View Full Version : a couple small Thank-You's.....

07-05-2006, 08:31 AM
I thought I had posted this a day or 2 ago but I probebly closed the window before posting.

1.)I just wanted to say THANK-YOU 1st off for everyone's thoughts an d concern over the death of our Uncle. We both really appreciate that.

Word of advice: get a colonoscopy. Do it. Don't be afraid of the Dr. man... get it done.

2.) Thanks everyone who gave advice and tips about Fiesta Texas. After the trip was post-poned 3 times we finally went the last sunday of June.
My brother had a blast! There was hardly anyone there (it was girlscout day but i did not see a singel girlscout) so he got to go on every ride at least 2x's.
And he was very excited to meet Scoobydoo and Bugs Bunny.
BTW- the parking is a complete rip-off: $10. and you have to pay an extra $5 if you want to park close.

so in sumation: Thank - you.
Your a bunch of good peeps. :tu

07-05-2006, 08:49 AM
Your Welcome. :)

07-05-2006, 10:11 AM
I don't think I gave you any advice on Fiesta Texas, but you're welcome anyway. :spin

Glad your brother had a good time there.