View Full Version : Ambush Video

09-28-2006, 05:15 PM
Incredible stuff if you haven't seen it...

Halliburton Truck driver gets ambushed (http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=2495326)

Exclusive: U.S. Troops Abandoned Me, Says Convoy Driver

A dramatic home video obtained by ABC News shows U.S. troops apparently abandoned a truck convoy after it came under insurgent attack in Iraq last year.

Three unarmed Halliburton truck drivers were executed at point-blank range once the troops left, according to a surviving driver, Preston Wheeler, of Mena, Ark., who taped the scene.


Wheeler says Halliburton did not provide any of the drivers with maps or even rudimentary drawings of the location.

He says when he was hired by Halliburton he was promised the trucks would be equipped with bullet proof glass and armed guards every third truck.

"That's a lie, it's a gimmick, a sales pitch," Wheeler said.

ABC News (http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2006/09/exclusive_u)

09-28-2006, 05:26 PM
Was he whistling while he was driving and taking fire??

09-28-2006, 11:32 PM
Wheeler says Halliburton did not provide any of the drivers with maps or even rudimentary drawings of the location.

He says when he was hired by Halliburton he was promised the trucks would be equipped with bullet proof glass and armed guards every third truck.

"That's a lie, it's a gimmick, a sales pitch," Wheeler said.

What can I say. You go to war with the no-bid government contracted corporations you have, not the no-bid government contracted corporations you'd like.