View Full Version : Call it now: Bush or Kerry- Who will win?

11-01-2004, 08:58 PM
I have a feeling that Kerry will win because a huge turnout favors the Dems and from all the reports, this will be the largest turnout since Kennedy-Nixon.
I really will win either way. If Bush wins, I keep more money because I am in the top tax bracket and Bush will keep my taxes where they are now. If Kerry wins, we get the hell out of Iraq sooner, thus saving the lives of hundreds of American soldiers, which I think is worth a few thousand dollars a year.
But, there is a catch to my altruism, it only can go so far. I will have to make up for the extra 10-15 K that I lose one way or another, as all small business owners. I will just lay off an employee and raise my fees to make up for the lost income, so no big deal, right? (for me, not my employee and patients who pay the price) I am just like all small business owners who will pay the higher taxes but layoff employees and increase the prices to make up the difference. How does this affect the middle class? For one, this will lead to inflation, and higher interest rates which will hurt the lower and middle class more than the upper class like myself. Gee, does this still sound that great to all you Democrats now???
"Rich folk" like myself will not just lie down and give away our money without a fight, without making the little guy pay for his transgressions against us. Kerry talks a good talk, "Lets stick it to the rich, and make them pay their fair share" Yes, in a Utopian world, that sounds great, but what goes around comes around. Unless you are immune to the rising costs of goods and services and can live with being laid off, you better think about it before you jump at the stick it to the rich plan of Kerry's.

Just some food for thought.

11-01-2004, 08:59 PM
My best guess is Kerry wins.
Anyone else care to venture a prediction?

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-01-2004, 09:03 PM
My heart says Bush.

The queasy, nauseating feeling in my stomach tells me I'm wrong.

Pass the vaseline, we'll be bending over for social health care and Osama for the next four years.

11-01-2004, 09:04 PM
Aggie, look at it this way. How many American people make Reality shows #1 in ratings? That should give you a good barometer for the IQ of this country nowadays.

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-01-2004, 10:19 PM
Jim, that's exactly why I have that sick, nauseous feeling.


That, and probably 90% of Americans only know about Osama and AQ what the uninformed press in our country tells them.


Guru of Nothing
11-01-2004, 10:27 PM
I'm still voting Libertarian.

BTW, for better for worse, I think Kerry will win.

Kori Ellis
11-01-2004, 10:59 PM
I think Bush wins. But I think it will be very close.

11-02-2004, 01:32 AM
kerry, with over 300 electorial votes...

and by around two percent of the popular vote.

11-02-2004, 02:12 AM
My best guess is Kerry wins.


I don't...proctologist needed.

11-02-2004, 02:30 AM
bush by about 30 electorial votes

11-02-2004, 03:02 AM
Kerry in a very, very close race that is likely to be as controversial as the 2000 election.

11-02-2004, 03:06 AM
Bush will win, but it's going to be a long night. No one will conceed anything early. I wouldn't be surprised if a winner is finally declared in the afternoon on the 3rd of November

11-02-2004, 03:24 AM
I have a feeling that Kerry will win because a huge turnout favors the Dems and from all the reports, this will be the largest turnout since Kennedy-Nixon.

I really will win either way. If Bush wins, I keep more money because I am in the top tax bracket and Bush will keep my taxes where they are now. If Kerry wins, we get the hell out of Iraq sooner, thus saving the lives of hundreds of American soldiers, which I think is worth a few thousand dollars a year.
But, there is a catch to my altruism, it only can go so far. I will have to make up for the extra 10-15 K that I lose one way or another, as all small business owners. I will just lay off an employee and raise my fees to make up for the lost income, so no big deal, right? (for me, not my employee and patients who pay the price) I am just like all small business owners who will pay the higher taxes but layoff employees and increase the prices to make up the difference. How does this affect the middle class? For one, this will lead to inflation, and higher interest rates which will hurt the lower and middle class more than the upper class like myself. Gee, does this still sound that great to all you Democrats now???

"Rich folk" like myself will not just lie down and give away our money without a fight, without making the little guy pay for his transgressions against us. Kerry talks a good talk, "Lets stick it to the rich, and make them pay their fair share" Yes, in a Utopian world, that sounds great, but what goes around comes around. Unless you are immune to the rising costs of goods and services and can live with being laid off, you better think about it before you jump at the stick it to the rich plan of Kerry's.

Just some food for thought.

First of all JIM, do all our eyes a favor and learn to use the fricken enter key to space between paragraphs every now and then.

You would think that with all that work you have piling up from all those Bush tax cuts for businesses, another $400 billion passed just last week, that you couldn't afford to let any employee go right now. Eh, so you'll have to go back to paying what you were paying under President Clinton when the economy grew for almost 9 straight years, bet your business value benefited from that.

The U.S. is sinking in debt, a record $400+ billion added just this year by the Bush administration. All that money spent in W's Iraq fiasco, reported to be $200 billion by the end of the year, is money that is gone, you can't get it back. That is the opportunity cost of this war, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna pass that cost on to my kids. Afterall, isn't a tax cut without equal cuts in spending really just a tax deferment?

Inflation rates also go up when government over-spending competes with private lending, after all, there are only an infinite number of dollars floating around out there.

So go ahead, pass the cost on to your customer, and see if your closes competitors do the same. My guess is, some will and some won't. See, that's the nature of free enterprise, the lowest price almost always prevails, but some will pay a premium for quality. I have a feeling that if your business benefits from the rest of the world seeing the U.S. take responsibility for it's debt, you'll be hiring much more than one employee in the long run.

11-02-2004, 07:40 AM
I hope so Nbadan. But I do not think it is that simple. I paid 125K in personal income tax last year, and that is more than my fair share, believe me. If I have to pay another 8-10%, that money will have to come from somewhere, and I will have to find it in the short term. Taxing the businesses is not the answer. If I have extra money, I spend it or invest it, that stimulates the economy a lot more than just taxing the people who make more than 200k, I promise you that.
As I said, I do not care if Kerry wins, because we will get the hell out of Iraq a lot sooner, so it is really a win win situation for me, I just will have to make up the lost earnings somewhere and so will all the other dentists in town.

BTW, my fees are in the middle here, so I do not fear any loss of business if I have to raise them.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 08:06 AM
I think it's quite rich that danny boy laments the problem of government spending when his party, without any doubt whatsoever, is for "over-spending." Don't give me Clinton, Clinton was forced to deal with a GOP controlled Congress when spending growth was held down in the 1990s. Again, I don't much care for Bush's domestic spending increases but over the last 4 years the criticism from the right has been that he's spent too much while from danny's ideological friends on the left it's been that he's spent too little.

So go ahead, pass the cost on to your customer, and see if your closes competitors do the same. My guess is, some will and some won't. See, that's the nature of free enterprise, the lowest price almost always prevails, but some will pay a premium for quality. I have a feeling that if your business benefits from the rest of the world seeing the U.S. take responsibility for it's debt, you'll be hiring much more than one employee in the long run.

The primary reason the debt and deficit are issues is because of their impact on interest rates. Given how low rates have been over the last few years there is no evidence to back up your claim of a current negative impact of rates on the economy. In fact if anything is going on we have an asset bubble driven by low mortgage rates in the residential real estate market as well as consumer spending driven by those low rates and some rather questionable lending practices. So the low rates have had a positive short term impact on economic growth.

Also, Jim's analysis is spot on. When the cost of doing business increases and he can't pass along all of that increase to his patients then he is going to have to reduce other costs as much as possible, and that certainly includes labor.

Another reason the debt and deficit are important is because of their long term impact on tax rates. But, again, this is driven by government spending. Tax rates don't need to be high if huge federal spending growth doesn't exist in the first place.

11-02-2004, 08:11 AM
My heart says Kerry will win.
But the sick Alien feeling in my gut tells me Bush will take it in the end,
Even Bush knows it is very close and after casting his vote in Crawford he's headed back up to Ohio because without Ohio..he's toast.

11-02-2004, 08:16 AM
never overestimate american intelligence, we have a cowboy mentality, we like having a president who is an idiot because hes the kinda guy that we can have a beer with, we like him because he got a 920 on his SATs but got in to yale anyway, and skipped around going to war off his daddy's position. Most of all we like him because he's "steadfast" whatever the hell that means, and that quality that would be called stupid and unreasonable in the buisness world (sticking to bad decisions regaurdless) is somehow great for our egos.

11-02-2004, 08:45 AM

How the hell are you going to pay for socialized healthcare and everything Kerry has promised? If Kerry gets what he wants, we'll see deficit spending for the next four years.

11-02-2004, 08:49 AM

How the hell are you going to pay for socialized healthcare and everything Kerry has promised? If Kerry gets what he wants, we'll see deficit spending for the next four years.

Brodels, don't you listen??? It is simple, tax the people earning over 200k, that is how...it is sooooo simple. :rolleyes

T Park
11-02-2004, 09:29 AM
the top 20% earning people in this country pay EIGHTY PERCENT OF THE TAXES.

You wanna tell me thats fair Danny boy.

You want to tell me when I pay out that six figure check every april, that my bust ass money should go to social programs and bullshit programs.

Fuck you dan, you fuckin pay all your money to taxes.

All of us that bust our ass off to earn our money, want to actually keep it.

Novel idea danny fuckin boy.

Fuck you and your marxist friends.

T Park
11-02-2004, 09:29 AM
oh, my heart wants Bush to win, but my gut says Kerry.

Im sure Kerry will win, cause Hes got a plan, and and and and, THATS BETTER THAN NOW!!

11-02-2004, 09:37 AM
Florida is in the bag. :eyebrows :smokin

Election goes to W.

11-02-2004, 09:59 AM
But Ohio isn't so Kerry is still within striking distance.

11-02-2004, 10:00 AM
I hope this comes true! (http://www.electoral-vote.com/)

Keeping the hope alive baby!!! :smokin

11-02-2004, 10:06 AM
Kerry wins. Bush concedes on December 3.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 10:08 AM
Bush wins 310 to 228 in the Electoral College. 51% to 47% in the popular vote.

The DNC subsequently files lawsuit after lawsuit claiming that Republican poll watchers "disenfranchised" voters like the Ohio couple of Dick Tracy and Mary Poppins by "intimidating" them.

11-02-2004, 10:11 AM
If Kerry wins will Bush concede with a smirk?

11-02-2004, 10:35 AM
Bush in a landslide...10 points or better. Electoral College votes in the 300-325 range.

Republicans gain seats in both Houses of Congress...

Get ready for some kick ass government folks!

11-02-2004, 10:47 AM
You mean the same kick ass government that has controlled both the House and Senate and has spent, spent, spent?

No thanks.

11-02-2004, 10:48 AM
Bush in a landslide...10 points or better. Electoral College votes in the 300-325 range.

Republicans gain seats in both Houses of Congress...

Get ready for some kick ass government folks!

You call 10 pts a landslide? :rolleyes

11-02-2004, 11:13 AM
In this race, it would be. :)

But I'm sure he means in %age points, not electoral votes.

11-02-2004, 11:19 AM
If Kerry wins will Bush concede with a smirk?

The best quote I have read about Kerry: If he wins, he will do no harm,
because he will govern by the polls, why? Because he has no convictions
about anything.

Tom Wolfe says: "And John Kerry? "He is a man no one should worry about, because he has no beliefs at all. He is not going to introduce some manic radical plan, because he is poll-driven, and it is therefore impossible to know where or for what he stands"

Kinda says it all, doesn't it.

:elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant

11-02-2004, 11:25 AM
The best quote I have read about Kerry: If he wins, he will do no harm,
because he will govern by the polls, why? Because he has no convictions
about anything.

Tom Wolfe says: "And John Kerry? "He is a man no one should worry about, because he has no beliefs at all. He is not going to introduce some manic radical plan, because he is poll-driven, and it is therefore impossible to know where or for what he stands"

Kinda says it all, doesn't it.

:elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant :elephant

Asking Kerry to make a decision is like asking a computer to divide by zero.

11-02-2004, 11:56 AM
Asking Bush to make a decision is like asking Cheney.

11-02-2004, 12:33 PM
You call 10 pts a landslide? :rolleyes
Abso-fuckin'-lutely...in this election.

11-02-2004, 12:33 PM
So if Kerry wins, you'll call it a landslide?

11-02-2004, 12:40 PM
So if Kerry wins, you'll call it a landslide?
No, that'd be voter fraud.

T Park
11-02-2004, 12:40 PM
no we call it, a devastating blow to democracy, and a slide twords communism.

This is the candidate endorsed by the communist party.

They love him so much, they havent fielded a candidate themselves, KERRY IS THERE MAN.

Aint that great, the Communist party, thats great.

11-02-2004, 12:44 PM

WTF? who's still fighting against or even worried about communism?

11-02-2004, 12:45 PM
no we call it, a devastating blow to democracy, and a slide twords communism.

This is the candidate endorsed by the communist party.

They love him so much, they havent fielded a candidate themselves, KERRY IS THERE MAN.

Aint that great, the Communist party, thats great.

Sort of like the Patriot Act.

11-02-2004, 01:02 PM
BTW - I do think that Bush is going to win. And if the alternative is Kerry, worse things could happen. But not many.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 01:13 PM
The only hope is that a 2nd Bush term, free of re-election focus, would actually be a conservative Republican one. It's a long shot, but at the moment it's about the only hope I have for any real changes in the entitlement programs.

T Park
11-02-2004, 01:15 PM
It might be, and I agree Marcus, he prob wont really give a crap about the polls or democrat opinion if reelected, and would try to push bigger tax cuts, and try to really blow out the Pork.

Who knows, thats what I hope, the better alternative to Kerry thats for sure.

T Park
11-02-2004, 01:17 PM
WTF? who's still fighting against or even worried about communism?

Im sure your not, because, well, thats what liberal issues are, socialist, communist, wayyy to the left policies, making even bigger govt.

11-02-2004, 01:18 PM
so would that make you fascist tpark?

T Park
11-02-2004, 01:19 PM
yup Ice, once again, youve got it right.

zieg heil :rolleyes

God, if you had clue one, youd be a much better person thats for fuckin sure.

11-02-2004, 01:21 PM
fascist, not nazi dumbass.

T Park
11-02-2004, 01:23 PM
hmm, werent the Nazis considered fascits??

Answer please.

11-02-2004, 01:26 PM
the nazi's were national socialists. as in the govt owned every business. very efficient amazingly. and yeah they were a form of fascism too.

much like theres many different forms of communism or democracy.