View Full Version : Wizards decide to let Jeffries leave for Knicks

08-07-2006, 12:43 PM
I know many here wanted this guy.

WASHINGTON -- Having found a cheaper and more enthusiastic alternative in DeShawn Stevenson, the Washington Wizards said Monday they won't match the New York Knicks' offer sheet for restricted free agent Jared Jeffries.

The Wizards had seven days to match the Knicks' five-year, $30 million deal. They spent the week signing Stevenson -- who, like Jeffries, is known for his perimeter defense -- to a contract that will pay him the NBA minimum of $932,000 for the upcoming season.

"Jared's representative made it crystal clear that he preferred being in New York," Wizards president of basketball operations Ernie Grunfeld said. "And we feel we have plenty of players who can take up the slack. We have players that want to be here."

The 6-foot-11, 240-pound Jeffries, selected by Washington with the 11th overall pick in the 2002 draft, has averaged 6.1 points and 4.9 rebounds in four seasons with the Wizards. Last season he started 77 games and averaged 6.4 points, but his greatest asset was his versatility as a defender.

Grunfeld said the Wizards will make up for Jeffries' absence with Stevenson and the return of Jarvis Hayes, who missed most of last season with a knee injury. The Wizards have also signed forward Darius Songaila and have high hopes for second-year player Andray Blatche, who played well during summer league games.

"We've added a lot of toughness to this ballclub," Grunfeld said. "Our toughness is going to get better, as well as our competitiveness. We're deep at every position. In all likelihood, this is the team we're going to camp with, and we're very comfortable with it."

A tentative Wizards starting lineup has either Stevenson or Hayes playing next to All-Star point guard Gilbert Arenas, with forwards Caron Butler and Antawn Jamison and probably center Brendan Haywood in the frontcourt. Training camp begins in early October.

When listing the key contributors for the upcoming season, Grunfeld did not mention first-round draft pick Oleksiy Pecherov, the latest indication that the Wizards are leaning against buying out the contract the 20-year-old Ukrainian has with a French team. With Washington's roster more or less set, Pecherov could benefit from the greater playing time he would get from another year in Europe before coming to the NBA.

"We think he has a good future in front of him," Grunfeld said. "But he's only 20 years old, so we don't want to put too much pressure on him at this time."

08-07-2006, 12:49 PM
So much for the Knicks matching a MLE offer like some claimed around here.

08-07-2006, 12:50 PM
great....other teams are signing solid role players and the spurs are signing washed up cotton candy sellers.


Mr. Body
08-07-2006, 01:10 PM
What a bad signing.


08-07-2006, 01:13 PM
JJ isn't a that good. I would burn him up and down court.

08-07-2006, 01:14 PM
Well, now we know what it would've taken to get Jeffries -- too much.

Good choice by the Wiz; Blatche needs some real PT - he has sick potential.

08-07-2006, 01:19 PM
great....other teams are signing solid role players and the spurs are signing washed up cotton candy sellers.


Very true!

08-07-2006, 01:20 PM
I don't know about spending $30 mil on Jared. That is a bit too much. I'm glad the Spurs didn't get this guy. I would have liked him on the Spurs roster, but not at that price.

08-07-2006, 01:21 PM
great....other teams are signing solid role players and the spurs are signing washed up cotton candy sellers.


LMAO!! :lol

T Park
08-07-2006, 01:39 PM
other teams are signing solid role players and the spurs are signing washed up cotton candy sellers.

With what money would you have liked them to sign these players with?

08-07-2006, 01:52 PM
. . . . and if the Spurs had signed Jeffries, Sequ would have led the charge to kill the guy and the Spurs management come mid-November.

I'm baffled by the Knicks' decision making processes this summer. They spend MLE money on a defensive-minded wing who isn't a great defender, but don't match a relatively small money offered to a 21-year-old big man who has shown some ability to score in the paint at the NBA level and has all kinds of upside.

08-07-2006, 01:54 PM
They had a full roster - it was one or the other and Zeke already had two overpaid centers he had to give some burn to justify their existence.

And these guys always seem to have no problem ovepaying for players who went to their school. Remember Jordan and the Wiz?

Mr. Body
08-07-2006, 01:57 PM
Jeffries makes some sense on the NYK. He's one of the few players on the roster who doesn't need touches on offense and plays some defense. He's one of their few glue guys, allowing them to mix and match their rosters as they play. Butler simply wasn't going to get playing time.

That Jeffries is a wildly overrated player who does very little very well is another matter.

08-07-2006, 02:02 PM
I don't think Jeffries at $6 million a year is too much. I think that is actually a pretty fair deal for both sides. The Knicks have scorers on the perimeter and a lot of big men, even though they aren't the best crop of bigs. The one position the Knicks really needed to address was the small forward position, and one that could play the role of doing the dirty work, defending, and not demanding too many touches on offense. I think it's actually a pretty good fit.

The Knicks need to get rid of Steve Francis for a veteran 2-guard and/or a back-up (even third string) athletic center, and their roster actually looks fairly well balanced. How good is a completely different issue. But, with the right coaching, rotation, and motivation, I think the Knicks could be a lot better than what everyone expects of them, especially if a guy like Quentin Richardson stays and is healthy, and Isiah can get rid of the malcontents and guys who don't fit the plan, like Jalen Rose, Maurice Taylor, and Steve Francis.

But, that is easier said than done.

08-07-2006, 02:13 PM
They had a full roster - it was one or the other and Zeke already had two overpaid centers he had to give some burn to justify their existence.

I understand that, to some extent. I just find the ultimate decision, in terms of ultimately finding ways to win basketball games, to be a curious one.

08-07-2006, 02:17 PM
great....other teams are signing solid role players and the spurs are signing washed up cotton candy sellers.


It works that way. The Knicks get a quality player, let him suck it up, and then ship him to the Spurs.

My name is Isiah Thomas and I approve this message.

08-07-2006, 02:17 PM
I understand that, to some extent. I just find the ultimate decision, in terms of ultimately finding ways to win basketball games, to be a curious one.Well, he already had most of his center eggs in Curry's basket and as talented as Butler is he'd be a little redundant for the Knicks at this point. Jeffries can play all three frontline positions too, so that mitigates things a bit.

08-07-2006, 02:28 PM
Jeffries is not a bad signing by NYK.

He might not become NY's defensive anchor, but he is good enough on the perimeter to where he can at least contain someone.

He is extremely versatile. For the exception of maybe PG (becuase that may be asking too much....does not have that great of handles for PG skills) he can play every position. If Curry or James go injured....he can step in at C out East, and he can definitely play PF out east too.

Thomas has been known to be more of a players coach and listen to them, which at times has killed him, but made him well liked by others in other times. I believe he has this bunch believing in him and making them feel excited and rejuvinated for the season.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see Jeffries flourish a bit more with more playing time. I think Isiah pulls the trigger come all-star break for some of the garbage he has on contract...so they can start clearing up some space.

Starting first with, Steve Francis.

08-07-2006, 03:50 PM
I don't understand the Wiz equation of Stevenson + Hayes = Jeffries. They brign completely different things to the table.

I guess the Wiz have decided not to even try to play any semblance of defense this year.

08-07-2006, 04:08 PM
You forgot Poland.

I mean Blatche.

08-07-2006, 04:19 PM
I'm baffled by the Knicks' decision making processes this summer. They spend MLE money on a defensive-minded wing who isn't a great defender, but don't match a relatively small money offered to a 21-year-old big man who has shown some ability to score in the paint at the NBA level and has all kinds of upside.Why be baffled? As long as Zeke continues to be in charge of personnel decisions, the Knicks will continue to make these types of head-scratching moves!

08-07-2006, 04:41 PM
You forgot Poland.

I mean Blatche.

What poland have in common wit that situacion?

08-07-2006, 04:42 PM
JJ is garbage. I'd take Butler with all his potential over Jeffries any day.

Mr. Body
08-07-2006, 04:45 PM

What poland have in common wit that situacion?

If I may jump in...

Famous quote by George W. Bush in a debate against John Kerry, when Kerry was deriding the weakness of the 'Coalition of the Willing.' It's gotten second legs as an internet phrase whenever someone foolishly retorts with some inconsequential thing they think is more important than it is (sorry, dude).

08-07-2006, 05:03 PM
If I may jump in...

Famous quote by George W. Bush in a debate against John Kerry, when Kerry was deriding the weakness of the 'Coalition of the Willing.' It's gotten second legs as an internet phrase whenever someone foolishly retorts with some inconsequential thing they think is more important than it is (sorry, dude).

ahh yea now I remember :D

:drunk :drunk :drunk

08-08-2006, 07:50 AM
I don't know about spending $30 mil on Jared. That is a bit too much. I'm glad the Spurs didn't get this guy. I would have liked him on the Spurs roster, but not at that price.
Actually, it's going to cost them $60 million, since they won't be under the luxury tax any time in the next decade.

08-08-2006, 09:09 AM
whoever said if we signed jj that we'd be cursing him out mid-november is right. i live in the dc area and have seen a lot of wiz games. the guy is incredibly frustrating to watch even though he's been tagged as being "versatile." defensively he's just ok and offensively he's a nightmare. good job by the wiz to not sign him and give the kid blatche a chance.

NBA Junkie
08-08-2006, 09:18 AM
Actually, it's going to cost them $60 million, since they won't be under the luxury tax any time in the next decade.

That makes the signing even worse considering he's a swingman with no offensive game whatsoever.

He'd be a fine player in a reserve role for most teams, but not at the unbelievably silly cost that the Knicks paid for his services. :drunk

08-08-2006, 09:40 AM
One of the penalties that Knicks fans pay is that their team has such great revenue streams from being in NYC that their GMs can make ridiculous salary offers and pay for their mistakes later. Unfortunately for Knick fans, they're not learning.

Cuban used to do the same thing in Dallas but the revenue streams came from his deep pockets. Unfortunately, he's learning.

08-08-2006, 09:47 AM
Didn't they use their mid-level? If that is the case, will they have to pay the tax? I thought they didn't. Someone please educate.

08-08-2006, 09:50 AM
they have been in the tax mode for a long time
they have 44 million coming off the books and they are still going to be in the tax mode next year by 30 million plus jeffries salary

I think jeffrie will be traded with a bad contract...

08-08-2006, 10:06 AM
Thanks Ducks.

08-08-2006, 10:23 AM
The Knicks' payroll is currently the highest in the league at over $130 million

08-08-2006, 10:23 AM
the tax hits around 65 million