View Full Version : Islam Vs. Christianity

10-28-2006, 12:20 AM
What, in your mind, characterizes each religion?

What seperates the two religions?

How do the followers of each religious view, if at all, twist and pervert the basic teachings of their religious text?

Do you think that, if you are Christian, you would be a happy Muslim religious zealot if born in Iraq, or if you are a Muslim, would you be a happy Christian follower if raised in a Christian home?

I just want to see what each of you think.

Oscar DeLa
10-28-2006, 02:23 PM
i dont know what it is but islam? should be nuked.

10-28-2006, 03:26 PM
Nuke the religion? Good luck with that. Start with Allah, I guess.

Bob Lanier
10-28-2006, 03:43 PM
Impossibly vague. And I get the feeling you're talking about politics, not theology.

Just a feeling, mind you.

10-28-2006, 03:48 PM
What, in your mind, characterizes each religion?

Love of God, or Allah

What seperates the two religions?

Millions of things, but the main one for Chrisitans being Jesus Christ and his role in history.

How do the followers of each religious view, if at all, twist and pervert the basic teachings of their religious text?

Both have a radical following that twists the words of their holy books in order to justify violence against other religions.

Do you think that, if you are Christian, you would be a happy Muslim religious zealot if born in Iraq, or if you are a Muslim, would you be a happy Christian follower if raised in a Christian home?

I'm a Christian, but probably.

I just want to see what each of you think.

That is what I think.

10-28-2006, 03:52 PM
I had an Islamic History professor in school that used to get so pissed when students used the term, Islam vs. Christianity because he thought it made it look like a fight between the two. That was one semester before 9/11.

Oscar DeLa
10-28-2006, 04:09 PM
I dont know what it is but if we just nuked all muslims countries we could steal their oil so much easier and not have any american men in constant danger of being killed by muslisms.

10-28-2006, 04:18 PM
I dont know what it is but if we just nuked all Islam countries we could steal their oil so much easier and not have any American men in constant danger of being killed by muslims.
You nuke them and we still couldn't just walk in and get their oil...it would be radio-active and uninhabitable for a long long time.

We nuke them and we will look so good in the world and we would not have the trouble we do now of trust from the international community. :rolleyes

10-28-2006, 04:26 PM
I do not have the knowledge to comment but I do believe that Notre Dame would kick their ass on the gridiron.

10-28-2006, 04:56 PM
islam is really a mixture of an ancient heresey called the "arian heresey" and arab mythology. arius, a priest back in the day, thought it was impossible for jesus to also be god(claiming christianity had become hellenized or greekified, you know, zeus, juno and the rest of freeky deeky gods). they gave his theory the boot in nicea in 325 A.D. for 100years christians went back and forth about the issue. until imperial rulers went with the trinity and punishment of death if you didn't follow. so the arian heresey was dead but not forgotten......it permeated around eastern civiliaztions until around 650 A.D. islam was born. which is kind of a morphed arianism with mohammed in the jesus role.......man and god. god and a man. not a man(jesus) is a god.

Well, at least that didn't answer much of any of the questions posed in the thread.

10-28-2006, 05:49 PM
I dont know what it is but if we just nuked all muslims countries we could steal their oil so much easier and not have any american men in constant danger of being killed by muslisms.
If you nuked every muslim country you wouldn't have to fear being killed by muslims, you'd have to fear being killed by the rest of the world for being such sadistic fucks. I know I'd personally join.

10-28-2006, 07:44 PM
Millions of things, but the main one for Chrisitans being Jesus Christ and his role in history.

What exactly do you mean by this? Muslims believe in Jesus, and they put him basically on par with Mohammed. They believe him to be divinely inspired, and even to have performed miracles.

So, I dont think that you can say that Jesus and his history is the difference.

10-28-2006, 07:53 PM
A great analogy I heard for how muslims view themselves in juxtaposition to Christianity and Judaism is that Judaism is "God 1.0", Christianity is "God 2.0" and Islam is "God 3.0". They see Mohammed as having recieved the most recent and coherent of God's revelations, and that Jews and Christians recieved earlier, incomplete revelatons of God (The Koran refers to them as "peoples of the Book"). It's similar to the way Christians view themselves as an advancement of Old Testament Judaism.

10-28-2006, 09:40 PM
What exactly do you mean by this? Muslims believe in Jesus, and they put him basically on par with Mohammed. They believe him to be divinely inspired, and even to have performed miracles.

So, I dont think that you can say that Jesus and his history is the difference.

Jesus is Deity,

Mohammed is a false prophet.

That's the difference.

10-28-2006, 09:41 PM
A great analogy I heard for how muslims view themselves in juxtaposition to Christianity and Judaism is that Judaism is "God 1.0", Christianity is "God 2.0" and Islam is "God 3.0". They see Mohammed as having recieved the most recent and coherent of God's revelations, and that Jews and Christians recieved earlier, incomplete revelatons of God (The Koran refers to them as "peoples of the Book"). It's similar to the way Christians view themselves as an advancement of Old Testament Judaism.

So the Mormons are God 4.0 XP

10-28-2006, 10:05 PM
What exactly do you mean by this? Muslims believe in Jesus, and they put him basically on par with Mohammed. They believe him to be divinely inspired, and even to have performed miracles.

So, I dont think that you can say that Jesus and his history is the difference.

they don't believe that Jesus is the son of God.

10-28-2006, 10:09 PM
they don't believe that Jesus is the son of God.

No, but they don't believe that of Mohammed either. I said that because JohnSmith said that the Jesus and his history is the primary difference in the two religions, and the only difference regarding Jesus in the two is that they believe him holy, but not the son of God.

10-28-2006, 10:40 PM
So the Mormons are God 4.0 XP

Actually the Mormons are God 2.5.1 (the .1 signifies a patch to abolish polygamy)

10-29-2006, 08:09 AM
No, but they don't believe that of Mohammed either. I said that because JohnSmith said that the Jesus and his history is the primary difference in the two religions, and the only difference regarding Jesus in the two is that they believe him holy, but not the son of God.

Sorry I couldn't get back to you on this yesterday. That's what I meant by that, that they don't believe he was the son of God. Yes, he was holy according to them, in fact, he was an extremely important prophet in a long line of prophet's according to Islam. I just meant that this is the biggest difference for a Christian looking at Islam as a whole without having to dive into the details of the Qur'an.

I took a lot of Islamic History and Middle Eastern History in college and one professor during the semester of 9/11 was very worried that everyone would come out hating Muslims (see xrayzebra), so one of our assignments became visiting a couple of Mosque's around town and studying some of the Qur'an (all of which I'm extremely greatful for having done). The Qur'an and it's teachings are so different then the bible, it really explains in detail how a good Muslim should live on a day to day basis. When to pray, what to eat, when to eat, how to wash up, when to wash up, how to wash your feet (that always stuck out to me, the feet thing). To me, it always seemed more like a guide rather then a story like the bible.

Anyway, I wasn't trying to downplay the differences, just pointing to the "big one".

Oh, and after four......errrrrrrr.......five years of college and many, many middle eastern history classes, I blame the Brits for everything. :ihit

10-29-2006, 10:23 AM
one professor during the semester of 9/11 was very worried that everyone would come out hating Muslims (see xrayzebra), .......

No I do not hate all Muslims. I do hate those that want to impose their
will (religion and way of life) on me. I lived among Muslims for some few
years in their country and complied with their laws and customs. It was
a moderate Muslim country (Turkey).

I do not like those that come to the United States to reap the benefits of
our society but do not wish to live or respect our laws and customs. If they
wish to live the customs of their religion in all matters, then they should
live in a country where the Muslim religion, customs and law are observed.

France and the Scandinavian countries are prime examples of how the
Muslims have attempted or attempting to impose their will on countries
that welcomed them into their society only to have it thrown back into
the faces.

Anyhow, Mr. Johnsmith, please be advised I do not hate all Muslims. Just
those that wish to ruin my way of life and kill me.

The conversation about religion is doomed from the beginning, because,
as I have stated previously. In most cases, except the extreme in every
religion, religion is a personal thing.

Muslims are by no means the only religion that is the opposite of another
religion. There are also Jews which do no believe as Christians, within
the Christian religions there are many factions that believe differently and
worship differently than the other. But there is one very big exception. No
one religion within the Protestant, Jewish or Catholic religion has the
other tried to force their religion on the other. Can we say the same about
Muslims? I think not. Because even among their own sects one or the
other has tried to force the other to abide by their way of worship. That
is a fact. Oh, and before I forget, yes I know there was religious wars
fought in ancient times by the Catholic church.

10-29-2006, 02:30 PM
Anyhow, Mr. Johnsmith, please be advised I do not hate all Muslims. Just
those that wish to ruin my way of life and kill me.

Duly Noted. Apologies to you.

10-29-2006, 02:34 PM
No I do not hate all Muslims. I do hate those that want to impose their
will (religion and way of life) on me.
Priceless! this from a guy that wants to prevent gays from marrying because of his own beliefs.

10-29-2006, 02:38 PM
Priceless! this from a guy that wants to prevent gays from marrying because of his own beliefs.

Are you talking about me or xrayzebra, cause I have no issues with gay people getting married.

10-29-2006, 02:39 PM
Are you talking about me or xrayzebra, cause I have no issues with gay people getting married.
sorry, I was talking about xray, there I corrected it

10-29-2006, 06:04 PM
No one religion within the Protestant, Jewish or Catholic religion has the other tried to force their religion on the other.

eh? care to explain that more clearly? the sentence is kind of hard to understand.

10-29-2006, 06:30 PM
Muslims are by no means the only religion that is the opposite of another
religion. There are also Jews which do no believe as Christians, within
the Christian religions there are many factions that believe differently and
worship differently than the other. But there is one very big exception. No
one religion within the Protestant, Jewish or Catholic religion has the
other tried to force their religion on the other. Can we say the same about
Muslims? I think not. Because even among their own sects one or the
other has tried to force the other to abide by their way of worship. That
is a fact. Oh, and before I forget, yes I know there was religious wars
fought in ancient times by the Catholic church.

Spanish Inquisition (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_inquisition)
"cramming down throats" was just one of many things going on in this otherwise polite request upon the Jews to convert to Catholism. (as a side note, historian Monty Python has suggested on many occasions that "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition")

Thirty Years War (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/30_years_war)
Just in case anyone didn't realize that Catholics and Protestants did more than simply argue fine points of theology on message boards back in the day.

10-29-2006, 07:03 PM
LOL, Xray...that was just plain silly.

Burning at the stake, or torturing you to death wasn't cramming it down your throats in a literal sense I suppose.

10-29-2006, 07:06 PM
Muslims are by no means the only religion that is the opposite of another
religion. There are also Jews which do no believe as Christians, within
the Christian religions there are many factions that believe differently and
worship differently than the other. But there is one very big exception. No
one religion within the Protestant, Jewish or Catholic religion has the
other tried to force their religion on the other.
are you out of your mind?? have you not studied European history AT ALL!?

EDIT: Nevermind, I see Pixel and thurambar already pointed that out. Perfect example of how xray talks out of his ass most of the time.

10-29-2006, 07:49 PM
Does anyone read "completely" what I wrote. Hey, the Catholic of ancient times.
I thought we were speaking of recent times. But I should have known better.

You got to love this board to stay on it. All of us. Conservatives, Republicans
and Democrats.......notice the spelling of Democrats...... :lol

Now to get ready for the Cowboys game.....have a nice night.

10-30-2006, 08:07 AM
Spanish Inquisition (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_inquisition)
"cramming down throats" was just one of many things going on in this otherwise polite request upon the Jews to convert to Catholism. (as a side note, historian Monty Python has suggested on many occasions that "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition")

Thirty Years War (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/30_years_war)
Just in case anyone didn't realize that Catholics and Protestants did more than simply argue fine points of theology on message boards back in the day.

Hey, when you quote someone, make sure my name isn't in the quote like in your post damnit. I didn't say that stuff.

10-30-2006, 12:04 PM
Jesus vs Muhammed, you make the call:
1. Which one condoned murder?
2. Which one condoned raiding?
3. Which one married a 9-year old?
4. Which one was a warlord?
5. Which one condoned and even owned slaves?
6. Which one condoned sex with female slaves?
7. Which one required believers to conquer and convert, make second class or kill non-believers.

10-30-2006, 12:10 PM
^ Which one is on the upswing?

10-30-2006, 12:33 PM
For a minute there I thought he was talking about George Washington.

10-30-2006, 01:33 PM
^ Which one is on the upswing?


10-30-2006, 01:34 PM
For a minute there I thought he was talking about George Washington.

Once again, :lmao

10-30-2006, 02:12 PM
Hey, when you quote someone, make sure my name isn't in the quote like in your post damnit. I didn't say that stuff.
fixed. apologies.

10-30-2006, 02:14 PM
Jesus vs Muhammed, you make the call:
1. Which one condoned murder?
2. Which one condoned raiding?
3. Which one married a 9-year old?
4. Which one was a warlord?
5. Which one condoned and even owned slaves?
6. Which one condoned sex with female slaves?
7. Which one required believers to conquer and convert, make second class or kill non-believers.
Change "Jesus" to "Old Testament" and it's a draw all the way down the line.

10-30-2006, 02:17 PM
I saw Christianity 35 Islam 28. Home field advantage will make all the difference.