View Full Version : How do you find a job you like???

07-14-2006, 09:46 AM
My current job is boring the hell out of me. Problem is, I've worked here for almost two years now, they've offered me a full time job, and I'm pretty comfortable and like the people I work with.

I find myself bored to death everyday I come in to work (hence the reason my post count has gone up during the day). I'm too lazy to go looking for another job...I hate going through the process of applying, going on interviews, writing up thank you letters, etc etc. It's a pain in the ass and starting August I won't have much time to concentrate on that because I am take some night classes.

Do you all like your job? And if so, how the heck did you guys ever find something you'd love to do every single day? :(

07-14-2006, 09:52 AM
When I find one, I'll let you know. :depressed

07-14-2006, 09:55 AM
I hate my job too-sooo boringhttp://spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smidepressed.gif

07-14-2006, 09:59 AM
something you'd love to do every single day?

I have a great job that I absolutely love doing every single day.
There is a 9 month initiation process....

and I do't get paid. :lol

But seriously - I think finding a job that you really enjoy involves alot of self examination.
I used to think I could only get into a job that involved numbers or organization. I LOVED bookeeping.. adn at the begining of the month (slow days) I would spend a whole week re-organizing the entire office. All the paper back ups, the supply closet, even the workroom set up. ... yeah :nerd

After that we had moved to SA and I had a hard time finding a job.. I finally "settled" on one that I grew to love just as much. I ran a photo lab for walgreens.
So i figured my job needs are: semi-autonomous, project/creativity oriented.

Just think about the kind of tasks you really like to do.. can you handle repetative? or do you need a constant change of pace... work alone or with a partner or in teams....

then it;ll be easier to find something.

Old School Chic
07-14-2006, 10:01 AM
I'm happy to say that I LOVE MY JOB! :spin

Working for the Spurs is awesome...

07-14-2006, 10:02 AM
The thing is, it's hard to find the right company that's fit for you. Especially in business, I hate all the politics and crap that go into big business corps, but I don't like working on the scale of a small firm at the same time. :(

07-14-2006, 10:07 AM
The thing is, it's hard to find the right company that's fit for you. Especially in business, I hate all the politics and crap that go into big business corps, but I don't like working on the scale of a small firm at the same time. :(

Don't you do what I do?

I ended up getting a job that revolves around sports, doing what I'm educated for and have a serious amount of experience doing....and making really good money. It's fun and I love working here. I was only half-assed looking for a job at the time, and it pretty much fell into my lap. I'm not sure that happens an awful lot, though.

07-14-2006, 10:23 AM
Don't you do what I do?

Well, you do accounting right? I'm doing Corporate Finance (at a pharma company)...and while it's fun, it's not very exciting. I also have a marketing degree that has been of no use to me whatsoever. :lol

Actually, I'd love to look for another job outside of the city, preferably in New York, but right now my mom is very sick and my current job is close by to her.

07-14-2006, 10:32 AM
Oh I have compassion for this!

This is just my opinion so take it with that grain of salt.

It is wonderful to have a job that you absolutely love. However, sometimes those jobs are not immediately available to us.

For that reason, maybe you shouldn't under value the facts that at your current position: 1) they want you there, 2)you are comfortable, and 3) you like the people you work with.

Also, this may not be the best time to jump ship since you are in school and only have till August to find and settle into something new.

You don't have to and probably won't stay at this job forever.
If anything I would suggest keeping that job and applying for others on the side, when you have the time and inclination.

I don't know how pressed you are for money, so that is also a factor.

I can tell you from my present situation that a boring job is much less of a hassle to deal with than bills and no job at all.

You know that I always wish you the very best. You have good judgement... go with it.

Whatever you decide, I'm behind you. :)

07-14-2006, 10:36 AM
Speaking of jobs you love... I have to give up my Spurs job. I have known for several months now but haven't wanted to admit it because I have been hoping for some financial/ schedule miracle.

So far none has come. I feel like I need to accept my current reality and plan as if I
can't go back to the Terrace Club.Right now it really looks like that is how it is going to have to be.

I know I have to be a grown up and deal with it. Still it is really disappointing.

Like I said Parks, I feel you on the job situation.

07-14-2006, 10:39 AM
I keep hearing claims that the job market is improving but I know college graduates who have taken a year to find a job and then even not really using their degree. I would guess that someone who was drawn to a marketing degree is not really a sit in the office and do paperwork kind of person- hence your boredom. Is there any chance of you transfering into another department in your current company? Any chance of being a pharmaceutical rep- with your marketing degree?

07-14-2006, 10:43 AM
Speaking of jobs you love... I have to give up my Spurs job. I have known for several months now but haven't wanted to admit it because I have been hoping for some financial/ schedule miracle.

So far none has come. I feel like I need to accept my current reality and plan as if I
can't go back to the Terrace Club.Right now it really looks like that is how it is going to have to be.

I know I have to be a grown up and deal with it. Still it is really disappointing.

Like I said Parks, I feel you on the job situation.

Angel, I'm so sorry to hear that. I know how much you love that job, and the Terrace Club would not be the same without you. Did you wind up finding a job? Are you working at Laurel Ridge? Forgive me if you have already answered these questions, if you did, I missed it.

07-14-2006, 10:51 AM
I keep hearing claims that the job market is improving but I know college graduates who have taken a year to find a job and then even not really using their degree. I would guess that someone who was drawn to a marketing degree is not really a sit in the office and do paperwork kind of person- hence your boredom. Is there any chance of you transfering into another department in your current company? Any chance of being a pharmaceutical rep- with your marketing degree?

Actually, I have a degree in Finance and Marketing. My current job is in Finance, hence the reason I'm at the desk often. I don't like it simply because I don't think the work is as challenging or busy as I'd like it to be. I have way too much time during work to post in this forum :lol

As for going the marketing route...I spoke to my boss recently about the situation and how I need something more challenging and he thinks that with my personality he can see me as an Account Exec at the company in a few years (that's the equivalent of a pharma rep here). Problem is, I'd have to start off the first few years in Customer Service, then go on to a Sales Support position, and then eventually to account exec, which would take another 7 or 8 years. Problem is, I've done customer service before and I've HATED it.

07-14-2006, 10:54 AM
Oh I have compassion for this!

This is just my opinion so take it with that grain of salt.

It is wonderful to have a job that you absolutely love. However, sometimes those jobs are not immediately available to us.

For that reason, maybe you shouldn't under value the facts that at your current position: 1) they want you there, 2)you are comfortable, and 3) you like the people you work with.

Also, this may not be the best time to jump ship since you are in school and only have till August to find and settle into something new.

You don't have to and probably won't stay at this job forever.
If anything I would suggest keeping that job and applying for others on the side, when you have the time and inclination.

I don't know how pressed you are for money, so that is also a factor.

I can tell you from my present situation that a boring job is much less of a hassle to deal with than bills and no job at all.

You know that I always wish you the very best. You have good judgement... go with it.

Whatever you decide, I'm behind you. :)

That is very, very good advice, Angel. And your totally right...I need to appreciate that I have a job that pays good and that's stress free. That's better than most people. Hopefully things will work out, I'm going to try applying to different companies just to see what's out there.

And I'm sorry to hear about your Terrace Club job, I know how much you loved it. Hey, do they have a Terrace Club in Toronto?????? :)

07-14-2006, 11:38 AM
Personally I like b**w jobs. I've never had one that I didn't enjoy.

07-14-2006, 11:40 AM
I've found my job that makes me happy, I would just like to know I have it in six weeks.

07-14-2006, 12:00 PM
Follow your dreams and do what you really love.

07-14-2006, 12:04 PM
I really like the job I have but one thing you have to realize is that almost anything will have its points of boredom after you've done it long enough. I've had 20+ jobs in my life at least (some were very short). Anything 5x a week every week for years and years will get a little stale at times. That's just human nature. As for finding a job you like I think you have to just try out different jobs until you find one that fits you. Be open minded also I got the job I have now because I applied for a job when I really needed work and even when what I was applying for wasn't open I said well what else is open and got a job to pay the bills that I ended up loving and will probably do for the rest of my life.

07-14-2006, 12:08 PM
Angel, I'm so sorry to hear that. I know how much you love that job, and the Terrace Club would not be the same without you. Did you wind up finding a job? Are you working at Laurel Ridge? Forgive me if you have already answered these questions, if you did, I missed it.

I haven't answered those questions and thanks for asking.

The word from my friend at Laurel Ridge is that they were impressed with me and found me to be very professional, but fear I am too young to work with troubled teenagers.
My friend also suspects that the hiring committee felt I was not"ghetto enough" for that kind of work. Those were her words.

I have applied for several other jobs.

One of them is a job as a student counselor at Sac- a position which is still open for people to apply for. Once that process is over, interviews begin- probably in the next few weeks.

I applied and interviewed for a position as a receptionist at the AT&T arena. I felt things went well and was semi optimistic about my chances. However,
I just received a letter that they have selected another applicant for the job.
(I had assumed that was or was about to be the case, since it had been several weeks since I was interviewed and no one had called to follow up.)

Thankfully, I do have some work tonight and all day tomorrow as a temp nanny.
I am registered with an agency and hope to pick up jobs with them while I continue to apply and interview.

I think that the Terrace Club will ask me back. If I am still available to return at that point, I certainly will.

07-14-2006, 12:09 PM
I've found my job that makes me happy, I would just like to know I have it in six weeks.

Oooh, what did you find?

07-14-2006, 12:20 PM
Thanks for the update, Angel. Please keep us posted on how you are doing in the employment arena. I'm pulling for you. I just know that when the right job comes along, both you and the employer will know it!

07-14-2006, 12:27 PM
Thanks for the update, Angel. Please keep us posted on how you are doing in the employment arena. I'm pulling for you. I just know that when the right job comes along, both you and the employer will know it!

Thanks very much. :)

07-14-2006, 12:30 PM
Speaking of jobs you love... I have to give up my Spurs job. I have known for several months now but haven't wanted to admit it because I have been hoping for some financial/ schedule miracle.

So far none has come. I feel like I need to accept my current reality and plan as if I
can't go back to the Terrace Club.Right now it really looks like that is how it is going to have to be.

I know I have to be a grown up and deal with it. Still it is really disappointing.

Like I said Parks, I feel you on the job situation.

I really hope to see you back there, V. Hopefully, when I find a full-time job, I can continue to work at the AT&T Center.

07-14-2006, 12:33 PM
Oooh, what did you find?

The internship. It's over on August 18.

07-14-2006, 12:35 PM
The internship. It's over on August 18.

Good Luck!!

07-14-2006, 12:40 PM
The internship. It's over on August 18.

I hope things work out for you perfectly and quickly. I will say a prayer. :)

07-14-2006, 12:42 PM
I really hope to see you back there, V. Hopefully, when I find a full-time job, I can continue to work at the AT&T Center.

Thanks. I do love it there- the people, job, view :angel

I wish there were full time hours to be had there.

07-14-2006, 12:58 PM
Well, since I was so bored at work....I decided to take an hour and half lunch :oops :lol

07-14-2006, 01:02 PM
Do you all like your job? And if so, how the heck did you guys ever find something you'd love to do every single day?

I work as a headhunter and two things I tell pretty much everyone I work with is (1) if you're unhappy where you're at, look NOW while you're still employed and (2) make a list of the positives and negatives at your current employer, rank them, and do the same for each place you interview. It's pretty common for things like dress code or personal cell phone usage to be just as important as who's offering the highest salary in this day and age.

Do not quit and then start looking because once your finances start running low, you'll wind up whoring yourself out to the first available position, which more often that not is worse than the one you quit in the first place.

07-14-2006, 01:03 PM
Well, since I was so bored at work....I decided to take an hour and half lunch :oops :lol

I took an hour & a half lunch too. Only I went home and started a load of laundry and cleaned the kitchen ... and then went to go register my son for football. I'm really nervous about him playing, though. :oops

07-14-2006, 01:04 PM
I took an hour & a half lunch too. Only I went home and started a load of laundry and cleaned the kitchen ... and then went to go register my son for football. I'm really nervous about him playing, though. :oops

:lol Yea....we just went to Ruby Tuesdays.

07-14-2006, 01:07 PM
I work as a headhunter and two things I tell pretty much everyone I work with is (1) if you're unhappy where you're at, look NOW while you're still employed and (2) make a list of the positives and negatives at your current employer, rank them, and do the same for each place you interview. It's pretty common for things like dress code or personal cell phone usage to be just as important as who's offering the highest salary in this day and age.

Do not quit and then start looking because once your finances start running low, you'll wind up whoring yourself out to the first available position, which more often that not is worse than the one you quit in the first place.

:tu Oh I definitly know that. I wouldn't be able to stay umemployed for too long with the amount of expenses I incur monthly (:lol). I think I'm going to see how things go, I'm taking some LSAT prep courses starting this August. If things are still sucky, I'll start applying for other jobs too.

07-14-2006, 01:50 PM
It feels a little strange knowing I am going to work in a few hours.

That is not a good thing- means I have been out too long.

But yea! This time tomorrow I will have some money! :elephant

07-14-2006, 02:49 PM
Do you all like your job? And if so, how the heck did you guys ever find something you'd love to do every single day? :(

Volunteered. Getting an education for it.

Ed Helicopter Jones
07-14-2006, 02:51 PM
Come work for me, 1Parker1. I promise it won't be boring.

07-14-2006, 02:54 PM
Whatever you do - don't volunteer to intern in a Dentist office.

07-14-2006, 02:55 PM
Whatever you do - don't volunteer to intern in a Dentist office.

:lol Is that how you got sucked into marrying Jimbo, Mrs.Jimc50?

07-14-2006, 02:56 PM
Come work for me, 1Parker1. I promise it won't be boring.

Interesting...FYI, I like to be in control :eyebrows

Ed Helicopter Jones
07-14-2006, 02:58 PM
Interesting...FYI, I like to be in control :eyebrows

I always knew I liked you!!

07-14-2006, 02:58 PM
It feels a little strange knowing I am going to work in a few hours.

That is not a good thing- means I have been out too long.

Does that mean you haven't been working anywhere for that time. One thing I can tell you is- sometimes the easiest way to find a job is through something that happens at your current job.

It is hardest by far to get someone to hire you when you are currently working for no one. It makes employers wonder why.

07-14-2006, 03:05 PM
Does that mean you haven't been working anywhere for that time. One thing I can tell you is- sometimes the easiest way to find a job is through something that happens at your current job.

It is hardest by far to get someone to hire you when you are currently working for no one. It makes employers wonder why.

Yes... unfortunately I had two seasonal jobs, the one at the Terrace Club and one at Rollings Oaks mall.

The Terrace job I knew would end with the Spurs season.

I had taken the mall job hoping to get my foot in the door and land a permanent position in the office. However that did not work out.

By the time the lady I was subbing for returned, the office was undergoing major management changes.

Long story short, the opportunities I had hoped would be available to me were not, thus my current situation.

07-14-2006, 03:38 PM
I always knew I liked you!!


07-14-2006, 03:54 PM
And if so, how the heck did you guys ever find something you'd love to do every single day? :(

Pimpin just came natural.

Kori Ellis
07-14-2006, 04:03 PM
Marry a guy who makes a good enough living that you can goof around and figure out what kinds of things you like to do. :angel

07-14-2006, 04:06 PM
Marry a guy who makes a good enough living that you can goof around and figure out what kinds of things you like to do. :angel

You know anybody available? :angel


07-14-2006, 04:08 PM
I kid!

07-14-2006, 04:08 PM
Marry a guy who makes a good enough living that you can goof around and figure out what kinds of things you like to do. :angel


07-14-2006, 04:45 PM
I've found my job that makes me happy, I would just like to know I have it in six weeks.
Ditto. I love my job now at the United Way - I couldn't have asked for a better group of interns to work with, but the second week of August the job is over (unless they decide to take some of us on full time, which has been discussed - fingers crossed!). It's got its low points like every job (like the presentation for the corporate sponsors this morning, who were irritating as all hell), but it's worth it, and the work is going to help people in the future.

For that reason, maybe you shouldn't under value the facts that at your current position: 1) they want you there, 2)you are comfortable, and 3) you like the people you work with.

Captain Planet
07-14-2006, 04:50 PM
By The Way Take Any Advice Jekka Has To Say With A Big Grain Of Salt...

07-14-2006, 04:52 PM
Don't you have an oil spill to clean up somewhere?

Captain Planet
07-14-2006, 04:52 PM
Don't you have an oil spill to clean up somewhere?

Captain Planet
07-14-2006, 04:53 PM
Me Sir Johnny Blaze Me Like Fried Wice

Captain Planet
07-14-2006, 04:53 PM
Damn Some Heavy Hitters In This Thread

07-14-2006, 04:54 PM

07-14-2006, 04:54 PM
Me Sir Johnny Blaze Me Like Fried Wice

'Cause, you know, that's original. :lol

Captain Planet
07-14-2006, 04:55 PM
Im Sorry Let Me Correct Myself

Me Sir Johnny Blaze, Me Like Flied Wice

Captain Planet
07-14-2006, 04:55 PM
Kira Fuck You!

07-14-2006, 04:58 PM
I didn't know Captain Planet was Mexican.

Captain Planet
07-14-2006, 05:00 PM
Who Is Mexican?? I Am Silver How Does That Give Me An Race?

07-14-2006, 06:14 PM
Who Is Mexican?? I Am Silver How Does That Give Me An Race?

It's not about skin color...deep down, we know you are.

Old School Chic
07-14-2006, 06:30 PM
I haven't answered those questions and thanks for asking.

The word from my friend at Laurel Ridge is that they were impressed with me and found me to be very professional, but fear I am too young to work with troubled teenagers.
My friend also suspects that the hiring committee felt I was not"ghetto enough" for that kind of work. Those were her words.

I have applied for several other jobs.

One of them is a job as a student counselor at Sac- a position which is still open for people to apply for. Once that process is over, interviews begin- probably in the next few weeks.

I applied and interviewed for a position as a receptionist at the AT&T arena. I felt things went well and was semi optimistic about my chances. However,
I just received a letter that they have selected another applicant for the job.
(I had assumed that was or was about to be the case, since it had been several weeks since I was interviewed and no one had called to follow up.)

Thankfully, I do have some work tonight and all day tomorrow as a temp nanny.
I am registered with an agency and hope to pick up jobs with them while I continue to apply and interview.

I think that the Terrace Club will ask me back. If I am still available to return at that point, I certainly will.

I'm sorry Angel :depressed
God knows that I really wanted you to get that job since I know you would have been perfect for it. But don't give up my friend. When you least expect it, God will bless you with an awesome job. :spin

Das Texan
07-14-2006, 07:03 PM
I like my job.

Its pretty good money, lots of travel though, but I like the work.

Whatever that means.

07-14-2006, 08:32 PM
Find something that you love to do as a hobby or a passion you have outside of work - and look for a job in that area. Don't be afraid to start at the bottom, even if you have to work two jobs for the time being.

I love my job now more than anything - I don't mind working late, or going in on off days if stuff needs to be done. I don't count the hours until 5, and I love the people I work with. I just pursued what I was interested in, and looked for jobs in that field, and it paid off.

07-15-2006, 10:40 AM
Well - I like working in sports, and I like being the boss.... so I started my own company. It's a good time!

07-15-2006, 10:43 AM
My current job is boring the hell out of me. Problem is, I've worked here for almost two years now, they've offered me a full time job, and I'm pretty comfortable and like the people I work with.

I find myself bored to death everyday I come in to work (hence the reason my post count has gone up during the day). I'm too lazy to go looking for another job...I hate going through the process of applying, going on interviews, writing up thank you letters, etc etc. It's a pain in the ass and starting August I won't have much time to concentrate on that because I am take some night classes.

Do you all like your job? And if so, how the heck did you guys ever find something you'd love to do every single day? :(

First, you could always start your own business. Really.

Second, you may get lucky and one day find one. But I think most
people are much like you. Just cant be bothered looking for something

07-15-2006, 11:47 AM
My mom is a Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) and she has been doing this for over 40 years. She is one of the few people I know who still gets up every day and absolutely loves going to work. It was her dream career and she was able fulfill it. She had to work hard to do it. Divorced with 4 girls ranging in age from 3 months to 5 1/2 years while going to Anesthesia School for 3 years , and she was our sole support. But she has never regretted a minute of it.
My career was in Medical Sales and I loved it as well. I think I could have continued it forever if I hadn't gotten sick. It was always challenging and fun for me.

07-16-2006, 12:19 AM
My mom is a Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) and she has been doing this for over 40 years. She is one of the few people I know who still gets up every day and absolutely loves going to work. It was her dream career and she was able fulfill it. She had to work hard to do it. Divorced with 4 girls ranging in age from 3 months to 5 1/2 years while going to Anesthesia School for 3 years , and she was our sole support. But she has never regretted a minute of it.
My career was in Medical Sales and I loved it as well. I think I could have continued it forever if I hadn't gotten sick. It was always challenging and fun for me.
Sick? You seem very HEALTHY to me!

07-16-2006, 12:18 PM
I'm pretty lucky, if I had my pick of any job in the world, I'd take the one that I currently have and working for the boss I currently work for. I've been with my company for 10 years, it hasn't always been blissful but the people I work with have literally seen me grow up and are like family to me. The job I do is a perfect combination of my strengths and talents, I make good money and my boss doesn't mind me taking off now and then for a basketball game.

I think the key is really figuring out what your dream job is and then figuring out what steps you need to take to get there.

07-16-2006, 12:44 PM
Kira Fuck You!

What the hell? Stop polluting threads, you dipshit.

07-16-2006, 08:45 PM
Sick? You seem very HEALTHY to me!WTF does what I look like have to with how healthy I am? I have lupus and I fight it every day of my life. That's why I take oral chemo and a trillion other meds. But what you see on the outside is due to a good outlook on life and a supportive family behind me.