View Full Version : 9/11 rant

09-11-2006, 09:31 AM
Again, this is another post from Steve Czaban off of his website. I know he's just a sports radio show guy but his thoughts are always interesting......I think so anyway.

Today is 9.11.06. It’s been 5 years since that un-believably sickening day, I can hardly bear to see those images again.

Does 9.11 feel like yesterday? Or like 50 years ago?
Did 9.11 “change everything” or has it changed nothing?
Are we better, stronger, more united as a country today, or worse in all three categories?

I don’t have those answers. Oh, I have my opinions, but those opinions don’t matter today. What matters today, is the 4000 families that lost a loved one on that day. What matters today, is the 250,000 families who know somebody fighting a war far away for our freedom today. What matters today are the 3,500 plus families that saw their son or daughter make the “ultimate sacrifice” for America.

Those people should be our focus today. Period. Think of them, pray for them, and thank them. That’s what 9.11 anniversaries should be about now, and forever if you ask me.

Starting tomorrow, on 9.12.06, five years later, I wish every politician, every talking head on TV, every policy wonk, and every blogger would do just ONE thing, and one thing only.

And that is to STOP TALKING ABOUT EVERYTHING that happened yesterday or the day before, or the day before that. It is time to embrace the present, live in the present, and plan for the future. Not to look back and point fingers.

I for one, don’t want to hear one more person saying…

What we should have done…
What we didn’t do…
What mistakes were made…
What different policy they supported…

What’s DONE is DONE people!!! Helloooooo…. Let’s talk about NOW!

Think Bush screwed up in Iraq? Wonderful. But tell me what your plan is NOW. And don’t just give a vague idea, I want specifics, with the plusses and minues of your plan, NOW.

Are you pissed off that Bin Laden hasn’t been caught yet? So am I. Get in line. But tell me what you would do NOW about it? Are you going to invade northwest Pakistan with 100,000 troops to do it? Good luck. It’s the most lawless and remote areas on the planet. Even Pakistan doesn’t try to rule it.

Don’t like wiretapping? Okay, fine. Tell us what your alternative is? Specifics, please.

Want to shut down Guantanimo? Super. Make sure to tell us where to put the bad guys we have there now. Do we just send ‘em home with an apology? Or what? Details. Thanks.

If you have ideas, if you have a plan to fight this “War on Militant Islamic Terror” a better way, then hell, I’m all ears, and I do vote. But I want to hear about things NOW and I want details.

And one more thing, let’s try to find some long term perspective here. This is a war that has JUST BEGUN. It won’t be over next year, or the year after that, or with the end of any one “war” along the way where our troops are in danger.

Pack a lunch for at least 25 or so years on this one. Yeah, it’s gonna be that long. It’s a generational struggle, not unlike the Cold War.

So a quick thought for every elected official, of every party affiliation: get out your “to do list” and get cracking.

09-11-2006, 10:04 AM
Good read.

09-11-2006, 12:06 PM
I for one, don’t want to hear one more person saying…

What we should have done…
What we didn’t do…
What mistakes were made…
What different policy they supported…

I'm sorry he's sick of hearing about it, but you first must acknowledge the mistakes made before you can go about changing course. Simply saying "Mistakes were made, but that's not important right now!" doesn't help us move forward, and is the mindset that keeps us reactionary instead of proactive.

i.e. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to throw away your chapstick before you board the plane."