View Full Version : Spain beats Argentina 79-67

08-07-2006, 02:38 PM
Pau only played 5 minutes and left the game with an injured back.

Navarro finished with 17.

Ginobili only scored 1 point.

Oberto had 16.

Nocioni had 15.

Scola had 5.

08-07-2006, 02:39 PM
Scola had 5.

Get him over here now Holt, you cheap sonofabitch!

08-07-2006, 02:41 PM
was manu hurt?

Mr. Body
08-07-2006, 02:44 PM
Scola is 5 times better than Manu, obviously.

08-07-2006, 02:53 PM

Aug. 7: l. Spain, 98-90
spain beat them by a different score

08-07-2006, 02:53 PM
No, Manu just didn't play the 1st two quarters.

08-07-2006, 02:59 PM
*looks for the argentina mafia*


08-07-2006, 03:14 PM

08-07-2006, 03:15 PM
Wow, what a terrible game by Argentina in judging by those stats.

08-07-2006, 03:16 PM
nóbili: "Nos pasaron por arriba"

Aunque se asumió el resultado con tranquilidad, el plantel sufrió la derrota: "No nos gusta perder", dijo Manu

MADRID (De un enviado especial).- Minutos después de la caída contra España, al salir del Madrid Arena, Pepe Sánchez estaba casi de incógnito vestido de civil, con remera marrón y bermudas, sentado en el cordón de una vereda charlando con dos amigos. Parecía un muchacho más del barrio. "Empezó nuestro último día libre, tengo que aprovecharlo a full", dijo el base bahiense, también sorprendido por el casual encuentro.

La Generación Dorada sabe de esto. De ponerse y sacarse el overol bajo cualquier circunstancia; son profesionales y tienen mucha experiencia. Se nota en cada frase, en cada reflexión, aun después de un pésimo partido como el de ayer. Y se supone que mañana, al regresar a los entrenamientos y luego partir hacia Singapur, todos estarán más descansados, con la mente limpia y dispuestos a mejorar.

"De aquí en más tenemos que aprovechar cada día; si hay descanso, descansamos; si hay que trabajar, trabajamos. Quedan unas dos semanas para que comience el Mundial; hay tiempo para corregir cosas. Una vez que nos acomodemos al cambio horario, de un día para otro, nos vamos a sentir bien. Nos pasó varias veces", aseguró Gaby Fernández. "A nadie le gusta jugar sin dormir, contra España. También contra Lituania nos sentimos mal dentro de la cancha", agregó el pivote de Varese de Italia.

" Nos pasaron por arriba . Nos faltó energía, no tuvimos agresividad para defender. Ellos nos presionaron y nosotros estuvimos muy pasivos", señaló un demacrado Manu Ginóbili. "Anotar un solo punto no me preocupa, por supuesto que quisiera hacer 50, pero no me gustaría salvarme si el equipo juega mal. Estas derrotas ya las sufrimos en otras giras, pero no es consuelo. No nos gusta perder, pero tampoco somos invencibles", acotó con énfasis el doble campeón de la NBA.

"Mejor perder ahora que en el Mundial. Tenemos experiencia con este tipo de derrotas, nos pasó antes de los Juegos. Hay que saber tomar la parte positiva. En este nivel, si permitís 10 puntos fáciles como ante España te cuestan el partido", dijo Fabricio Oberto, el único que mostró un adecuado nivel en el cotejo de ayer.

"Sé que el martes -por mañana- vamos a empezar a limar todos los detalles. Todos nos vamos a autoexigir más, porque nos queda poco tiempo para el Mundial", acotó el hombre de Las Varillas.

Tras el partido y una pequeña ceremonia de premiación que cerró el Torneo Ciudad de Madrid, el plantel estuvo unos 25 minutos en el vestuario, a puertas cerradas. Se dijeron muchas cosas y surgió el gran compromiso de mejorar, de no repetir una actuación como la de ayer. No hubo gritos ni discusiones; todo se habló en buenos términos y al abrirse la puerta las caras no denotaron más que el cansancio lógico de tanto desgaste y el fastidio natural por una caída ante un rival "al que queríamos ganarle porque será uno de los candidatos para el Mundial", finalizó Oberto.

Anoche, la concentración quedó casi vacía. Así permanecerá hasta mañana, cuando regresen para enderezar el camino hacia el Mundial.

# Lituania se quedó con el tercer puesto
El tercer lugar del Cuadrangular de Madrid fue para Lituania, que superó a Polonia por 99-71, con 20 tantos del alero Linas Kleiza. El base Andrzej Pluta fue el mejor anotador polaco, con 22 puntos.

Sorprendentes triunfos ante Canadá y Venezuela

Mientras el país sufre las consecuencias de la guerra con Israel, el seleccionado del Líbano, que realizó su preparación en Cisjordania por la difícil situación que se vive en Beirut, consiguió dos triunfos históricos en las últimas horas. En un torneo amistoso en Maribor, Eslovenia, superó a Canadá por 83-80 y anoche se impuso a Venezuela por 81-79. El Líbano será rival de la Argentina en el Grupo A del Mundial (se medirán el 20 del actual).

El rival de la Argentina en el debut ya tiene su lista

El seleccionador Claude Bergeaud definió el plantel de Francia, el primer adversario argentino en Japón (debutarán el 19 del actual). El equipo que lidera Tony Parker, compañero de Manu Ginóbili y Oberto en los Spurs, se completará con Yannick Bokolo, Boris Diaw, Laurent Foirest, Mickael Gelabale, Joseph Gomis, Aymeric Jeanneau, Cyrill Julian, Johan Petro, Florent Pietrus, Mickael Pietrus, Ronny Turiaf y Frederic Weis.

Amistosos del Dream Team frente a China y Brasil

Sin el pivote Amare Stoudemire, lesionado en la rodilla derecha, el Dream Team norteamericano llegó ayer a Guangzhou, donde jugará dos amistosos, ante China (hoy) y Brasil (mañana). "Estados Unidos no le otorgó el interés necesario al último Mundial en Indianápolis. Esta vez nos tomamos las cosas en serio", dijo Jerry Colangelo, propietario de Phoenix Suns, en la NBA, y director general de USA Basketball.


08-07-2006, 03:18 PM
this is the best thing that could happen to Argentina team.

Whats wrong with manu? the article says he was very pale. is he sick?

Mr. Body
08-07-2006, 03:19 PM
this is the best thing that could happen to Argentina team.

Wasn't there a quote from their coach saying they needed a wake-up call?

08-07-2006, 03:40 PM
this is the best thing that could happen to Argentina team.

Whats wrong with manu? the article says he was very pale. is he sick?

he is tired again

how many minutes has he averaged over there?

08-07-2006, 03:47 PM
Scola is 5 times better than Manu, obviously.
ha ha ha hah a

08-07-2006, 05:23 PM
WTF is up with that....

08-07-2006, 05:26 PM
Damn...Argentina got that Asssss SPANKED!

08-07-2006, 06:15 PM
I am embarassed.

08-07-2006, 06:31 PM
Its a long article and I'm in no condition to translate

basically says they're pissed they lost and that its a good wakeup call. Fernandez used the travel card saying thats why they didnt look good the past couple games, while the veterans all said stuff to the efect of "thats what these games are for, to get in groove, we cant allow easy buckets etc" Manu said he just didnt have it on O but that he wasnt worried about his offense, just winning.

As to the actual game (which i didnt see, just read articles), Scola was in foul trouble early, which atones the 5 pts. Manu flat out sucked. we were out of control and fouled and turnovered our way out of the game.

and we havent beaten spain for like 12 years. I wouldnt mind at all if you guys take them out for us, again :)

08-07-2006, 06:38 PM
This Team Does Not Need a Leader
por Manu / 08-05

This thing about the hard training is historic. The whole body aches during the first days of work with the national team. It's always the same thing. We get together, we talk about everything, we talk about our things, we ask about some placer who is in Europe or in the NBA, we talk about our families, but then the only thing we want to do is get into our rooms to res, sleep and recover.

Resides, we play tough during the training sessions and the bruises are common. What happens is that we all come from one or two months of inactivity, we are out of training, our timing is not good, and therefore, bumping against each other is inevitable. At first, you can't find the spaces, you can't make one basket, you kick the ball, you are slow, and you feel you are pretty bad. Added to that is the fact that we are 15 and that many are working to get a place on the team. It's easy to realize, each training session is a killer!

But it's always been like this. I remember what used to happen, with Hugo (Sconochini) or Gringo Pelussi, those sessions were also terrible. Now with Chapu (Nocioni), Colo (Wolkowyski), Luis (Scola), things seem even tougher. In any case, what this shows is that we are motivated, we are hungry and this is good. We have to keep working with humility, sacrifice, and trust our team mates.

For sure, in the first preparatory games, we won't do our best, because we are still in training. But what we all want it to be at our best when it's time for the World Cup, on August 19, playing against France. I would think that things Hill calm down alter that. When the work pressure is lower and we are done with the preparatory games in the country, where people's expectations are very high and people want to be near us, the excitement will die down and we will all feel a little calmer.

Regarding the work of Oveja Hernández, the new coach, we are all professionals and we will adapt to his style and systems. Of course, this is an adaptation period, but we are doing it with a lot of motivation and work. And I don't think we are short of time, one month is okay because this team has something positive going for it: We have known each other for a long time and this is a big advantage.

Regarding people's egos, it is true that we have all grown in the international arena, that most of us arrive with awards and titles, but I don't think this will have a negative effect on us. For the time being, no one has tried to show that he is above the rest. Anyway, I think that the truth will be told when things get tough. I always say that it is in difficult times when you see if a team is united.

The team has several leaders. Pepe (Sánchez) is very vocal, me too; Luis and Chapu (Nocioni) are also leaders, but this team does not need one leader. The roles are defined and one knows what he can expect of the others.

Many people ask if we are in an easy group. I say that what matters is which team we get to play in the second round. On the other side, you have Germany, Spain, and New Zealand, and these teams have always given us a hard time. But it's not for sure that if we end up first in our group, we can avoid playing one of those teams, because any of them can lose a game and end up playing against us.

Muchos nos preguntan si tenemos una zona fácil, y yo les digo que más importante que ganar el grupo, es ganar el cruce después. Del otro lado están Alemania, España y Nueva Zelanda, equipos que siempre nos complicaron. Pero no es seguro que si salimos primeros podamos evitar a alguno de ellos, porque cualquiera de los tres puede perder y cruzarse con nosotros.

I will say it one more time. We are hungry. If we weren't, we would not have joined the team. We are hungry for victory and want to do great things.

08-07-2006, 06:39 PM
I don't know why that last paragraph is in Spanish. That is how it was posted.

08-07-2006, 06:40 PM
I don't know why that last paragraph is in Spanish. That is how it was posted.
That article has been posted in the spanish site for quite a while now.

08-07-2006, 07:10 PM
That article has been posted in the spanish site for quite a while now.

That is not too surprising. Sometimes articles take awhile to get translated for us. I am happy to get them whenever.
I really need to learn Spanish. :)

08-07-2006, 07:12 PM
That is not too surprising. Sometimes articles take awhile to get translated for us. I am happy to get them whenever.
I really need to learn Spanish. :)
You should.

You live in Texas.

08-07-2006, 07:54 PM
yeah you should learn spanish because english is the national language for the USA but you should learn spanish

NOT they should learn ENGLISH

sorry that is my pet pea

I live in yuma and people here think the same thing..

08-07-2006, 08:11 PM
yeah you should learn spanish because english is the national language for the USA but you should learn spanish

NOT they should learn ENGLISH

sorry that is my pet pea

I live in yuma and people here think the same thing..
It's just for the sake of knowing another language you stupid fuck.

08-07-2006, 08:38 PM
Pau only played 5 minutes and left the game with an injured back.

Navarro finished with 17.

Ginobili only scored 1 point.

Oberto had 16.

Nocioni had 15.

Scola had 5.:wow that's why i said "i like Spain's chances" in their division. I bet on them they could be the team to watch out for in the World. It's no longer just Pau's team,their are a lot of good players on that team.

But I don't think Argentina will bow down in the actual tournament. I wish Manu didn't say they'll win the World in advance :lol, it just ignited other team's quest to work harder and beat them. And how i wish he contributed not just 1 pt.

I hope Argentina's loss won't give the U.S. team overconfidence and instead strive more to win the Gold.

08-07-2006, 08:39 PM
yeah you should learn spanish because english is the national language for the USA but you should learn spanish

NOT they should learn ENGLISH

sorry that is my pet pea

I live in yuma and people here think the same thing..
You hardly speak/write in English.

08-07-2006, 09:57 PM
yeah you should learn spanish because english is the national language for the USA but you should learn spanish

NOT they should learn ENGLISH

sorry that is my pet pea

I live in yuma and people here think the same thing..

Learning another language can only help you in life. I dont think anyone is saying that is should be a requirement. In Europe for example, it is common for people to know 2-3 diffrent languages.

08-07-2006, 10:33 PM
Learning another language can only help you in life. I dont think anyone is saying that is should be a requirement. In Europe for example, it is common for people to know 2-3 diffrent languages.

I agree.
I think it is an important courtesy to try and speak the language of whatever country you are visiting.

I know a little Spanish and am also am attempting to learn some French.

I really enjoy learning and speaking Slovene. I can't wait to go to Slovenia and practice. :)