View Full Version : You gotta love New York media

07-20-2006, 07:07 AM
The NY Post today spins the loss of Butler as evidence that the 'free spending' era is over in NY. They talk about the "stunning" 7 million, 3 year offer, and how the Knicks just couldn't rationalize matching it. As opposed to focusing on the 48 million they're giving to Jerome "Time to Make the Donuts" James.

The bottom line on Butler is this: he's 21 years old, has loads of potential, and could be a steal at this price. Even if he's a bust, his contract is eminently more moveable than say, Rasho's, or Malik Rose, etc. (who we managed to find takers for, anyway).

Thanks, again, Isaiah!


07-20-2006, 07:29 AM
Who's the one spinning?

Mr. Body
07-20-2006, 07:53 AM
Murdoch Rag.

Doug Collins
07-20-2006, 09:20 AM
Who's the one spinning?


07-20-2006, 09:35 AM

2006/2007 133 Millions
2007/2008 65 Millions, less than the Half

That I would call reduction of Costs

07-20-2006, 09:50 AM
But Isiah needs to win this year. I wonder how many of those expiring contracts are going to be traded this season for guys with 'talent'. I quote 'talent',because this is based on Isiah's judgement.

Edit: Missed a word.

Mr. Body
07-20-2006, 09:51 AM

2006/2007 133 Millions
2007/2008 65 Millions, less than the Half

That I would call reduction of Costs

That doesn't account for Eddie Curry's contract, which they don't know. But yeah, Allan Houston, Jalen Rose, Maurice Taylor, and Shandon Anderson's contracts all come off the books. Plus Jerome Williams' $7M is at team option.

If they don't make any more horrible moves, they're not in terrible shape.

07-20-2006, 09:53 AM
The NY Post today spins the loss of Butler as evidence that the 'free spending' era is over in NY. They talk about the "stunning" 7 million, 3 year offer, and how the Knicks just couldn't rationalize matching it. As opposed to focusing on the 48 million they're giving to Jerome "Time to Make the Donuts" James. Thanks, again, Isaiah! :lol


07-20-2006, 12:16 PM
NY Post link (http://www.nypost.com/sports/knicks/knicks_shun_butler_offer_knicks_marc_berman.htm)

July 20, 2006 -- The vaunted Jackie Butler Era is over!

Showing fiscal restraint for once, Knicks president/coach Isiah Thomas informed Butler's agent, Keith Glass, yesterday he will not match the staggering 3-year, $7 million offer sheet from the Spurs, as expected. The Knicks will officially inform the Spurs at today's deadline.

With all the money invested in Eddy Curry and Jerome James, Butler, 21, was viewed as their 12th man, a third-string center who didn't fit into Thomas' new uptempo attack.

Privately, the Knicks were shocked Butler got the Spurs to offer him $7 million and believe it may have had something to do with former Knicks coach Larry Brown's influence. Brown, who's longtime family friends with Butler's agent, played Butler more than anyone expected, even in crunch time over Curry. Brown is best friends with Spurs coach Gregg Popovich and obviously put in a strong word.

"Larry didn't push the deal," Glass said. "He probably made a phone call [to Popovich]. I'm sure that happened."

The Knicks have 14 guaranteed contracts and a non-guaranteed pact for next season in swingman Ime Udoka, who finished the season with the Knicks and played summer league. There's a strong chance they will re-sign free agent small forward Qyntel Woods for the 15th and final roster spot. Or they might use it on a cheaper summer-league center.

Glass showed the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in getting Butler the money. Glass' father is Brown's cut-throat agent, Joe Glass, who got Brown a five-year, $50 million deal from James Dolan when no other bidders existed.

07-20-2006, 12:19 PM
The Knicks are pathetic.

I didn't know it was possible to pay out that much money and still be the worst team in the league. You would think they should be one of the best....

07-20-2006, 01:26 PM
Are they still paying Allan Houston?

07-20-2006, 01:43 PM
Are they still paying Allan Houston?


07-20-2006, 01:46 PM
On what planet does an out of shape tub like Jerome James fit into an up-tempo style? I'm just glad they picked now to get cheap.