View Full Version : I have no fear..

08-01-2006, 07:56 PM
I'm surprised of how many of you already have put the mavs over the spurs this early into the season.

I think last years debacle happened because the spurs were not prepared to counter the mavs different lineup. It's different this year, and the spurs are going to have all year to study the mavs and be prepared. We may have been outhustled, but that's because we were playing 5 against 8(and i'm not talking about the zebras).

Elson, butler, bono and to a certain extent williams, will be used quite more frequently then the past line up of van x, rasho, mohammed. This will give the spurs strong 4 more time to rest and be battle ready during the fourth and overtime.

We are more versatile this year than last. Beno has been told to drop weight, this will increase his speed and stamina, and horry will not be overused.(This small tuneup may not make beno a much better player, but will make him good enough to spell parker correctly.)

People we have a new spurs team. I trust pop and his crew to utilize his weapons to the fullest.

We won't be caugh with our pants down this time, and we will overcome.

08-01-2006, 08:08 PM
I know a lot of Mavs fans have, but not a lot of Spur fans.

08-01-2006, 08:12 PM
We have enough to compete, that's all.

08-01-2006, 08:45 PM
we will take it this year

08-02-2006, 10:50 AM
yeah people on here are somewhat doubting the psurs for their chances this year, but everywhere i go, people have the spurs as their favorites to win it all, its the under the radar thing this year.