View Full Version : A few George Soros of Their Own...

10-27-2004, 04:01 AM
Republicans have skewered Democrats for allowing billionaire George Soros to bankroll outside efforts to boost Kerry’s campaign. Soros gave millions this cycle to help fund 527s America Coming Together, MoveOn.org and the Center for American Progress.

A billionaire, a professional sports magnate, a Texas oilman and the founders of Amway are funding the most expensive ad buy of the presidential campaign.

The $14 million ad, which began airing in key markets this month, shows President Bush hugging a teenage girl whose mother died in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The ad was paid for by the Progress for America Voter Fund, a 527 group that has run TV ads for Bush and against Sen. John Kerry.

In the latest ad, teenager Ashley Faulkner says of Bush, “All he wants to do is make sure I’m safe,” while her father, Lynn Faulkner, says he saw in Bush “what I want to see in the heart and soul” of a president.

Hill News (http://www.hillnews.com/news/102704/multimillionaires.aspx)


The Chimp hugged me and that makes Iraq, economy, education, energy, health care, and world opinion better. They had better start praying because thats all the fuckers have left.

10-27-2004, 07:39 AM
A billionaire, a professional sports magnate, a Texas oilman and the founders of Amway are funding the most expensive ad buy of the presidential campaign.
How much did they give toward the $14 million dollar ad buy?

George Soros has funded some 527's at near 100%...I notice your article has no such figures.