, hell, "I'm not a partisan" or anything, he points out. "I don't have some ax to grind against President Bush. I try to be judicial."

A judicial activist, you might call him.

The Weekly Standard (http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/004/509jmhpw.asp)

10-18-2004, 04:06 AM
Douglas Brinkley is a Kerry supporter dumbass..

No shit? Fucking really? Whoda fucking known that?

...well I'll just let noble John tell you himself....In his own words from a favorable book about him:

Anyone that can read.

I deliberately used the words of Kerry quoted by a Kerry backer to eliminate the usual right wing conspiracy BS excuse...One doesn't need interpretations to discredit Kerry, he has done a fine job of it himself.

Just in case you missed the gist of my quote by Kerry from a book written by a Kerry backer:

"I didn't really want to get involved in the war."When I signed up for the swift boats, they had very little to do with the war. They were engaged in coastal patrolling and that's what I thought I was going to be doing."

Tour Of Duty, the Atlantic Online (http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/prem/200312/brinkley)


The Weekly Standard (http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/004/509jmhpw.asp)

I have no fucking clue what the signifigance of those links is supposed to be....

I posted Kerry's own words...I don't need anyone else to tell me what they mean...Kerry and his life already have.

One last time:

I didn't really want to get involved in the war.

10-18-2004, 04:38 AM
The essential point you are missing is that Kerry is every bit the silver spoon Bush is...albeit he joined an unluckier reserve service in an attempt to avoid Vietnam.

Kerry: Son of a politician(or diplomat if you like)
Bush: Son of a politician(and a dimplomat as well)

Kerry:Joined the reserves in an attempt to avoid combat in Vietnam
Bush: Joined the reserves in an attempt to avoid combat in Vietnam

Kerry:Member of the super evil Skill and Bones society, that controls the world and gets us into wars, in college.

Bush:Member of the super evil Skill and Bones society, that controls the world and gets us into wars, in college.

Where they diverge is that Kerry got fucked and called into active duty.

Where they diverge is that Kerry paints himself as someone who served out of an obligation and love of his country...which is obviously a lie. He was anti-war in college. He was trying to avoid combat in Vietnam by joining the reserves, just like Bush. I don't discredit Kerry's actual service...the man served...I discredit him when he paints himself as sometype of fearless patriot that was changed by the war.

Kerry is now trying to paint himself as some strong millitary man who changed when he saw the evil of war in Vietnam...but who is still willing to support war if necessary...

It's a lie, Kerry is an antiwar motherfucker, always was, always will be, bad leader for these times....sometimes war and kicking another country's ass is necessary.

Bush has never claimed to be a war hero but he has always claimed to be a patriot...it's easy to find accounts of him having a very unpopular prowar view when he was in college.

Kerry likes to surrender and call it a victory.

I seriously believe that Kerry would sign a peace treaty with Osama Bin Laden and feel good about it.

Fuck that.

Bottom line...both of these guys are silver spoons.....but Bush is who he says he is...Kerry isn't.

Bush isn't running from his past by trying to retroactively change history..Bush isn't going around trying to buy up copies of old books he wrote that he is ashamed of now......Kerry is.

Bush was willing to release his military records, Kerry isn't. Bush doesn't have Medal of Honor Winning POW's essentially calling him a traitor.

Bush is what he says he is. Bush isn't going to back down or give up on getting Osama or these wars..and he doesn't give a fuck who doesn't like him in Europe...Kerry isn't who he says he is...he's a moron that thinks everyone wants peace as much as he does and wants to be liked more than respected, he'll let the bad guys win if it means not having to fight and maybe they'll like him. It's just that simple.

Bush is a strong leader(if not a valiant warrior)...Kerry isn't. Kerry is a weak leader.

America is under attack no matter how much you want to twist the issue...Kerry is not the man to lead the country at this time.

Marcus Bryant
10-18-2004, 07:04 AM
whottt is dead on. Kerry and Bush are two sides of the same coin. Bush tries to play himself as just another guy from Midland, well, the type of guy from Midland who went to Exeter and Yale. Not that there weren't some families like that in Midland back in the 1950s and 1960s, but I don't believe that's what Bush's image makers had in mind.

As for Kerry, he was certainly a Boston Brahmin, a blue blood. His mother's family owned a rather large mansion in France as well as some other properties. Swiss boarding schools and Yale for him.

One does not join the Naval Reserves if they are gungho about fighting a land war in Vietnam. One does that after their request for an academic deferment was denied and they want to avoid being drafted into the Army.

I respect Kerry's service in Vietnam but pretending that he joined the Reserves because he wanted to fight in that war is rather disingenious. Yes, once he was in the Navy he requested Swift Boat duty. Duty that would take him into the rivers of Vietnam but duty which was relegated to patrolling offshore at the time he requested said service.

Again, I don't have a beef with his service, but he clearly didn't 'volunteer' for service with a bloodlust for combat. Others who served and fought valiantly in combat did the same and that didn't make their service any less heroic. What it does do, however, is show how full of shit Kerry's campaign and their supporters are, including the truly insane like danny boy, when they claim that Kerry was something he's not, much like making GWB out to be just another roughneck from Midland.

Frankly, I don't know why danny has such a hardon for Kerry since he's a full member of the Skull & Bones Society just like GWB.

10-18-2004, 10:18 PM
sometimes war and kicking another country's ass is necessary.yep, iraq was such a huge threat to us with their many wmd's.

awaiting your 1,000 word response. :spin

10-18-2004, 10:26 PM
yep, iraq was such a huge threat to us with their many wmd's.

awaiting your 1,000 word response. :spin
Have you read the Duelfer report or are you just relying on what Kerry and his network buddies tell you it said?

10-18-2004, 10:29 PM
I guess if Ho Chi Mihn attacked the US and was bent on it's destruction I could see the resemblence. As it was, we just didn't get that Vietnam was at its core an anticolonial movement. A waste.

Duff McCartney
10-18-2004, 10:47 PM
Are you as infuriated, outraged, and beyond upset as I am?


BTW...this guy is a moron...he's trying to spout his political bullshit and then tells the American people to "chill", give me a fucking break.

10-19-2004, 01:09 PM
yep, iraq was such a huge threat to us with their many wmd's.

awaiting your 1,000 word response. :spin

Don't hold your breath...terrorist.

10-19-2004, 01:10 PM
As it was, we just didn't get that Vietnam was at its core an anticolonial movement. A waste.

Yeah too bad we didn't have protestors that viewed the Korean War as an anticolonial movement either...then we could have lost that war as well, and all of Korea would be a shithole.

10-19-2004, 01:16 PM
The swift vets are about as reliable of a source as Michael Moore. It's propaganda.
You need to put your proof where your keyboard is. Where have the Swiftboat Veterans and P.O.W.s for Truth been discredited?

Respectable veterans and leaders like John McCain have condemned the group.
John McCain has said little since he knee-jerk condemnation of the group 1 day after the release of their first ad. I suspect he's come to realize this is a legitimate group...I notice the left isn't asking him about any of the new ads or new contributors (such as Bud Day).