View Full Version : I just blew out my ACL...

10-30-2006, 09:08 PM
I was playing basketball last night and on a fast break got fouled from behind. The guy pushed/fell onto/stumbled onto me and increased the amount of weight on my leg as I tried to elevate for the layup.

I've been to the doctor who diagnosed it as an ACL injury, I have to get an MRI but have to wait another couple of days to get it done. Then we get to see whether or not I need surgery or if another method will be suitable.

I've done countless ankles, broken bones etc, dislocated shoulders. but I am so pissed I've got probably 6 months off before I can resume practice, and even then I never get it back. I mean I'm about 5'9 and rely solely on quickness to get to the basket and penetrate and at 20 I'm way to young to hang em up.

It's going to be a boring few months.

10-30-2006, 10:07 PM
When I was 20, ligament damage was the kiss of death. Now, it's better to have a torn ligament than torn cartilage, which can only be shaved, smoothed or removed, never be repaired or replaced. You have a lot of options with ligaments, reattachment, cadaver replacement, etc. You should make it all the way back, but I'm not going to soft pedal the rehab or time.

10-30-2006, 10:08 PM
I'm sorry to hear that. Feel better. :)

10-30-2006, 10:51 PM
:( I know exactly what you're going through xcoriate. Hopefully you don't have to have surgery. good luck on your MRI.

10-30-2006, 10:54 PM
I was playing basketball last night and on a fast break got fouled from behind. The guy pushed/fell onto/stumbled onto me and increased the amount of weight on my leg as I tried to elevate for the layup.

I've been to the doctor who diagnosed it as an ACL injury, I have to get an MRI but have to wait another couple of days to get it done. Then we get to see whether or not I need surgery or if another method will be suitable.

I've done countless ankles, broken bones etc, dislocated shoulders. but I am so pissed I've got probably 6 months off before I can resume practice, and even then I never get it back. I mean I'm about 5'9 and rely solely on quickness to get to the basket and penetrate and at 20 I'm way to young to hang em up.

It's going to be a boring few months.
Sorry to hear that bro. Hope you get better as fast as possible

10-30-2006, 11:23 PM
Sorry to hear that, I fractured my scaphoid (navicular bone in the wrist) last week. I hope you feel better.

Guru of Nothing
10-30-2006, 11:38 PM
Speedy recovery wishes from me.

10-30-2006, 11:39 PM
No offense but a fractured wrist is nothing like having your ACL torn out of your knee. It takes months of rehab and even after that... your knee is never the same again. :depressed

10-30-2006, 11:52 PM
I know that, but mine got fractured at the proximal pole and that part of the scaphoid does not have a very good blood supply and it is more difficult to heal. so i got referred to an orthopedic surgeon, and on friday i'll find out if i'm going to need surgery.

10-31-2006, 12:05 AM
No offense but a fractured wrist is nothing like having your ACL torn out of your knee. It takes months of rehab and even after that... your knee is never the same again. :depressed
That's not even true anymore. A repaired or replaced ligament knee can be stronger than it was before, but you MUST take your rehab and strengthening exercises seriously. Malik Rose's career took off after multiple ligament surgery in 2000.

Kori Ellis
10-31-2006, 12:07 AM
I know that, but mine got fractured at the proximal pole and that part of the scaphoid does not have a very good blood supply and it is more difficult to heal. so i got referred to an orthopedic surgeon, and on friday i'll find out if i'm going to need surgery.

That sucks! I hope you don't need surgery.

Sorry about your knee xcoriate. Take your re-hab seriously. Get well soon.

LaMarcus Bryant
10-31-2006, 12:13 AM
ThisPego had a total shoulder replacement but has completely slacked off on his rehab. As a result, it dislocates with ease. Sucks, but yep I agree don't skimp out on that rehab.

10-31-2006, 12:16 AM
That sucks! I hope you don't need surgery.

Sorry about your knee xcoriate. Take your re-hab seriously. Get well soon.
I hope i don't need surgery either, but my doctor said that if i do need surgery that they will use a screw or wire to stabilize the scaphoid from the inside while the bone heals.

10-31-2006, 12:32 AM
Zunni is correct in that ACL tears aren't nearly as bad as they were even three or four years ago. A lot of athletes are now able to get back to 100% and sometimes the knee ends up even stronger than it was before.

But yeah, it has to suck. Good luck, X.

10-31-2006, 12:34 AM
Yeah, CAN is the key word. I've torn every ligament/cartilage you can tear in a knee on two different occasions. The first I was lucky enough not to need surgery and after it healed it did become even stronger. Later I tore my ACL in my other knee and had to have surgery. It's definitely true that the more you work at it, the better your knee will be, but I along with too many people I know still complain about their bum knee. It sucks.

10-31-2006, 01:08 AM
Get well soon bro...no matter how long it takes to heal....it can't be fun.

10-31-2006, 01:15 AM
Thanks for the kind words all,

I've been doing a fair bit of research today and it appears that techniques have come a long way in recent years.

Guess I just have to suck it up for the rehab and make sure I put in the hours required, hopefully it all comes good then.

Sorry to hear about your knee LuvBones, you've done pretty damn well to get through the drama twice, hope it keeps getting better :depressed

Blingy hope you don't need surgery! Best Wishes.

In any event looks like I'll have more time to spend here, since my normal life is going to be on hold for a bit :cry

10-31-2006, 02:23 AM
I'm sorry X, that sucks! I hope the MRI gives you fast-to-heal results!

10-31-2006, 02:24 AM
Sounds like there's still a possibility it's just a strain and not blown out, in which case there won't be any surgery. Good luck on the MRI.

10-31-2006, 05:26 AM
Hopefully the MRI will be all you need, couse sometimes doc's need to get into the knee (arthroscopy)to see what realy is damaged.

What kind of pain you had after blowing up your knee? You could walk? you could band your knee?

10-31-2006, 05:43 AM


10-31-2006, 06:13 AM
yeah I'm still holding out hope for a strain...

Doc didn't want to talk it up at all but thought I might be lucky. Problem is I felt the "pop" and went down straight away, I haven't yet been able to put any weight on it. If I try to bend or rotate it leaves me gasping thanks to the pain.

Good news is it hasn't swollen much... so I presume whatever occurred in there it happened cleanly.

I'll keep you all updated :)

Thanks again for the kind words.

10-31-2006, 06:54 AM
Cartlige -something wrong (was shaved)
ACL - new one
meniscus - cutted

10-31-2006, 07:45 AM
I don't think anyone is even considering it to be cartilage damage at this point, hopefully it stays that way.

Doctor took about 5 mins of testing the knee to be sure it was the ACL.

All other tendons seem to be in check.

Of course I'll know for sure with the MRI.

10-31-2006, 07:57 AM
normal people dont blow out their acl... they broke something in their foot... were not supposed to know what an acl is...

10-31-2006, 08:06 AM
It was funny when he said "elevate for the lay up".........how much do you have to "elevate" to put in a layup.

Oh, and sucks about your knee bro.

10-31-2006, 08:13 AM
^ Are you telling me you don't jump for layups? :lol

Anyway I didn't get off the ground cause the knee collapsed under me, so yeah it sucks.

10-31-2006, 08:17 AM
^ Are you telling me you don't jump for layups? :lol

Anyway I didn't get off the ground cause the knee collapsed under me, so yeah it sucks.

I'm just saying that when the term "elevate" is used, it's usually to imply more then a three inch vertical leap.

Eh, your knee will get better, it sucks now, but in the grand scheme of things, what's a few months and a surgery or two?

This probably isn't helping..........I'll stop now.

10-31-2006, 10:43 AM
A lot of times they can tell by the stability whether there's a ligament tear or not. If the knee is stable to various maneuvers, chances are no tear, just a sprain.

I don't want to read too much into the doc not telling you anything, though. :lol

johnsmith, leave the dude alone. When you get a sports injury, you are allowed a 200% enhancement of the circumstances.

10-31-2006, 11:48 AM
A lot of times they can tell by the stability whether there's a ligament tear or not. If the knee is stable to various maneuvers, chances are no tear, just a sprain.

I don't want to read too much into the doc not telling you anything, though. :lol

johnsmith, leave the dude alone. When you get a sports injury, you are allowed a 200% enhancement of the circumstances.

You're right. But for future reference:

You went up for a dunk and after completing yet another airborne 360 your legs were taken out from underneath you by the guy you swatted earlier in the game and you landed on your knee wrong. It didn't hurt at first because of the adrenaline so you went after the dude and threw a roundhouse kick to the face at him thus rendering him unconscious. You proceeded to go on about the game and drain the winning three to finish off the other team 15-13. Then, when you got home, while nailing your girlfriend you felt a twinge in your knee, you went to the doctor and the MRI was scheduled.

That's the way I'd tell it.

10-31-2006, 11:56 AM

Injured knees can be a good thing. Knee braces/casts are a chick magnet. Play the sympathy card and you will have to beat them off you with a stick. This is an excellent opportunity you must not waste.


Sorry to hear about your wrist. How the heck did you do that anyway?

10-31-2006, 06:21 PM
You're right. But for future reference:

You went up for a dunk and after completing yet another airborne 360 your legs were taken out from underneath you by the guy you swatted earlier in the game and you landed on your knee wrong. It didn't hurt at first because of the adrenaline so you went after the dude and threw a roundhouse kick to the face at him thus rendering him unconscious. You proceeded to go on about the game and drain the winning three to finish off the other team 15-13. Then, when you got home, while nailing your girlfriend you felt a twinge in your knee, you went to the doctor and the MRI was scheduled.

That's the way I'd tell it.

:lol Allright you got me thats exactly how it happened, i was trying to be modest.

Injured knees can be a good thing. Knee braces/casts are a chick magnet. Play the sympathy card and you will have to beat them off you with a stick. This is an excellent opportunity you must not waste.

I knew there was a bright side to be found somewhere, as long as it doesn't attract the sheep :p:

Thanks Shoog, just have to wait for the MRI - damn queue is so long. I twinged it last night in my sleep and something popped into place, its a lot more comfortable now and I have more movement, straightening doesn't hurt as much and i can now lift the leg without agony. Rotations are still a bitch though.

10-31-2006, 10:21 PM

Sorry to hear about your wrist. How the heck did you do that anyway?
Doing stupid shit i shouldn't have been doing in the first place.

11-02-2006, 05:52 AM
Hows the knee?

11-02-2006, 11:34 PM
Just got back from the MRI/doc.

And the news is... that the injury is in the lateral meniscus (i.e. the outer cartilage between the tibia and femur).

Doctor seems to think this is a good thing despite cartilage not being very good healing wise. I still have an op by the sound of it, arthroscopic to check it out and clean up the cartilage (remove torn pieces etc.).

There's also this new treatment their trialling with stem-cells which allows regrowth which I'll ask about. Guess we'll see.

I'm organising an appointment with the knee specialist/surgeon now.

11-02-2006, 11:36 PM
That's the same injury Tim Duncan had in 2000.

11-02-2006, 11:56 PM
Hmmmm and he came out of that ok :)

Basically the doctor gave it to me straight - the knee will never quite be the same but I'll be able to play again soon enough.

11-03-2006, 03:23 AM
Hmmmm and he came out of that ok :)

Basically the doctor gave it to me straight - the knee will never quite be the same but I'll be able to play again soon enough.

About 6months depending on rehab.

I had the same one but, my ACL blown as well. After this surgery he will tell you if the ACL is ok or is damage in some way.

Good luck to you.

11-03-2006, 03:29 AM
About 6months depending on rehab.

I had the same one but, my ACL blown as well. After this surgery he will tell you if the ACL is ok or is damage in some way.

Good luck to you.How long did you have to go through therapy? I went for about 4 months and I've pretty much stopped working out my leg now and it's starting to bother me again. Did you have to keep working it out for a year?

11-03-2006, 03:30 AM
Hmmmm and he came out of that ok :)

Basically the doctor gave it to me straight - the knee will never quite be the same but I'll be able to play again soon enough.To a fast recovery! http://spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/toast.gif

11-03-2006, 04:48 AM
6 months Poland? Thats longer than I'm expecting to hear from the specialist when I see him tomorrow. I guess that was for the ACL as well...

Anyway whatever he tells me I'll have to accept I guess, no use taking short cuts.

Thanks for the support guys :clap

11-03-2006, 05:25 AM
How long did you have to go through therapy? I went for about 4 months and I've pretty much stopped working out my leg now and it's starting to bother me again. Did you have to keep working it out for a year?

I have to ????

It was mainly on me if I go or not. And ine here I had to wait about 3 months to have an oppurtunity to go and have some rehab.

In the States and New Zeland it is much much much better.
So xcoriate - I was thinking about full recovery when I was saying 6 months. (with streanghtening muscles)
I've met a guy who, after an ACL surgery was playing basketball after 7 months. But he had surgery and therapy in States (where he lives, and plays both bball and football), and he said he had 4 hours a day treatment.

You've got probably only maniscus to cut, so I guess it will be sooner ...

After the arthroscopy the doc will know everything what is wrong in the knee.

Take care out there.

11-03-2006, 05:31 AM
ahh yes - and luvBones - I started to play after that surgery but my knee was tweaking again and again. So then I had to go and have my ACL transpalted. And it occured that I had no ACL. I was wow. How it could just disaapear?
Doc said there were only fragments somwhere else.
After the maniscus surgery he said that the acl was stain (teared?) ... :blah

11-03-2006, 01:28 PM
ahh yes - and luvBones - I started to play after that surgery but my knee was tweaking again and again. So then I had to go and have my ACL transpalted. And it occured that I had no ACL. I was wow. How it could just disaapear?
Doc said there were only fragments somwhere else.
After the maniscus surgery he said that the acl was stain (teared?) ... :blahWow! That's crazy.

Solid D
11-03-2006, 05:56 PM
^ That's just lame johnsmith. You always elevate for a layup. He's 5'9". Do the math.

ACL injuries in basketball typically occur upon take-off (as opposed to landing).

I am sorry to hear about your injury xcoriate. You too, spurs=bling, and wish you both the best on a speedy healing process.

11-04-2006, 04:16 AM
Had a meeting with the leading knee specialist in Melbourne, who has worked a lot with both the Aussie basketball teams as well as AFL footballers. He seems to be a really good guy and explained the situation very well, he expects recovery to take 3 months.

Interesting thing is given that I'm 20 and this is all happening at a relatively young age he thinks there's a good chance he can save the meniscus by stitching the tear as apposed to cutting around it and losing a significant part of the cartilage. The later is the standard treatment.

This will of course depend on what it looks like once he is inside the knee, if it's not possible he'll go for the standard procedure and cut it.

Surgery is on Thursday which is excellent because he's fitting me in after someone pulled out (Dunno how that happens) otherwise there would be a 3 month wait (for this surgeon).

So everything is looking on the up now, work has been really accommodating which is great as well, although I'm not going to have any sick leave by the end of this.

Tis a good day :fro

11-04-2006, 04:43 AM
3 months.

That's good :tu

Are they going to put you in the sleep?

And remember do not drink and eat nothing before the surgery.

And the good thing is that you will leave the hospital day after the surgery.

11-04-2006, 05:28 AM
^ possibly same day.

And yeah I've heard all the pre-op stuff, surgery will be afternoon, and I get a light breakfast before 8am :)

11-04-2006, 09:18 AM
^ possibly same day.

And yeah I've heard all the pre-op stuff, surgery will be afternoon, and I get a light breakfast before 8am :)

I bet you will spend a night in a hospital.

Good luck to ya and your knee.
You are pretty optimistic as I was before the firts surgery.