View Full Version : Debunking Able Danger

09-21-2006, 03:10 AM
Pentagon to release report on September 11 claims

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon's inspector general will release a report in the coming days that is expected to refute claims that an Army intelligence unit had information that could have thwarted the September 11 attacks, officials said on Wednesday.

Former members of the data-mining unit code-named Able Danger and their Republican champion in Congress, Rep. Curt Weldon of Pennsylvania, have maintained for over a year that Able Danger uncovered intelligence on September 11 mastermind Mohamed Atta and others in 2000 that should have been a tip-off of the attacks. snip

Two officials familiar with the contents of the report said it substantially undermines claims put forward by Weldon and former Able Danger members. snip

But an earlier exhaustive Pentagon search of tens of thousands of documents and electronic files related to the operation failed to corroborate the claims.

Officials with House and Senate intelligence oversight committees have also said there is little substantiating evidence.

Swiss info (http://www.swissinfo.org/eng/international/ticker/detail/Pentagon_to_release_report_on_September_11_claims. html?siteSect=143&sid=7085012&cKey=1158806312000)

Curt Weldon lying and Able Danger claims unsubstantiated? Think Sean Insannity will talk about this today?

George Gervin's Afro
09-21-2006, 07:23 AM
Pentagon to release report on September 11 claims

Swiss info (http://www.swissinfo.org/eng/international/ticker/detail/Pentagon_to_release_report_on_September_11_claims. html?siteSect=143&sid=7085012&cKey=1158806312000)

Curt Weldon lying and Able Danger claims unsubstantiated? Think Sean Insannity will talk about this today?

Whannity is still trying to pin 9/11 on clinton. He keeps bringing up the issue about the 9/11 committee not investigating Clinton not getting , or passing on Osama. What I understand is that slick willy said he had no reason to arrest/kill the guy at the time because he had not done anything. Of course Yoni and the likes will come back and say that Osama claimed that he wanted to kill Americans he should have gotten him...well if that is a reason to go get someone then why aren't we out arresting / killing people who say they want to harm us now? Chavez? Iranian President? ..various clerics around the world? There are quite a few people who say they want to do us harm but have not..so I guess we will have pre-emptive killings and assasinations for words spoken about the USA.. so the Whannity has indirectly said that since a President passed on getting someone is liable for what they do later and beyond their presidency.. that would mean that Bush would be responsible for not getting someone who attacks us 3 yrs from now..someone who has said they want to do us harm..he will be on the hook..why do I get the feeling that Clinton will be at fault again for the likes of hush limpballs and sean whannity if this happens?

09-21-2006, 07:59 AM
What I understand is that slick willy said he had no reason to arrest/kill the guy at the time because he had not done anything.

Actually, Clinton on the Today show this morning said he had signed a standing order to kill Bin Laden if they had the chance....and that they "got close".

George Gervin's Afro
09-21-2006, 08:26 AM
Actually, Clinton on the Today show this morning said he had signed a standing order to kill Bin Laden if they had the chance....and that they "got close".

that's what I get for listening to talk radio..

09-22-2006, 02:27 AM
I found this in the article, thanks for the link.

The report, the result of a Defence Department probe(lets see now Rummy runs this department) launched last October, was expected to be issued by acting he won't be acting for long, bet he gets the job or a nicer one
Pentagon inspector general Thomas Gimble as early as Thursday, military and congressional officials said.

The Pentagon lies, or I only know what I was told.
or maybe someone asked "Sir, what do you want the results of this investigation to find? and how will it effect my career?

This reminds me of the investigation by than Major Colon Powell,which determined that Mai Lai never happened.

How about the great (Sarcasim) Warren Report.

How about when LBJ said on National TV that there we no Boys in Laos or Camboda

Your Government lies to protect it's (-)

The DIA halted Shaffer's access to classified information in September, 2005 after the first stories appeared. His security clearance was formally revoked in February, ending his career as an intelligence officer.

The Pentagon's inspector general also found no evidence of workplace reprisals against Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer, a Defense Intelligence Agency employee, for making the allegations to members of Congress and the media. :rolleyes

But the inspector general found that those actions were based on other unidentified misconduct :rolleyes and would have been justified regardless of the Able Danger disclosures.

How about this for other actions:

Weldon told CNN that Shaffer set up meetings with FBI officials in 2000, but they were canceled because lawyers for the Special Forces unit -- of which Able Danger was a member -- allegedly were concerned military authorities could not legally share information with domestic law enforcement about potential terror suspects in the United States.

"I was at the point of near insubordination over the fact that this was something important, that this was something that should have been pursued," said the colonelhttp://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/08/17/sept.11.hijackers/

:9/11 Commission Reviews Files Atta Links
Aug 11 11:30 AM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer


The Sept. 11 commission knew military intelligence officials had identified lead hijacker Mohamed Atta as a member of al-Qaida who might be part of U.S.-based terror cell more than a year before the terror attacks but decided not to include that in its final report, a spokesman acknowledged Thursday

Al Felzenberg, who had been the commission's spokesman, said Tuesday the panel was unaware of intelligence specifically naming Atta. But he said subsequent information provided Wednesday confirmed that the commission had been aware of the intelligence.


Wonder what we will find out in about 50+years

09-22-2006, 03:35 AM
"in about 50+years"

The unending, voluminous sliming and blaming Clinton as 100% responsible for 9/11 is irrefutable proof that the Repugs know beyond any doubt that they were criminally negligent as guarantor of national security between Jan - Sep 2001.

The Repugs absolutely do not want ever to admit 1 mg of responsiblity for 9/11, while pinning 100% of responsiblity on Clinton.

1. It was all Clinton's fault.

2. Nobody could have prevented it. "hijacked planes into buildings" who could have imagined that? it's so "out of the box" where dichkhead says he's so used to thinking.

3. We Repugs in the Exec branch could have prevented 9/11 but were totally defeated by the US Constitution. Extortion: rescind all restraints on Exec power, or we will not even try to defend the US.

09-22-2006, 04:52 AM
Here is a link: Go have an orgasm


Clinton had 8 years, Bush 8 Months
neither one wanted to do shit.

This country has been at risk for a long time, both parties at fault.

09-22-2006, 05:37 AM
and NBADan

The next time some right-wing nut brings up chinagate line them here
GW's Uncle Prescott, Jr. During the embargo on China, his company was the only US firm allowed to do business there, exporting communications satellites.?

President's uncle shares Bush family ties to China

By Debbie Howlett, USA TODAY

Prescott Bush

CHICAGO — When President Bush arrives in Beijing on Thursday, he'll embrace a policy that's something of a family tradition.

Bush's approach centers on promoting U.S.-China economic ties. That's a course favored not only by his father, the first President Bush, but also by his uncle, Prescott Bush Jr., a longtime acquaintance of Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

The Bush family's ties to China go back to 1974, when President Nixon named George Bush ambassador to China. The college-age George W. Bush spent two months in China visiting his parents during his father's two-year stint.


All President have been crooked, well except for maybe Carter and he was just D U M B. I sure regret voting for him.

I'm sure hope I'm alive when they release everything about when JFK got knocked off.

09-22-2006, 09:12 AM
"Clinton had 8 years, Bush 8 Months"

Clinton may not have done enough in 8 years, but in the hottest, most noisy 8 months just before WTC, nobody has any evidence that the Repugs did ANYTHING.

Am beginning to think the Repugs, interested ONLY in cutting taxes in those 8 months (does anybody have a list of Repug accomplishments, controlling both Houses, in those 8 months, other than cutting taxes? ), criminally neglected their NatSec job, knowing in advance that they would blame automatically, exclusively EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that happened on the Repug watch on Clinton.

09-22-2006, 09:30 AM
Clinton may not have done enough in 8 years, but in the hottest, most noisy 8 months just before WTC, nobody has any evidence that the Repugs did ANYTHING.

Am beginning to think the Repugs, interested ONLY in cutting taxes in those 8 months (does anybody had a list of Repug accomplishments, controlling both Houses, in those 8 months, other than cutting taxes? ), criminally neglected their NatSec job, knowing in advance that they would blame automatically, exclusively EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that happened on the Repug watch on Clinton.

Actually Dick Cheney was assigned to chair a counter terrorism committee during that timeframe but they never convened a meeting prior to 9/11. If memory serves, he did find plenty of time to meet with oil executives to tailor their energy legislation that they would later get the lapdogs of Congress to rubber stamp.