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View Full Version : Payton a Warrior? Should be

06-17-2004, 09:56 PM
WELCOME TO THE NBA off-season, otherwise known as the Lakers' dispersal draft. And while everyone can dream of picking up Kobe Bryant, it would behoove the Warriors to take a practical approach to the mass exodus.
What Chris Mullin must ask himself is this: Would the Warriors have any interest in Gary Payton's services next season?

Even at a relatively cheap price (probably around $5 million a year), it's a difficult question to answer.

The irony here is that Payton, the former Skyline High standout, had no interest in a homecoming when the Warriors came begging last summer.

Now the ball's in the Warriors' frontcourt, and it's quite possible they'll be the ones that say no.

After all, acquiring Payton means committing to him as a starter (he's not coming as a backup), which isn't fair to the guy who played his way into the starting lineup this past season, Speedy Claxton.

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Then again, Payton offers something Claxton doesn't -- a unique ability to be a difference-maker down the stretch.

We didn't get a chance to see it in L.A. being that Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal took all the big shots, but Payton would become the Warriors' clutchest player the instant he signed the contract.

Remember, this was one reason Nick Van Exel was imported to Oakland last summer. After a season in which the Warriors played Rotating Goats, the need for a crunch-time performer is as great as ever.

I'd do it, especially considering Payton offers another strength (post-up ability) at a position of Warriors weakness.

So, Warriors fans, what do you think?

DATELINE: The high-rent district. Enough already with the Pistons having won the NBA title "the right way" and how once again it's proven you can't buy championships in sports.

Truth be told, it was Detroit -- not L.A. -- that paid its way into the Finals, taking on the league's fourth-highest salary (Rasheed Wallace, $17 million) at midseason by fleecing a weakling (Atlanta) at the trade deadline.

That's almost three times the price the Lakers paid in acquiring Payton ($4.9 million) and Karl Malone ($1.5 million) last off-season.

DATELINE: Anchored to the bench. I'm still waiting for Phil Jackson to show up at the Finals.

Exactly what did this so-called great coach do to help the Lakers' cause in a time of need the past week?

Sure, not having a healthy Malone was a big blow. But then again, he missed 40 games during the regular season, so you'd think Jackson would have had a pretty good idea what he needed to do to compensate.

Shaq sat out 15 games and Bryant 17 during the regular year. Surely, there was plenty of time to evaluate the play of the club's supporting cast so these guys could be put in a position to succeed if/when they had to be called upon in the playoffs.

Instead, 104 games into the season, Jackson's still trying to figure out how to defend the 1-5 (point guard-center) pick-and-roll.


DATELINE: Reigning over Shaq. Jackson made it clear Tuesday he's coached his last game in L.A.

Lo and behold, the door swings open for Rick Barry to get the job.

There is a brighter tomorrow, Warriors fans.

DATELINE: All over the map. The Pistons couldn't have picked a better time to end the NBA season. It would have been overkill had Games 6 and 7 interfered with a great sports weekend that includes the U.S. Open and two baseball must-sees: an A's visit to Wrigley Field and Pedro Martinez toeing the rubber in San Francisco.

Mark Mulder vs. Mark Prior on Saturday in Chicago. It doesn't get much better than that.

And speaking of the Open, I sure hope it's remembered more for its golf than its repulsive logo depicting an Indian with a golf club through his head.

Consider yourself prideless if you purchase any memorabilia with the 2004 Open logo on it.

My pick to win: Scott Verplank.

You can e-mail Dave Del Grande at

[email protected] . link (http://www.oaklandtribune.com/Stories/0,1413,82~10835~2218333,00.html)

Darion X
06-18-2004, 10:38 PM
i think kobe bryant would be a good fit in houston8)