View Full Version : The Keep Parker In San Antonio Campaign

10-31-2004, 06:25 PM
Here is a message I forwarded to the Spurs and to my season ticket reps. In the past, the Spurs have acted based on reaction by its fan base. It is now time for the fans to rise and demand that Holt do what is right for the team. If the fans, players and Pop push Holt to do what is right, he will concede to the demands. Do your part to help keep Parker in San Antonio and the ownership politics out.

To Whom It May Concern,

I have been a season ticket holder for many years now, spending my hard earned money watching the San Antonio Spurs play basketball. I have enjoyed my experiences thoroughly during this time. Regrettably, I now request a full refund for the 2004-05 season tickets.

I feel that the ownership group is not holding up their end of the bargain. Led by one Peter Holt, they are not spending the money that is necessary to keep this team entact. It is reported that the Spurs are only two million dollars away from locking up Tony Parker, yet Peter Holt refuses to act on this situation. He’d rather continue profiting huge sums of money instead of doing what is best for the organization. That is not only unethical but downright backstabbing to all the season ticket holders who depend on him to do what is right. If he refuses to raise his offer to retain Parker, I will refuse to pay for my season tickets.

The amount of money in dispute is minimal compared to what it will cost to keep Parker next offseason. If Holt’s wants to risk a potential dynasty, then this fan doesn’t want to keep putting money in Holt’s pocket. He is backing out of his responsibilities to the fans and community while attempting to prove a point for the upcoming owners meetings that will occur this coming summer. Holt values his responsibilities to his fellow owners over his responsibilities to the fans – which is an outrageously erroneous way to conduct business.

Any basketball viewer with common sense sees the politics being played by Holt in this situation with Parker. Again, this is an unfortunate situation. If this isn’t resolved by the November 1st deadline, then I request a full refund for the pair of season tickets I paid for. I will not contribute to a man who puts politics and loyalty to other NBA owners before his responsibilities to the team and its fans.


** *****
Account # *******

10-31-2004, 06:54 PM
You Go Timvp! Repersent

10-31-2004, 06:58 PM
Man that sucks... It's a great that your standing up for this. But good god over 2 million dollars? thats some f'd up shit. I've been reading all the threads and It's something I would do too.

If you ask me it really sucks. If I was a spurs fan i think i'd be reacting the very same way. San Antonio has provided for this ass munch and he is turning on the fans. Trust me as a Laker fan I would love to see Parker walk next year. But as a fan of the NBA that would be retarded for the Spurs. Holt dont screw this one over!

Das Texan
10-31-2004, 07:04 PM
thats the way to fight the great fight.

hit holt where it fucking hurts.

Marcus Bryant
10-31-2004, 07:10 PM

10-31-2004, 07:25 PM
Nice. I am completely dumbfounded by what is going on. Since when did Holt annoint himself GM? I can understand if he nixes a possible max free agent. But we are talking about 330,000 a season over 6 seasons. 330,000?!?! That is 6 digits! Why is the owner concerning himself with GM duties concerning this pittance(relatively) of an NBA amount. Something isn't kosher over there. The more thought you put into it...the more outrageously insane it is.

10-31-2004, 07:43 PM
we already missed the oppurtunity the deadline was today

Kori Ellis
10-31-2004, 07:44 PM
From what I understand, it was extended one day because it fell on the weekend.

10-31-2004, 07:46 PM
and even if it was today ...it would be at 11:59 pm. But like Kori mentioned it is tomorrow...I assume end of business day tomorrow.

Marcus Bryant
10-31-2004, 08:02 PM
Nice. I am completely dumbfounded by what is going on. Since when did Holt annoint himself GM? I can understand if he nixes a possible max free agent. But we are talking about 330,000 a season over 6 seasons. 330,000?!?! That is 6 digits! Why is the owner concerning himself with GM duties concerning this pittance(relatively) of an NBA amount. Something isn't kosher over there. The more thought you put into it...the more outrageously insane it is.

Well if giving Parker that contract means the Spurs miss out on the lux tax payments then the true cost could be $10.333 mil per year...

10-31-2004, 08:13 PM
fucking email, letters, screw that wimpy shit. Let's go picket Holt's HQ.

Holt Cat
(210) 648-1111
3203 S Ww White Rd
San Antonio, TX 78222

T Park
10-31-2004, 08:54 PM
1 season ticket holder requesting a refund wouldnt shake this guy.

It would take the whole city at once making noise.

and I dont hear much.

10-31-2004, 09:04 PM
1 season ticket holder requesting a refund wouldnt shake this guy.

It would take the whole city at once making noise.

and I dont hear much.

Then do something yourself. Whining that it won't work isn't going to change anything.

Unless you think good ol' boy Holt is in the right and big bad Parker is greedy ... which would surprise no one.

10-31-2004, 09:18 PM
Duncan pulling a McGrady or Kidd, asking to be traded because the teanm won't do what's needed to remain competitive, will likely have some impact, hopefully not impact that's too late.

10-31-2004, 09:22 PM
Unless you think good ol' boy Holt is in the right and big bad Parker is greedy ... which would surprise no one.

Holt's saving the money so he can buy better season ticket holder gifts.

Walton Buys Off Me
10-31-2004, 09:27 PM
I think your intentions are noble and I understand your frustration but you're way off base here timvp. Calling out Holt for not respecting the fans and saying he's not commited to maintaining a winner is ridiculous. In the past two summer alone, Peter Holt has agreed to pay three players a total of 238 million dollars- three players. Look around the NBA and find me a team that doesn't have a financial 'situation' with one or more of their players. Ray Allen, Sam Cassell, Latrell Sprewell - hell even Shaq wants an extension and yet we're arguing about a player that isn't even remotely close to being an all-star? That's where the pro-Parker people lose me in this argument. The Spurs have offered a guy that has thus far proven NOTHING 64 million-fucking dollars and yet that's not good enough?

If your diatribe ever reaches his desk, it won't cause more than a chuckle buddy.

Marcus Bryant
10-31-2004, 09:32 PM
Off the top of my head the Nuggets spent $200 mil on Camby, Martin, and Dre Miller over the last couple of years.

Oh look, the Pacers committed $270 mil to O'Neal, Stephen Jackson, Jeff Foster, Tinsley and Anthony Johnson over the last two seasons.

Plus that $238 mil includes the best player in the game. If Holt hadn't have gotten his way Duncan would have cost double what he did.

Go ahead and make excuses for cheap ass Holt Walton. I would expect nothing less from such a "homer" as yourself who has his lips firmly implanted around Holt's cock shaft.

Walton Buys Off Me
10-31-2004, 09:37 PM
Go ahead and make excuses for cheap ass Holt Walton. I would expect nothing less from such a "homer" as yourself who has his lips firmly implanted around Holt's cock shaft.

Shouldn't you be trick-or-treating? Or sorting your candy?

Leave the debate to the adults little Marcus.

Cheap ass Holt?. This from a guy whose biggest expense in life is renewing his membership at irapespidermonkeys.com.

Marcus Bryant
10-31-2004, 09:38 PM
Just as I thought. You have no response. When you have an actual point then I will regard you as something other than a fucking nutjob with no understanding of the sport, on or off the court.

Marcus Bryant
10-31-2004, 09:44 PM
Plus, the Spurs committed $216 mil to those 3 players, not $238.

Oh look, the Jazz just committed $204 mil to Boozer, Okur, and Kirilenko. Come on you little spaz at least try next time.

T Park
10-31-2004, 09:46 PM
Arent the Spurs still paying off the debt of the Arena AND the Alamodome??

I dont know.

I think squabbling between 64 and 66 million just proves how overpaid NBA players are.

Marcus Bryant
10-31-2004, 09:49 PM
Arent the Spurs still paying off the debt of the Arena AND the Alamodome??

The Dome was paid for through a local sales tax. The Spurs took on a minimal amount of debt in the arena deal. And of course, SBC paid for the naming rights.

10-31-2004, 09:52 PM
Arent the Spurs still paying off the debt of the Arena AND the Alamodome??

I dont know.

I think squabbling between 64 and 66 million just proves how overpaid NBA players are.

And why is it always the players fault when it comes to negotiations? Shouldn't he try to get some extra money when he's already been talked down from $70M and could theoretically command $84M next season?

If he was all about the money, he'd have told the Spurs to wait and match whatever he gets or he goes next season to the highest bidder.

But no, he decided to try and negotiate an extension this season in a place he wants to pay.

11-01-2004, 12:06 AM
Isn't this letter a little late? Bro, I told the Spurs rep. 3 months ago that they were full of shit and I would not renew my tickets. That was after they drafted Beno, played a full year with Rasho and a half dozen point guards. Finally, someone else sees the light. It's about time.

11-01-2004, 12:26 AM
LOL I am on the phone with Holt Cat right now, they put me on hold. The receptionist was like WTF? But she said she'll get him the message.

There is a woman answering the phone right now @11:30 at night...if you want Parker signed, call that number boutons(in a rare moment of usefulness) posted.

11-01-2004, 12:31 AM
Solid D, Nikos, MB, Segu and 3 guests I see you in this thread...get your asses on the phone and pester Holt. It can't hurt.

11-01-2004, 12:37 AM
LOL I am on the phone with Holt Cat right now, they put me on hold. The receptionist was like WTF? But she said she'll get him the message.

There is a woman answering the phone right now @11:30 at night...if you want Parker signed, call that number boutons(in a rare moment of usefulness) posted.

:lol :lol

I'm on hold. :drunk

Das Texan
11-01-2004, 12:39 AM
might as well have a few beers while on hold.

11-01-2004, 12:47 AM
Maybe I can go smash the Cat truck thingo's just down the road. I wonder if Holt would hear about some damage to some Cat stuff all the way in Australia :lol ;)

11-01-2004, 12:49 AM
good job guys

11-01-2004, 12:50 AM
Damn too bad we can't figure out a way to get all the international posters to call...that might really drive the point home.

11-01-2004, 03:42 AM
Nice touch, Whottt. Holt, for all his faults, always seems to listen to the fans at critical moments in the franchise's history.

Unless you are a spineless Canadien (WaltonBuysOffMe), you must do your part. If you are not on our side, you are against us and not a Spurs fan.


11-01-2004, 06:59 AM
If Holt doesn't sign TP now....he is making sure TD and the Spurs don't become a dynasty.

The league has told Holt to let TP go......the leagues best interest is to NOT let the spurs become a dynasty...............read between the lines.

Give me a break.

Holt: "Hey David, DS, my main squeeze. Should I give Tony Parker a few million more than I've been offering him?"

Stern: "Holt Cat, Jesus, Big P, lay off the booze a sec. If you sign Parker, the Spurs might be an interesting team and they might start winning. We could never have a team based on fundamentals win championships. I order you to do everything possible to make sure he doesn't sign with you."

Holt: "But DS, my man, won't Parker get a fat contract in some other NBA backwater instead?"

Stern: "Why have an exciting young player on a good, winning team when he can sign a long-term deal and get hidden away in Atlanta? Put him on the crappiest team in the league. They might make the playoffs in five years. Just you wait and see. In five years, man, Parker is going to be the most popular player in Georgia."

Holt: "Georgia? But nobody cares about that team."

Stern: "It's all about the Benjamins, Pete. It's all about the Benjamins."

Holt: "Oh, O.K. I'll go tell Pop to extend Rasho and Beno instead. They aren't very popular."

Flash, this is all about Holt.

11-01-2004, 09:50 AM
I made my call. I don't know if it'll help but I did it..... :elephant


11-01-2004, 04:32 PM
If it is OK with you LJ, I may forward that letter (plus a few thoughts of my own) to Holt and demand the same thing. It is obscene how well the Spurs do in this market, and how poorly we are backed by ownership. Time for Holt to pay up, or I'll just enjoy my Spurs from my living room this season.

11-01-2004, 04:36 PM
We Won.


11-01-2004, 04:44 PM
Now quick, every one call and say you will cancel your season tickets if the Spurs retire AJ's jersey.

TimVP, you start.

11-01-2004, 06:36 PM
What's the phone number?

11-01-2004, 06:56 PM
The Spurs will not give a season refund for tickets that are already paid for. I bought some 5 game packs last year for friends and the tickets ended up being in the middle of the row not in the isle the sales woman told me. The Spurs would only try to find me similar seats in same or more expensive sections.

I did however call Spurs today and told them I would be giving up my seats NEXT season if the Spurs did not resign Tony. They thanked me for my concern and said they would pass the message to season ticket and public relations departments.

11-01-2004, 06:58 PM
Yeah, I never thought I'd be getting my money back :lol

I actually wouldn't have wanted my money back. It was just my small way of letting the Spurs know that not all fans are brainless peons who would follow whatever Holt says.

11-01-2004, 09:07 PM
An article came out today in the San Antonio newspaper in which fans were asking to be reimbursed for their season tickets because they were afraid I might leave the team as early as next year! Everyone was behind me.

Who said this wouldn't work?
