View Full Version : Ben Wallace: Mo Evans a spy

07-24-2006, 11:21 PM
Apparently Texas-ex Maurice Evans was a hall-monitor of sorts for Flip, or so suspected Big Ben. Weird.

The rumors behind the head-scratching deal that sent Maurice Evans to the Lakers intimated that Detroit was just dumping the solid bench forward because some Pistons from last year (Big Ben among them) regarded him as a bit of a spy for Saunders.


07-24-2006, 11:28 PM
solid bench forward


07-24-2006, 11:32 PM
Yea i read that. Sadly, it makes sense.

All year Piston fans joked about how Flip & Mo were secretly father/son or having a romantic relationship. That was the only thing we could come up w/ as a reason for his inexplicable PT.

07-24-2006, 11:50 PM
lol whats was his job? thats just stupid

07-25-2006, 01:02 AM
He probably was. How the fuck else did he get all those minutes? It sure wasn't reward for playing well.

07-25-2006, 01:15 AM
Mo Evans musta sucked in Detroit, cuz he was legit in Sac Town...

I agree, he was a solid role player off the bench. I don't see how they can bitch about him, he offers good value for a measly 1.5 million a season. If he played too much, that isn't his fault it is the coaches.

07-25-2006, 02:50 AM

He does come off as a goody goody, but a spy? :lol C'mon Ben...

07-25-2006, 03:02 AM
BTW, I think the story is wrong. He was actually a semi-mole for the Sacramento Bee. I guess he outed to one of his buddies at that paper (from his days as a King) that there were big issues between Ben and Flip. Bill Davidson and Joe Dumars don't take kindly to that kind of thing.

07-25-2006, 08:58 AM
Saunders/Evans combination contributed greatly to Piston's demise.

07-25-2006, 09:45 AM
:lol @ a Spy. And I thought Spurs fans were conspiry theorists.

Marklar MM
07-25-2006, 09:48 AM
:lol @ a Spy. And I thought Spurs fans were conspiry theorists.

Well it wouldn't surprise me. Delfino could outplay him completely, and Evans would get more minutes.

07-25-2006, 11:23 AM
Doesnt surprise me in the least and I completely believe it.

07-25-2006, 01:47 PM
I agree, he was a solid role player off the bench. I don't see how they can bitch about him, he offers good value for a measly 1.5 million a season. If he played too much, that isn't his fault it is the coaches.

I think the reason alot of people were frustrated is b/c he got minutes over a clearly more talented player even when that said player outplayed him.

I didn't watch him in Sac, but I'm assuming he played alot differently (better) there b/c even when he played here, he flat-out sucked. I don't care how cheap he was.

07-25-2006, 01:53 PM
Evans sucks with a capial S

he sucked more for Detroit than Beno and Rasho sucked for Sananton

07-25-2006, 03:46 PM
The quote makes little sense as a reason for his being traded, though, because Wallace is gone and Flip is still there.

I also remember those who wanted Mo Evans last summer for the Spurs.

Marklar MM
07-25-2006, 03:48 PM
The quote makes little sense as a reason for his being traded, though, because Wallace is gone and Flip is still there.

I also remember those who wanted Mo Evans last summer for the Spurs.

He was traded before Wallace left, so that they had another 1.5 million.

07-25-2006, 10:46 PM
I've got nothing against Mo, I think he's a real nice guy. He just couldn't play good enough D.
And that Ben thing..that's kinda weird. That might've stemmed from the fact that Flip favored Mo so much. Still, it's silly.

07-25-2006, 11:12 PM
hook em rofl