View Full Version : Man Law: Wireless Phone Headsets are Pretty Cool Do you feel weird or stupid wearing.

08-18-2006, 09:53 AM
Do you feel weird or stupid wearing a Bluetooth wireless headset? Well don’t, because according to former Pittsburgh Steeler Jerome Bettis, actor Bert Reynolds, pro wrestler Triple H and Miller's other Men of the Square Table: Wireless phone headsets are “pretty cool”. http://www.bluetomorrow.com/images/stories//man%20law.jpg

In case you have no idea what the heck we’re talking about, we are referring to one of Miller Lite’s latest Man Law commercials. I’m sure you’ve seen some of these hilarious ads. They always involve a panel of men sitting around a table deciding on laws that all guys should follow. The panel is made up of famous men who are all considered “manly”.

Example: Your best friend is just dumped by his girlfriend. How long before you can ask her out?

Man Law Solution: Six months, but only if she is drop-dead gorgeous.

Clearly, Man Law takes precedence over all other rules and etiquette. Thanks to the Men of the Square Table, many of these “manly” dilemmas now have an official ruling.

In this particular commercial, the panel debates the following question: “Wireless phone headsets, pretty cool or a technology gone bad?” In the end, they determine a Man Law which declares wireless phone headsets are “pretty cool”. Although they never actually say Bluetooth wireless headsets, you know they are referring to Bluetooth headsets.

The commercial shows Bettis sporting a wireless headset, making sure every other panel member knows he’s using one. You can tell Bettis is a fan of the Bluetooth wireless headset.

Bluetooth wireless headsets have obviously enjoyed tremendous success and social appeal, considering they are the topic of debate in this mainstream commercial. When you take into account how influential some ads can be, you have to believe this commercial made many feel it is cool to use a Bluetooth wireless headset. We always knew Bluetooth headsets were cool, but it took a beer commercial to confirm it.

08-18-2006, 10:07 AM
Yeah, they are cool.


08-18-2006, 10:26 AM
I think people look like phone-dependent, brainwashed robots who aren't nearly as important as they want you to think they are when they wear those things. And I really hate it when you can't see them and they are walking around looking like they are having a conversation with themselves like a drunken vagrant.

But then, no one ever calls me and when someone finally does I rarely answer it anyway. I hate talking on the phone. :spin

Marklar MM
08-18-2006, 10:29 AM
I think people look like phone-dependent, brainwashed robots who aren't nearly as important as they want you to think they are when they wear those things. And I really hate it when you can't see them and they are walking around looking like they are having a conversation with themselves like a drunken vagrant.

But then, no one ever calls me and when someone finally does I rarely answer it anyway. I hate talking on the phone. :spin

:). That is like meself. My voicemail just says to hang up the phone. Anyways, I could never pay for those overpriced headsets.

08-18-2006, 10:29 AM
I think people look like phone-dependent, brainwashed robots who aren't nearly as important as they want you to think they are when they wear those things. And I really hate it when you can't see them and they are walking around looking like they are having a conversation with themselves like a drunken vagrant.

But then, no one ever calls me and when someone finally does I rarely answer it anyway. I hate talking on the phone. :spin

Mental note: Send User a gift basket of Everclear and a Bluetooth headset for April Fools' Day.

08-18-2006, 10:33 AM
He rarely answers his phone either. If I have an emergency, I'm better off just sending a text message and hoping the damn thing is even on. :lol

08-18-2006, 10:34 AM
He rarely answers his phone either. If I have an emergency, I'm better off just sending a text message and hoping the damn thing is even on. :lol

Mental note: Fuck.

Marklar MM
08-18-2006, 10:37 AM
You could always send him 1000 prepaid cell phones.

08-18-2006, 05:03 PM
I always have mine on when I am driving. I probably look great.

08-18-2006, 05:33 PM

Thats technology gone bad. I get 30-50 calls a day on my cell...2 or 3 times that many during the rodeo...I'm also busy...I don't have a big head because I get the calls but I am sure as hell not gonna walk around with this thing hanging on my ear so I can "be ready" when someone calls..

The effort it takes to pick my phone out of my shirt pocket and flip it open is minimal...I'ts also more private...the phone muffles what I am saying into it...

I'm with spurswoman...I hate seeing these self important guys walking around "talking to themselves"...I just want to bitch slap them...

08-18-2006, 05:39 PM
You could always send him 1000 prepaid cell phones.

:lmao Are you trying to get him arrested for terrorism?

08-18-2006, 06:58 PM
men who wear cell phone headsets are the epitome of metrosexual gayness.

08-18-2006, 08:09 PM
Geek Chic.

Aggie Hoopsfan
08-18-2006, 08:22 PM
It makes me think of the 'inner circle' on 24. :lol

08-18-2006, 09:30 PM
men who wear cell phone headsets are the epitome of metrosexual gayness.
Word...I mean they're fine if they're "actually" on the phone...but most of the time you just see people wearing them....just wearing them....

08-19-2006, 11:09 AM
lol...its not that guys pretend their so important to have the damned thing on all the time... its that sometimes you get lots of calls and your busy doing other stuff, with you headset you dont need to stop what your doing u just pickup the phone no having to go into your pockets or other shit.... i think mine is awsome and dont know what i would do without it... going into my pocket everytime i get a call is fucking gay... and besides whenever your driving and shit its safer... i love you bluetooth... i love you amost as much as columbian bukake...

08-19-2006, 11:23 AM
As always, there's a sensible way to do it and an asshole way to do it.

I usually keep my phone in my pocket with the screen facing my leg, that way, if somebody calls (and the only time the ringer is on is when I'm in my truck or my apartment), I can just hit the side button to silence it and finish whatever I'm doing.

You don't get startled, you don't make a big production out of answering your call. I think the same goes for the headset if you have to wear it. I had a Plantronics Bluetooth headset for my Treo and that was the first Plantronics product I owned that was a piece of shit, so now, I don't even use it even though I'd like to.

I do plan on getting a cell phone recording device since this is my only phone and I like to keep all my interviews for work recorded and saved on my PC.

08-19-2006, 11:23 AM
lol...its not that guys pretend their so important to have the damned thing on all the time... its that sometimes you get lots of calls and your busy doing other stuff, with you headset you dont need to stop what your doing u just pickup the phone no having to go into your pockets or other shit.... i think mine is awsome and dont know what i would do without it... going into my pocket everytime i get a call is fucking gay... and besides whenever your driving and shit its safer... i love you bluetooth... i love you amost as much as columbian bukake...



I'd also like to add trext mesaging is equally gay.... ITS A FUCKING PHONE! CALL THEM! :madrun

08-19-2006, 11:29 AM
I'd also like to add trext mesaging is equally gay.... ITS A FUCKING PHONE! CALL THEM! :madrun

I'm sure the people in the SAISD Task Force meeting to discuss a bond issue would have loved for me to call a friend and tell them that the girl sitting next to me from the engineering company was pretty hot.

08-19-2006, 11:31 AM
I use one in the car, and I wish more people would. We may look self-important, but we've got both hands on the wheel while the rest of you are taking your eyes off the road, dialing away, text messaging (which is about as safe as driving drunk), and driving with one hand not paying attention to your surroundings.

edit - walking around in public talking on a headset is at least in my opinion slightly ridiculous, but that's going to get much more common as the technology improved. I better get used to it.

08-19-2006, 11:33 AM
I use one in the car, and I wish more people would. We may look self-important, but we've got both hands on the wheel while the rest of you are taking your eyes off the road, dialing away, text messaging (which is about as safe as driving drunk), and driving with one hand not paying attention to your surroundings.

That's why I had mine...

What sucked was that the phone had to be on my lap for it to work. I would have prefered to just keep it on the passenger seat and have it work.

08-19-2006, 11:34 AM
I really should finish packing.

08-19-2006, 12:03 PM
Actually...you shouldn't be talking on the phone in the car....period....using a headset rather then the actual phone makes very little difference...you're still distracted with what's going on in your ear...rather then what's going on around you...

08-19-2006, 12:26 PM
fraga your a fucking idiot.. and Jb that headset must have been a piece of shit.. i leave my phone charging in my bedroom and go all around the house talking on the headset with no trouble.

08-19-2006, 02:14 PM
fraga your a fucking idiot.. and Jb that headset must have been a piece of shit.. i leave my phone charging in my bedroom and go all around the house talking on the headset with no trouble.

Umm... Fraga doesnt seem so stupid to me... I mean he is right.




08-19-2006, 04:10 PM
Well you know what they say...you just can't argue with stupid people...they win everytime...

fraga your a fucking idiot..

And it's "you're" you dumbass...