View Full Version : IAEA calls out the Bush Administration

George Gervin's Afro
09-14-2006, 10:12 AM

IAEA protests "erroneous" U.S. report on Iran
Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:51am ET

VIENNA (Reuters) - U.N. inspectors have protested to the U.S. government and a Congressional committee about a report on Iran's nuclear work, calling parts of it "outrageous and dishonest", according to a letter obtained by Reuters.

The letter recalled clashes between the IAEA and the Bush administration before the 2003 Iraq war over findings cited by Washington about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction that proved false, and underlined continued tensions over Iran's dossier.

Sent to the head of the House of Representatives' Select Committee on Intelligence by a senior aide to International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei, the letter said an August 23 committee report contained serious distortions of IAEA findings on Iran's activity.

The letter said the errors suggested Iran's nuclear fuel program was much more advanced than a series of IAEA reports and Washington's own intelligence assessments have determined.

It said the report falsely described Iran to have enriched uranium at its pilot centrifuge plant to weapons-grade level in April, whereas IAEA inspectors had made clear Iran had enriched only to a low level usable for nuclear power reactor fuel.

"Furthermore, the IAEA Secretariat takes strong exception to the incorrect and misleading assertion" that the IAEA opted to remove a senior safeguards inspector for supposedly concluding the purpose of Iran's program was to build weapons, it said.

The letter said the congressional report contained "an outrageous and dishonest suggestion" that the inspector was dumped for having not adhered to an alleged IAEA policy barring its "officials from telling the whole truth" about Iran.

Diplomats say the inspector remains IAEA Iran section head.

The IAEA has been inspecting Iran's nuclear program since 2003. Although it has found no hard evidence that Iran is working on atomic weapons, it has uncovered many previously concealed activities linked to uranium enrichment, a process of purifying fuel for nuclear power plants or weapons.

IAEA spokeswoman Melissa Fleming said: "We felt obliged to put the record straight with regard to the facts on what we have reported on Iran. It's a matter of the integrity of the IAEA."

Diplomats say Washington, spearheading efforts to isolate Iran with sanctions over its nuclear work, has long perceived ElBaradei to be "soft" on Tehran.

"This (committee report) is deja vu of the pre-Iraq war period where the facts are being maligned and attempts are being made to ruin the integrity of IAEA inspectors," said a Western diplomat familiar with the agency and IAEA-U.S. relations.

09-14-2006, 10:31 AM
The question is always: "who is telling the truth?"

Based on, eg, the UN weapons inspectors not finding WMD before invasion, then US not finding WMD after invasion, the Repugs seem to be the less credible.

With everything the Repugs do for supposedly NatSec/WTC reason ALWAYS being politicized exclusively for Repug political gain, a beahavior amplified by the current election, this mid-election report from the House Repugs is a purely political document as detached from reality as IAEA claims.

09-14-2006, 12:18 PM
The question is always: "who is telling the truth?"

Bush is telling the truth, because you know...he has such an outstanding record of doing so.

To me personally I believe, without any shred of evidence to support my claim, that Iran has all the intentions of aquiring nukes. Maybe right now they arent (or are, who knows?), but they will at some point.

George Gervin's Afro
09-14-2006, 12:24 PM
It's a shame that Bush has eroded any credibility the USA had..so now any time we proclaim to have the proof all anyone has to say is "just like Iraq's wmds"?

09-14-2006, 03:58 PM
To me personally I believe, without any shred of evidence to support my claim, that Iran has all the intentions of aquiring nukes. Maybe right now they arent (or are, who knows?), but they will at some point.

Everyone around them has them, so I don't see why Iran wouldn't want a nuclear weapon given the power of influence Pershia has always had in the region. The fact remains that Iran has only a few centrifuges to enrich uranium. At the current pace it would take at least a decade to have enough uranium for 1 nuclear weapon. Other centrifuges may come online and that is where the IAEA and the world government should concentrate their diplomatic efforts. Ultimately, as was promised by never delivered to North Korea, someone is gonna have to supply Iran with the rods and water to run their reactors or were gonna have a problem.

09-14-2006, 04:35 PM
Gee, I see the Libs are in full voice once again. Bush
lies, the UN is the ultimate source of information. Of
course we don't want to forget the oil for food program.
And all the ultimate sources of absolute truth. Those of
the posters above. Never wrong, no never........like
the Plame game. Right. You bunch of wrong head,
airheads should form you own club. You walk in lockstep.

09-14-2006, 04:41 PM
Bush isn't lying about this. Some douche congressional staffer tried to pull some shit. It would be interesting to see if he did so at the behest of someone higher up.

09-15-2006, 03:53 AM
Hailburton sold components to build a Nuke Reactor in IRAN.


I remember the IAEA did not agree with the US assessment of Saddam's wmd capability…. And they were right. Not that it mattered at the time, the war was mainly brought about by those convincing 'World leaders' MR Bush and Mr. Blair…….. déjà vu? anyone

George Gervin's Afro
09-15-2006, 07:00 AM
Gee, I see the Libs are in full voice once again. Bush
lies, the UN is the ultimate source of information. Of
course we don't want to forget the oil for food program.
And all the ultimate sources of absolute truth. Those of
the posters above. Never wrong, no never........like
the Plame game. Right. You bunch of wrong head,
airheads should form you own club. You walk in lockstep.

Well if I remember correctly the IAEA said Saddam did not have the capability to produce WMDS. Let me think hard and try and remember who was right about Iraq's wmds..Bush or the IAEA...hmmmmm..................................... .................................................. ............... oh it was the IAEA.. Hey ray shouldn't you be glued a radio talk show..with pen and paper in hand?

Aggie Hoopsfan
09-15-2006, 08:07 AM
The question is always: "who is telling the truth?"

Based on, eg, the UN weapons inspectors not finding WMD before invasion, then US not finding WMD after invasion, the Repugs seem to be the less credible.

With everything the Repugs do for supposedly NatSec/WTC reason ALWAYS being politicized exclusively for Repug political gain, a beahavior amplified by the current election, this mid-election report from the House Repugs is a purely political document as detached from reality as IAEA claims.

croutons, you're a dumbass. (nothing new). The IAEA's own reports to the UN have said Iran is trying to acquire nukes. Even straight from the mouth of el-Baradei, head of the IAEA, whom disagreed with the Bush administration on Iraq.

A report with Ahmadinedumbass on the cover and a comment about a Zionist free world? Sounds like Kofi's war chest just got a nice donation from Iran on this one.