View Full Version : timvp Apologizes To SpursTalk

11-02-2006, 11:57 PM
I was wrong.

I underestimated how slow Nazr and Rasho were and how much of a difference it would make to have a center who can run. I also underestimated how smart Francisco Elson is and how fast he could pick up the system.

Elson was awesome tonight. He's the most agile Spurs center since David Robinson circa 1995 and that alone makes a huge difference defensively and offensively. Pop hadn't ended an important game with a center playing down the stretch since Game 6 of the 2003 NBA Finals. It took Elson all of one game to end that streak.

Once again, I apologize and if Elson can play anywhere close to as well as he played tonight, the Spurs will be very good.

I'm sorry to Pop, RC, Presti and whoever else I offended with my comments. Elson's speed and willingness to learn are enough to justify his contract.

Thank you Francisco Elson for being better than I ever dreamt possible. Continue to play like this and you have a new fan.


Formerly Perfect


I take 10% of the credit cuz of the new avatar that debuted before the game.


11-02-2006, 11:59 PM
I think everyone is in that boat with you.

11-02-2006, 11:59 PM
Where's Sequspur?

11-02-2006, 11:59 PM
MAKE your 20k post a classic.

T Park
11-03-2006, 12:00 AM
I dont want to say I was right.

I wasn't, I didn't see alot of this coming.

But damn, the Nuggets fans said to me when the Spurs signed em.

"This guy is quick, hes tough, he takes it up tough, and he will be the reason you guys beat Dallas"

Well, so far Nugget fan was right, and Im excited that they are.

If Elson can bring the quickness and the agression, he will be a tall longer version of Malik Rose.

Hopefully smarter though.

11-03-2006, 12:00 AM
Elson did great. Hopefully he'll be the fixture at C down the stretch for the Spurs and come up huge

11-03-2006, 12:00 AM
if elson can play like this against suns and mavs he earns his contract

11-03-2006, 12:01 AM
What's his contract anyways? I done forgot.

11-03-2006, 12:01 AM

And I apologize to Elson for being mad that yahoo auto drafted him for my fantasy league.

My bad.

11-03-2006, 12:02 AM
P.P.S. Unless he sucks against the Cavs, then I take it all back.

T Park
11-03-2006, 12:05 AM
:lmao @ Shoogar

11-03-2006, 12:07 AM
Im scurrrrrrrred that hs makes the Spurs even scarier :lol

Camby vs Elson , its going to be great to see!

11-03-2006, 12:08 AM

And I apologize to Elson for being mad that yahoo auto drafted him for my fantasy league.

My bad.Argh, I was this close to choosing him about 8th round.

I forget about checking my fantasy leagues for drops. The day before the Laker's opener someone picked up Bynum from the FA list!

11-03-2006, 12:08 AM

leave it up to the timvp to turn an ownage into another timvp classic

11-03-2006, 12:08 AM
If the Spurs can get that kind of all around effort from their starters and role player and stay healthy they will have a dominant season. Timmy had to do very little tonight with everyone contributing the way they did.

11-03-2006, 12:11 AM
It's nice to finally have five good players at all five positions to put on the floor again.

11-03-2006, 12:11 AM
Elson was tremendous. Loved his movement and ability to run the floor. Tall, quick, mobile.

11-03-2006, 12:15 AM
i didn't think he could contribute so soon too! and he can run...

but if the Spurs fans are happy who needs a sorry?

the Q is will he be consistent? let us hope so :toast

11-03-2006, 12:19 AM
Where's Sequspur?

What's a SequSpur?

11-03-2006, 12:19 AM
elson sucks

11-03-2006, 12:20 AM
What's a SequSpur?


11-03-2006, 12:22 AM
Masterful owning up. Nice use of charm to disarm potential gloaters. *jots down notes*.

I gotta admit man...never in a million years did I think Elson would be the guy who ended your undefeated streak(IF I had I would have been 100% in the Pro Elson camp). Never even saw this coming.

It was a great undefeated streak. And I'm kinda of sad to see it end *sheds tear*, Damn you Elson...

11-03-2006, 12:25 AM
elson sucks

@#$#$@$# I coulda sworn I deleted that. Link?

It was post playoff loss bitterness...nothing more.

11-03-2006, 12:25 AM
I remember when whottt used to post high bball IQ posts all the time, he'd never be wrong. Then he was dumped, chumpdumped.

11-03-2006, 12:25 AM
Masterful owning up. Nice use of charm to disarm potential gloaters. *jots down notes*.

I gotta admit man...never in a million years did I think Elson would be the guy who ended your undefeated streak(IF I had I would have been 100% in the Pro Elson camp). Never even saw this coming.

It was a great undefeated streak. And I'm kinda of sad to see it end *sheds tear*, Damn you Elson...

Thanks. I guess all good streaks come to an end. With the branches that I've stepped out on, I'm actually kinda surprised that it took this long for me to fall face first back to earth.

Oh well. Time to start a new streak.

11-03-2006, 12:28 AM
You think thets bad. Rememba when timvp said beno was made of steel?

11-03-2006, 12:29 AM
You think thets bad. Rememba when timvp said beno was made of steel?


Best cant_be_faded post evers.

11-03-2006, 12:30 AM
It says a lot about a man that he readily admits it when he's wrong. Nice one timvp.

We should have a sticky thread at the top of the forum for making calls - a one-stop-reference for "I told you so" or "You're an idiot" posts. :lol

T Park
11-03-2006, 12:31 AM
Ouch, what about when TIMVP posted the picture of Steve Nash with a BENO thread?

That mightve been the 48 point game VS Phoenix.

11-03-2006, 12:32 AM
Why take a stance? This way I'm never wrong.


11-03-2006, 12:36 AM
So is Elson > Rasho? Is that the final word?

11-03-2006, 12:38 AM
Apology accepted timvp. You are still my hero.

11-03-2006, 12:45 AM
What's a SequSpur?

an ugly rash that won't go away, or at least admit that it's wrong.

11-03-2006, 12:45 AM
I can't believe you guys are actually falling for this apology bullshit.

T Park
11-03-2006, 12:46 AM

Sbhoogar in rare form tonight

11-03-2006, 12:49 AM
I don't need to say sorry... :spin

Elson better start tomorrow

11-03-2006, 12:52 AM
So is Elson > Rasho? Is that the final word?

Lord yes...

Better than Nazr from the looks of it...

Elson looked fucking good out there tonight...potentially the perfect cure for the Mavs.

I mean I didn't know the guy could block shots...and from the looks of it, he can. He got jobbed on a couple of blocks...

And his scoring...

Even Pop said that he didn't know Elson had a post up game...

I think part of the blame for TimVP's epic pwnage lies with the shitty coaching ability of George Karl. Obviously, Karl is severely over-rated.

TimVP(and hell I did too) mistakenly assumed that if Elson had all these abilities, a "great coach" like George Karl would have used them. I mean Karl is a defensive coach. And it's evidentally what Pop thought as well....Karl is seriously over-rated as a defensive coach....and the Nuggets got owned worse than TimVP if Elson can play like this on a consistent basis.

11-03-2006, 12:54 AM
Where's Sequspur?

I was extremely pissed in the first quarter when Oberto was playing. I actually was sent upstairs to my room for my vulgar language. :(

Then at halftime, I headed to the bowling alley and proceeded to watch the rest of the game and was really surprised by Frankie's play.

Then, I received the validation. Kori's text message as a reminder that I was wrong. She never fails to remind me. Then, subsequently, I received, the timvp reminder.

Then the Spurs fukkin took over the game and won.

Fuck Dallas.

Onto the next game....

Welcome to the Spurs Frankie!


11-03-2006, 12:55 AM
There's something I'm trying to get out of all this sucking up to timvp. Exactly what isn't known yet, but time should make all things clear.

11-03-2006, 12:59 AM
i've been dumped repeatedly. chump.dumped.

Kori Ellis
11-03-2006, 12:59 AM
Lord yes...

Better than Nazr from the looks of it...

Elson looked fucking good out there tonight...potentially the perfect cure for the Mavs.

I mean I didn't know the guy could block shots...and from the looks of it, he can. He got jobbed on a couple of blocks...

And his scoring...

Even Pop said that he didn't know Elson had a post up game...

I think part of the blame for TimVP's epic pwnage lies with the shitty coaching ability of George Karl. Obviously, Karl is severely over-rated.

TimVP(and hell I did too) mistakenly assumed that if Elson had all these abilities, a "great coach" like George Karl would have used them. I mean Karl is a defensive coach. And it's evidentally what Pop thought as well....Karl is seriously over-rated as a defensive coach....and the Nuggets got owned worse than TimVP if Elson can play like this on a consistent basis.

Well timvp's initial assessment of him actually comes when we saw him in person in the summer of 2004. And he sucked badly. He was one of the worst players in all of summer league.

In watching him in Denver in the past few years, we always knew he could run well and dunk. That's why I've been repeating to people that was going to be his strength. But he was a weak rebounder and poor shotblocker. Maybe that was a byproduct of their system. Or maybe tonight was a fluke :drunk.

Time will tell, but, for tonight, he looked damn good.

11-03-2006, 01:01 AM
Well I was trying to get Chris Paul for Rasho but since I waived Rasho already...

11-03-2006, 01:03 AM
leave it to kori to defend her timvp

11-03-2006, 01:05 AM
Lord yes...

Better than Nazr from the looks of it...

Elson looked fucking good out there tonight...potentially the perfect cure for the Mavs.

I mean I didn't know the guy could block shots...and from the looks of it, he can. He got jobbed on a couple of blocks...

And his scoring...

Even Pop said that he didn't know Elson had a post up game...

I think part of the blame for TimVP's epic pwnage lies with the shitty coaching ability of George Karl. Obviously, Karl is severely over-rated.

TimVP(and hell I did too) mistakenly assumed that if Elson had all these abilities, a "great coach" like George Karl would have used them. I mean Karl is a defensive coach. And it's evidentally what Pop thought as well....Karl is seriously over-rated as a defensive coach....and the Nuggets got owned worse than TimVP if Elson can play like this on a consistent basis.

Yeah, if any sane person looks at the stats Elson put up in the playoffs last year, the only conclusion you could arrive to was he was a choker of the worst kind. He put up the worst stats I've ever seen out of an NBA player.

On top of that, Elson sucked and averaged like 4 points in summer league three summers ago. But obviously, he has worked his ass off since then. He's faster, stronger and a lot more basketball savvy then when I watched him courtside in Utah for the Rocky Mountain Revue.

What this reminds me of is Bruce Bowen. Bowen sucked for a long time but kept working on it. He was nothing until he got under Pat Riley and Riley made him an NBA player. He came to the Spurs and he just exploded from there.

Elson is about the same age than Bowen was when he first came to the Spurs. Both got a late start in the NBA and had to work their way up. He has a Bowen like hunger.

And like whottt said, George Karl looks bad right now. His 12th man just owned the reigning Western Conference champions on national TV. He obviously didn't know what he had and did a good job of making him look like crap. Part of the problem is Denver plays an isolation offense and that does nothing for Elson. The Spurs have a lot of ball movement that puts him in much better positions. And that's not even talking about defense. Karl's version of defense is half court traps and full court presses.

I had watched Elson live and watched what he had done for the Nuggets. The stats backed up my assumptions that he was a scrub.

Where I miscalculated was his speed, his Bruce Bowen like desire and his basketball IQ. If he can play 90% of how well he played tonight for the rest of the season, he'll go down as the best signing in Spurs history. Forget Manu, Tony, Bruce, Elie, AJ, whoever ... the Spurs found a diamond inside a rotting pile of garbage that no team in the league would touch with a ten foot basketball pole.

Kori Ellis
11-03-2006, 01:05 AM
leave it to kori to defend her timvp


I'm not saying he was right about anything. I'm just saying ...

Anyway, I was sick of him boycotting Spurs games because of Elson, so hopefully this will make him go to the game tomorrow :married:

11-03-2006, 01:08 AM
Anyway, I was sick of him boycotting Spurs games because of ElsonHe didn't by any chance ever go so far to say that he'd never go to a Spurs game with Elson on the team, did he?


Kori Ellis
11-03-2006, 01:09 AM
He didn't by any chance ever go so far to say that he'd never go to a Spurs game with Elson on the team, did he?


No but when we've been going to preseason games, he's been acting like I'm making him go get a root canal.

11-03-2006, 01:10 AM
Yeah, if any sane person looks at the stats Elson put up in the playoffs last year, the only conclusion you could arrive to was he was a choker of the worst kind. He put up the worst stats I've ever seen out of an NBA player.

On top of that, Elson sucked and averaged like 4 points in summer league three summers ago. But obviously, he has worked his ass off since then. He's faster, stronger and a lot more basketball savvy then when I watched him courtside in Utah for the Rocky Mountain Revue.

What this reminds me of is Bruce Bowen. Bowen sucked for a long time but kept working on it. He was nothing until he got under Pat Riley and Riley made him an NBA player. He came to the Spurs and he just exploded from there.

Elson is about the same age than Bowen was when he first came to the Spurs. Both got a late start in the NBA and had to work their way up. He has a Bowen like hunger.

And like whottt said, George Karl looks bad right now. His 12th man just owned the reigning Western Conference champions on national TV. He obviously didn't know what he had and did a good job of making him look like crap. Part of the problem is Denver plays an isolation offense and that does nothing for Elson. The Spurs have a lot of ball movement that puts him in much better positions. And that's not even talking about defense. Karl's version of defense is half court traps and full court presses.

I had watched Elson live and watched what he had done for the Nuggets. The stats backed up my assumptions that he was a scrub.

Where I miscalculated was his speed, his Bruce Bowen like desire and his basketball IQ. If he can play 90% of how well he played tonight for the rest of the season, he'll go down as the best signing in Spurs history. Forget Manu, Tony, Bruce, Elie, AJ, whoever ... the Spurs found a diamond inside a rotting pile of garbage that no team in the league would touch with a ten foot basketball pole.

Timvp's extra verbose arguments makes him more of my hero than anyone.

11-03-2006, 01:11 AM
The Spurs have a lot of ball movement that puts him in much better positions.

I personally thought our ball movement tonight blew ass, in fact, we started 2004 and 2005 openers with much better movement iirc. That was the thing i was bitching about almost as much as our lack of D.
Then elson blocked that bitch ass pony :fro

11-03-2006, 01:12 AM
I personally thought our ball movement tonight blew ass, in fact, we started 2004 and 2005 openers with much better movement iirc. That was the thing i was bitching about almost as much as our lack of D.
Then elson blocked that bitch ass pony :fro

Well compared to Denver where they average like 1.2 passes per possession, today looked heaven to Elson.

11-03-2006, 01:13 AM
I was wrong.

I underestimated how slow Nazr and Rasho were and how much of a difference it would make to have a center who can run. I also underestimated how smart Francisco Elson is and how fast he could pick up the system.

Elson was awesome tonight. He's the most agile Spurs center since David Robinson circa 1995 and that alone makes a huge difference defensively and offensively. Pop hadn't ended an important game with a center playing down the stretch since Game 6 of the 2003 NBA Finals. It took Elson all of one game to end that streak.

Once again, I apologize and if Elson can play anywhere close to as well as he played tonight, the Spurs will be very good.

I'm sorry to Pop, RC, Presti and whoever else I offended with my comments. Elson's speed and willingness to learn are enough to justify his contract.

Thank you Francisco Elson for being better than I ever dreamt possible. Continue to play like this and you have a new fan.


Formerly Perfect


I take 10% of the credit cuz of the new avatar that debuted before the game.



:lol :lol :lol :lol

Couldnt resist.... We all love you Timvp dont ban me :spin

I agree.... The guy proved himself tonight and I loved his play, but it BETTER not be a one time thing.

RC's Boss
11-03-2006, 01:15 AM
Well timvp's initial assessment of him actually comes when we saw him in person in the summer of 2004. And he sucked badly. He was one of the worst players in all of summer league.

In watching him in Denver in the past few years, we always knew he could run well and dunk. That's why I've been repeating to people that was going to be his strength. But he was a weak rebounder and poor shotblocker. Maybe that was a byproduct of their system. Or maybe tonight was a fluke :drunk.

Time will tell, but, for tonight, he looked damn good.
I think you're right. I mentioned before that Rasho wasn't a good post defender until he became a Spur. Hopefully Elson can be as good in the post. Run fast + dunk = athleticism. So all the Dirks and Paus of the world better watch out! Is it too early to call him our Dirk Stopper? Ruben patterson said that about Kobe and got smoked like crack pipes. Maybe so, but one thing seems clear.....SMALL BALL IS OVER AND DEFENSE IS BACK! SEND THOSE EMINEFFERS BASELINE ONCE AGAIN :hungry:

RC's Boss
11-03-2006, 01:20 AM
Finley was a good wing defender back in like 98-01 and then the Nelson philosophy kinda sunk in, but during the playoffs last year I thought he fared well given the fact he was playing the 4 spot. I think in time, all players become somewhat defense oriented once they accept the system. I'm too damn excited, can't sleep. I need a diaper!

11-03-2006, 01:22 AM
I guess it goes to show that a new system and a new atmosphere and confidence can completely change the way a player performs. Nazr might have a similar season for the Pistons too...

11-03-2006, 01:29 AM
god damnit timvp stop turning my posts into timvp support.

im serious
you thought our ball movement tonight was good? Better than denvers yeah, okay, but spurs good? We started our past couple of seasons with some pretty good motion action...tonight it seemed liek whoever parker passed it to was forced to shoot it instantly, no matter where their location on the court.

RC's Boss
11-03-2006, 01:29 AM
Not unless Mr. Fantastic figured out a way to change those stone hands of his.

11-03-2006, 01:30 AM
Apology notaccepted

11-03-2006, 01:36 AM

:tu :tu :tu :tu :tu

You said brotha

11-03-2006, 01:45 AM
You convinced me Elson sucked when I thought he was a decent player.

I don't accept your apology.

T Park
11-03-2006, 01:47 AM
:lol @ Kris

11-03-2006, 02:00 AM
btw - one game - big deal

81 to go

November etc. :rolleyes

Kori Ellis
11-03-2006, 02:02 AM
If Elson has 2 points and 2 boards tomorrow, Spurs fans are going to freak.

11-03-2006, 02:04 AM
Masterful owning up. Nice use of charm to disarm potential gloaters. *jots down notes*.

I gotta admit man...never in a million years did I think Elson would be the guy who ended your undefeated streak(IF I had I would have been 100% in the Pro Elson camp). Never even saw this coming.

It was a great undefeated streak. And I'm kinda of sad to see it end *sheds tear*, Damn you Elson...
You are speaking of sports only, right?

11-03-2006, 02:05 AM
If Elson has 2 points and 2 boards tomorrow, Spurs fans are going to freak.

If Elson has 2 and 2 the next five games I'd still be owned. I don't think he's going to average like 12 and 8 or anything like that, but he's already proven he's pretty damn good.

Kori Ellis
11-03-2006, 02:08 AM
If Elson has 2 and 2 the next five games I'd still be owned. I don't think he's going to average like 12 and 8 or anything like that, but he's already proven he's pretty damn good.

I'm not talking about you.

I'm talking about Spurs fans that ride the roller coaster ride. They'll be cussing his name tomorrow if he plays poorly. It's just a funny phenomenon.

11-03-2006, 02:15 AM
Elson's value isn't going to be in points or rebounds or things like that -- I don't think. His value (and the reason that he's here) is that he can do just enough on the defensive end against a team like Dallas to keep himself useful on the floor, which allows Bowen to deal with wing threats as needed.

If he can move his feet and contest shots against other long bigs who like to play out on the floor, he'll be valuable even if he averages 5 and 3 or something like that. I can't imagine that he'll consistently provide any numbers, but if he consistently provides intangible things that allow the Spurs to play 2 bigs, he's done what they wanted him to do.

11-03-2006, 02:21 AM
I'm not talking about you.

I'm talking about Spurs fans that ride the roller coaster ride. They'll be cussing his name tomorrow if he plays poorly. It's just a funny phenomenon.

Like good old times with spurstalk :downspin:

11-03-2006, 02:41 AM
Yeah, I'm not too worried about his stats...

He can dunk...he can stay in front of his man, he's a great help defender, he's fast, like Drob or Amare fast, he's even got a couple of post up moves...that's exactly what we want.

Looking at his career stats he looks like he could put up a block per game and maybe about 7 boards if he was getting about 30 mins per game.

I do see him having problems with some of the big C's though, Shaq, Yao guys like that...because he's so light, I think he probably weighs less than Horry.

But I see him doing really well against guys like Dirk, KG(we already know he can piss KG off like Bowen pisses every man he guards off)Amare and Diaw...

Kori Ellis
11-03-2006, 02:43 AM
I do see him having problems with some of the big C's though, Shaq, Yao guys like that...because he's so light, I think he probably weighs less than Horry.

But I see him doing really well against guys like Dirk, KG(we already know he can piss KG off like Bowen pisses every man he guards off)Amare and Diaw...

He only weighs like 230.

RC's Boss
11-03-2006, 02:47 AM
Yeah but we have Elson, Horry, Butler, Oberto, Bonner????, and last but not least Tim to give us a pretty good "commitee" type center rotation.

11-03-2006, 02:48 AM
Like good old times with spurstalk :downspin:

Ohh - maybe not good afterall ... :dramaquee

11-03-2006, 02:53 AM
He's got to be more than 230. He'd have to be really, really skinny to be 230 at his height.

Kori Ellis
11-03-2006, 02:54 AM
He's got to be more than 230. He'd have to be really, really skinny to be 230 at his height.

He's really skinny. He's listed at 235 and that's probably close to accurate. So maybe I was off by 5 pounds.

11-03-2006, 02:58 AM
i think the Spurs have found a perfect defender for Dirk. One who is BIG & ATHLETIC enough who can run after him :lol

RC's Boss
11-03-2006, 03:37 AM
Hell, how many true big post players are in the league anyway. I can only think of four and one of them plays for us. (Yao, Shaq, Howard) Outside of them, there are no beast in the paint for him to contend with.

11-03-2006, 03:43 AM
You convinced me Elson sucked when I thought he was a decent player.

I don't accept your apology.:lmao

11-03-2006, 10:05 AM
I am just happy to see all of Manu's and Tony's hard work breaking down the defense rewarded by a big man who can actually catch the ball and wants to cram it down the opponents throat. What a difference!!

11-03-2006, 10:09 AM
If I didn't think one or two bad games was enough to pronounce him terrible, I'll be damned if I'm going to think one or two good games is enough to pronounce him the savior. He's been aggressive, he isn't shuffling his feet and pump faking, he hasn't gotten hugely out of position. Woopie doo. How about a month before we give him the MVP trophy?

11-03-2006, 10:17 AM
If Elson has 2 points and 2 boards tomorrow, Spurs fans are going to freak.

:lol That's just what I was thinking...or if they lose tonight, they'll be cursing Pop's "genius" system.

Aside from the 12 points, 6 rebounds, and blocks, what I loved most about Elson was his energy. It was so damn nice to finally see a Center show enthusiam and excitement when he's on the floor. No pumpfaking, no fumbling, no stone cold face....just dunks and jumpshots, and good defense. :tu

11-03-2006, 10:50 AM
:lol That's just what I was thinking...or if they lose tonight, they'll be cursing Pop's "genius" system.

Aside from the 12 points, 6 rebounds, and blocks, what I loved most about Elson was his energy. It was so damn nice to finally see a Center show enthusiam and excitement when he's on the floor. No pumpfaking, no fumbling, no stone cold face....just dunks and jumpshots, and good defense. :tu

Yeah Elson played big last night. I was glad to see some agression from the center posistion. Good to see Nazir and Racho GONE!!!!!

11-03-2006, 10:59 AM
There may be another thread for this one: Props to the FO and Pop for their astute judgement on players. How many posts were there about how those moves were all about money and not about improving the team at the position?

One game does not a season make, but the man looks like a smart player who brings good athleticism and speed to the position. And no obvious bad points: like habits of triple dribbling before a dunk or hands of stone.

He ain't gonna be Shaq or Yao, but he's gonna do fine and fit into the Spur system.

11-03-2006, 11:04 AM
There may be another thread for this one: Props to the FO and Pop for their astute judgement on players. How many posts were there about how those moves were all about money and not about improving the team at the position?

One game does not a season make, but the man looks like a smart player who brings good athleticism and speed to the position. And no obvious bad points: like habits of triple dribbling before a dunk or hands of stone.

He ain't gonna be Shaq or Yao, but he's gonna do fine and fit into the Spur system.


11-03-2006, 11:48 AM
He's pretty awesome at my NBA 07 game too, very good rebounder.

11-05-2006, 03:26 AM
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind Timvp of the previously placed wager on Elson with Please_dont_ban_me.

11-05-2006, 03:31 AM
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind Timvp of the previously placed wager on Elson with Please_dont_ban_me.

You're not out of the woods yet. Eight points and six boards isn't going to be doable for Elson unless he starts and plays 25-30 minutes a night.

11-05-2006, 03:45 AM
You're not out of the woods yet. Eight points and six boards isn't going to be doable for Elson unless he starts and plays 25-30 minutes a night.

With Oberto as his primary competition...30 minutes a night looks pretty realistic.

Anyways, so far so good. :D

12-01-2006, 08:19 PM

Did timvp apologize too soon? To the naked eye, Elson has been pretty good so far this season when he's gotten a chance to play. But strangely enough, the coaching staff has actually been cutting back his minutes of late and Elson's indepth stats look poor.

+/- Stats
Duncan +119
Ginobili +70
Bowen +65
Parker +58
Barry +52
Horry +50
Oberto +49
Udrih +35
Finley +15
Elson -24

After a strong start of the season, Elson has come back down to earth. He's having a tough time catching passes lately (think Nazr Mohammed-esque hands). His team defense has been poor.

Don't get me wrong, I think he was a better signing than I thought he was but how good is he really? Does he have substance to go with his flash?

The numbers say he's struggling. Pop said he was having some problems. Spurs fan think he's David Robinson, Jr.

Who is right?


Aggie Hoopsfan
12-01-2006, 08:49 PM
It would probably help his plus/minus numbers if Pop wasn't sticking him out there with that crap lineup of Beno, Bowen, Finley, and Horry or whatever the fuck it is he's been calling his lineup at the start of fourth quarters recently.

12-01-2006, 08:56 PM
It would probably help his plus/minus numbers if Pop wasn't sticking him out there with that crap lineup of Beno, Bowen, Finley, and Horry or whatever the fuck it is he's been calling his lineup at the start of fourth quarters recently.

When he's in the game with the rest of the starting five, his +/- is +1 for the season.

12-01-2006, 09:07 PM
When he's in the game with the rest of the starting five, his +/- is +1 for the season.

Perhaps because no plays are called for him on offense.... :hat

12-01-2006, 09:22 PM
Elson has yet to get blocked by some 6"3" guard from behind, so hold on to those Nazr comparisons for now. That used to piss me off to no end.

I think Franky is pressing a little bit. He's blown some assignments and players and coaches have let him know, so I think he's gotten a bit tentative. I think once the system becomes second nature, he'll relax and just ball.

12-01-2006, 09:27 PM
Bruno has been right since the start with Elson.

When everybody was trashing him, Bruno was saying that he will be a decent center.

When everybody was saying that he was great after the mavs game, Bruno was saying that it was just one game.


12-01-2006, 09:30 PM
I think AHF nailed it on the head...i want to see elson play hardcore minute with parker tim bruce and manu, then we'll see whats up.

12-01-2006, 09:31 PM
Bruno has been right since the start with Elson.

When everybody was trashing him, Bruno was saying that he will be a decent center.

When everybody was saying that he was great after the mavs game, Bruno was saying that it was just one game.


Riding the fence worked well for Bruno.


12-01-2006, 09:32 PM
Riding the fence worked well for Bruno.


12-01-2006, 09:37 PM
Riding the fence worked well for Bruno.



Btw, I'm watching Min/Den and evans is playing dreat.

12-01-2006, 09:43 PM

Btw, I'm watching Min/Den and evans is playing dreat.

It's tough for me to watch the Nuggets. I wanted the Spurs to get J.R. Smith and Reggie Evans. Smith is turning into a stud and Evans is playing better every game.


12-01-2006, 09:48 PM
It's tough for me to watch the Nuggets. I wanted the Spurs to get J.R. Smith and Reggie Evans. Smith is turning into a stud and Evans is playing better every game.

:pctossAs well as Barry is plaing its still tough to watch Smith blow up. Byron Scott is a fucking retard.

12-01-2006, 10:46 PM
It's tough for me to watch the Nuggets. I wanted the Spurs to get J.R. Smith and Reggie Evans. Smith is turning into a stud and Evans is playing better every game.

Hey, we'd all like to have the perfect, invincible team every year, but let's be thankful for what we have--a good bunch of new guys with some vets like Finley and Horry who'll probably hit their stride before the year is out.

This team can be very very good. Will they be challenged by some other good teams? Damn, I hope so cause who wants a cakewalk to the championship?

I want games to be exciting with the issue in doubt until the end with the Spurs victorius. :hungry:

12-02-2006, 12:54 PM

Did timvp apologize too soon? To the naked eye, Elson has been pretty good so far this season when he's gotten a chance to play. But strangely enough, the coaching staff has actually been cutting back his minutes of late and Elson's indepth stats look poor.

+/- Stats

Elson -24

Who is right?


psssh. What are his numbers when he and Duncan are in together?

12-02-2006, 12:58 PM
Good thread :fro

12-02-2006, 04:23 PM
I <3 Pop's substitutions.

12-02-2006, 04:54 PM
psssh. What are his numbers when he and Duncan are in together?

It's in the negatives. I would get the exact number but NBA.com doesn't track it that low. Seriously.

12-02-2006, 06:35 PM
It's in the negatives. I would get the exact number but NBA.com doesn't track it that low. Seriously.

Huh? You mean Elson Duncan Findawg Beno JVaugn?
So how was the negative number arrived at?
Who tracks the combos?

12-02-2006, 06:43 PM
So how was the negative number arrived at?They count.

12-02-2006, 07:23 PM
timvp is right again. Since cutting back on Elson's minutes, the Spurs have been winning like clockwork and dominating on the boards.

12-02-2006, 07:44 PM
They count.

When you were on Findawgs back did they include you in the count?

12-02-2006, 07:44 PM
timvp is right again. Since cutting back on Elson's minutes, the Spurs have been winning like clockwork and dominating on the boards.

12-03-2006, 03:25 AM
When you were on Findawgs back did they include you in the count?:wtf

You make even less sense than usual.

12-10-2006, 06:03 AM

Last three games, Elson has a +/- of +68. He's been good in the blowouts.

Props :tu

12-10-2006, 06:05 AM

Last three games, Elson has a +/- of +68. He's been good in the blowouts.

Props :tu

I love how he's been challenging shots, and rebounding lately, hopefullly he keeps it up

12-10-2006, 06:11 AM
Did timvp apologize too soon?

Apparently not.

12-10-2006, 02:15 PM
timvp you deserved a thumbs up!!! GO ELSON GO!!!