View Full Version : Ludden: Vaughn fills many roles

Kori Ellis
10-30-2006, 02:44 AM
Vaughn fills many roles

Web Posted: 10/30/2006 12:46 AM CST

Johnny Ludden
Express-News Staff Writer


Jacque Vaughn has shared a locker room with John Stockton and Karl Malone on their way to the NBA Finals. He's played with Jason Kidd. And he's endured a 54-loss season in Atlanta.
From Utah to Atlanta to Orlando to back to Atlanta to New Jersey, Vaughn has seen the good and the bad of the NBA. There's been one constant through all his stops.

"This is my 10th year in the league and I'm still learning about the game," Vaughn said. "That's a great thing."

The Spurs figure Vaughn has learned enough to pass along some of his knowledge. They signed him to a one-year contract in July to help strengthen their depth at point guard.

"He's played for some good coaches and he picks things up very quickly," Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said. "He's an intelligent young man."

Others in the league agree. In the league's annual general managers' survey, Vaughn was listed among the active players who would someday make the best head coach.

"If you asked me my first year in the league, I would have said no way (to becoming a coach)," Vaughn said. "But the more I've been around the game, the more I kind of appreciate it. I think at some point when I'm done, I want to give it a go.

"But I still have a lot of basketball in me. I'm not ready to put away the shoes yet."

The Spurs signed Vaughn thinking he would likely be their third point guard, and that's probably the role he'll fill — barring another setback to Beno Udrih — when the season begins Thursday.

Udrih's absence during the preseason, however, gave Vaughn more work in practice and games, helping him pick up the system quicker. Though Vaughn's play has been up and down, he had his best performance in Friday's final exhibition with nine points and three assists in 17 minutes.

"For me, it's just about getting to know the guys," Vaughn said. "It's tough. I come from an organization in Jersey where the philosophies are different, as far as defensively, and the calls are different.

"That's the good thing about the preseason. I get a chance to debug myself."

Vaughn, 31, was in a similar position when he signed with New Jersey two years ago. In addition to Kidd, the Nets had two other point guards in Travis Best and Zoran Planinic. Halfway through the season, Vaughn was starting next to Kidd.

"I've been in situations where numbers-wise maybe it didn't look good," he said. "But I'm going to be myself and contribute the way I can."

Vaughn probably won't win many games with his shooting, but he is a quality defender who can pressure opposing guards if Udrih isn't up to the task. He also should fit well in the locker room.

Few players in the league are more universally liked than Vaughn, whether it's by teammates, coaches, staff, media or fans. In each of the previous two seasons, he was the Atlantic Division nominee for the Sportsmanship Award.

"Hopefully along my stops, I've made good contributions to the teams," Vaughn said, "and been a solid citizen in the community."

Drafted by Utah, Vaughn spent four seasons with the Jazz, the first of which included a trip to the Finals. He credits Stockton for teaching him how to be a professional. Playing with Kidd, he said, also made him a better player.

"I learned it doesn't always take vocal skills to be a leader," Vaughn said. "Jason was a guy who led by actions. Whether it was the 42nd practice of the year, he was still the first one in line leading the drills."

Vaughn's ability to adapt to his team and role has helped him survive in the league for almost a decade.

"When my number has been called, the coaches have had confidence that I'll be ready," he said. "Just like (Friday). Beno's number was called before mine and when my number was called, I got into the game and played hard. That's what I'll continue to do."

10-30-2006, 02:58 AM
He really`s got a lot of experience, playing with Stockton and Kidd could just make him better. If Beno or TP will be on the injury list, he will be a good backup point-guard.

10-30-2006, 03:22 AM
Vaughn is probably the best third string point guard the Spurs have ever had. Although that's not saying much for a franchise which has seemingly always struggled to roster two good PGs, it's important this year. Who knows when Beno will go down again and Parker isn't exactly known as Mr. Playoffs quite yet in his career.

As a spot player to steady the offense or to provide a defensive punch, he's perfect. If Beno and Vaughn could fill roles similar to how Mike James and Lindsey Hunter did in the Pistons' championship season, the Spurs would be a tough out in the playoffs.

That said, Beno needs to stay healthy because Vaughn is only an average to below average second stringer. He'd be much more effective as a spot player.

10-30-2006, 05:19 AM
I think Vaughn's ultimate value is going to be determined by how he does on guys like Devin Harris...since we can't clone Bruce. I liked the signing, I just hope he's not Charlie Ward part 2.

10-30-2006, 06:48 AM
He has played 70+ games 7 years in a row. He doesn't have Charlie Ward's knees! :lol

I like the signing. If he can play under Sloan, he can play under Pop.