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View Full Version : KG not as unhappy as you think

NBA Junkie
10-04-2006, 07:37 AM

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Kevin Garnett sat down into a folding chair, smiled and was downright playful as he spoke in an upbeat tone about the team surrounding him.

Despite coming off one of the most disappointing seasons of his 11-year career, and with few marquee moves made to turn things around, Garnett said he hasn't felt this good about his Minnesota Timberwolves in years.

It was a surprising attitude for the former league MVP, who stewed down the stretch last season and lamented missing the playoffs for the second straight season.

He put his demeanor heading into this season on par with 2003-04, when the Timberwolves acquired Sam Cassell and Latrell Sprewell and made a run to the Western Conference finals, 1996-97 when Stephon Marbury was brought in and his first year in the league in 1995-96.

"I can't remember being this excited or this enthused since the '04 season," Garnett said. "I can remember when we drafted Steph, being excited, obviously my rookie year, but I'm really excited to get going."

The superstar paid only lip service to last season's 33-49 disaster, and said it caused him to do some serious soul-searching in the offseason.

"Last year was such a big disappointment that it's fueling me to go back and really, really remember why I play," Garnett said. "Remember why we all love to play this game and why we all play with emotion."

Garnett plays with more emotion than most, but he spent the final games of the season on the bench with his eyes glossed over while the Wolves tested their younger players.

That, of course, led to more trade rumors. Basketball boss Kevin McHale made it clear from the start that Garnett was untouchable, and made a few moves to improve the team.

McHale signed free-agent point guard Mike James and drafted Villanova guard Randy Foye in the lottery, looking to shore up a perimeter that lacked scoring punch.

Other than that, it's the same Timberwolves that struggled so much last year.

"I've always said that as long as this team is trying to win and going in the right direction, I'm going to be here," Garnett said. "My goal is to win. Not anything short of that. When I feel the organization is going in another direction, then it's time to move on.

"If they're going to make a move and move me or do whatever, that's what it is. It's not going to make any difference on when I touch the floor and how I go at it."

For now, the face of the franchise is happy. Instead of training at home in California, he spent a lot of time at the team's practice facility in the Twin Cities scrimmaging with his new teammates.

"One of the things I wanted to do this summer was start early, just playing pickup and messing around and get to really, really know everybody," Garnett said. "Not just from a personal standpoint off the floor, but on the floor as well.

"It's been really, really good. I can't really get y'all to understand not only how big it was for us to get around each other, but also how well it has been. Guys have really, really opened up and we're working on something special."

That kind of talk is in stark contrast to media day last season, when a sullen Garnett lamented the loss of veteran Sam Cassell and didn't express much optimism for the following season.

It's clear that this year, he likes what he sees.

Entering his 12th season at the age of 30, the ultra-competitive Garnett said James reminds him "of a smaller version of me," and he raved about Foye, who dominated the Las Vegas summer league.

"Guys just taking ownership of the team and having it be their team," McHale said. "I've been very happy with the guys and their work the last seven, eight weeks. They're working out together and they're forming a bond.

"Chemistry is such an important part to our game. If you have it, you find a way to win games. If you don't have it, you find a way to lose games and we found ways to lose games last year."

The team's 33 victories were the lowest total since 1996, but Garnett wasn't interested in looking back during the team's media day on Monday. He is too excited about what lies ahead.

"We're taking strides towards it, not just talking about it," Garnett said. "We've been in here going after it since like July, just being around each other. I think it's going to be a big plus. I think it's definitely going to help."

10-04-2006, 10:04 AM
All I read in his quotes was: "blah blah blah blah trade me to the Lakers blah blah blah I want to play with Kobe blah blah blah blah why is Ricky Davis still on this team? blah blah blah we drafted who? blah blah blah blah I'm trying to be loyal but damm blah blah blah"

10-04-2006, 11:27 PM
Let's see what he's saying when February comes around and the Twolves are in a tight battle for the #10 seed.

ATX Spur
10-04-2006, 11:33 PM
Did you see Garnett so frustrated at times last season? Almost homicidal. If the TWolves are battling for 10th in February (which they very well could be), then I look for him to eat an official at the scorers' table or just grab the ball and run off the court or something like that.

NBA Junkie
10-05-2006, 07:22 AM
Let's see what he's saying when February comes around and the Twolves are in a tight battle for the #10 seed.

The typical bullshit comment I'd expect out of you.

10-06-2006, 12:28 AM
Oh my. And your expectations mean so much around here.

NBA Junkie
10-06-2006, 01:52 AM
I don't give a damn if my expectations mean anything to anyone, Shoogarplum! I sure as hell don't put much credence in anything you have to say.

It is encouraging, to me, that KG is excited about the direction of this team. He wasn't echoing those sentiments at this time last season.

I'm also encouraged by the fact that most of the T-Wolves roster hung out and scrimmaged together, with KG's guidance, in an attempt to bond and improve over last seasons disappointment. I like the commitment that these guys are demonstrating in an attempt to turn this thing around. The other welcome change that I like is that KG is stepping up in becoming a team leader. Something, he has shied away from doing in the past.

Whether it translates to on-court success remains to be seen.

10-06-2006, 10:28 AM
It won't.

10-06-2006, 11:06 AM
Funny how in the middle of the summer, I remember reading an article on KG and he said something about how the Wolves needed to make some changes to turn things around. He went on to say that Mike James was a good start, but the management needed to do more.

Subsequently, the Timberwolves did NOTHING else. I think there were deals that could have been made still. A play for Darius Miles. Maybe go after Kenyon Martin. How about getting Stromile Swift since he didn't want to go back to Memphis?

None of those players would assure the Wolves of being better, mind you. But, they are moves to acquire talent. Outside of KG and possibly Ricky Davis, the Wolves have inferior talent. I mean, they have nice players like Griffin and now Mike James. But, compared to the better teams in the league, their talent is clearly inferior.

They have smaller contracts that are moveable. They have FOUR point guards. They should make at least one more move. For petes sake, go get Rashard Lewis. And, yes, it's worth giving up more draft picks. KG is already 30 years old. Are you telling me in his career, you're only going to field a team good enough to make it out of the first round ONCE?

KG is gone. And, he will likely dictate where he will go when he forces a trade. My bet is still the LA Lakers. They have a few big contracts in Odom and/or Kwame Brown, some expiring contracts (McKie and Mihm), and a young big man in Andrew Bynum to broker a deal.

10-06-2006, 02:07 PM
Yep... I think in a few months KG finds himself in the same boat hes been in the last two seasons... and really all of his career, except for one good season. Where's Latrell at these days?

10-06-2006, 06:27 PM
Kelvin Kato would be our starting center if he was signed.

That's bad.

Although i'm expecting good things from Griffen since his eye surgery. The doctor told him that it was amazing he could even drive.

Maybe now he'll be able to jack off drunk while watching porn and keep it on the road.

We have some good players but there not much different. Traditional PG and big bruiser/rebounder are sorely needed IMO.

10-06-2006, 06:31 PM
KG is gone. And, he will likely dictate where he will go when he forces a trade. My bet is still the LA Lakers. They have a few big contracts in Odom and/or Kwame Brown, some expiring contracts (McKie and Mihm), and a young big man in Andrew Bynum to broker a deal.

LA didn't have enough to land Artest. What makes you think they can get KG?

10-06-2006, 06:34 PM
LA didn't have enough to land Artest. What makes you think they can get KG?

they had enough to land artest was not stupid enough to offer more then they did though

NBA Junkie
10-06-2006, 06:50 PM
Subsequently, the Timberwolves did NOTHING else. I think there were deals that could have been made still. A play for Darius Miles. Maybe go after Kenyon Martin. How about getting Stromile Swift since he didn't want to go back to Memphis?

No thanks to all of these guys. They eventually hurt teams more than they help. We've been down that road before with Sprewell and Cassell.

They have smaller contracts that are moveable. They have FOUR point guards. They should make at least one more move. For petes sake, go get Rashard Lewis. And, yes, it's worth giving up more draft picks. KG is already 30 years old. Are you telling me in his career, you're only going to field a team good enough to make it out of the first round ONCE?

Yeah right, like the Sonics are just going to give us Rashard Lewis for Ricky Davis and Marko Jaric? Dream on. While Jaric and Hassell are "only" making about 6 mil a season, nobody will want them since they have 5 and 4 years left on their contracts respectively. Troy Hudson you say? It's just a matter of time before he lands on the injured list again. He'd rather make rap albums that nobody will listen to than play another NBA game.

KG is gone. And, he will likely dictate where he will go when he forces a trade. My bet is still the LA Lakers. They have a few big contracts in Odom and/or Kwame Brown, some expiring contracts (McKie and Mihm), and a young big man in Andrew Bynum to broker a deal.

I'm convinced he's a Wolve for life. He's not going anywhere. He's frustrated, but he's never publicly demanded a trade. KG to the Lakers will never happen.

NBA Junkie
10-06-2006, 06:53 PM
Kelvin Kato would be our starting center if he was signed.

I'm afraid Vin Baker is the best they're gonna do.

With the lack of depth in the frontcourt, he'll undoubtedly make the team and be the back-up center by default.

10-06-2006, 07:07 PM
Difference between those guys I mentioned and Latrell Sprewell and Cassell is that those guys are locked up for several years, so if the Wolves trade for them, they aren't going to become malconents after one year of playing well, AND all of those guys are "troubled" YOUNG players, not mid 30s crybabies. KG wants talent on the team. The Wolves have very little talent. K-Mart, Stromile, and Darius ALL have talent. No, it's not the best solution. But, the Wolves don't have many options right now. McHale just keeps riding onto the fact that he made one great but very lucky draft pick in McHale among the myriad of mistakes he did make.

Rashard Lewis has a player option after this year. I'm not saying the Sonics will give him up for trash. But, if Rashard makes it known he is not coming back to Seattle, they might be open to trading him to get some value from him. They did trade their franchise player a few years ago when the same situation came up in Gary Payton. No, they won't want Ricky Davis and Marko Jaric. But, they might take either Randy Foye OR Rashad McCants, Trenton Hassell, Eddie Griffin, and a future first round draft pick. Lewis only makes about $9 million this upcoming season.

If KG gets frustrated enough, a trade could very well happen. And, KG to the Lakers just makes too much sense. You want to believe will be a Timberwolf for life. Every fan of a HOF type player wants to believe that. Shaq should have been a Laker for life. Vince Carter should have been a Raptor for life. Elton Brand should have been a Bull for life. Steve Nash should have been a Maverick for life.

Realize trades can happen. Hall of Famers can sign with other teams. It's part of the business of professional sports. I'm not saying it's absolutely going to happen. But, it very may well happen. To think otherwise would be very naive.

10-06-2006, 11:50 PM
Does McHale have pictures of your owner in bed naked with toddlers? It's the only reason I can come up with for him to still have his job.

Bob Lanier
10-06-2006, 11:56 PM
Rashard Lewis would be an interesting option. At least he's not as soft as KG is and can give you semi-dependable scoring, but he doesn't really do anything else.

NBA Junkie
10-07-2006, 06:04 AM
Realize trades can happen. Hall of Famers can sign with other teams. It's part of the business of professional sports. I'm not saying it's absolutely going to happen. But, it very may well happen. To think otherwise would be very naive.

I've been a fan long enough to know this is a business. I don't appreciate you patronizing me on this.

All I'm saying is that KG loves Minnesota, and it's going to take a lot for him to leave. You bet he's been frustrated with how things went last season. But, he has repeatedly stated that he won't back down from an adverse situation. If things really go south this season, he very well could be traded. I just don't think the Lakers are that team. Bynum is unproven. Lamar Odom is a poor mans KG who is chronically inconsistent.

The better option is trading him to the Bulls who have a plethora of young talented guys they might not be able to keep when their contracts expire in a few years. Oh yeah, they also can give us draft picks, like say, that likely lottery pick that they'll be getting at the end of this season from the Knicks.

10-07-2006, 09:26 AM
I've been a fan long enough to know this is a business. I don't appreciate you patronizing me on this.

All I'm saying is that KG loves Minnesota, and it's going to take a lot for him to leave.

You mean like eight straight seasons losing in the first round of the playoffs, then finally making it to the conference finals only to NOT EVEN MAKE THE PLAYOFFS the next two seasons?

The better option is trading him to the Bulls who have a plethora of young talented guys they might not be able to keep when their contracts expire in a few years. Oh yeah, they also can give us draft picks, like say, that likely lottery pick that they'll be getting at the end of this season from the Knicks.

Fact: Kevin Garnett makes $21 million next season.

In order to trade for KG, a team would have to give up about $16-17 million in salary in return. Chicago has one big contract to give up in PJ Brown and that's only worth $8 million. The Bulls would not only have to give up Tyrun Thomas, but also EITHER Ben Gordon or Kirk Hinrich or Luol Deng as well, along with a cap filler like Mike Sweetney. I'm sure Chicago would love KG to join the Bulls, but they would be giving up a lot to get him. I don't think it's a more realistic trade than one with the Lakers.

10-07-2006, 12:38 PM
Refusal to acknowledge that Trading KG would be good for the team and should have alrready been done is what makes most MN fans poor sports fans.

Sucks but its hurting the team in the long run.

NBA Junkie
10-07-2006, 05:40 PM
Refusal to acknowledge that Trading KG would be good for the team and should have alrready been done is what makes most MN fans poor sports fans.

You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

10-07-2006, 06:58 PM
Who cares if hes unhappy or not, his team is NEVER going anywhere anyway. I feel kind of sorry for him.

10-07-2006, 07:25 PM
What did you expect him say? The media and fans tend to crucify honesty amongst athletes. We tend to believe that they should just suck it up, since they are paid so much. We label them as selfish and quitters. Very few seem to be honest anymore and Garnett just doesn't fit the profile of the two types: Young, brash and stupid (Stephon Marbury) or proven winner and leader of a Title team (Ray Lewis).

Of course he's hopeful. Just like Brett Favre was with regards to this year's Packers when he labeled them " One of the most talented teams" that he's ever played with.

He wants to win and sometimes, just like for us fans, you're wanting to win so bad can make hope seem like a certainty.

Fact is, he's got a lot of talent surrounding him. Still, it's mostly in the form of wing talent (James, Hudson, Foye, Davis... McCants if available), but how's he gonna like it when his Herculean effort of manning the team's post responsibilities in their entirety yield little more than a .500 record?

I just think realism is the best bet and these 'wolves will struggle to make the playoffs. It's possible, but they'll need much more to go right than does go wrong and that rarely happens to teams with thin frontcourts ('specially in the West) and hot-headed, inexperienced backcourts.

My two cents worth...

10-09-2006, 02:33 PM
Bring back Cassell. Almost everybody doesn't see that wherever Cassell goes he's always a playoff-contender

10-12-2006, 10:03 AM
You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

Yup, lot of support to back you up on that one outside of MN i see. Nationally seen as one of the softest fan base's around.......

10-12-2006, 10:04 AM
Does McHale have pictures of your owner in bed naked with toddlers? It's the only reason I can come up with for him to still have his job.

He's an NBA GM, not a Catholic priest!

NBA Junkie
10-12-2006, 11:27 AM
Yup, lot of support to back you up on that one outside of MN i see. Nationally seen as one of the softest fan base's around.......

So, in other words, your beliefs are based on what others think? Whats the matter, junior? Are you afraid to think for yourself?

Why the hell would I care about support on a board like this? Spurs fans are too busy with the Mavs, and vice versa for them to give a rats ass about the T-Wolves. And, when they do, they always dust off the original "What's your team ever won" line like they have a hand in the Spurs success or whatever hell team they're rooting for.

10-12-2006, 12:13 PM
Hold up, hombre. I said NATIONALLY, not in SA or MN. You're just proving my point that this is your only outside exerience with sports.

Why does it matter? Well to contrast our team and fanbase, silly. Otherwise we would think that a .500 record is like an NBA title but we get to go outside our box and see what smart FO do to win titles such as Miami, SA, Detroit, etc... have done.

So you go on supporting keeping a phenomanol player in KG for his last years of his prime so you can see a few more highlights from him on SportsCenter. I see outside of your box how it truly is when you keep trying to add "pieces" to a crumbling mess like NY is/has done. I would have taken my Phoenix chances and traded KG away for Chi's young uns and there two draft picks, tossed everyone else away that was overpaid for short contracts and been a young, title contender for years to come.

Need i remind you that there was quite a few rubes on the KFAN.com boards that thought Finley=Title contender last year.

You have to blow this up before it gets built up.

NBA Junkie
10-27-2006, 06:29 AM
Hold up, hombre. I said NATIONALLY, not in SA or MN. You're just proving my point that this is your only outside exerience with sports.

I'm well aware of the national consesus that trading KG is the thing to do. I read the papers, see the national sports shows on cable, and trade and Garnett seem to go hand in hand. But, since we're on a Spurs board, that's what I'm referring to. You just love twisting words around don't you. :rolleyes

Why does it matter? Well to contrast our team and fanbase, silly. Otherwise we would think that a .500 record is like an NBA title but we get to go outside our box and see what smart FO do to win titles such as Miami, SA, Detroit, etc... have done.

It's funny how you include Detroit in that example despite their "poor" hiring of Flip in your opinion. What else has Joe Dumars done lately? Nothing really. Geez, even McHale looked like a decent hire at first, like Dumars. Then, like McHale, Dumars has made some questionable moves of late. Are Detroit fans screaming for his head? Of course not, but maybe they should before he buries the Pistons into the ground.

So you go on supporting keeping a phenomanol player in KG for his last years of his prime so you can see a few more highlights from him on SportsCenter. I see outside of your box how it truly is when you keep trying to add "pieces" to a crumbling mess like NY is/has done. I would have taken my Phoenix chances and traded KG away for Chi's young uns and there two draft picks, tossed everyone else away that was overpaid for short contracts and been a young, title contender for years to come.

Let me reiterate this to you since you're a pro at twisting words. I would welcome a trade for KG if it meant rebuilding the team into something positive. The Chicago and Phoenix proposals are the way to go. That LA proposal that Jam suggests is absolute horseshit, IMO. I've been saying all along is that Garnett cannot be dealt for nothing. The Lakers and Toronto were both fleeced in the Shaq and Carter deals. Neither has fully recovered as Kobe is stuck with a below average team and the Raptors are completely rebuilding with no hopes of being a contending team anytime soon.

My hunch is that Garnett will want to hang around if the team improves, even if it's not title worthy as you and I believe. That's up to him. But, what you and I think should happen and what McHale does are two different things.

Need i remind you that there was quite a few rubes on the KFAN.com boards that thought Finley=Title contender last year.

And, though I'm sure you believe otherwise, I wasn't one of them.

You have to blow this up before it gets built up.

Agreed. The problem is, how is the Wolves brainy GM going to unload the Hudson's and the Jaric's that he foolishly signed to long term deals? Even if KG is dealt, I just can't see other teams wanting those guys as part of a packaged deal with Garnett or separately.

10-27-2006, 11:24 AM
Ahhh, Nice that you point out the pistons hiring of Flip. Pistons smart FO moves are old news. What DID they do to win a title? Made some pretty nifty moves in acquring their core pieces then took a HUGE risk by getting Rasheed. I never said they continued to make great moves after winning.

Heat? The took on a HUGE risk by jettisoning Eddie Jones and getting Walker, Payton, and Williams not to mentioning "firing" their coach.

I'm not going to speak for what they do in the future.

You're starting this thread with regards of hoping KG stays when in actuallity, a knowledgable wolves fan would be hoping he gets traded even if it means a few tears shed.