View Full Version : Gynaecologist must pay child support

11-15-2006, 12:59 PM
German doctor has been ordered to pay child support to a patient who got pregnant with a contraceptive implant.

The precedent-setting ruling by Germany's Federal Court gives both parents, who are not married, the right to receive child support from the doctor until their son reaches adulthood.

The unnamed gynaecologist from Suedbaden inserted a contraceptive implant into the arm of the woman in 2002. But the woman later found she was pregnant after it was too late for an abortion.

The woman, 25, also unnamed for legal reasons, took the gynaecologist to court, claiming she was unable to continue her work as a kindergarten teacher and could not support herself and the child.

Germany's highest court has now demanded the gynaecologist pay the equivalent of around £400 a month until the child turns 18.

Justice Gerda Mueller of the Federal Court refused to take into consideration the fact that the woman has had a second child since she filed the original complaint.

Justice Mueller said: "The existence of the child is not a damage in itself, but the need to support it financially is."


11-15-2006, 01:20 PM
While some methods are more effective than others, no birth control method is 100% effective except for abstinence ... I have no idea how the Judge could have ruled that way. Unless the doctor specifically told her it was, but how could you prove that?

11-15-2006, 01:23 PM
was she already pregnant when she had the birth control put it?
if so I can see the reasoning.
they gyno should've done a test before hand and informed her.

but if she got pregog because of failed birth control... well than this is just idiotic 'casue no birth control is 100%.

Pistons < Spurs
11-15-2006, 01:58 PM
You have to believe that this will be appealed, and reversed.

11-15-2006, 02:35 PM
looks like someone strike gold

11-15-2006, 02:49 PM
I suffered a similar judgement.

The judge made me pay child support when the dentures I made for a patient kept falling out when she was trying to give her boyfriend a blow job, so they had to have vaginal sex instead....and she got knocked up that night, and the judge ruled that my dentures were faulty, therefore I was responsible for the procreation of the child.

11-15-2006, 02:55 PM
I suffered a similar judgement.

The judge made me pay child support when the dentures I made for a patient kept falling out when she was trying to give her boyfriend a blow job, so they had to have vaginal sex instead....and she got knocked up that night, and the judge ruled that my dentures were faulty, therefore I was responsible for the procreation of the child.
That's retarded.

Why would she, or her boyfriend, insist on trying to put the dentures back in?

11-15-2006, 03:09 PM

11-15-2006, 04:19 PM
That's retarded.

Why would she, or her boyfriend, insist on trying to put the dentures back in?

no kidding ... that's about the only thing I look forward to about getting really old. Being able to take my dentures out. Well that, and that it would still matter whether or not I could to someone. :lol

11-15-2006, 04:43 PM
Yeah, I can't see that judgement standing up. I can see the spinoffs, but with anything that doesn't require doctor implantation, I would think you would have to legally prove that you used it correctly, which would be difficult to prove. Now with the doctor implanted stuff, unless it can be legally/medically proven that the doctor screwed it up, that's not right.

11-15-2006, 05:04 PM
This is the best part:

Justice Gerda Mueller of the Federal Court refused to take into consideration the fact that the woman has had a second child since she filed the original complaint.

11-15-2006, 05:57 PM
I can see ob/gyn insurance premiums headed toward Mars as we speak.

Which is incredibly bad, because fewer and fewer potentially wonderful doctors are not pursuing that specialty because the insurance premiums are so damn high.

Which is bad for us women, because 1.) we have the babies and doctors come in pretty handy for this ... and 2.) while now it takes 3 freakin' months to get an appointment for an annual exam, it could now take 3 years! :cuss :cuss :lol

11-15-2006, 05:58 PM
I can see ob/gyn insurance premiums headed toward Mars as we speak.You must see everything that's headed toward Mars.

11-16-2006, 10:08 AM
Actually, there are already precedents for this in the US, especially for failed vasectomies. Malpractice insurance pays for the "child support".

One of the funniest practical jokes I have ever heard of was pulled on a friend of mine that is a urologist. He performed a vasectomy on the friend of one of his partners. He did the standard 1 month and 6 month test and the guy was shooting blanks. About a month later the guy called my friend and told him that his wife was pregnant. He had the guy come back in for another test. The guy went back to the restroom to give the sample and my friends partner wanked off a hot load in the sample container. They had been in it together the whole time. When the sample came back hot they let my friend go through the whole routine (we aren't gonna terminate the child for religious reasons but we can't afford another child, who is gonna pay to raise him, send the child to college etc.) My friend was shitting bricks. Hw was about to call his insurance carrier when his partner busted in laughing and told him it was a joke.

11-16-2006, 01:09 PM
Which is incredibly bad, because fewer and fewer potentially wonderful doctors are not pursuing that specialty because the insurance premiums are so damn high.

Which is bad for us women, because 1.) we have the babies and doctors come in pretty handy for this ... and 2.) while now it takes 3 freakin' months to get an appointment for an annual exam, it could now take 3 years! :cuss :cuss :lol

see I am so DONE with OBGYN's. arg. you find one you like and then something has to fuck it up.
my last one was great, but about 3 months ago he switched ofices to a group practice that does not allow children over the age of 12 months in the waiting room.
ok. so not only do I have to find and pay for childcare for 2 kids, and then pay for friggin parking, but of course I will then wait like 2 hours because even tho I am on time they are always behind - driving up my cost for everythign else (parkign and childcare).

screw that.
I switched to a licsensed midwife, she has apprentices who play with the kids while you are doing your buisness and I was in and out in 20 mins. :fro

11-16-2006, 02:46 PM
Abortion should be used much more often.

11-16-2006, 02:57 PM
Abortion should be used much more often.

Do you tell that to your mother?

11-16-2006, 06:32 PM
Everyone should know this, Bitch. Abortion saves lives. Don't have kids unless you are over 27, married and have 100k in the bank. Birth Control you idiots.

11-16-2006, 08:31 PM
I guess it went over your head. Bitch.

11-16-2006, 08:36 PM
Everyone should know this, Bitch. Abortion saves lives. Don't have kids unless you are over 27, married and have 100k in the bank. Birth Control you idiots.
Did you just say abortion "saves" lives?

11-16-2006, 08:49 PM
MJ99 is falling at a "Shelly looks older" rate.

11-16-2006, 08:50 PM
Dayumn...I thought this was going to be about a precedent which makes you pay just for looking. Whew.

11-16-2006, 10:58 PM
Birth Control you idiots.

Even more funny is you totally must not have read or didn't understand the article ... she thought she was using birth control, you idiot. :spin

11-16-2006, 11:09 PM
Methinks mikejones comes with his own built-in birth control.