View Full Version : FBI Raids Curt Weldon (R., PA) Home

10-16-2006, 05:06 PM
Federal agents raided the home of the daughter of U.S. Rep. Curt Weldon (R., Pa.) and his longtime friend Charlie Sexton this morning.

The agents departed Karen Weldon's three-story brick home on Queen Street in Philadelphia with arms loaded with boxes.

A government car pulled into the alley to the back door of the house and loaded boxes into it. Three agents standing in an alley declined to identify themselves.

"I can confirm that we conducted a number of searches regarding an ongoing investigation," said FBI agent Jerri Williams, a spokeswoman in Philadelphia. "Details regarding those investigation cannot be provided because the accompanying affidavit is sealed."

In Delaware County, FBI agents had blocked off Kelli Lane leading to Charles P. Sexton Jr.'s Springfield house, and were removing at least one box and a bag of material from his home late this morning. Sexton, a long time ally of Weldon and a power in Delaware County GOP politics for more than three decades, is a business associate of Weldon's daughter.

The raids came three days after news broke that the FBI is investigating whether the Delaware County congressman used his influence to help his daughter, a registered lobbyist, win consulting contracts.

At an event earlier today at Philadelphia International Airport to discuss airport noise, Weldon said the investigation is politically motivated - blaming a complaint filed by Melanie Sloan, director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

"She is the only one I know of who went to the Justice Department and asked for an investigation," Weldon said. "I know that because I have her letter."

He added, "I haven't helped get my daughter anything."

Weldon, who is involved in a tight race for re-election, has said he has done nothing wrong.

Philly (http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/15772927.htm)

Weldon is claiming this is a hachet-job, but he is every bit as credible as Ney, DeLay, Cunningham and all the rest were before him. Every last one of them angrily denounced any investigation or allegation of wrongdoing, demanded respect and a retraction, and then, some weeks or some months later, stands in a courtroom, tearfully admitting to a judge that, yes, they had indeed been evil corrupt bastards, but that it was the booze. Or the chicks. Or the dudes.

10-16-2006, 05:24 PM
I think it's amazing that a congressman or U.S representative of any political party can have a son or daughter that is a lobbyist.

I smell a rat.

10-16-2006, 05:27 PM
I think it's amazing that a congressman or U.S representative of any political party can have a son or daughter that is a lobbyist.

I smell a rat.

Unfortunately, that's something that happens far to often on both sides of the political spectrum, and its not just the immediate family, sometimes its cousins, brothers-in-law, fiancees, girlfriends, boyfriends..etc...etc...etc...

10-16-2006, 06:41 PM
Scratch another GOP House seat...

George Gervin's Afro
10-16-2006, 09:09 PM
We need to purge the corrupt element in our Congress.

10-16-2006, 11:06 PM
This ain't Janet Reno's Justice Department now is it?

10-16-2006, 11:19 PM
This ain't Janet Reno's Justice Department now is it?That's what makes it so funny.

That and because this guy is apparently involved:


10-17-2006, 03:06 AM
You gotta seriously start wondering if someone is trying to gift-wrap the House and Senate for Democrats despite themselves.

I mean, the whole Foley scandal wasn't ever traced back to any Demo political operative, aka..such as most of the Republican dirty tricks that can be linked back to Karl Rove. Is there an 'entity' that is trying to right this nation's wrongs despite ourselves?