View Full Version : Journey/Def Leppard Concert

07-29-2006, 01:33 AM
Awesome concert, my ears are still all :spin

Journey's set was good but I really didn't like their new singer that much. He was okay. The guy before him was a much better replacement for Steve Perry. He'll get better. What was awesome about their set is that when they came back on for the encore, the singer changed into a Ginobili jersey, which got a huge ovation from the crowd. They play Dallas tomorrow, wonder if they'll do the same thing? Journey must be closet Spurs fans because they came here first.

My friend took pictures of the jersey part. I did with my phone but they suck so I'll get the digital pics from him and bump this later for those interested.

Def Leppard's set was fucking fantastic. I was really blown away. They rocked hard and really showed a lot of love to the crowd and city. Definitely an act I'd love to see again if they come back.

07-29-2006, 11:38 AM
Journey is not Journey without Steve Perry.:depressed

Mr Dio
07-29-2006, 12:27 PM
Did Def L do Wasted, Bringing on the Heartbreak & Rock Brigade?

Condemned 2 HelLA
07-29-2006, 02:42 PM
Steve Perry is now a sponsor for recovering drug addicts.

07-29-2006, 04:56 PM
I babysat for a couple of friends of mine who went to the concert last night. They said it was a great concert.

07-29-2006, 05:04 PM
I was this close < > to go going. A friend of mine got free tix and he couldn't get out of work in time.

07-29-2006, 05:10 PM
I'll never forget the time I walked out of my parents house in the Camelot I subdivision and heard a band playing. I thought "Damn...that's a pretty good Def Leppard cover! Maybe I should go check it out..." I didn't, but later when I turned on the news, I found out that it was in fact Def Leppard. They were playing the parking lot of the Windsor Park Wal-Mart (r.i.p.). :lmao

07-30-2006, 01:35 AM
The guy they have filling in for Steve Augeri (the Kenny G clone) is just temporary due to Augeri's surgery on this throat I believe. But Journey isn't Journey unless it's Steve Perry singing.

07-30-2006, 05:20 PM
Did Def L do Wasted, Bringing on the Heartbreak & Rock Brigade?

They did play Bringin' on the Heartbreak but not one song from On Through The Night; so no Rock Brigade or Wasted. They did play Let It Go from High n Dry which fucking rocked. Most of the audience had no clue during that song but it was great to hear. I'd love for them to play nothing but songs from On Through The Night and High n Dry but that would never happen. All in all, it was a great show. I went last minute and it was well worth the money.

I'll never forget the time I walked out of my parents house in the Camelot I subdivision and heard a band playing. I thought "Damn...that's a pretty good Def Leppard cover! Maybe I should go check it out..." I didn't, but later when I turned on the news, I found out that it was in fact Def Leppard. They were playing the parking lot of the Windsor Park Wal-Mart (r.i.p.). :lmao

That was the De Zavala Walmart. It was their record release party for one of their albums; Euphoria I believe. That was a cool show! Why in the hell they selected a Walmart in San Antonio, TX of all places to release a record is beyond me but it was very, very cool (AND FREE!!!!!). They did mention that the first time they came to SA was 25 years ago and SA has always been a great and loyal audience.

07-30-2006, 05:21 PM
The guy they have filling in for Steve Augeri (the Kenny G clone) is just temporary due to Augeri's surgery on this throat I believe. But Journey isn't Journey unless it's Steve Perry singing.

I didn't know that. He was ok I guess. However, the drummer sang 2 of the ballads (Open Arms and Faithfully I think) and sounded ALMOST like Steve Perry.

07-30-2006, 08:06 PM
It would be a miracle if Def Leppard ever played any song from On Through the Night. I think it is very sad they they ignore OTTN and High n Dry so much in concert.

07-30-2006, 10:44 PM
Yeah, they didn't play Wasted or Rock Brigade...I was disappointed some but their set was still awesome. Aerosmith didn't play Love in an Elevator when they came in Jan., I was really mad at them because that's my favorite track of theirs. They're coming back in November with Motley Crue, so I'm probably going to double dip and see them again and hopefully they'll play Elevator this time. If not, no big deal because the January concert was probably one of the best I've been to ever.

I heard a few tracks with Steve Augeri singing for Journey and he's really good, hope they come back with him. I'd like to see that gig. The drummer was awesome though too, they could let him get in on some more songs.

And yeah I thought it was awesome how much Def Leppard said they enjoyed San Antonio and the crowd. Most of the time bands will just come out and say "Yeah! San Antonio we love you!" just like they say to any other city. Much respect for Def Leppard :spin

LaMarcus Bryant
07-30-2006, 11:05 PM
Some day
love will find you.

Break those

chains that bind you.

07-31-2006, 04:31 AM
Augeri sounds a lot like Steve Perry, 'cept he just looks like KennyG. I remember when Def Leppard played at the Wal-Mart over at DeZavala, seems like yesterday but that was I think about six or seven years ago.