View Full Version : Federal Deficit Now Lowest

10-12-2006, 09:10 AM
Federal Deficit Now Lowest in 4 Years Yesterday, 05:30 PM

The federal deficit in the budget year that just ended fell to a four- year low of $247.7 billion _ a figure President Bush touted Wednesday as "proof that pro-growth policies work."

The deficit for the budget year that ended Sept. 30 was 22.3 percent lower than the $318.7 billion imbalance for 2005, handing Bush a welcome economic talking point as Republicans battle to hold onto control of Congress in the midterm elections.

Bush called the outcome for Fiscal 2006 a "dramatic reduction" that redeemed his 2004 campaign pledge to halve the deficit earlier than his original 2009 target date.

"These numbers show that we have now achieved our goal of cutting the federal deficit in half and we've done it three years ahead of schedule," Bush told reporters at a Rose Garden news conference.

The pledge to cut the deficit in half was based on the administration's forecast that the 2004 deficit would hit $521 billion, a figure that proved to be too pessimistic by more than $100 billion. However, the administration has continued to use the forecast number as its benchmark for deficit reduction.

Bush said he would continue to urge Congress to make permanent his first-term tax cuts, all of which are due to expire by the end of 2010.

Republicans are hoping to appeal to voters in the upcoming election as the party that champions tax cuts while casting Democrats, who contend that those tax cuts primarily benefited the wealthy, as the party which would increase taxes.

During his news conference, Bush predicted that the Republicans would maintain control of both the House and the Senate in part because of Democrats' stand on taxes.

"There's a difference of opinion in the campaign about taxes," Bush said. "I would like to ... make the tax cuts permanent. And the Democrats will raise taxes."

Bush said that while Democrats say they just want to raise taxes on rich people, "it's just a codeword. They're going to raise them on whoever they can raise them on."

For their part, Democrats called the 2006 deficit improvement a temporary blip and predicted rising deficits for years to come unless policies are changed.

"Only a president with such a historically bad economic record would be this excited about a $248 billion deficit," said Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y. "Under his watch ... record surpluses turned into record deficits as far as the eye can see."

Both spending and tax revenues climbed to all-time highs in 2006. The sharp narrowing of the deficit reflected the fact that revenues climbed by 11.7 percent, outpacing the 7.3 percent increase in spending.

The 2006 deficit was far lower than the $423 billion figure the administration had projected last February and also represented an improvement from a July revised estimate of $295.8 billion.

Republicans said the big improvement showed that Bush's economic policies were working to stimulate growth and boost tax revenues. But Democrats said the narrowing of the deficit would be temporary as the pending retirement of 78 million baby boomers will send costs of the government's big benefit programs soaring.

"The fact that some are trumpeting this year's deficit number as good news shows just how far we've fallen. Our budget picture is extremely serious by any measure," said Sen. Kent Conrad, the senior Democrat on the Budget Committee.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects that the deficit for the current budget year will rise to $286 billion. Over the next decade, the CBO forecasts that the deficit will total $1.76 trillion.

Extending the Bush tax cuts, which are currently scheduled to expire at the end of 2010, would add another $2.2 trillion to the deficit through 2016, the CBO estimates.

The 2006 deficit was the smallest deficit since a $159 billion imbalance in 2002, a shortfall that came after four straight years of budget surpluses, the longest stretch that the government had finished with surpluses in seven decades.

Since that time, the government has recorded three of the biggest deficits in history including an all-time record in dollar terms of $413 billion in 2004.

The reason for the improvement this year was a second consecutive big jump in revenues, propelled by strong economic strength. The 11.7 percent increase in revenues was the second biggest percentage gain in history.

The administration credits its tax cuts for the improving economy, contending they helped the nation withstand the 2001 recession, the terrorist attacks and a wave corporate accounting scandals.

But Robert Greenstein, head of the liberal-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, said the big revenue increases in the past two years followed three consecutive years in which revenues fell, reflecting the impact of a recession and Bush's earlier tax cuts.

"This temporary improvement has little to do with a tax-cut driven surge in revenues or the economy," he said. "What stands out is that both revenue growth and the economy have performed markedly worse in the current recovery than in average recoveries of modern times."


10-12-2006, 09:12 AM
About time is all I have to say. :tu

10-12-2006, 09:23 AM
The pledge to cut the deficit in half was based on the administration's forecast that the 2004 deficit would hit $521 billion, a figure that proved to be too pessimistic by more than $100 billion. However, the administration has continued to use the forecast number as its benchmark for deficit reduction.

I sure wish I could use THAT kind of accounting for my board meetings, eh RG.

10-12-2006, 09:26 AM

10-12-2006, 01:42 PM
Umm, what was the deficit the year before Bush the Lesser inherited the office?

Oops, that's right, it wasn't a deficit, it was a surplus, to the tune of $236 billion dollars in FY2000.

And isn't the Iraq/Afghanistan spending somehow off the "official" books? Could be wrong here, but even so GWB & company have nothing to crow about.

George Gervin's Afro
10-12-2006, 02:54 PM
This issue reminds me of an old episode of the Ricki Lake show..

Her show was about guys who had multiple kids by multiple wives. One guy got up and proclaimed that he worked and took care of his kids..he jumped up and down and wanted the audience's approval.. then Ricki Lake said "no one is going to congratulate you for doing what your supposed to do!"...

fast forward to now.. Bush wants props for lowering the deficit his fiscal policies are responsible for ? Hey Bush your supposed to be lowering your deficit! No applause from me considering you came into office without a deficit..

10-12-2006, 04:11 PM
I've posted my own text too much today. Needs some balance, here's somebody's else's text http://spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smilol.gif http://spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smilol.gif http://spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smilol.gif


Painting a Rosy Budget Picture

Bush Touts Declining Deficit, but Long-Term Outlook Is Dimmer

By Michael Abramowitz and Peter Baker
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, October 11, 2006; A06

MACON, Ga., Oct. 10 -- The federal budget deficit shrank from $318 billion to less than $260 billion in the fiscal year that concluded in September, officials disclosed yesterday. It marks the second year in a row that the deficit has declined after ballooning in the early years of the Bush administration.

White House officials hailed the improving short-term budget picture as a vindication of President Bush's tax-cutting agenda, though the long-term prospects are considerably bleaker, given the escalating costs of health-care and retirement programs and, in the view of many economists, the red ink produced by tax cuts.

Bush pointed to the declining budget deficit in remarks Tuesday evening at a fundraiser in Georgia, where he once again sought to frame next month's midterm elections in part as a referendum on tax cuts that he says have stimulated revenue. The nation "has got this choice to make," Bush told donors here. "Do we keep taxes low so we can keep this economy growing, or do we let the Democrats in Washington raise taxes and hurt the economic vitality of this country?"

The president will step up his efforts to tout the economy at a White House event Wednesday, when officials said he will announce that he has met his target of cutting the deficit in half over five years -- three years ahead of schedule.

That promise was based on what officials once projected would be a $521 billion deficit in 2004. One senior White House official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the president has not officially announced the numbers, said the deficit for 2006 will be less than $260 billion, "with a significant margin." The Congressional Budget Office estimated last week the deficit would be $250 billion.

One reason the goal was achieved is that the bar was set low. http://spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smilol.gif http://spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smilol.gif
As the economy improved, the $521 billion deficit never materialized, and the government ended 2004 with a $412 billion deficit. Moreover, Bush's policies, including the tax cuts and war spending, helped wipe out the surplus that his administration inherited from the Clinton administration in 2001;

Democrats point out that the government was supposed to be running a $300 billion surplus this past year, so in effect, they say, there has been a downward swing of more than half a trillion dollars.

Sen. Kent Conrad (N.D.), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Budget Committee, said the deficit numbers mask the broader problem, which is that the government is using so much in surplus Social Security taxes that it eventually must repay.

When that is added to the official deficit numbers, Conrad said, the country had an additional $550 billion in debt last year. "It's amazing how word games have been used to hide from the American people how serious our fiscal situation really is," Conrad said in an interview. "All of the happy talk is just that."

Still, the budget deficit is declining, in large measure because corporate and individual tax receipts have surged at a much faster rate than the government originally projected. The Congressional Budget Office estimated last week that government receipts were up 11.8 percent in 2006, to $2.4 trillion, the second-highest increase since 1981, surpassed only by the 14.5 percent increase last year.

Meeting with reporters last week, White House budget director Rob Portman said: "This economy is strong and growing. The president's pro-growth policies, including the tax relief, are working."

But Robert D. Reischauer, former director of the Congressional Budget Office and now president of the Urban Institute, gave the tax cuts little credit because the economic effect of putting that money back into the economy was offset by the debt incurred from extra spending on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and relief from Hurricane Katrina.

"The consensus among economists is that the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 and the extensions have done little to boost economic growth, having been offset by increased spending," he said.

Reischauer agreed that revenue is stronger than most observers expected. "But what we're seeing is the calm before the storm," he said. "Everyone knows that the current revenue and spending structures taken together will be unsustainable as the baby-boom generation begins to enter its retirement years."

( but dubya, having ballooned the federal debt enormously, will be retired )

Administration officials said the president will continue to talk up the economy as he tours the country in the weeks before the Nov. 7 elections, hoping to overcome voter anger about the war in Iraq and congressional scandals. "In some of the key states and some of the key districts, even within these states, the economy remains the number one issue," said Portman, a former Ohio congressman who remains close to his House colleagues.

Bush was campaigning Tuesday for Mac Collins, a former congressman who is trying to unseat Rep. Jim Marshall in one of the few House races in which the GOP has hope of defeating a Democratic incumbent. Collins aides said they expected the campaign to take in more than $400,000 from Bush's appearance.

Baker reported from Washington.

© 2006 The Washington Post Company


In the $260B federal deficit for the year ending last month, how much of that was interest payments on the federal debt?

10-12-2006, 09:15 PM
In the $260B federal deficit for the year ending last month, how much of that was interest payments on the federal debt?

According to http://www.publicdebt.ustreas.gov/opd/opdint.htm, interest payments in '06 were $406 billion, up $50 billion from '05 and the highest in history (of the planet).

10-13-2006, 12:13 AM
According to http://www.publicdebt.ustreas.gov/opd/opdint.htm, interest payments in '06 were $406 billion, up $50 billion from '05 and the highest in history (of the planet).

That's an outrageous amount to pay for just interest on the debt. Just think of what we could do with that money every year.

10-13-2006, 07:13 AM
Didn't we have a surplus, put towards the national debt under Clinton?

In other news today, New Orleans is slightly better than it was immediately after the breaching of the levees.

10-13-2006, 07:26 AM
"put towards the national debt under Clinton?"

One of the foundations of "largest peacetime expansion of the US economy" under Clinton was his aggressively paying down the national debt in his first term. This expansion of the economy came with the pre-dubya tax rates. The expansion of the US economy in the 50s and 60s also occurred with higher tax rates than now.

dubya's tax cuts do nothing but enrich the super rich and corps, do almost nothing for the middle/lower classes.