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08-15-2006, 08:18 AM
Cyril Julian écarté

Le sélectionneur Claude Bergeaud a pris sa décision et a finalement écarté l'intérieur Cyril Julian du groupe qui participera au Mondial du 19 août au 3 septembre. Les Français étaient arrivés à 13 pour participer à la Coupe Stankovic et ils savaient depuis le début que seulement 12 se rendraient au Japon. A l'issue du match remporté face au Brésil (86-74), Bergeaud a donc annoncé qu'il se passerait des 135 sélections de Julian afin d'emmener l'autre pivot Johan Petro (20 ans, 2,12 m).

Pour Julian, 32 ans, élu cette saison meilleur joueur du Championnat de France et pilier de l'équipe de France depuis dix ans, la nouvelle est d'autant plus cruelle qu'il avait laissé entendre que le Mondial serait sa dernière compétition sous les couleurs tricolores. En revanche, c'est une nouvelle étape dans la jeune carrière de Petro, joueur des Seatlle SuperSonics.

En ce qui concerne le match face au Brésil, l'équipe de France s'est rassurée avant le Mondial japonais (19 août-3 septembre) grâce à la victoire obtenue face au Brésil (86-74), mardi, lors de leur dernière rencontre dans la Coupe Stankovic. La confiance devrait donc être revenue avant d'affronter, samedi, l'Argentine pour leur entrée dans le Mondial. Au total, les Bleus auront remporté huit de leurs douze matches de préparation.

Les petites baisses de régime observées lors de ces différents matches devront tout de même être gommées dès le début du Mondial, où le moindre faux pas pourrait coûter très cher. La France, sujette à l'effondrement dans les deuxièmes mi-temps, a semblé avoir trouvé la solution mardi, puisque c'est après la pause que les joueurs ont creusé l'écart. Une avance prise grâce à une grande réussite dans les tirs à trois points.

«Comparé au match face à l'Australie, nous avons un meilleur jeu de passes ce qui a permis aux joueurs de prendre leurs responsabilités. Nous cherchions un meilleur équilibre dans le jeu et notamment sur l'approche offensive et ce fut le cas.Notre défense a été bonne dans l'ensemble et notre repli défensif de meilleure qualité» a analysé Claude Bergeaud.

Tony Parker se blesse
Les Français peuvent aussi se féliciter d'avoir su évoluer sans être forcément au sommet de leur forme. En effet, Frédéric Weis, souffrant comme Boris Diaw et Mickaël Pietrus de problèmes intestinaux, n'a pas été aligné. L'infirmerie de l'équipe de France s'est malheureusement garnie d'un autre patient à l'issue du match, puisque Tony Parker a été victime d'une entorse à un doigt de la main en fin de rencontre. On ne sait pas encore si sa participation au match face à l'Argentine pourrait être remise en cause.

«C'est la mauvaise nouvelle de la soirée. Tony s'est fait une entorse du majeur de la main droite en accrochant un maillot, il s'est vrillé le doigt. Il ne va pas bien, voilà. Pour l'instant on n'a aucune idée sur son indisponibilité. De l'avis du staff médical, il n'y aurait pas de risque de fracture. Nous avons demandé des examens, mais comme nous partons à la première heure demain (mercredi) pour le Japon, cela va être difficile» a expliqué Bergeaud.

Ce dernier a tout de même tenu à dédramatiser : «On ne va pas faire avec Tony ce qu'on a fait en France avec la cuisse de Zidane pendant l'avant-dernière Coupe du monde, a déclaré Bergeaud. Si Tony peut jouer, c'est parfait, si Tony ne peut pas jouer on va continuer en attendant son rétablissement.»

Tout cela n'a pas empêché Parker de se montrer satisfait du niveau de jeu de son équipe. «Nous étions plus concentrés que face à l'Australie. Le Brésil fait partie des équipes du gotha mondial et cette victoire est bonne pour démarrer comme il faut la véritable compétition.» Autre satisfaction du jour, la forme retrouvé de Boris Diaw, qui a effectué un gros match avec 15 points, 5 passes et 4 rebonds.

L'équipe de France pour le Mondial :
Meneurs : Tony Parker (24 ans, 1,86 m, San Antonio Spurs/NBA), Aymeric Jeanneau (27 ans, 1,85 m, Villeurbanne/ProA), Joseph Gomis (28 ans, 1,80 m, Valladolid/ESP), Yannick Bokolo (21 ans, 1,88 m, Le Mans/ProA)
Arrières-ailiers : Laurent Foirest (32 ans, 1,97 m, ex-Pau-Orthez/ProA), Mickaël Gelabale (23 ans, 2 m, Seattle Supersonics/NBA), Mickaël Pietrus (24 ans, 1,98 m, Golden State Warriors/NBA)
Ailiers-forts : Boris Diaw (24 ans, 2,03 m, Phoenix Suns/NBA), Florent Pietrus (25 ans, 1,99 m, Malaga/ESP)
Pivots : Frédéric Weis (29 ans, 2,18 m, Bilbao/ESP), Ronny Turiaf (23 ans, 2,06 m, Los Angeles Lakers/NBA), Johan Petro (20 ans, 2,12 m, Seattle Supersonics/NBA)

George Gervin's Afro
08-15-2006, 08:43 AM
Cyril Julian écarté

Le sélectionneur Claude Bergeaud a pris sa décision et a finalement écarté l'intérieur Cyril Julian du groupe qui participera au Mondial du 19 août au 3 septembre. Les Français étaient arrivés à 13 pour participer à la Coupe Stankovic et ils savaient depuis le début que seulement 12 se rendraient au Japon. A l'issue du match remporté face au Brésil (86-74), Bergeaud a donc annoncé qu'il se passerait des 135 sélections de Julian afin d'emmener l'autre pivot Johan Petro (20 ans, 2,12 m).

Pour Julian, 32 ans, élu cette saison meilleur joueur du Championnat de France et pilier de l'équipe de France depuis dix ans, la nouvelle est d'autant plus cruelle qu'il avait laissé entendre que le Mondial serait sa dernière compétition sous les couleurs tricolores. En revanche, c'est une nouvelle étape dans la jeune carrière de Petro, joueur des Seatlle SuperSonics.

En ce qui concerne le match face au Brésil, l'équipe de France s'est rassurée avant le Mondial japonais (19 août-3 septembre) grâce à la victoire obtenue face au Brésil (86-74), mardi, lors de leur dernière rencontre dans la Coupe Stankovic. La confiance devrait donc être revenue avant d'affronter, samedi, l'Argentine pour leur entrée dans le Mondial. Au total, les Bleus auront remporté huit de leurs douze matches de préparation.

Les petites baisses de régime observées lors de ces différents matches devront tout de même être gommées dès le début du Mondial, où le moindre faux pas pourrait coûter très cher. La France, sujette à l'effondrement dans les deuxièmes mi-temps, a semblé avoir trouvé la solution mardi, puisque c'est après la pause que les joueurs ont creusé l'écart. Une avance prise grâce à une grande réussite dans les tirs à trois points.

«Comparé au match face à l'Australie, nous avons un meilleur jeu de passes ce qui a permis aux joueurs de prendre leurs responsabilités. Nous cherchions un meilleur équilibre dans le jeu et notamment sur l'approche offensive et ce fut le cas.Notre défense a été bonne dans l'ensemble et notre repli défensif de meilleure qualité» a analysé Claude Bergeaud.

Tony Parker se blesse
Les Français peuvent aussi se féliciter d'avoir su évoluer sans être forcément au sommet de leur forme. En effet, Frédéric Weis, souffrant comme Boris Diaw et Mickaël Pietrus de problèmes intestinaux, n'a pas été aligné. L'infirmerie de l'équipe de France s'est malheureusement garnie d'un autre patient à l'issue du match, puisque Tony Parker a été victime d'une entorse à un doigt de la main en fin de rencontre. On ne sait pas encore si sa participation au match face à l'Argentine pourrait être remise en cause.

«C'est la mauvaise nouvelle de la soirée. Tony s'est fait une entorse du majeur de la main droite en accrochant un maillot, il s'est vrillé le doigt. Il ne va pas bien, voilà. Pour l'instant on n'a aucune idée sur son indisponibilité. De l'avis du staff médical, il n'y aurait pas de risque de fracture. Nous avons demandé des examens, mais comme nous partons à la première heure demain (mercredi) pour le Japon, cela va être difficile» a expliqué Bergeaud.

Ce dernier a tout de même tenu à dédramatiser : «On ne va pas faire avec Tony ce qu'on a fait en France avec la cuisse de Zidane pendant l'avant-dernière Coupe du monde, a déclaré Bergeaud. Si Tony peut jouer, c'est parfait, si Tony ne peut pas jouer on va continuer en attendant son rétablissement.»

Tout cela n'a pas empêché Parker de se montrer satisfait du niveau de jeu de son équipe. «Nous étions plus concentrés que face à l'Australie. Le Brésil fait partie des équipes du gotha mondial et cette victoire est bonne pour démarrer comme il faut la véritable compétition.» Autre satisfaction du jour, la forme retrouvé de Boris Diaw, qui a effectué un gros match avec 15 points, 5 passes et 4 rebonds.

L'équipe de France pour le Mondial :
Meneurs : Tony Parker (24 ans, 1,86 m, San Antonio Spurs/NBA), Aymeric Jeanneau (27 ans, 1,85 m, Villeurbanne/ProA), Joseph Gomis (28 ans, 1,80 m, Valladolid/ESP), Yannick Bokolo (21 ans, 1,88 m, Le Mans/ProA)
Arrières-ailiers : Laurent Foirest (32 ans, 1,97 m, ex-Pau-Orthez/ProA), Mickaël Gelabale (23 ans, 2 m, Seattle Supersonics/NBA), Mickaël Pietrus (24 ans, 1,98 m, Golden State Warriors/NBA)
Ailiers-forts : Boris Diaw (24 ans, 2,03 m, Phoenix Suns/NBA), Florent Pietrus (25 ans, 1,99 m, Malaga/ESP)
Pivots : Frédéric Weis (29 ans, 2,18 m, Bilbao/ESP), Ronny Turiaf (23 ans, 2,06 m, Los Angeles Lakers/NBA), Johan Petro (20 ans, 2,12 m, Seattle Supersonics/NBA)

man this sucks.. :nerd

can someone translate this now

08-15-2006, 08:45 AM
can someone translate this now

I will translate the part about Parker's injury.

08-15-2006, 08:46 AM
Cyril Julian

Isolated The selector Claude Bergeaud made his decision and finally drew aside the interior Cyril Julian of the group which will take part in World of August 19 at September 3. The French had been able at 13 to take part in the Cut Stankovic and they knew since the beginning that only 12 would go to Japan.
With the exit of the match gained vis-a-vis in Brazil (86-74), Bergeaud thus announced that it would occur from the 135 selections of Julian in order to take along the other pivot Johan Petro (20 years, 2,12 m). For Julian, 32 years, elected official this season better player of the Championship of France and pillar of the team of France for ten years, the news has been all the more cruel as it had implied that the World one would be its last competition under the tricolour colors.
On the other hand, it is a new stage in the young career of Petro, player of Seatlle SuperSonics. With regard to the match vis-a-vis in Brazil, the team of France reassured itself before World Japanese (August-3 19 September) thanks to the victory obtained vis-a-vis in Brazil (86-74), Tuesday, at the time of their last meeting in the Stankovic Cut.

Confidence should thus have returned before facing, Saturday, Argentina for their entry in the World one. On the whole, the Blue ones will have gained eight from their twelve matches of preparation. The small falls of mode observed at the time of these different matches will have to be gummed all the same from the very start of the World one, where the least forgery not could be very expensive. France, prone to collapse in the second half-times, seemed to have found the solution Tuesday, since it is after the pause that the players widened the gap. An advance taken thanks to a great success in the shootings at three points. "Compared with the match vis-a-vis in Australia, we have a better set of master keys what made it possible to the players to take their responsabilities. We sought a better balance in the play and in particular on the offensive approach and it was the cas.Notre defense was good as a whole and our defensive fold of better quality "analyzed Claude Bergeaud.

Tony Parker is wounded the French can also be pleased to have known to evolve/move without being inevitably at the top of their form. Indeed, Frederic Weis, suffering like Boris Diaw and Mickaël Pietrus of intestinal problems, was not aligned. The infirmary of the team of France was unfortunately furnished with another patient at the end of the match, since Tony Parker was victim of a distorsion to a finger of the hand at the end of the meeting. It is not known yet if its participation in the match vis-a-vis in Argentina could be called into question. "It is the bad news of the evening. Tony had a distorsion of major of the right hand by hanging a shirt, it bored the finger.
He is not well, here. For the moment there is no idea on his unavailability. In the opinion of medical staff, there would be no risk of fracture. We asked for examinations, but as we leave per first hour tomorrow (Wednesday) for Japan, that will be difficult "explained Bergeaud.
This last was due all the same to dédramatiser: "One will not do with Tony what one did in France with the thigh of Zidane during the penultimate World cup, Bergeaud declared. If Tony can play, it is perfect, if Tony cannot play one will continue while waiting for his re-establishment."
All that did not prevent Parker from being satisfied with the level of play of its team. "We were concentrated than vis-a-vis in Australia. Brazil forms part of the teams of the world gotha and this victory is good to start as the true competition is needed."
Another satisfaction of the day, the shape found of Boris Diaw, who carried out a large match with 15 points, 5 master keys and 4 rebounds.

08-15-2006, 08:55 AM
[sort-of translation for English-speakers]

Cyril Julian Cut

Claude Bergeaud made his decision and finally drew aside center Cyril Julian of the group which will take part in World of August 19 at September 3. The French had been able at 13 to take part in the Cut Stankovic and they knew since the beginning that only 12 would go to Japan. With the completion of the match vs. Brazil (86-74), Bergeaud thus announced that Julian would be cut in order to take along the other pivot Johan Petro (20 years, 2,12 m). For Julian, 32 years, elected MVP of the Championship of France and pillar of the team of France for ten years, the news has been all the more cruel as it had implied that the World would be his final competition under the tricolour colors. On the other hand, it is a new stage in the young career of Petro, player of Seatlle SuperSonics. France reassured itself before Worlds (August-3 19 September) thanks to the victory obtained vis-a-vis Brazil (86-74), Tuesday. Confidence should thus have returned before facing, Saturday, Argentina for their entry in the Worlds. On the whole, the Blues will have gained eight from their twelve matches of preparation. The small falls of mode observed at the time of these different matches will have to be gummed all the same from the very start of the Worlds, where the least forgery not could be very expensive. France, prone to collapse in the second half-times, seemed to have found the solution Tuesday. An advance taken thanks to a great success in three-point shooting. "Compared with the match versus Australia, we have a better set of keys which made it possible to the players to take their responsabilities. We sought a better balance in play and in particular on the offense and it was the case. Our defense was good as a whole and our defense was better," analyzed Claude Bergeaud. Despite Tony Parker's injury, the French can also be pleased to have known to evolve/move without being inevitably at the top of their form. Indeed, Frederic Weis, suffering like Boris Diaw and Mickaël Pietrus of intestinal problems, was not aligned. The infirmary of the team of France was unfortunately furnished with another patient at the end of the match, since Tony Parker was victim of a distorsion to a finger of the hand at the end of the meeting. It is not known yet if its participation in the match vs Argentina is in question. "It is the bad news of the evening. Tony had a distorsion of major of the right hand by hanging a shirt, it snagged the finger. He is not well, here. For the moment we have no idea on his availability. In the opinion of medical staff, there was no fracture. We asked for exams, but as we leave in the early morning tomorrow (Wednesday) for Japan, that will be difficult," explained Bergeaud. "I will not do with Tony what was done with the thigh of Zidane during the World cup," Bergeaud declared. "If Tony can play, fine, if Tony cannot play I will proceed while waiting for his return." All that did not prevent Parker from being satisfied with the level of play of its team. "We were more focused than against Australia. Brazil is one of the better teams in the world and this victory is good to start as the true competition is needed." Another satisfaction of the day, the return to form of Boris Diaw, who played well with 15 points, 5 assists and 4 rebounds.

The Franch team for the World Championships:

Guards: Tony Parker (24 years, 1,86 m, San Antonio Spurs/NBA), Aymeric Jeanneau (27 years, 1,85 m, Villeurbanne/ProA), Joseph Gomis (28 years, 1,80 m, Valladolid/ESP), Yannick Bokolo (21 years, 1,88 m, Mans/ProA)
G-F: Laurent Foirest (32 years, 1,97 m, ex-Pau-Orthez/ProA), Mickaël Gelabale (23 years, 2 m, Seattle Supersonics/NBA), Mickaël Pietrus (24 years, 1,98 m, Golden State Warriors/NBA)
Power Forwards: Boris Diaw (24 years, 2,03 m, Phoenix Suns/NBA), Florent Pietrus (25 years, 1,99 m, Malaga/ESP)
Pivots: Frederic Weis (29 years, 2,18 m, Bilbao/ESP), Ronny Turiaf (23 years, 2,06 m, Los Angeles Lakers/NBA), Johan Petro (20 years, 2,12 m, Seattle Supersonics/NBA)

08-15-2006, 08:59 AM
he should go and drop baskbetball like his bro and go into modeling......


08-15-2006, 08:59 AM
Tony Parker is hurt :

Tony Parker has sprained his finger at the end of the game. We don't know if he will be able to play against Argentina (first game of th WC).

"That's the bad news of the evening. Tony has sprained his right hand middle finger while grabbing a jersey. He is hurt. For the moment there is no idea on how long will he be out. For the medical staff, there should be no fracture. We will try to do some medical exams but it won't be easy because we will fly to Japan soon tomorrow" has said Claude Bergeaud. (french coach)

08-15-2006, 09:02 AM
That sucks...both for Parker and the French National Team...I doubt they'll go far without him.

08-15-2006, 09:25 AM
atleast it is his hand not his hamstring

08-15-2006, 09:31 AM
no TP vs. Manu, no?

08-15-2006, 09:34 AM
Oh geesh! Sorry Tony! Feel better soon!

08-15-2006, 09:34 AM
Hate to say it, but maybe this will put the French National Team out and then we don't have to worry about Parker playing ;)

50 cent
08-15-2006, 09:48 AM
Hate to say it, but maybe this will put the French National Team out and then we don't have to worry about Parker playing ;)
I don't hate to say it. I hope France and Argentina are eliminated ASAP. I couldn't care less about FIBA and just want the Spurs players resting.

08-15-2006, 09:59 AM
I don't hate to say it. I hope France and Argentina are eliminated ASAP. I couldn't care less about FIBA and just want the Spurs players resting.

I know you guys don't want our people exhausted/ injured- I don't either.

But this tournament is important to the guys. They've worked hard in preparation and I hope they all play and go far.

08-15-2006, 11:08 AM
one think I like about tp playing the only reason is
pop should play beno more in preason and hopefully beno gets his confidence back
if he sucks bad then maybe spurs can get a better backup point

08-15-2006, 01:39 PM
That sucks...both for Parker and the French National Team...I doubt they'll go far without him.

I don't give a :madrun about the FNT. The less TP plays the better for the Spurs, :elephant who are his meal ticket -- not the damn French team.

08-15-2006, 02:00 PM
I don't give a :madrun about the FNT. The less TP plays the better for the Spurs, :elephant who are his meal ticket -- not the damn French team.

I agree. Most other sports leagues have rules about what kind of activities their players can indulge in during the offseason. Here we have three key players (Bowen, Parker and Manu) risking their bodies and general long-term stamina over a world championship that doesn't mean much to most fans.

I'd hate to see the Spurs playing next year without any one of them because of a stupid offseason injury. :madrun

08-15-2006, 02:06 PM
Well, at least it was grabbing a jersey and not "hanging a shirt". That would have been embarassing. :lol

Kori Ellis
08-15-2006, 02:34 PM
Was this game played today (Tuesday)?

Does anyone know how many points Parker scored before the injury?


T Park
08-15-2006, 02:35 PM
Fan fucking tastic.

Glad these guys are getting hurt outside of the team in bs games.

Gotta start putting in some goddamn clauses in the contracts, that we are paying you, not france, not argentina, got a problem? cool, give up alot of the millions then.

08-15-2006, 02:54 PM
no TP vs. Manu, no?

and maybe no Bruce vs. Manu...

I have to cut my sig too?!! :madrun

08-15-2006, 02:59 PM
Fan fucking tastic.

Glad these guys are getting hurt outside of the team in bs games.

Gotta start putting in some goddamn clauses in the contracts, that we are paying you, not france, not argentina, got a problem? cool, give up alot of the millions then.These games aren't BS. Playing for your nation is a big deal.

08-15-2006, 03:13 PM
Was this game played today (Tuesday)?

Does anyone know how many points Parker scored before the injury?


Yes, the game was on tuesday at 2:00 am (SA time)
parkers has scored 10 points in 28 min before the injury : Boxscore (http://sports.qq.com/a/20060815/000432.htm)

08-15-2006, 03:23 PM
Gotta start putting in some goddamn clauses in the contracts, that we are paying you, not france, not argentina, got a problem? cool, give up alot of the millions then.

Spurs haven't discovered that Parker was french or Manu argentinian after they give them their contracts.
Spurs have agreed to give them these contracts knowing that they will play some international BB during summers. They live with that, try to do the same.

BTW, Manu was so bad in 2005 while he has played olympics in summer 2004 and Parker was so good in 2005 while he hasn't played with France in 2004. :lol

BTW, Parker was so bad in 2006 while he has played euro in summer 2005 and Manu was so good in 2006 while he hasn't played with Argentinia in 2005. :lol

08-15-2006, 04:15 PM
You guys are blowing this way out of proportion a strained finger may take a couple weeks to fully heal he will be fine.

T Park
08-15-2006, 04:19 PM
These games aren't BS. Playing for your nation is a big deal.

When the nations start paying the players outrageous salaries like these guys get from the NBA teams, till then, these teams will be BS.

THAT simple.

08-15-2006, 04:21 PM
Relax guys im sure any of you that have played basketball for high school or college have had a sprained finger. I wouldnt be surprised if he just taped it up and kept playing. Although it would be kind of hard if it was his shooting hand.

08-15-2006, 05:12 PM
When the nations start paying the players outrageous salaries like these guys get from the NBA teams, till then, these teams will be BS.

THAT simple.There are things more valuable than money to people. I know it is an amazing thought, but it is the truth. Maybe playing for one's nation falls in that.

There has never been a sport team which has made playing with your national team part of a contract. I don't think there ever will be. The NBA gets tons of press from events like this. The Dream Team had a lot to do with spreading the game to other parts of the world. You think the NBA wants to stop that?

These games are from BS.

Slo spurs fan
08-15-2006, 06:31 PM
I know that Slovenian national basketball association must pay insurance for all our guys from NBA. So your poor team won´t lose money if Beno get´s hurt.
I hope TPark will you sleep better now.

Slo spurs fan
08-15-2006, 06:31 PM
And playing for their national team should be highest goal for every sportsman/woman.

08-15-2006, 06:36 PM
so duncan is bad beacuse he does not want to?

Slo spurs fan
08-15-2006, 06:40 PM
so duncan is bad beacuse he does not want to?
He played for his NT isn´t he?
Now he is retired from NT so younger players can play. Isn´t this so sweet? :spin

08-15-2006, 06:49 PM
FIBA sucks. T Duncan

Slo spurs fan
08-15-2006, 06:52 PM
FIBA sucks, becouse we didn´t win it all. T Duncan

Kori Ellis
08-15-2006, 06:53 PM
No Duncan hated FIBA refs all the way through, not just when losing :lol

08-15-2006, 06:54 PM
FIBA sucks because the refs are incompetent assholes. T Duncan

Slo spurs fan
08-15-2006, 07:01 PM
What about Bavetta & Co.?

T Park
08-15-2006, 07:29 PM
I know that Slovenian national basketball association must pay insurance for all our guys from NBA. So your poor team won´t lose money if Beno get´s hurt.

I couldn't give two shits about that worthless overpaid stiff.

Its guys like Parker getting 11 million dollars, over there screwing around.

Slo spurs fan
08-15-2006, 07:32 PM
I couldn't give two shits about Parker, TPark and Spurs (but only now and becouse of you).

08-15-2006, 07:33 PM
I couldn't give two shits about that worthless overpaid stiff.

Its guys like Parker getting 11 million dollars, over there screwing around.

his girlfriend is over there?

T Park
08-15-2006, 07:38 PM
I couldn't give two shits about Parker, TPark and Spurs (but only now and becouse of you).

Congrats, now I once again could not give a crap what you think, thanks to you.

Kori Ellis
08-15-2006, 08:00 PM
TPark, for someone like you that has such national pride of USA, I don't understand why you don't get why the guys want to play for their national teams.

Surely you understand their patriotism. The Spurs do.

Anyway, hopefully Tony's finger is just sprained and not badly dislocated.

Slo spurs fan
08-15-2006, 08:05 PM
Congrats, now I once again could not give a crap what you think, thanks to you.

08-15-2006, 10:41 PM
He probably feels since they are u.s. citizens then they should support their country. If it werent for them coming to the U.S. then they wouldnt be shit right now. You would have never even heard of manu ginobili or tony parker.

08-15-2006, 10:53 PM
comeon foreigners, lets not forget that the USA is all that matters :rolleyes

08-15-2006, 10:54 PM
You could probably argue that the Spurs don't win titles 2 & 3 without Dream Team 1.

08-15-2006, 11:17 PM
I agree with Tpark.

The Spurs own these guys. When you pay someone millions to perform a job, then you better damn do it.

These games mean nothing. The olympics is the only tourney that means something outside of the NBA finals.

If Parker, Ginobili or Bowen get hurt playing in this BS, they should forfeit their income.

Buddy Holly
08-15-2006, 11:28 PM
TPark is a moron who quits during the post season.

Buddy Holly
08-15-2006, 11:29 PM
The Spurs own these guys.

Like you own Shaq in height.

When you pay someone millions to perform a job, then you better damn do it.

As i can tell, the season is over. They're not getting paid by the NBA.

08-15-2006, 11:31 PM
Like you own Shaq in height.

As i can tell, the season is over. They're not getting paid by the NBA.

Most of them are under contract for multiple years with guaranteed money.

08-15-2006, 11:32 PM
Like you own Shaq in height.

As i can tell, the season is over. They're not getting paid by the NBA.

Who cares they still have a responsibility to the team that ridiculously over-pays them.

08-15-2006, 11:33 PM
yes but one could agrue riding a bike is more dangerous then playing basketball
and players do that during the offseason

08-15-2006, 11:34 PM
jav was spurs porperty while he rode his bike and got hurt and it cost the spurs big time

08-15-2006, 11:40 PM
Why? Javtokas is a ticket tearer in the NBA.

Kori Ellis
08-16-2006, 03:43 AM
Parker may miss Argentina game

Web Posted: 08/15/2006 10:42 PM CDT


Johnny Ludden
Express-News Staff Writer

Tony Parker sprained a finger on his shooting hand in France's final exhibition game Tuesday, leaving his availability for the opening game of the World Championships in doubt.

Parker injured the finger on his right hand while grabbing a player's jersey in France's 86-74 victory over Brazil. France's coach, Claude Bergeaud, said he wasn't sure if Parker would be able to play Saturday against Manu Ginobili and Argentina.

Spurs officials were trying to gather information on Parker's injury and hoped to know more today. France flew from China to Japan this morning to begin its final preparations.

The Spurs also are waiting to learn whether Bruce Bowen will make the 12-man active roster for the United States. Washington's Gilbert Arenas left the team Monday with a groin injury, but the United States still has to make one more cut before Friday.

Bowen had four points and two turnovers in 14 minutes during Tuesday's 116-63 victory over South Korea. It was his most playing time in the team's five exhibition games.

Bowen averaged the fewest minutes of the 13 players, but there's sentiment among some USA Basketball officials that his defense could be needed in the later rounds.

Houston's Shane Battier and Washington's Antawn Jamison, two other players thought to be on the bubble with Bowen, both played well during the exhibition schedule. The United States also could decide to cut one big man, like Sacramento's Brad Miller, though that would risk exposing the team's frontline depth given the inconsistency of FIBA officiating.

Slo spurs fan
08-16-2006, 03:52 AM
He probably feels since they are u.s. citizens then they should support their country. If it werent for them coming to the U.S. then they wouldnt be shit right now. You would have never even heard of manu ginobili or tony parker.
This is THE STUPIDEST thing I ever read.

08-16-2006, 04:46 AM
I agree with Tpark.

The Spurs own these guys. When you pay someone millions to perform a job, then you better damn do it.

These games mean nothing. The olympics is the only tourney that means something outside of the NBA finals.

If Parker, Ginobili or Bowen get hurt playing in this BS, they should forfeit their income.

I wonder what the Team USA members think of WC in Japan. Are they there to win gold or they just want to get bronze? They all know the rules. As the internationl players know the rules in NBA when they play in NBA.

08-16-2006, 04:49 AM
I couldn't give two shits about that worthless overpaid stiff.

Its guys like Parker getting 11 million dollars, over there screwing around.
T Park, do you ever play basketball?

Slo spurs fan
08-16-2006, 05:27 AM
T Park, do you ever play basketball?
Of course he play bball. On playstation.

08-16-2006, 05:53 AM
I hope TP gets better soon. I would like to see France playing their best ball ever.

08-16-2006, 06:50 AM
TPark and Sequ making asses of themselves.

What's new?

08-16-2006, 10:06 AM
to bad tp could school manu

08-16-2006, 11:04 AM
"cut one big man, like Sacramento's Brad Miller, though that would risk exposing the team's frontline depth"

Hah! how does BM contribute anything to front-line depth? :lol

08-16-2006, 11:53 AM
T Park cant bend to reach for the ball

08-16-2006, 12:14 PM
boykins is taller then sequa

08-16-2006, 01:26 PM
I agree with Tpark.

The Spurs own these guys. When you pay someone millions to perform a job, then you better damn do it.

These games mean nothing. The olympics is the only tourney that means something outside of the NBA finals.

If Parker, Ginobili or Bowen get hurt playing in this BS, they should forfeit their income.

It's not because those players have contract with the spurs that they are slave to them. You mean they can't play basket with their kids because they could get hurt ?

Plus, NBA exist because of us. If we were not buying anything, Parker and co wouldn't be spurs...

Speaking for myself, i pay for NBA tv, I bought some stuff from the spurs...

And i have to say that i'm waiting for this events. If you do not like it, accept that other can appreciate it. If you don't care about others, i can't help you...

08-16-2006, 02:01 PM
to bad tp could school manu

on what? being a ballhog? :smokin

08-16-2006, 02:05 PM
Fan fucking tastic.

Glad these guys are getting hurt outside of the team in bs games.

Gotta start putting in some goddamn clauses in the contracts, that we are paying you, not france, not argentina, got a problem? cool, give up alot of the millions then.

Tpark preparing an excuse just in case Team USA gets beat

what's new? :rolleyes

08-16-2006, 02:13 PM
Fan fucking tastic.

Glad these guys are getting hurt outside of the team in bs games.

Gotta start putting in some goddamn clauses in the contracts, that we are paying you, not france, not argentina, got a problem? cool, give up alot of the millions then.

I totally agree. Teams should want to protect their players; it's as simple as that

08-16-2006, 02:33 PM
To come back at the subject of this thread : Parker will take medical exams thursday morning but, for the moment, he should play against Argantina.

08-16-2006, 02:36 PM
To come back at the subject of this thread : Parker will take medical exams thursday morning but, for the moment, he should play against Argantina.

wow really? Hopefully he doesn't injure it further...

08-16-2006, 02:38 PM
why should he play?
would spurs tell him it is ok to play ?

08-16-2006, 02:43 PM
why should he play?

Because that's what the french article said :

A ce jour sa participation à la première rencontre du Championnat du Monde, samedi 19 août 2006, face à l’Argentine, n’est pas remise en cause.

08-16-2006, 02:50 PM
This is THE STUPIDEST thing I ever read.

No its not stupid. The spurs gave them a chance to succeed in the NBA. Without that opportunity they would not be rich and famous for doing something they love. The owe the spurs organization to stay healthy and do what they are asked to do. If it was up to the organization then they would not be risking injury by playing in FIBA. They owe it to the spurs to be resting and preparing to try to win another championship.

08-16-2006, 02:54 PM
No its not stupid. The spurs gave them a chance to succeed in the NBA. Without that opportunity they would not be rich and famous for doing something they love. The owe the spurs organization to stay healthy and do what they are asked to do. If it was up to the organization then they would not be risking injury by playing in FIBA. They owe it to the spurs to be resting and preparing to try to win another championship.

:lol shut the hell up...

when they dissolve team USA and USA starts sending college kids, then you can make that argument. Since thats NEVER gonna happen, shut the fuck up and stop crying about international players.

08-16-2006, 03:04 PM
:lol shut the hell up...

when they dissolve team USA and USA starts sending college kids, then you can make that argument. Since thats NEVER gonna happen, shut the fuck up and stop crying about international players.

No how about you shut the fuck up. Those players were given the opportunity by their team to play a fucking game for a living and become rich. The least they can do is respect the teams decision if they dont want them going off and getting hurt. NBA players can be spoiled little bitches. Just look at Latrell "i have a family to feed" Sprewell.

08-16-2006, 03:05 PM
No how about you shut the fuck up. Those players were given the opportunity by their team to play a fucking game for a living and become rich. The least they can do is respect the teams decision if they dont want them going off and getting hurt. NBA players can be spoiled little bitches. Just look at Latrell "i have a family to feed" Sprewell.

So you are saying they should dissolve team USA as well and send in college kids?

08-16-2006, 03:09 PM
So you are saying they should dissolve team USA as well and send in college kids?

I am saying that the players should respect the wishes of their team. If the organization doesnt want to risk their star players going off and getting hurt, ruinining chances at a potential championship season then they should respect that.

08-16-2006, 03:11 PM
No team has officaly stated this since its in NBA's best interest to have NBA players in these international competitions.

08-16-2006, 03:13 PM
Of course they don't officially come out and say it but the message is pretty clear.

08-16-2006, 03:25 PM
Of course they don't officially come out and say it but the message is pretty clear.

how so?

08-16-2006, 03:26 PM
Do you feel comfortable having 3 key players to a potential championship team out there risking it all?

08-16-2006, 03:33 PM
how so?

Do you want me to call Popovich and get him on the phone for u? All you can do is read between the lines. It's risky for them to be playing and the spurs organization would prefer they didn't.

08-16-2006, 03:36 PM
Do you want me to call Popovich and get him on the phone for u? All you can do is read between the lines. It's risky for them to be playing and the spurs organization would prefer they didn't.The Spurs organization would probably prefer a lot of things, and the players would probably prefer the organization do a lot of things as well. Who cares?

The players value playing for their country or else they wouldn't be there, right? They didn't give up the right to play in FIBA, the Olympics, or other international competitions simply to work in the NBA. That is ridiculous.

The Spurs don't own these guys, they simply employ them. Some of you get so damn out of line from what you expect of these players. You want to control every facet of their lives. Get a grip and let people live their lives how they see fit.

08-16-2006, 03:39 PM
Do you want me to call Popovich and get him on the phone for u? All you can do is read between the lines. It's risky for them to be playing and the spurs organization would prefer they didn't.

you are reading too much between the lines...

I say, let the players do as they please, they are not slaves.

like someone else mentioned in this thread, would you also prohibit them from skydiving, motorcycles, fast cars, etc,etc?

Would the NBA teams prefer the players NOT to do those activities? hell yeah so what?

those are as or more dangerous than FIBA competitions

08-16-2006, 03:43 PM
you are reading too much between the lines...

I say, let the players do as they please, they are not slaves.

like someone else mentioned in this thread, would you also prohibit them from skydiving, motorcycles, fast cars, etc,etc?

Would the NBA teams prefer the players NOT to do those activities? hell yeah so what?

those are as or more dangerous than FIBA competitions

Thats why T.J. Ford fucked Milwaukee over for a couple of years. Milwaukee payed him to stay at home because he couldnt fulfill his responsibility to the team. Taking care of yourself is part of helping the team.

08-16-2006, 03:44 PM
too bad. NBA players have a life outside basketball.

08-16-2006, 03:49 PM
too bad. NBA players have a life outside basketball.

I guess im used to being coached in high school where they teach that team is everything. Either you are 100% dedicated or you arent welcome. Those are the teams that win state championships. I guess the nba isnt that way.

08-16-2006, 04:01 PM
Does your coach dress you in the mornings, too?

08-16-2006, 04:03 PM
I guess im used to being coached in high school where they teach that team is everything. Either you are 100% dedicated or you arent welcome. Those are the teams that win state championships. I guess the nba isnt that way.The entire year? In the offseason you have a high school coach that doesn't let you do things? Because I find that incredibly hard to believe.

08-16-2006, 04:06 PM
Does your coach dress you in the mornings, too?

No but we are required to go to saturday practice and have only sundays off, which on Sundays we are expected but not required to come shoot or work out. He also makes us run cross country, and wear a dress shirt and tie to games. You get in trouble during school and he runs the shit out of you till u want to quit. Practice starts the first day of school even though the first game isnt untill November. Thats what the concept of team is. Not going off and doing what you want at the expense of the team.

08-16-2006, 04:08 PM
The entire year? In the offseason you have a high school coach that doesn't let you do things? Because I find that incredibly hard to believe.

No offseason we travel to Spring league and then Summer league games. The gym is open every day in the summer except for sundays. We still practice during the school athletic period, just not after school like during season. Offseason is still not fun its alot of hard work.

08-16-2006, 04:08 PM
is this your coach?

08-16-2006, 04:10 PM
I don't know where you get that the Spurs and Gregg Popovich would prefer that Parker and Ginobili, among others, not play for their national teams.

Pop seems to understand that it's a great honor for these men to have the opportunity to represent their nations. As far as I know, he has always publicly encouraged the Spurs' players to participate whenever possible. A couple of summers ago, they asked Tony Parker to cool it for a summer, but that's the only exception I can think of.

Beer is Good
08-16-2006, 04:51 PM
you are reading too much between the lines...

I say, let the players do as they please, they are not slaves.

like someone else mentioned in this thread, would you also prohibit them from skydiving, motorcycles, fast cars, etc,etc?
Would the NBA teams prefer the players NOT to do those activities? hell yeah so what?

those are as or more dangerous than FIBA competitions

They can't ever prohibit them from doing these things, but I do think the team should be allowed to void a guaranteed contract in the event a player gets seriously hurt doing these things. To me you draw the line where a serious risk of injury or death is knowingly probable. If you get hurt playing ball with your kids in the yard - that is a fluke thing and that injury under normal circumstances cannot be predicted. On the other hand, if you get hurt riding a motorcycle with no helmet, skydiving, rock climbing, or driving a McLaren 180 down the road - those are all activities that serious injury or death can reasonably occur while doing. In the case of these risky activities the team should have the option to cut the player loose and void the contract all together.

Slo spurs fan
08-16-2006, 05:15 PM
No but we are required to go to saturday practice and have only sundays off, which on Sundays we are expected but not required to come shoot or work out. He also makes us run cross country, and wear a dress shirt and tie to games. You get in trouble during school and he runs the shit out of you till u want to quit. Practice starts the first day of school even though the first game isnt untill November. Thats what the concept of team is. Not going off and doing what you want at the expense of the team.
You know you could break your leg or even hurt your knee if you run crosscountry? So don´t run.
You know that you can be shot with shotgun in the scool by some crazy punk? So stay home, it is safer.
You know you could get hit by some drunk driver when you try to go to the other side of the street and you can get hurt or even die? So stay at home, it is safer and you will become the gratest NBA player of all times, but watch out about crazy fans, thay could hurt you trying to get your signature, so don´t do it...etc...etc...

08-16-2006, 05:16 PM
You know you could break your leg or even hurt your knee if you run crosscountry? So don´t run.
You know that you can be shot with shotgun in the scool by some crazy punk? So stay home, it is safer.
You know you could get hit by some drunk driver when you try to go to the other side of the street and you can get hurt or even die? So stay at home, it is safer and you will become the gratest NBA player of all times, but watch out about crazy fans, thay could hurt you trying to get your signature, so don´t do it...etc...etc...

Not the same at all

08-16-2006, 08:53 PM

They can't ever prohibit them from doing these things, but I do think the team should be allowed to void a guaranteed contract in the event a player gets seriously hurt doing these things. To me you draw the line where a serious risk of injury or death is knowingly probable. If you get hurt playing ball with your kids in the yard - that is a fluke thing and that injury under normal circumstances cannot be predicted. On the other hand, if you get hurt riding a motorcycle with no helmet, skydiving, rock climbing, or driving a McLaren 180 down the road - those are all activities that serious injury or death can reasonably occur while doing. In the case of these risky activities the team should have the option to cut the player loose and void the contract all together.

...directly contradicts this:

You know you could break your leg or even hurt your knee if you run crosscountry? So don´t run.
You know that you can be shot with shotgun in the scool by some crazy punk? So stay home, it is safer.
You know you could get hit by some drunk driver when you try to go to the other side of the street and you can get hurt or even die? So stay at home, it is safer and you will become the gratest NBA player of all times, but watch out about crazy fans, thay could hurt you trying to get your signature, so don´t do it...etc...etc...

There's a difference between doing something where the chances of injury are high, and doing something where the chances of injury are low. I agree with "Beer Is Good" and Mavs man 41. The clause sounds like the most reasonable thing to me. I don't mean to incite a riot but my 2 cents is:

I think it's important not to forget how you got to where you are. Some players may get popular by playing for their national teams, but I'm quite certain that most attain their status by playing in the NBA.

08-16-2006, 09:13 PM
FYI, many teams do have contracts saying that players can't ride motorcycles etc etc, but there is a big difference in playing basketball and riding a motorcycle.

08-16-2006, 09:17 PM
to bad tp could school manu
Showing your true colors, huh ducks?

08-16-2006, 09:21 PM
Showing your true colors, huh ducks?

I haven't been reading a lot of the basketball-related threads lately, but I can only imagine the fun of having the Churches go at it.

/Still the only official member of the Synagogue of Sean (Marks)

08-16-2006, 09:22 PM
/Still the only official member of the Synagogue of Sean (Marks)

Has anyone established the Temple of Timmy?

08-16-2006, 09:26 PM
Do you want me to call Popovich and get him on the phone for u? All you can do is read between the lines. It's risky for them to be playing and the spurs organization would prefer they didn't.
Actually I remember Pop saying that they guys would play summer ball anyways whether it was with their national team or other ways so there is always a risk. He also said that it's also a better way to help them get in shape. Look at this last season when Manu didn't play. He sucked all year long.

08-16-2006, 09:31 PM
Has anyone established the Temple of Timmy?

No, but I'll join if you start it.

Something about being the head of two conflicting houses of worship doesn't sit well with me.

08-16-2006, 09:36 PM
No, but I'll join if you start it.

Something about being the head of two conflicting houses of worship doesn't sit well with me.

A synagogue wouldn't conflict with a temple.

I'm surprised with the establishment of the Churches that nobody bothered to take up the Tim Duncan cause.

Hell yeah, I'm willing to do that.

08-16-2006, 09:39 PM
A synagogue wouldn't conflict with a temple.

I'm surprised with the establishment of the Churches that nobody bothered to take up the Tim Duncan cause.

Hell yeah, I'm willing to do that.

True, but I figured the Flying Spaghetti Monster to which I pray might smite me with meatballs.

08-17-2006, 10:44 AM
Bad news : there is a simple break at the third phalanx of his right index finger.
Parker wants to do some tries before the game against argentina to decide if he can play or not.

08-17-2006, 10:46 AM
Bad news : there is a simple break at the third phalanx of his right index finger.
Parker wants to do some tries before the game against argentina to decide if he can play or not.

Somebody go get TPark off the ledge.

08-17-2006, 10:49 AM
Somebody go get TPark off the ledge.

how about nobody do that

08-17-2006, 10:50 AM
crybaby spur fans complaining about international competition in 3, 2, 1.....

08-17-2006, 10:50 AM
I'm surprised with the establishment of the Churches that nobody bothered to take up the Tim Duncan cause.

:lol That's because he doesn't have a cause...he's too bland. Also, add to the fact that almost 99.9% of the forum likes him, there'd be no conflict. And then what'd be the point of the Church?

08-17-2006, 10:52 AM
:lol That's because he doesn't have a cause...he's too bland. Also, add to the fact that almost 99.9% of the forum likes him, there'd be no conflict. And then what'd be the point of the Church?

That's probably it.

But I don't go to church for the conflict -- I go to worship, respectfully.

08-17-2006, 10:56 AM
That's probably it.

But I don't go to church for the conflict -- I go to worship, respectfully.

The Synagogue of Sean (Marks) -- "Come for the conflicts over 12th men, stay for the kiwis!"

08-17-2006, 01:04 PM
Hi !
First post : bad news.
A bone inTp's finger is broken.
I've Just seen it on a french site.


08-17-2006, 01:16 PM
Hi !
First post : bad news.
A bone inTp's finger is broken.
I've Just seen it on a french site.

All this from simply grabbing a jersey?

08-17-2006, 02:09 PM
That's probably it.

But I don't go to church for the conflict -- I go to worship, respectfully.

Well, these are more Sports/Recreational Churches...competition and conflict is required. :lol

08-17-2006, 02:10 PM
All this from simply grabbing a jersey?

:lol I know...that's what I was thinking. How do you break your finger like that grabbing a players jersey?

08-17-2006, 02:40 PM
:lol I know...that's what I was thinking. How do you break your finger like that grabbing a players jersey?

Maybe his finger got caught in the sleeve opening as a player was in motion- the force of the pulling could be quite painful.

08-17-2006, 03:01 PM
:lol I know...that's what I was thinking. How do you break your finger like that grabbing a players jersey?

Lol have any of you ever played basketball? That isnt all too uncommon. Trust me if you get your finger caught in someones jersey running full speed the other direction your finger is gonna snap.

Kori Ellis
08-17-2006, 04:32 PM
Broken finger sucks.

Remember how long Bowen was out with a broken finger in 2001. :(
Get well Tony.

Slo spurs fan
08-17-2006, 04:34 PM
I broke my finger when ball hit me in my little finger 15 years ago.

Spurs rock
08-17-2006, 04:44 PM
Does this mean he's out for the season???

08-17-2006, 04:48 PM
Hell No

08-17-2006, 04:58 PM
Bad news : there is a simple break at the third phalanx of his right index finger. Parker wants to do some tries before the game against argentina to decide if he can play or not. http://www.basketfrance.com/actu/actu.php?id=2514

Holy shit I won't see TP against Manu!??? :depressed neither Bowen against Manu ... USA Bball sucks :lol

T Park
08-17-2006, 05:16 PM
Remember how long Bowen was out with a broken finger in 2001

Why worry, I mean, hell, hes having fun playing with his buddy playing in a tournament that is VERY much more important compared to his NBA team that pays him 11 million a year.

Why worry, I mean, it would be horrible to say otherwise, just ask this forum.

how about nobody do that

How about you go fuck yourself asshole.

08-17-2006, 05:21 PM
This tournament means nothing. Nice job Parker. Duncan is the only one with some brains.

08-17-2006, 06:48 PM
I don't care if Manu and Tony both can never play basketball again because playing for your national team is an honor and is important.

08-17-2006, 06:50 PM
This tournament means nothing. Nice job Parker. Duncan is the only one with some brains.
It means enough.....at least it wasn't a pick up game game out at UTSA or something.
At least it was from a motorcycle or something truly stupid.

Doug Collins
08-17-2006, 07:09 PM
How about you go fuck yourself asshole.

That's why I love Spurstalk. :princess

Aggie Hoopsfan
08-17-2006, 07:35 PM
And so begins the penultimate CIAPop plan of all time.

Parker's broken finger morphs into a season ending wrist injury.

Manu tweaks his back in the World Championship gold medal game and is out for the season.

Duncan mysteriously rolls his ankle about 10 games into the season, and the Spurs end up with the third worst record in the league, and somehow win the lotto ball pull and select Greg Oden with the #1 pick of the 2007 NBA Draft.

Hey, it could happen.

08-17-2006, 07:38 PM
And so begins the penultimate CIAPop plan of all time.

You mean there will be another one after this, the penultimate plan?


T Park
08-17-2006, 07:56 PM
Id be downfor Aggie's idea.

Only problem is they would have Jackie Butler, and Elson in 07 08.

Doubtfull its happening

Das Texan
08-17-2006, 08:36 PM
And so begins the penultimate CIAPop plan of all time.

Parker's broken finger morphs into a season ending wrist injury.

Manu tweaks his back in the World Championship gold medal game and is out for the season.

Duncan mysteriously rolls his ankle about 10 games into the season, and the Spurs end up with the third worst record in the league, and somehow win the lotto ball pull and select Greg Oden with the #1 pick of the 2007 NBA Draft.

Hey, it could happen.

I'm down.


08-17-2006, 08:58 PM
:pctoss :pctoss :pctoss This is the last thing we needed!!!

Rick Von Braun
08-17-2006, 09:01 PM
And so begins the penultimate CIAPop plan of all time.

Parker's broken finger morphs into a season ending wrist injury.

Manu tweaks his back in the World Championship gold medal game and is out for the season.

Duncan mysteriously rolls his ankle about 10 games into the season, and the Spurs end up with the third worst record in the league, and somehow win the lotto ball pull and select Greg Oden with the #1 pick of the 2007 NBA Draft.

Hey, it could happen.

This is not going to happen, but could you imagine for a second if it happens?

The Spurs would be one the most hatred franchises in the NBA... Robinson-->Duncan, then Duncan-->Oden... nah... stop dreaming.


Twin Towers II with this backcourt... Holly shit!!

Aggie Hoopsfan
08-17-2006, 09:14 PM
Id be downfor Aggie's idea.

Only problem is they would have Jackie Butler, and Elson in 07 08.

Doubtfull its happening

You're right, the Spurs would obviously pass on Oden to draft a guard. :lol

Beer is Good
08-18-2006, 12:31 AM
Oden is not the next DROB or Timmy. Sorry, but he isn't. He will never lead any team to a championship - he may ride the wagon with other great players to one.

xamila rey
08-18-2006, 01:00 AM
Does your coach dress you in the mornings, too?
:lol :lol :lol :lol

08-18-2006, 01:02 AM
All this from simply grabbing a jersey?
maybe he hasn't played enough pocket pool to build up strength in this hands.

08-18-2006, 01:15 AM
tpark go wave your fucking flag in someone elses yard don't wave it around in ours asshole

Kori Ellis
08-18-2006, 01:17 AM
X-rays reveal Parker has fracture near tip of right index finger

Web Posted: 08/17/2006 09:40 PM CDT


Johnny Ludden
Express-News Staff Writer

The World Championships don't end for another 16 days, but they already have taken their toll on the Spurs.

One day after Bruce Bowen was left off the United States' roster, the Spurs learned Tony Parker has a fracture near the tip of his right index finger.

X-rays taken in Japan on Thursday revealed the break. Because of the 15-hour time difference, the Spurs' training and medical staffs have had trouble contacting Parker to assess the injury's severity.

Conflicting reports from France have added to the confusion. One said Parker almost certainly won't play in France's opening game against Manu Ginobili and Argentina on Saturday. Another said Parker might try to practice today with his index finger padded and taped to his middle finger.

Parker was injured when his finger was caught in the jersey of Brazil's Leandro Barbosa in France's tuneup game Tuesday.

Bowen, meanwhile, returned to Miami on Thursday afternoon. Jerry Colangelo, managing director for the U.S. team, said he invited Bowen to stay with the team even though he wasn't going to be on the roster. Bowen opted to return home and see his family.

"It was most difficult (to cut Bowen) because he's such a classy guy and because he was very committed to making this team," Colangelo said. "He took it in a very classy way. He thanked me and the coaching staff for the opportunity, and he wished us well."

U.S. coach Mike Krzyzewski said Bowen was left off the roster, in part, because of concerns over the team's frontline depth. Houston's Shane Battier and Washington's Antawn Jamison were needed, Krzyzewski said, because they possibly could help at power forward.

08-18-2006, 01:27 AM
Well at least Bruce can be with his wife and baby now and get ready for the season.
By the way Manu said he ran into Tony at the hotel.

I was with Tony Parker in the hotel. We chatted awhile. I did not ask anything to him of the injury, logically, but he said to me that he thought that he was broken. Later we talked of which each one did during the vacations, where we passed it and where we began to work with the selection and against whom we played. As it is with Diaw in the room, also it was added when char it. Surely we will become to find in the hotel.

T Park
08-18-2006, 01:33 AM
tpark go wave your fucking flag in someone elses yard don't wave it around in ours asshole

suck it up teasip.

Im never going away, so you better part the dreadlocks take down your howard dean poster and deal with reality.

Im going nowhere dickface.

08-18-2006, 02:56 AM
Barbosa's a little bitch. I bet he injured Parker on purpose.

08-18-2006, 03:20 AM
Fan fucking tastic.

Glad these guys are getting hurt outside of the team in bs games.

Gotta start putting in some goddamn clauses in the contracts, that we are paying you, not france, not argentina, got a problem? cool, give up alot of the millions then.

This is idiotic. Since when are NBA teams paying for raising the kids? Who the fuck is taking care for European and Southamerican kids? NBA? Yeah, right. It's the national associations + clubs. NBA has draft system. D-R-A-F-T What does that mean? It means that clubs pick the players they like...out from thousands of players all over the world (only a small percentage of those actually get to draft). They don't have to care about U-18, U-16, U14, U-10,... teams. Well guess what - European teams can't even exist without those selections. It's mandatory. The comfortable NBA teams' existance comes with a price : salaries. They need to pay the player more. They didn't invest once cent in that player before the draft night and now they have to pay the price for that. For every player NBA team chooses on the draft night, there are thousands of players who were raised from 8 years of age by their clubs and national associations... and that's a lot of money. And lot of dedication. NBA understands that. It's only such ignorant pricks as yourself who can't grasp it.

08-18-2006, 08:35 AM
This is idiotic. Since when are NBA teams paying for raising the kids? Who the fuck is taking care for European and Southamerican kids? NBA? Yeah, right. It's the national associations + clubs. NBA has draft system. D-R-A-F-T What does that mean? It means that clubs pick the players they like...out from thousands of players all over the world (only a small percentage of those actually get to draft). They don't have to care about U-18, U-16, U14, U-10,... teams. Well guess what - European teams can't even exist without those selections. It's mandatory. The comfortable NBA teams' existance comes with a price : salaries. They need to pay the player more. They didn't invest once cent in that player before the draft night and now they have to pay the price for that. For every player NBA team chooses on the draft night, there are thousands of players who were raised from 8 years of age by their clubs and national associations... and that's a lot of money. And lot of dedication. NBA understands that. It's only such ignorant pricks as yourself who can't grasp it.

the bubbleboy from Seinfeld posts here, his name is Tpark

08-18-2006, 11:24 PM
damn that sucks for tony. i hope he gets better when the season starts.

Slo spurs fan
08-19-2006, 03:13 PM
This is idiotic. Since when are NBA teams paying for raising the kids? Who the fuck is taking care for European and Southamerican kids? NBA? Yeah, right. It's the national associations + clubs. NBA has draft system. D-R-A-F-T What does that mean? It means that clubs pick the players they like...out from thousands of players all over the world (only a small percentage of those actually get to draft). They don't have to care about U-18, U-16, U14, U-10,... teams. Well guess what - European teams can't even exist without those selections. It's mandatory. The comfortable NBA teams' existance comes with a price : salaries. They need to pay the player more. They didn't invest once cent in that player before the draft night and now they have to pay the price for that. For every player NBA team chooses on the draft night, there are thousands of players who were raised from 8 years of age by their clubs and national associations... and that's a lot of money. And lot of dedication. NBA understands that. It's only such ignorant pricks as yourself who can't grasp it.
Still waiting for TPark to respond...

T Park
08-19-2006, 03:51 PM
For every player NBA team chooses on the draft night, there are thousands of players who were raised from 8 years of age by their clubs and national associations... and that's a lot of money. And lot of dedication. NBA understands that. It's only such ignorant pricks as yourself who can't grasp it.

first off PRICK fuck you.

Second off, the player CHOOSES to come to america.

If he WANTED TO he could stay in europe, play in europe, and do whatever.

BUT THE DAY he chooses to come to america, the DAY he chooses that buyout money from the team, is the DAY he is now commited to the NBA team and the DAY, he signs that long term contract for 6 years 66 MILLION, is the day he is commited to that said team.

You can say all about well well these clubs brought em up.

Once again, the PLAYER chose that.

If a player comes to me and says, I wnat to continue playing for your team but I want this much money, you say, look, I pay you that much, you have an obligation to be COMMITED to this team, and you stay healthy and workout and work on your game for the TEAM that pays you that money.

All of you guys saying it doesnt matter what you pay, you americans blah blah blah.

Dont blame us, blame the player for ACCPETING.

This is what you anarchists call "selling out" I guess.

Still waiting for TPark to respond...

Go put your Beno jersey on and sing the Barney theme errr the Slovenian national anthem chief.

08-19-2006, 03:56 PM
Meh. If the NBA teams thought it was so important they could've made it part of the contract.

Of course Tony would be a Hawk now had we tried to pull that....

Slo spurs fan
08-19-2006, 03:56 PM
Go put your Beno jersey on and sing the Barney theme errr the Slovenian national anthem chief.
I have no problem to do so and I will be PROUD to do so. What are or can you be proud of? Makeing a lot of $$$? Stick your money up your big ass chiftain.

08-20-2006, 06:40 AM
"Poor Tony, it hurt"

08-20-2006, 06:58 AM
Go put your Beno jersey on and sing the Barney theme errr the Slovenian national anthem chief.
Ignorant redneck.

tp time
08-20-2006, 08:48 AM
Parker stay with the french team..Eva come soon.

08-20-2006, 12:29 PM
T-Park es una fajina

08-21-2006, 02:50 PM
I'm so mad at Tony & Manu - with as injury-prone as they were last year, it's ridiculous that they're playing all summer.

Thanks guys, thanks!!