View Full Version : Damn! And, I had such high hopes...

10-13-2006, 12:26 PM
...for Air Ameriscam.

Air America Radio Files for Chapter 11 (http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/10/13/D8KNQMG84.html)

10-13-2006, 12:37 PM
I find it shocking that there isn't an audience who wants to listen to the far left, non-funny, monotone complaining of Franken!

If the Dems ever take over again, watch out for an attempt to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.

10-13-2006, 12:49 PM
Gosh, what a victory for conservatism that liberally-minded talking heads relegated to obscure radio frequencies not owned by Clear Channel and other such broadcasting behemoths and only available in a handful of cities hasn't been able to turn profits.

I'm sure this has won hearts and minds.

Extra Stout
10-13-2006, 12:54 PM
I find it shocking that there isn't an audience who wants to listen to the far left, non-funny, monotone complaining of Franken!

If the Dems ever take over again, watch out for an attempt to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.
Randi Rhodes and Garofalo represented such a broad spectrum of the radio-listening public! And they used only the best left-wing principles out there on how to run a start-up business! I'm befuddled as to how the venture failed. Seems like it was a can't-miss.

10-13-2006, 01:00 PM
The Right is having similar problems keeping their "Skate Park Hip-Hop Jam Festivals" afloat.

10-13-2006, 01:05 PM
Gosh, what a victory for conservatism that liberally-minded talking heads relegated to obscure radio frequencies not owned by Clear Channel and other such broadcasting behemoths and only available in a handful of cities hasn't been able to turn profits.

I'm sure this has won hearts and minds.
I personally think this is a bad development precisely because of what jochhejaam said.

If the Liberals had a successful formula for broadcasting their nonsense, a return to the First Amendment breach known as the Fairness Doctrine would be less likely.

I wonder if Air Ameriscam is still taking donations.

10-13-2006, 01:13 PM
Air America blows. Just like Ann Coulter. Who accepts this meaningless babble from either.

We need change. Congress and the House must rebuild.

10-13-2006, 01:57 PM
It's not the death of progressive radio though.
But I do think the extreme left views cost it big time.
doesn't hurt me none either.

10-13-2006, 02:13 PM
Doesn't hurt Progressive talk radio much either, except thanks to wing-nut-backed broadcasting bohemous, like CCC, everyone will get even less variety of opinion on local talk-radio. I still think that the Stephanie Miller show is one of the most informative and entertaining 3-hours of Progressive, or any type of political talk-radio for that matter, on the air, but CCC won't broadcaster her, no matter the ratings and cash she would bring in for local stations. Kinda blows the 'broadcasters are only worried about profits' argument to justify 24-7 wing-nut radio out of the water.

Extra Stout
10-13-2006, 02:23 PM
Doesn't hurt Progressive talk radio much either, except thanks to wing-nut-backed broadcasting bohemous, like CCC, everyone will get even less variety of opinion on local talk-radio. I still think that the Stephanie Miller show is one of the most informative and entertaining 3-hours of Progressive, or any type of political talk-radio for that matter, on the air, but CCC won't broadcaster her, no matter the ratings and cash she would bring in for local stations. Kinda blows the 'broadcasters are only worried about profits' argument to justify 24-7 wing-nut radio out of the water.
If there were a huge pent-up demand for progressive talk radio, Air America would have succeeded.

Wishful thinking does not deliver a good return on investment.

10-13-2006, 02:29 PM
Doesn't hurt Progressive talk radio much either, except thanks to wing-nut-backed broadcasting bohemous, like CCC, everyone will get even less variety of opinion on local talk-radio. I still think that the Stephanie Miller show is one of the most informative and entertaining 3-hours of Progressive, or any type of political talk-radio for that matter, on the air, but CCC won't broadcaster her, no matter the ratings and cash she would bring in for local stations. Kinda blows the 'broadcasters are only worried about profits' argument to justify 24-7 wing-nut radio out of the water.
Stephanie who?

Seriously, if it brought in revenue, they'd broadcast it. Even radio conglomerates have stockholders.

Hey Dan, do you know what else sells? Black Helicopter radio. Alex Jones and the silly Coast to Coast nonsense have a guaranteed block on AM radio. Why? Because people like you listen to get the truth and people like me listen to be entertained.

Liberal Air Ameriscam sucked. It was all about hating the administration. That doesn't sell.

10-13-2006, 02:44 PM
If there were a huge pent-up demand for progressive talk radio, Air America would have succeeded.

Wishful thinking does not deliver a good return on investment.

Well, there are a variety of Progressive talk-radio shows that are quite successful, but they just don't get any play on SA talk-radio. Air America's problem is they tried to be the whole jalepeno all at once, kinda like if CCC put out it's own talk-show hosts whether they had a successful track record in radio or not. It's gotta be the other way around. The talent, like Stepahie Miller, Lionel and others gotta drive the station, and it can if Progressive Radio would get a station in SA where you didn't have to hook up your radio to your blender to get decent reception.

10-13-2006, 02:50 PM
Well, there are a variety of Progressive talk-radio shows that are quite successful, but they just don't get any play on SA talk-radio.
What are they and where do they get play?

Air America's problem is they tried to be the whole jalepeno all at once, kinda like if CCC put out it's own talk-show hosts whether they had a successful track record in radio or not.
No, Air Ameriscam's problem was that they couldn't get advertisers to buy time during their hate-a-thon and were forced into paying stations to air them.

It's gotta be the other way around. The talent, like Stepahie Miller, Lionel and others gotta drive the station, and it can if Progressive Radio would get a station in SA where you didn't have to hook up your radio to your blender to get decent reception.
Trust me, if it sold, it'd get air time.

Extra Stout
10-13-2006, 02:52 PM
Well, there are a variety of Progressive talk-radio shows that are quite successful, but they just don't get any play on SA talk-radio. Air America's problem is they tried to be the whole jalepeno all at once, kinda like if CCC put out it's own talk-show hosts whether they had a successful track record in radio or not. It's gotta be the other way around. The talent, like Stepahie Miller, Lionel and others gotta drive the station, and it can if Progressive Radio would get a station in SA where you didn't have to hook up your radio to your blender to get decent reception.
The reason they don't get any play in San Antonio is because San Antonio doesn't have a lot of hard-core progressives. Austin does.

Maybe if San Antonio had a Mexican-American leftie-populist kind of host, that could get play.

10-13-2006, 02:52 PM
What are they and where do they get play?

Everywhere else but bum-fuck Texas.

10-13-2006, 02:53 PM
The reason they don't get any play in San Antonio is because San Antonio doesn't have a lot of hard-core progressives. Austin does.

Maybe if San Antonio had a Mexican-American leftie-populist kind of host, that could get play.

Give me a break. San Antonio popular is almost 50% liberal. Your telling me that half the population in SA couldn't support one Progressive Radio station in SA? I call bullshit.

10-13-2006, 02:55 PM
No, Air Ameriscam's problem was that they couldn't get advertisers to buy time during their hate-a-thon and were forced into paying stations to air them.

Shows like Drudge and Bill O'Lielly still pay stations to air them, so what?

10-13-2006, 02:58 PM
Trust me, if it sold, it'd get air time

Not as long as CCC and Cox radio dominate local AM stations. We need more diversification, but the thugs just want to consolidate their hold even more on radio by letting conglomerates like CCC buy more stations.

10-13-2006, 02:58 PM
Shows like Drudge and Bill O'Lielly still pay stations to air them, so what?
And, I don't listen to either show.

I guess it's okay so long as they have the money and stations are willing to put them on the air. Who cares if it comes from advertisers or from the program.

The problem with Air Ameriscam is they didn't have the money and they stole from children in order to extend their sorry-ass excuse for radio broadcasting.

10-13-2006, 02:59 PM
Not as long as CCC and Cox radio dominate local AM stations. We need more diversification, but the thugs just want to consolidate their hold even more on radio by letting conglomerates like CCC buy more stations.
Well, CCC and Cox don't dominate the Austin market and, guess what, Air Ameriscam didn't do well here either...in the only blue county in Texas.

10-13-2006, 03:00 PM
The problem with Air Ameriscam is they didn't have the money and they stole from children in order to extend their sorry-ass excuse for radio broadcasting.

GOP talking points never make logical arguments.

10-13-2006, 03:01 PM
Well, CCC and Cox don't dominate the Austin market and, guess what, Air Ameriscam didn't do well here either...in the only blue county in Texas.

Not when you have Alex Jones. Hello?!?

10-13-2006, 03:07 PM
Not when you have Alex Jones. Hello?!?
What's he got to do with it?

10-13-2006, 03:07 PM
GOP talking points never make logical arguments.
Guess you missed the whole Boy's Club episode, did ya?

Extra Stout
10-13-2006, 03:11 PM
Give me a break. San Antonio popular is almost 50% liberal. Your telling me that half the population in SA couldn't support one Progressive Radio station in SA? I call bullshit.
Of course, I'm sure blue-collar Hispanics have tons of interest in listening to a white, dog-walking, wine-sipping, plastic-surgery-having, lady with a theater degree from Los Angeles. They have so much in common with somebody like that. I'm sure the VRWC is all that is keeping her from top-shelf ratings in San Antonio.

10-13-2006, 03:21 PM
It is really no big deal. Yonivore and others can be happy all they want for the have valid points.
It didn't succeed but there will still be progressive radio shows. Rush and conservative radio wasn't created overnight.
But more progressives have open minds and listen to conservative radio and that helps also. Heck, I listen to Rush, that Ingram woman, insHannity just for the laughs.

Mr. Peabody
10-13-2006, 03:24 PM
Air America just wasn't entertaining enough. I tried listening, but the programming wasn't that good. I am fairly liberal, but I will listen to Rush over Franken without giving it a second thought.

10-13-2006, 03:28 PM
I don't mind Franken. Stephanie Miller is good and so are others but I'd have to agree, it has to be entertaining.
Rush and Sean just crack me up. :lmao

10-13-2006, 03:31 PM
They need to throw all of their money (well, pretending they have any) at Jon Stewart. Give him a live show during AM Drive and replay it during PM Drive.

10-13-2006, 03:37 PM
They need to throw all of their money (well, pretending they have any) at Jon Stewart. Give him a live show during AM Drive and replay it during PM Drive.

You know, I find myself leaning far closer to the conservative side rather then the liberal side (although I dislike both), but I would listen to anything Jon Stewart puts out. He's the funniest mother fucker on TV.

10-13-2006, 03:42 PM
I don't really like Stewart anymore (I preferred him in the 90's when he was funny instead of smarmy) but I do think it would be a successful show because he's popular across party lines.

I guess he'd first have to come out of the closet as a Liberal.

10-13-2006, 03:49 PM
There's gotta be a Mastercard commercial in here somewhere. Aw, screw it, this is just priceless.


10-13-2006, 04:18 PM
Liberal Air Ameriscam sucked. It was all about hating the administration. That doesn't sell.

That *must* explain the rise of conservative talk radio during the mid-to-late 90's. Principled and entirely rational disagreements with the sitting administration without any hatred or venom. That *must* be it.

10-13-2006, 04:26 PM
Radio conglomerates like CCC paid big bucks in air-time and advertising before wing-nut radio, even Insannity and Limpballs, finally took off, but they aren't willing to make those sacrafices for Progressive radio.

10-13-2006, 04:31 PM
In this sense there is nothing wrong with failure.
But I do like Jessica' Hooters, you conservative sinner.

10-13-2006, 04:34 PM
Radio conglomerates like CCC paid big bucks in air-time and advertising before wing-nut radio, even Insannity and Limpballs, finally took off, but they aren't willing to make those sacrafices for Progressive radio.

Well, and if you believe in free market economics in any real sense, I think you have to say that's their decision to make. The conservative mouthpieces made themselves invaluable to media conglomerates by strident and universal hatred of the Clinton White House. In a drive-by world, people (even those who might not agree with the talking heads) stop to listen because it creates conflict, which seems to drive viewership/listenership. They did it so well that now they really can't be displaced, even if popular political sentiment might suggest an audience for something different.

A poor but recent example is the overtly-hostile interview between two NYC sports-radio hosts and Cory Lidle two days before Lidle died -- there's no rational explanation (other than pandering to an audience) to explain why Francesa and Russo were so absurdly hostile to Lidle; the same thing occurs with political talk, where the point is rarely about actually discussing an issue and more frequently about piling on someone in the opposite party or seeking to bail out someone in the host's party.

I would bet that there's a fairly close to 1:1 relationship between the number of people who tune in Limbaugh because they agree with him about everything and the number who tune in because they disagree with him about everything.

10-13-2006, 04:46 PM
Well, and if you believe in free market economics in any real sense, I think you have to say that's their decision to make. The conservative mouthpieces made themselves invaluable to media conglomerates by strident and universal hatred of the Clinton White House. In a drive-by world, people (even those who might not agree with the talking heads) stop to listen because it creates conflict, which seems to drive viewership/listenership. They did it so well that now they really can't be displaced, even if popular political sentiment might suggest an audience for something different.

No one wants to replace popular wing-nut radio, but it would be 'fair' if radio conglomerates gave liberal programs like Stephanie Miller the same chance for success in San Antonio as they give local wing-nut hosts like Jeff Bolton and that 21 year old kid on OAI.

10-13-2006, 04:54 PM
No one wants to replace popular wing-nut radio, but it would be 'fair' if radio conglomerates gave liberal programs like Stephanie Miller the same chance for success in San Antonio as they give local wing-nut hosts like Jeff Bolton and that 21 year old kid on OAI.

Fair rarely has anything to do with free markets.

The better argument might be that the FCC's relaxation of prior limits on frequency ownership has removed the possibility that other groups, with an inclination to air different viewpoints, will be able to acquire frequencies that are favorable for broadcasting success.

I don't think there's any basis to resort to content fairness as an argument here -- I wouldn't support the resurrection of the fairness doctrine, for example -- but for that same reason, I'm not sure that the demise of Air America is anything other than a predictable blip on the broadcast radar.

10-13-2006, 05:52 PM
That *must* explain the rise of conservative talk radio during the mid-to-late 90's. Principled and entirely rational disagreements with the sitting administration without any hatred or venom. That *must* be it.
Well, gee, where's the reciprocal rise of liberal talk radio during an administration to which they're rabidly opposed.

You've got to be more than just partisan, you need to be right as well. Unfortunately for Clinton, the things Conservative radio shows were saying happened to be true.

10-13-2006, 05:59 PM
Well, gee, where's the reciprocal rise of liberal talk radio during an administration to which they're rabidly opposed.

Relegated to obscure stations with low broadcast power and little or no corporate support. That Clinton haters were able to attain talk radio hegemony in a market that was relatively small at the beginning of that administration isn't terribly surprising. The demographics of a talk radio audience in 1992 were ripe for the rise of voices decrying the Man They Couldn't Beat.

You've got to be more than just partisan, you need to be right as well. Unfortunately for Clinton, the things Conservative radio shows were saying happened to be true.

Yes, as the ultimate result of the impeachment proceedings resulting from Oval Office fellatio proved.

10-13-2006, 06:02 PM
Relegated to obscure stations with low broadcast power and little or no corporate support. That Clinton haters were able to attain talk radio hegemony in a market that was relatively small at the beginning of that administration isn't terribly surprising. The demographics of a talk radio audience in 1992 were ripe for the rise of voices decrying the Man They Couldn't Beat.
Hang on to that, FWD.

Yes, as the ultimate result of the impeachment proceedings resulting from Oval Office fellatio proved.
Not to mention losing his license to practice law in the state where he perjured himself. Oh, yeah, he also settled with the plaintiff in whose case he perjured himself, suborned perjury, and obstructed justice.

I can't help it if the Senate was to chicken to convict. It certainly wasn't for a lack of evidence.

10-13-2006, 06:09 PM
I guess this is what happens. You scream at history to take your mind off of a failing leader.

10-14-2006, 12:43 AM
CCC has finally heard the out-cry from the left, thanks be to God!

Baltimore Business Journal - 2:51 PM EDT Monday
Oct 10, 2006

A group of media and political partners is teaming up to launch a new star search for progressive talk radio.

Clear Channel Radio, the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Jones Radio Networks and Media Syndication Services, which is based in D.C., will conduct a nationwide talent search for the next voice of the political left.

The contest begins Monday and will culminate with a final broadcast in front of a live studio audience in the District. Entries will be judged by an expert panel that includes Ed Schultz, one of the highest-rated syndicated progressive talk show hosts on the airwaves.

The entire at-large contest will be managed online at TalkProgress.com, a Web site designed by Seattle-based Internet development company Nakea and by local promotions.

Clear Channel Radio developed the progressive talk format in March 2004 at one of its AM radio stations in Portland, Ore. The station's rating shot from 23rd to first in that market. Since then, nearly 100 radio stations industrywide have begun airing syndicated progressive talk content, including eight in the top 10 radio markets.

San Antonio Biz Journal (http://sanantonio.bizjournals.com/baltimore/stories/2006/10/09/daily7.html)

Stephanie Miller and Ed Shultz are winning the ratings war, but you'd never know that in lowly San Antonio.

10-14-2006, 12:47 AM
Here (http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/1013062airamerica1.html) is the official bankruptcy filing of Air America from Smoking gun

10-14-2006, 07:37 AM
[QUOTE=Nbadan]CCC has finally heard the out-cry from the left, thanks be to God!
The proliferation of the Far Left message will only serve to further distance moderate Dems from their Party, widening a chasm that cannot be bridged. (see Lieberman supporters).
Probably will be more of a curse than a blessing (unless you're a supporter of Republicans holding onto the White House regardless of performance).

10-14-2006, 01:32 PM
The reason Air America went belly up is simple, it sucked. I tried to listen to it, I really did, podcasts and everything, but it flat out sucked. unlistenable.

10-14-2006, 03:01 PM
The reason Air America went belly up is simple, it sucked. I tried to listen to it, I really did, podcasts and everything, but it flat out sucked. unlistenable.
Such is the message of hate preached by the likes of Al Franken and Randi Rhodes. It sucks and is unlistenable.

10-14-2006, 03:20 PM
The reason Air America went belly up is simple, it sucked. I tried to listen to it, I really did, podcasts and everything, but it flat out sucked. unlistenable.

I completely agree. They must have gone through five different morning show programs, and they all sucked. I'd rather listen to shaky-voiced Diane Rehm on my way to work than the crap Air America put out there. Same as you, I really tried to give it a chance, but I bet I haven't even tried listening to it since Katrina.

Randie Rhodes is pretty good, though.

Mr. Peabody
10-16-2006, 07:45 AM
Such is the message of hate preached by the likes of Al Franken and Randi Rhodes. It sucks and is unlistenable.

I don't know that it is the message, as much as the delivery. Look at someone like Stephen Colbert. He constantly ridicules that administration and their defenders, while being very entertaining.

10-16-2006, 08:18 AM
Such is the message of hate preached by the likes of Al Franken and Randi Rhodes. It sucks and is unlistenable.

Yonivore, it does not serve you well to say that Air America is bad because of hate speech...if you are to do that then you condemn all conservative radio.

Nobody, and I absolutely stand by this until my death, is more hate-filled than Michael Savage. He is the living embodiment of the television host from V for Vendetta. And behind him, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh.

Find something other than hate, or if you can not do that, either condemn both, or leave well enough alone.

10-16-2006, 08:33 AM
"Such is the message of hate"

You blind, lying motherfucker.

The American national public discourse was originally poisoned and viciously polarized by radical right wing, rabble-rousing, hate-mongering, mouth-foaming, screaming, pissed-off talk radio and the Repugs from the late 80s, epitomized by the smash-mouth, gonna-getch-ya, distracting witchhunts of the Clintons from the day he took office.

The "hate" label slime coming from the radical right is typically, profoundly dishonest and hypocritical.

10-16-2006, 08:51 AM
"Such is the message of hate"

You blind, lying motherfucker.

The American national public discourse was originally poisoned and viciously polarized by radical right wing, rabble-rousing, hate-mongering, mouth-foaming, screaming, pissed-off talk radio and the Repugs from the late 80s, epitomized by the smash-mouth, gonna-getch-ya, distracting witchhunts of the Clintons from the day he took office.

The "hate" label slime coming from the radical right is typically, profoundly dishonest and hypocritical.

Nothing better than watching Croutons (AKA NewsBot) get all hot and bothered.