View Full Version : FahrenHype 911

Uncle Donnie
10-19-2004, 08:40 PM
Just saw FahrenHype 911 and it is pretty damning for Michael Moore. If only as many people would see this as saw Fahrenheit 911...

It's not sensationalized, it's not exploitative, and it's largely not even opinionated. A lot of the most critical comments made are by Democrats. If you said people shouldn't bash Moore's film without seeing it first (and I agree with that), you really should see FahrenHype before you endorse Moore's movie. I don't see how anyone could after seeing this.

10-19-2004, 08:59 PM
I've been wanting to, but I can't find it anywhere.

I know this will come from the "Big Shock" file, but the Dept. of Mass Communications at my university this week is going to show both "Fahrenheit 9/11" and "Outfoxed" this week during Mass Comm Week. It's sponsored by the campus chapter of the SPJ - an organization to which I belong.

I must say that even holding the beliefs I do, I would have liked to have seen the campus SPJ screen "FahrenHype 911" or another film with similar themes.

10-19-2004, 09:02 PM
I've been wanting to, but I can't find it anywhere
i think you can order it from overstock.com, if i remember the commercial correctly

10-19-2004, 09:08 PM
You have me fooled for somebody that pays for movies. :lmao

10-19-2004, 09:09 PM
sorry, i thought you were a sucker :)

10-19-2004, 09:11 PM
sorry, i thought you were a sucker :)

Many people have made that mistake, and sometimes, they're right. :lmao

The movie is out there, I just have to find it.

http://www.nforce.nl/index.php?m=nfo&id=77807 (Site may be NSFW)

Uncle Donnie
10-19-2004, 09:19 PM
I rented it.

10-19-2004, 09:38 PM
Going to rent it on UncleDonnie's reccomendation..Have yet to see a bad post by UncleDonnie.

10-19-2004, 11:33 PM
"Fahrenheit 9/11" and "Outfoxed"

Fahrenheit is ok, but Outfoxed is the shit. :hat

10-19-2004, 11:38 PM
but Outfoxed is the shit. :hat

Isn't that the one where they show the Bush family was behind the crucifixion?

10-19-2004, 11:42 PM
Isn't that the one where they show the Bush family was behind the crucifixion?

:lmao :lmao :lmao

Yeah, that was the one.

10-19-2004, 11:49 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao

Yeah, that was the one.


What's sad is that's about the only thing they haven't accused Bush of doing yet...I tried to think of something more recent...and I couldn't.

10-19-2004, 11:50 PM
Isn't that the one where they show the Bush family was behind the crucifixion?

Lame attempt at humor. There is a documentary out there that examines the Bush41 connection to the Kennedy assassination.

10-20-2004, 12:08 AM
Lame attempt at humor. There is a documentary out there that examines the Bush41 connection to the Kennedy assassination.

Old news.

I bet you haven't heard about the real reason? You do realize that Marilyn Monroe is related to the Bush family don't you? Kennedy should have been more careful who he toyed with...and taken us into Vietnam like the Bush family wanted.

You really must be slipping Dan....You totally whiffed on the fact that Bush is related to the greatest warmongers in history...the conspiracy runs much deeper...in every conflict in history you will find a Bush.

WWII? Well apart from the fraternization with Hitler they are related to the diabolical war monger Winston Churchill who had the audacity not to kneel before the benevolent Nazi Reich...

The Bush families role in WWI has been well documented...

Prior to that another one of their relatives Teddy Roosevelt also tended to get us into a lot of wars...

And then comes the big one...the one that killed more Americans than any other...the racist Bush family is also related to the great War Monger Satan Abraham Lincoln....

Going back a little further you will find the Bush family tree extends to..(And you're gonna love this one) Benedict Arnold...I know you are a little disappointed to find such a Great American in the Bush family tree...but if it makes you feel any better...just know he was actually a great fighter in the revolutionary war and we probably wouldn't have won the war without him...so he does still fit the evil Bush mold by way of helping this country gain independence...

And well....

Not to bore you but...What was the crucifix made of? Wood...What does wood come from? Trees...but when you think about it aren't Trees just really big Bushes after all? Umm hmmmm :).

And hey...what started all this conflict? It was those damned Jews right? Who was the guy who really lifted Judaism from being just another religion?

Moses...and who talked to Moses and told him of his mission to lead the Jews?

Yup a flaming Bush....

And hey...that was a tree(otherwise known as a big bush) that Eve picked that apple off of...

Ok we're done now and you can die happy...Bush has been connected to every evil event in world history. Nothing else to say or do...

Oh...but Kerry is also related to Bush now isn't he? How come he isn't considered part of the Bush family evil?

10-20-2004, 12:16 AM
You really must be slipping Dan....You totally whiffed on the fact that Bush is related to the greatest warmongers in history...the conspiracy runs much deeper...in every conflict in history you will find a Bush.


Actually, I'm well aware of the Shrub family history, however, since it hasn't been reported by Fox News, Newsmax, or Worldnetdaily, who's gonna believe it, right?

10-20-2004, 12:21 AM
Yeah but you still didn't answer my question on what makes Kerry any different, since he's part of that same family. Oh I get it now...he's a traitor. I guess even in an evil family like the Bush family there's bound to be a couple of blacksheep heroes like Kerry and Benedict Arnold.

10-20-2004, 12:27 AM
The whole Shrub-Kerry kin thing is very distant if it exists at all. You could probably trace most families of European descent back to one another at some point. Doesn't make a big difference.

10-20-2004, 02:13 AM
Distant? They are the children of politicians. Skull and Bones...Kerry is the richest Senator in Washington...I don't see a whole lot of difference there. Kerry refuses to release his military record, or the complete tax records for he and his wife. You know his wife has Oil holdings right? She did once.

..........................................C'mon Dan, turn that conspiratorial eye on your own candidate for a change...you might have fun.