View Full Version : I don't disagree with this

07-28-2006, 02:58 PM
Can the Condi (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-barol/can-the-condi_b_25988.html)

I'm not a fan of the Secretary of State -- she's smart, sure, but so are lots of other people with dead eyes and screwed-up worldviews. But there's one thing that must be rankling her right now, and it's bugging me too. (Two things, if you count her robotic stewardship of a failed foreign policy.) How many Secretaries of State have been regularly referred to in Big Media by their diminutive, infantilizing nicknames?

I don't remember the commentators calling Madeleine Albright "Maddy," or, for that matter, referring to Henry Kissinger as "Hank." And it isn't that past Secretaries haven't had silly nicknames. Mrs. Warren Christopher called her husband "Spanky," Cyrus Vance was "Pancakes" to his staff, John Foster Dulles was called "Old Jiggly Parts" behind his back, William Jennings Bryan was referred to as "Thumpy" by his family, and Elihu Root was widely known as "Midge," for some reason. But none of these made its way into widespread public use the way "Condi" has. I guess it has something to do with the talking heads of the MSM wanting to seem in the know; when I hear somebody like Pat Buchanan toss off a reference to "Condi," it's like he's saying Hey, I'm not really an isolated wacko spinning out my fifteen minutes in the wild outer reaches of respectability. I'm a player. But I can't help thinking it's vaguely disrespectful, and none of these guys would have dared try it with a commanding male like Baker or Powell. For that matter, Albright would have pimp-slapped them into the middle of next week too.

As long as she is Secretary of State, she should be referred to as SOS Rice or Dr. Rice. I have been thinking this for quite a while myself......

07-28-2006, 03:01 PM
I definetly agree with that as well. I never thought about it, but that sudtlties like that are HUGE in diplomacy so I can see where that may be having a far reaching effect that no one even realizes.

Interesting thoughts.

Oh, Gee!!
07-28-2006, 04:03 PM
Condeleeza Rice sounds like a Mexican dish to me. We ought to send her to Mexico and let the Mexicans eat her

07-31-2006, 08:15 AM
Condeleeza Rice sounds like a Mexican dish to me. We ought to send her to Mexico and let the Mexicans eat her

Welcome back, OG.

07-31-2006, 09:01 AM
i doubt any of the world leaders take her seriously, heck even bush....

so far grain rice > condi rice...

07-31-2006, 09:50 AM
i doubt any of the world leaders take her seriously, heck even bush....

These past two weeks have done harm to her reputation as a statesman. Prior to the flair up in Lebanon/Israel, despite her disfavor with most of the progressive movement within this country, she was somewhat of a media darling and received much favorable press. Some Republicans openly drooled at the prospect of having an African-American woman on the ticket in '08 to complicate the Democrats prospects. That is all over.

There is a growing perception that despite her doctorate and expertise in Soviet affairs, she is a lightweight and out of her league at the State Department. Her unflinching loyalty to Bush is costing her among the very neo-cons who originally were her staunchest supporters. It is not only progressives that critique her performance, now the neo-con wing of the Republican party has sensed weakness and is sacrificing her on the alter of the PNAC.

Unwilling to admit that their classroom theory of remaking the middle east with a pro-American bent, these same thugs now are scape goating Rice as they have Richard Clarke, Joe Wilson, Colin Powell and generals who viewed things differently.

I am no Rice fan and her greatest strength that has gotten her to where she is today is her loyalty to Bush. I don't weep regarding the damage to her reputation but I do weep for my country that is being damaged by cult-like idealogues who will not admit the error of their ways and work to repair the damage they have done to this magnificant country.

07-31-2006, 10:01 AM
That is a terrific post, Ocotillo.

When she speaks it's like someone struggling to recall what they've memorized. Her latest quip was "Lebanon needs to stand up and disarm any and all terrorist movements".

If thats not a statement hot off the white house presses, then you could have fooled me. Our great leader has nothing to offer but a challenge that cannot be accomplished. Thanks again bush, now run to florida where your brother is waiting with open arms. Run to your comfort zone.