View Full Version : Kerry Lied Again

Hook Dem
10-25-2004, 11:18 PM
The October 25th issue of the Weekly Standard - a conservative but typically
reputable rag - did a great job of tearing apart yet another Kerry lie. On
September 20th Kerry was at New York University where he delivered this

"In the dark days of the Cuban missile crises, President Kennedy sent
former Secretary of State Dean Acheson to Europe to build support. Acheson
explained the situation to French President de Gaulle. Then he offered to
show him highly classified satellite photos as proof. De Gaulle waved him
away saying, "The word of the President of the United States is good enough
for me." How many world leaders have that same trust in America's president

Sorry. NOT TRUE! Kerry lied.
First, Sherman Kent was the CIA official who actually carried the photos
into de Gaulle's office. Not former Secretary of state Dean Acheson.

Second, De Gaulle did not wave the photos off but, to the contrary, he
examined them closely.
Third, The purpose of Kent's trip was not to "build support." It was to
De Gaulle's biographer says that the very first thing de Gaulle said was "I
understand that you have not come to consult me, but to inform me." Kent
replied "that is correct."

So much for Kerry's rendition of the meeting. The meeting simply didn't
happen as Kerry said, but I'm sure you're not surprised. John Kerry is a
psychopathic liar.

Finally, here is the kicker. De Gaulle expressed concern that Kennedy might
actually be trying too hard to cultivate European and world support for what
he had to do!!!

10-25-2004, 11:22 PM
Okay, quick, someone tell me the last time Kerry made an honest statement...

10-26-2004, 01:16 AM
In order for Kerry to lie 'again' wouldnt you have to prove that he lied once already?

Oh, I forgot this is a Hookdem post. He's been debunked so often he sleeps on the floor these days.

Aggie Hoopsfan
10-26-2004, 01:18 AM
[quote] wouldnt you have to prove that he lied once already?[\quote]

And the only people who haven't seen any proof of Kerry lies at this point are either on another planet or have their head so far up Kerry's ass they seeing daylight.

10-26-2004, 01:46 AM
and bush has never lied to the american public, right?


10-26-2004, 01:52 AM
And the only people who haven't seen any proof of Kerry lies at this point are either on another planet or have their head so far up Kerry's ass they seeing daylight.

Then prove it. All you ever do is criticize what other people post. That's lazy. If you want people to take you seriously start posting with facts instead of just blind accusations.

Aggie Hoopsfan
10-26-2004, 03:06 AM
Give me a break. You are the king of blind accusations and the comment "Bush lied." I don't even feel like dealing with it anymore.

The news media has called Kerry onto the carpet multiple times for his lies. We have done so numerous times on this board in the last 4 months (you should remember because within 24 hours on all of them you were parroting the latest John Kerry campaign spin about them).

You want proof, just visit the archives, it's all there. It won't change your opinion anyway, so I'm not gonna waste my time.

All I ever do is criticize people when they post? Look in the mirror. Lazy is coming here every day copying and pasting the same lame bullshit in a different form from salon.org, johnkerry.com, democraticunderground.org, and then quickly changing the topic when you and your loony sources get called on it.

You sit here and act all high and moral, when a few months ago among other things you called me and Marcus both racist because we attended Texas A&M, and how everything about our school was racist. Only a bigot and a cheat would play the race card, which says all that needs be said about you.

And the kicker in all that was that A&M's minority admissions set a new record this fall, while other schools struggled (even with their affirmative action) to even sniff half the growth in minority enrollment that A&M did.

It took LJ and Kori stepping in to get you to knock it off. So when you talk about being taken seriously, well, it's pretty damn funny actually.

With respect to me being taken seriously, the ones I am actually worried about taking me seriously do. Every day you treat us to your new conspiracy theories, from trumpeting an "independant journalist" who believes the CIA runs this country with drug sales, to Bush and the WH orchestrating 9/11 in order to carry out some half ass vendetta against Saddam Hussein.

For someone who lives in the black helicopter/tin foil hat world, you sure haven't been railing against our pals over in France about the 2 billion in bribes Saddam gave them, what's up with that? But back to you for a minute.

You want to talk about being taken seriously by others? You are nothing more than a personal intellectual curiosity to me at this point. It's like watching a car wreck, a stumbling drunk, and a rambling pothead all rolled up into one.

Only the wreck never gets cleaned up and you never sober up. As this election draws closer, your "takes" get worse and worse. You don't need a keyboard, you need a straight jacket and an extended vacation in a padded room.

I used to wonder how people could end up so fucked up in the head as to ever do something like John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, or any of our other noteable denizens of the past carried out.

But I've watched your downward spiral here the last few months, and now I understand. Do us all a favor and get help, you need it.

10-26-2004, 07:55 AM
and bush has never lied to the american public, right?
Not that's ever been shown to me, no.

10-26-2004, 07:56 AM
Then prove it. All you ever do is criticize what other people post. That's lazy. If you want people to take you seriously start posting with facts instead of just blind accusations.
Well, gee, Nbadanallah, the story in the first post is accurate and on the record. Both in 1962 and today.

Marcus Bryant
10-26-2004, 08:06 AM
Oh, I forgot this is a Hookdem post. He's been debunked so often he sleeps on the floor these days.

It must be pretty warm where you sleep.

Hook Dem
10-26-2004, 09:03 AM
In order for Kerry to lie 'again' wouldnt you have to prove that he lied once already?

Oh, I forgot this is a Hookdem post. He's been debunked so often he sleeps on the floor these days.
The more you and exstatic post, the more I am convinced you are married to each other. You think personal attacks will make the facts go away. "Mama, please make the mean old man go away". When you don't agree with another person, then the best way to discredit them in your view is to "cloud" the issues with personal attacks. Both of you are pathetic. You will never know what victory feels like until you pull yourself and your party up out of the bowels of the far left.

10-26-2004, 09:12 AM
Kerry comes up with this stuff every single day. It ranges from important political stuff to minor things like claiming he was sitting on the first base line during game six of the 1986 world series.

Every frigin' day he makes something up.

And unless he suddenly changed his mind about half of his positions on issues over the past few months, it's clear that he's lying about those. His senate votes contradict many of the things he claims to believe. He's either lying or his opinions on issues are very volatile. Either way, he's not presidential material.

Bush has been a terrible president and will continue to destroy the financial stability of the nation if he's reelected, but it doesn't appear that he makes up random things to make himself look good every single day.