View Full Version : Rank the divisions before the season starts

10-30-2006, 10:57 PM
Okay, so let's have a go at ranking the divisions and then call up this thread again in April!

Here are my predictions (then number of wins, and rank in the conference in brackets):

Jazz 48 (7)
Nuggets 45 (8)
Wolves 40
Sonics 27
Blazers 18

Why? Deron Williams will make the leap to solid starter and get the ball to the very talented frontcourt of Kirilenko, Boozer and Okur. The Nuggets seem unbalanced with 5 PFs and a lack of quality swingmen (let's hope JR is a bust!), and it is in year 2-3 that George Karl teams usually start rebelling. The Wolves are also a strange mish-mash and have too much baggage in Blount, Griffin, Hudson and Jaric for harmony. the Sonics and Blazers are rebuilding.

Suns 59 (2)
Clippers 54 (4)
Kings 50 (5)
Lakers 40
Warriors 25
Why? The Suns are deep and have done what they do very successfully for two seasons now, plus they have added Banks to keep the tempo up when Nash sits. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the Clips take the division either - it will be a close run thing and Sean Livingston will be a starter sooner rather than later. The Kings lack a post game but could be a force with the improved defensive mindset Artest brings, a lighter Bibby, and watch Kevin Martin blossom!. Too many question marks over the Lakers and Warriors, and the latter let me down in my pre-season predictions last year... :lol

Mavs 60 (1)
Spurs 58 (3)
Rockets 49 (6)
Hornets 29
Grizz 19
Why? It's about time the Mavs pipped us at the post. Also, they have a deeper team and injuries are de riguer in the NBA, but both teams will win over 57 games. The Spurs are blooding quite a few new players but will peak at the right time in April and take the Mavs in the WCFs. The Rockets should be vastly improved, but can Alston play in a Jeff Van Gundy system? Past evidence says not very well, and it all starts with the PG. Yao and Bonzi will have big years, but T-Mac will break down again. The Hornets will impress and make big steps forward. The Grizz will suck until Pau comes back, then they will improve a little but may as well treat this year as an opportunity to blood young talent.

Bulls 55 (2)
Cavs 54 (3)
Pistons 53 (5)
Pacers 41 (8)
Bucks 35
Why? Big Ben was a win-now acquisition, and he and PJ should steer the youngsters to an excellent season. They are deep and versatile, but could do with a post scorer. The Cavs don't have much of a bench, but Pollard, Varejao and David Wesley will plug the holes Jones and Marshall were meant to plug a year ago. The Pistons will sorely miss Ben, and Sheed will be sorely affected by the new rules. Chauncey and Rip will carry them a lot of the time. The Pacers will struggle into 8th again, out in the first round again, and it will be rebuilding time. The Bucks will struggle early but come out late as one of the best running teams in the East.

Heat 56 (1)
Magic 48 (6)
Wizards 42 (7)
Bobcats 33
Hawks 21
Why? The Heat will coast again, but well enough to top the conference. The Magic will be the league's big improvers as Nelson, Howard and Milicic come of age, although their bench is a bit thin. The Wiz still have no inside presence, but Arenas will score over 30ppg then miss the two most crucial FTs in the first round (I like him tho - he's weird, but good peeps). The Bobcats will make strides, the Hawks won't.

Nets 54 (4)
Celtics 38
Raptors 30
Knicks 26
76ers 22
Add Krstic's continued improvement and rookie stud Marcus Williams to the big 3 and Jersey will win in the 50s, although their bench is still weak. Look for Williams to average 25-30 minutes at both guard positions as the 6th man. Looks like Telfair and Rondo are here to play, and all they need to get to 40 wins is improvement from Perkins or Jefferson, one or the other will do. The Raps will give their fans something to cheer about, although it will take them a while to gel. The Knicks will improve but still suck. Also, the 76ers who changed very little over the offseason. Poor AI.

10-31-2006, 12:07 AM
Your total amount of wins of all teams is over 1300.

That's mathematically impossible when there are only 1230 regular season games.

The total sum of all wins of all teams must not be over 1230.

You have three divisions that each have three 50 game winning teams. That's highly unlikely. But, were that to happen, you should have predicted a few more losses with some of the other teams to balance that uneven distribution of wins.

10-31-2006, 12:48 AM
How did I know someone would add up the wins? I just knew someone would do that. I almost put a disclaimer on saying that I didn't add up the win totals. Okay, I'll take off roughly 80 wins. :lol

Geez man, I only did this for fun. Why don't you post your predictions?

Oh, and if we are going to be pedantic, there is no such thing as an "amount" of wins, you mean "number of wins". Amount is used for uncountable objects, number or quantity for countable. You Americans have butchered the language to the point where it makes no sense any more.

10-31-2006, 10:08 AM


10-31-2006, 11:26 AM


YAY!!!!!!!!!! I have about two large pitchers' worth of sangria from my party on Saturday night as well as some dessert and chips/salsa. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-31-2006, 12:41 PM

Golden State

San Antonio
NO/Okla City



New Jersey

10-31-2006, 07:02 PM




11-01-2006, 07:14 PM
I'm disappointed!

No-one else wants to put their balls on the line and make some picks?

11-01-2006, 07:42 PM
Im just doing the centeral

1 Pistons
8Milwakee(or how ever you spell their city)

11-04-2006, 08:38 AM
Anyone else?

04-15-2007, 03:26 AM
Thought I'd bring this back and see how we went.

A cursory glance at mine suggests I did reasonably well in 4/6 divisions, and messed up two, but I'll have a closer look later.


04-15-2007, 03:27 AM
Thought I'd bring this back and see how we went.

A cursory glance at mine suggests I did reasonably well in 4/6 divisions, and messed up two, but I'll have a closer look later.


You actually did incredibly well in the West. Gotta give you props. Really close on most of those (though you did underestimate the Mavs a bit).

04-15-2007, 08:27 AM
Wow...look at all the Piston haters

[shakes head] interesting [/shakes head]

04-15-2007, 08:34 AM
Mavs 60 (1)
Spurs 58 (3)
Rockets 49 (6)
Hornets 29
Grizz 19

nice pick on the Grizz. i never saw that one coming

04-18-2007, 12:06 AM
Okay, so let's have a go at ranking the divisions and then call up this thread again in April!

Here are my predictions (then number of wins, and rank in the conference in brackets):

Jazz 48 (7)
Nuggets 45 (8)
Wolves 40
Sonics 27
Blazers 18

Why? Deron Williams will make the leap to solid starter and get the ball to the very talented frontcourt of Kirilenko, Boozer and Okur. The Nuggets seem unbalanced with 5 PFs and a lack of quality swingmen (let's hope JR is a bust!), and it is in year 2-3 that George Karl teams usually start rebelling. The Wolves are also a strange mish-mash and have too much baggage in Blount, Griffin, Hudson and Jaric for harmony. the Sonics and Blazers are rebuilding.

Suns 59 (2)
Clippers 54 (4)
Kings 50 (5)
Lakers 40
Warriors 25
Why? The Suns are deep and have done what they do very successfully for two seasons now, plus they have added Banks to keep the tempo up when Nash sits. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the Clips take the division either - it will be a close run thing and Sean Livingston will be a starter sooner rather than later. The Kings lack a post game but could be a force with the improved defensive mindset Artest brings, a lighter Bibby, and watch Kevin Martin blossom!. Too many question marks over the Lakers and Warriors, and the latter let me down in my pre-season predictions last year... :lol

Mavs 60 (1)
Spurs 58 (3)
Rockets 49 (6)
Hornets 29
Grizz 19
Why? It's about time the Mavs pipped us at the post. Also, they have a deeper team and injuries are de riguer in the NBA, but both teams will win over 57 games. The Spurs are blooding quite a few new players but will peak at the right time in April and take the Mavs in the WCFs. The Rockets should be vastly improved, but can Alston play in a Jeff Van Gundy system? Past evidence says not very well, and it all starts with the PG. Yao and Bonzi will have big years, but T-Mac will break down again. The Hornets will impress and make big steps forward. The Grizz will suck until Pau comes back, then they will improve a little but may as well treat this year as an opportunity to blood young talent.

Bulls 55 (2)
Cavs 54 (3)
Pistons 53 (5)
Pacers 41 (8)
Bucks 35
Why? Big Ben was a win-now acquisition, and he and PJ should steer the youngsters to an excellent season. They are deep and versatile, but could do with a post scorer. The Cavs don't have much of a bench, but Pollard, Varejao and David Wesley will plug the holes Jones and Marshall were meant to plug a year ago. The Pistons will sorely miss Ben, and Sheed will be sorely affected by the new rules. Chauncey and Rip will carry them a lot of the time. The Pacers will struggle into 8th again, out in the first round again, and it will be rebuilding time. The Bucks will struggle early but come out late as one of the best running teams in the East.

Heat 56 (1)
Magic 48 (6)
Wizards 42 (7)
Bobcats 33
Hawks 21
Why? The Heat will coast again, but well enough to top the conference. The Magic will be the league's big improvers as Nelson, Howard and Milicic come of age, although their bench is a bit thin. The Wiz still have no inside presence, but Arenas will score over 30ppg then miss the two most crucial FTs in the first round (I like him tho - he's weird, but good peeps). The Bobcats will make strides, the Hawks won't.

Nets 54 (4)
Celtics 38
Raptors 30
Knicks 26
76ers 22
Add Krstic's continued improvement and rookie stud Marcus Williams to the big 3 and Jersey will win in the 50s, although their bench is still weak. Look for Williams to average 25-30 minutes at both guard positions as the 6th man. Looks like Telfair and Rondo are here to play, and all they need to get to 40 wins is improvement from Perkins or Jefferson, one or the other will do. The Raps will give their fans something to cheer about, although it will take them a while to gel. The Knicks will improve but still suck. Also, the 76ers who changed very little over the offseason. Poor AI.

So, I pretty much got the northwest right, although the number of wins for the bottom 3 teams were out. I was absolutely right about Utah.

Messed up the Pacific - vastly over-rated the Clippers and Kings and underrated the Warriors (couldn't predict Biedrins, Ellis and Barnes blossoming as they did, nor the trade). However, I picked Livingston and Martin to have come-out seasons and they did.

Pretty much nailed our division, although I underestimated the Mavs and Hornets win totals. However, I was wrong about Bonzi (how could he tank so badly in a contract year??? Because he's an idiot!).

Got the central pretty much correct, although I got the order of the top 3 wrong - figured it would be close and it was. Apologies to the Pistons fans around here for underestimating your guys.

Was pretty close with the southeast, although I vastly overestimated the win totals and Orlando's supposed breakout (what happened to that??? Fire the coach!).

Got the Titanic totally wrong, but who cares?

Next season we should have a competition for picking the order of the divisions (number of wins is too hard), winner gets, I dunno, something. Whaddayareckon?


04-18-2007, 12:24 AM
Pretty good predictions overall