View Full Version : Votes Found On Machines In Philly, Before Polls Open

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 09:27 AM
Go figure.


Before voting even began in downtown Philladelphia -- poll watchers found nearly 700 votes already planted on machines... The incident occurred at 2601 N. 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa... Developing...

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 09:28 AM
Small wonder the Demos have been trying to get poll watchers banned and if not, to intimidate them over the last few weeks.

T Park
11-02-2004, 09:31 AM
Yesterday a guy called up the Schnitt show and he got a leader from the DNC, because he was a republican and a poll watcher, "If you do anything we dont like, or we THINK your doing something we dont like, we can have you arrested. You have been fairly warned"


Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 09:39 AM

Before voting even began in Philladelphia -- poll watchers found nearly 2000 votes already planted on machines scattered throughout downtown... One incident occurred at 2601 N. 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa: Ward 37, division 8... pollwatchers uncovered 4 machines with planted votes; one with over 200 and one with nearly 500... A second location, 1901 W. Girard Ave., Berean Institute, Philadelphia, Pa, had 300+ votes already on 2 machines at start of day... INCIDENT: 292 votes on machine at start of day; WARD/DIVISION: 7/7: ADDRESS: 122 W. Erie Ave., Roberto Clemente School, Philadelphia, Pa.; INCIDENT: 456 votes on machine at start of day; WARD/DIVISION: 12/3; ADDRESS: 5657 Chew Ave., storefront, Philadelphia, Pa... Developing...

11-02-2004, 09:42 AM
Cheaters never win...

11-02-2004, 09:45 AM
We can put a man on the moon, but we can't come up with a reliable and consistent voting system.

Fucking ludicrous.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 09:50 AM

Before voting even began in Philladelphia -- poll watchers found nearly 2000 votes already planted on machines scattered throughout downtown... One incident occurred at the SALVATION ARMY, 2601 N. 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa: Ward 37, division 8... pollwatchers uncovered 4 machines with planted votes; one with over 200 and one with nearly 500... A second location, 1901 W. Girard Ave., Berean Institute, Philadelphia, Pa, had 300+ votes already on 2 machines at start of day... INCIDENT: 292 votes on machine at start of day; WARD/DIVISION: 7/7: ADDRESS: 122 W. Erie Ave., Roberto Clemente School, Philadelphia, Pa.; INCIDENT: 456 votes on machine at start of day; WARD/DIVISION: 12/3; ADDRESS: 5657 Chew Ave., storefront, Philadelphia, Pa... Developing...

11-02-2004, 09:52 AM
i'm just glad we have both sides looking out...i would support that anyone caught get some serious jail time and voting priveledges revoked for the rest of their lives.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 09:58 AM


From a New Jersey reader:

I heard about two incidents of dubious voting activity here in NJ where voting was heavy starting at 6:00 am. The first incident occurred in Trenton, N.J. at the Holland Middle School polling location where officials instructing voters (particularly the eldery) in how to use the new voting machines were showing them consistently using the Democratic column as an example. When a black Republican voter asked for aid, the official stated, "You are voting Democrat, right?" and showed him the same column as an example on the sample ballot (column 2). In South Oldbridge, vote officials were seen wearing Kerry/Edwards buttons while seated at their positions in the polling station.

This all occurred before 8 am in what is going to be a heavy voting day. People need to go vote as the Democrats are already "getting their cheat on".

11-02-2004, 10:32 AM
We can put a man on the moon, but we can't come up with a reliable and consistent voting system.

Fucking ludicrous.
That's because Demoncrats oppose all reliable methods of insuring voter eligibility and detecting voter fraud.

11-02-2004, 10:45 AM
I'm glad this was caught early. I hope whoever the guilty parties are gets fucking HAMMERED.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 11:08 AM





Before voting even began in Philadelphia -- poll watchers found nearly 2000 votes already planted on machines scattered throughout the city.

One incident occurred at the SALVATION ARMY, 2601 N. 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa: Ward 37, division 8.

Pollwatchers uncovered 4 machines with planted votes; one with over 200 and one with nearly 500...

A second location, 1901 W. Girard Ave., Berean Institute, Philadelphia, Pa, had 300+ votes already on 2 machines at start of day.

ANOTHER INCIDENT: 292 votes on machine at start of day; WARD/DIVISION: 7/7: ADDRESS: 122 W. Erie Ave., Roberto Clemente School, Philadelphia, Pa..

ANOTHER: 456 votes on machine at start of day; WARD/DIVISION: 12/3; ADDRESS: 5657 Chew Ave., storefront, Philadelphia, Pa...


Elsewhere, a gun was purposely made visible to scare poll watchers at Ward 30, division 11, at 905 S. 20th St., Grand Court. Police were called and surrounded the location...


Filed By Matt Drudge
Reports are moved when circumstances warrant
http://www.drudgereport.com for updates
Not for reproduction without permission of the author

11-02-2004, 11:09 AM
I agree...Democrat or Republican, if they investigate and find that it was INTENTIONAL I hope they go to prison for a long time...

On the other hand you have to remember that a lot of the people running the polls are volunteers and many of them are old and not particularly computer literate...I don't know exactly how the software works on these new machines but it could be something as simple as someone forgetting to reset something in the rush to open...if that is the case then they obviously need to redo the procedures to make absolutely sure this doesn't happen again...

11-02-2004, 11:10 AM

11-02-2004, 11:14 AM
Oh like republicans haven't used intimidation!!!!!
Both sides need to cut this crap out.
Computer voting is so open to fraud it should be out-lawed.
Republicans are guilty of it too so STFU!

Sorry, but this shit pisses me off.
I've admited that the Democratic party isn't perfect but neither are is the republican party.

I'm done with this petty bullshit!

Have a great day.

11-02-2004, 11:17 AM
Chill the fuck out, Joe. It doesn't even say who the votes were for, just that there were already votes on the machines.

Gotdamn, already.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 11:19 AM
Oh like republicans haven't used intimidation!!!!!

What "intimidation"? Having poll watchers in place to catch this shit?

11-02-2004, 11:21 AM
Chill the fuck out, Joe. It doesn't even say who the votes were for, just that there were already votes on the machines.

Gotdamn, already.

Okay, but from the "it's the democrats" posts I get freakin' upset.

11-02-2004, 11:21 AM
agreed...this is a classic example of poll watchers being the check/balance to the system and the system working...

11-02-2004, 11:28 AM
The news was saying that these were votes from a different time. As in maybe a local election that weren't cleared out.

Who knows?

11-02-2004, 11:46 AM
Funny how the board NeoCons automatically assume it democrats cheating. :lol

A little nervous this morning maybe?

Word is breaking that these were LIFETIME counter votes on the machine, thus talling when the machines were made.

See, nothing sinister going on...you can all now return to your regularly scheduled break-downs.

11-02-2004, 12:00 PM
Catching up with the liars ...

This statement just released by Marge Tartaglione, Philadelphia City Commissioner, the official responsible for overseeing elections in the city. (http://www.phila.gov/commissioners/index.html)

"Recent press reports have stated that machines in at least one precinct were not properly calibrated to ensure an accurate accounting of the number of votes cast."
"These allegations are completely unsubstantiated and have no factual
basis whatsoever."

Like I said, don't fall for the head games.

Josh Marshall, Talking Point Memo (http://talkingpointsmemo.com)

11-02-2004, 12:05 PM
There isn't "moral equivalence" with election shenanigans Joe. The evidence needle is heavily leaning towards the democrats.

Your attempt to equalize the parties in this regard doesn't fool me for a second.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 12:08 PM
Hmmm, I wonder what party Marge is with.

edit- thanks to the link danny provided I now know:

Margaret Tartaglione (D) (Chair)
City Hall, Room 130
Phone: 686-3460, 3461
Fax: 587-9107

Try again danny boy, your party of the dead electorate and rigged voting machines is going down today.

11-02-2004, 12:08 PM
foxnews is doing a story about this right now. The republicans complained about the machines. according to somebody or another, the machines have 2 counters, 1 counter represents votes for lifetime of machine and the other votes today. The verifier believes the republican complainer was looking at the wrong counter.
Republicans are demanding the machines be removed and replaced....incidently disenfranchising that district and stirring the pot just a wee bit! I say let them take it to the supreme court.

So now republicans are perfect? Don't you all remember all the disenfranchised voters in Florida in 2000? That was republican all the way.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 12:09 PM
There were no disenfranchised voters in Florida in 2000. That's just partisan nonsense created to deceive the gullible such as yourself.

Kori Ellis
11-02-2004, 12:10 PM
Apparently it was a serial number on one of the machines or something, and someone assumed it was a vote count.

People are stupid.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 12:12 PM
It's more than just one machine or polling place.

11-02-2004, 12:13 PM
What about the fact that In 1986, former Assistant United States Attorney James Brosnahan (today a noted San Francisco trial attorney) testified - based on an investigation the Justice Department had dispatched him to conduct - that as a young Phoenix attorney, Justice William Rehnquist had been part of conservative Republicans' 1962 efforts to disqualify black and Hispanic voters who showed up to vote. Brosnahan's testimony was supported by no less than fourteen additional witnesses. Rehnquist nevertheless became Chief Justice - thanks to the continued support of conservative Republicans.

Hook Dem
11-02-2004, 12:14 PM
Why in the world would "anyone", be they Democrat or Republican, try to suppress poll watchers in the name of fairness. You tell me! All I know is that Democrats tried to do this very thing in the state of Ohio. They called it "intimidation" of the voters. WHY????????????

11-02-2004, 12:14 PM
1986? Wtf.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 12:15 PM
So you have no proof. Thanks.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 12:16 PM
1986? Wtf.

Not even 1986. 1962.

T Park
11-02-2004, 12:23 PM
John Kennedy, Chicago ring any bells marzetti.

Vote counters eating chads making votes go to Gore.

Democratic lawyers filing lawsuits to disqualify millitary votes?

on and on and on....

11-02-2004, 12:34 PM
You guys really do believe you shit don't stink.

T Park
11-02-2004, 12:36 PM

wanna post a link johnny showing us where we said that????

What about in Florida, where the DNC, had busses of criminals being busssed to polling places, and bussing them out.

The other day, college students being aid 75 dollars an hour, to collect ballots at prisons, THIRD PARTY COLLECTORS, totally ILLEGAL.

11-02-2004, 12:38 PM
"They called it "intimidation" of the voters. WHY????????????"

A black/poor/whatever person, under/un-educated, out of work, fringes of society, functionally illiterate, behind in rent and bills, standing in line to vote and is approached by 2 or more (the more the merrier) people, who stand very close to/surround the victim, and is asked to show IDs and answer who knows what questions, and very probably in the most aggressive, most intimidating presumption-of-guilt you-fucking-cheater voice the multiple questioners can manage ("pour encourager les autres" within earshot). Blatant intimidation, blatantly effective.

The above characteristics, all or in part, of the intimiadatable victim probably applies to a 50% of the voters who show. But the real target intimidation is to scare voters away, from even showing up. Intimidators are self-selecting people who love bullying and are very good at it, augmented by the advanced techniques and gotcha questions they learn from the Repug organizers of the intimidation.

Did you see the pack of maddogs the Repugs ordered to assault the buildings where the 2000 vote recounts were being held? Numerous interviews with the re-counters showed they were seriously concerned, intimidiated by the hours-long cacaphony outside, and worried about the gamut of abuse they would suffer when leaving the building.

The Dems have deployed lawyers to try to prevent that this year.

Hook Dem
11-02-2004, 12:38 PM
You guys really do believe you shit don't stink.
No....but just not quite as bad as yours! :lol

11-02-2004, 12:40 PM
The Dems have deployed lawyers to try to prevent that this year.

And to intimidate as well, I'm sure.

Marcus Bryant
11-02-2004, 12:46 PM
And to intimidate as well, I'm sure.

Without a doubt.

T Park
11-02-2004, 12:47 PM
Boutons and Marzetti,

what about the Moveon.Org thugsters out in Ohio, and other swing states, pressuring voters to vote democrat.

No comments on them as well Im sure.

11-02-2004, 12:48 PM
A black/poor/whatever person, under/un-educated, out of work, fringes of society, functionally illiterate, behind in rent and bills, standing in line to vote and is approached by 2 or more (the more the merrier) people, who stand very close to/surround the victim, and is asked to show IDs and answer who knows what questions, and very probably in the most aggressive, most intimidating presumption-of-guilt you-fucking-cheater voice the multiple questioners can manage ("pour encourager les autres" within earshot). Blatant intimidation, blatantly effective.

A poll official notices a woman enter the voting area and move directly to the front of a 20 minute line. She asks the woman to please go to the back of the line, but the woman explains that she just wants to check and see if she is registered to vote in this precinct. The official points out that she still has to wait at the back of the line, because that's basically what the line is for. The woman ignores the official and walks up to one of the stations to get her registration card checked. The official walks over to one of the tables to grab another worker... and the two of them approach the woman to tell her once again that she needs to go to the back of the line. She stands her ground, refusing to wait in line simply to see if she is eligible. The officials are clearly frustrated and get very firm with her... until finally she concedes and goes to the back of the line.

Was this intimidation?

(By the way, she was black if that makes any difference.)

11-02-2004, 12:49 PM
Oh like republicans haven't used intimidation!!!!!
Give me an instance. And, no, Tom "Puff" Dashcle filing suit in federal court because he's afraid Republican poll workers are going to roll their eyes at the Indians doesn't count.

Both sides need to cut this crap out.
Well, Demoncrats certainly do. However, absent any evidence of Republican voter intimidation, I'd say Republicans never started in the first place.

Computer voting is so open to fraud it should be out-lawed.
You only have Algore to thank for this mess...

Republicans are guilty of it too so STFU!
Really? Name an instance...

Sorry, but this shit pisses me off.
As well it should. But, what equally pisses me off is that Demoncrats are so quick to say, "Republicans are guilty of it too!," without any supporting evidence.

I've admited that the Democratic party isn't perfect but neither are is the republican party.
No, but they don't cheat in elections either.

I'm done with this petty bullshit!
'bout time.

Have a great day.
You too, Joe.

I also find it interesting that no one is saying for whom the 2,000 votes were cast. It would say a lot about who perpetrated this sham, wouldn't it?

Hook Dem
11-02-2004, 12:50 PM
A poll official notices a woman enter the voting area and move directly to the front of a 20 minute line. She asks the woman to please go to the back of the line, but the woman explains that she just wants to check and see if she is registered to vote in this precinct. The official points out that she still has to wait at the back of the line, because that's basically what the line is for. The woman ignores the official and walks up to one of the stations to get her registration card checked. The official walks over to one of the tables to grab another worker... and the two of them approach the woman to tell her once again that she needs to go to the back of the line. She stands her ground, refusing to wait in line simply to see if she is eligible. The officials are clearly frustrated and get very firm with her... until finally she concedes and goes to the back of the line.

Was this intimidation?

(By the way, she was black if that makes any difference.)

11-02-2004, 12:57 PM
A poll official notices a woman enter the voting area and move directly to the front of a 20 minute line. She asks the woman to please go to the back of the line, but the woman explains that she just wants to check and see if she is registered to vote in this precinct. The official points out that she still has to wait at the back of the line, because that's basically what the line is for. The woman ignores the official and walks up to one of the stations to get her registration card checked. The official walks over to one of the tables to grab another worker... and the two of them approach the woman to tell her once again that she needs to go to the back of the line. She stands her ground, refusing to wait in line simply to see if she is eligible. The officials are clearly frustrated and get very firm with her... until finally she concedes and goes to the back of the line.

Was this intimidation?
Nope. It was chaos prevention. What if the poll worker had allowed her to cut? How many others would have stampeded to the front just to "verify" their registration? This woman has had ample time and opportunity, in the days prior to election day, to validate her own voter registration, to locate her polling place, and to make sure all her t's were crossed and i's dotted befor charging to the front of the line, on election day, and demand the attention of an already on-edge poll worker just trying to keep the flow orderly.

(By the way, she was black if that makes any difference.)
It doesn't.

11-02-2004, 12:58 PM
For what it's worth, I raised this as a hypothetical response to bouton's hypothetical scenario.

Hook Dem
11-02-2004, 12:59 PM
For what it's worth, I raised this as a hypothetical response to bouton's hypothetical scenario.
We know Spurm.

T Park
11-02-2004, 01:01 PM
good scenario spurm.