View Full Version : Is Karl Rove done?

11-17-2006, 06:45 PM
The rumors that chief White House political architect Karl Rove will leave sometime next year are being bolstered with new insider reports that his partisan style is a hurdle to President Bush's new push for bipartisanship. A key Bush advisor tells the US News Political Bulletin, "Karl represents the old style and he's got to go if the Democrats are going to believe Bush's talk of getting along." The advisor said a departure might come in "weeks, not months." A Rove ally, however, noted that he has a record of out-witting his critics.

US News (http://www.usnews.com/usnews/politics/bulletin/bulletin_061117.htm)

The real question here is, will it be 'weeks, not months' till Karl Rove is outed after he leaves the WH? You didn't really think Jeff Gannon was there to see Dubya, right?

11-17-2006, 07:32 PM
US News (http://www.usnews.com/usnews/politics/bulletin/bulletin_061117.htm)

The real question here is, will it be 'weeks, not months' till Karl Rove is outed after he leaves the WH? You didn't really think Jeff Gannon was there to see Dubya, right?
Well, after Bush's little performance with "Scott" who worked for the Canadian PM, yes. Wouldn't surprise me if he weren't the only one, though.

11-17-2006, 10:39 PM
Rove leaving the WH isn't exactly shocking news; probably would have left even if the GOP retained the Congress - not much he could contribute to a lame duck presidency either way.

11-18-2006, 12:38 AM
Is Karl Rove Done? Nope, like a dirty Penny he keeps coming back :depressed .

In a notable event, Karl Rove was fired from the 1992 George Herbert Walker Bush campaign for trashing Robert Mosbacher, Jr., who was the chief fundraiser for the campaign and an avowed Bush loyalist, because
Rove planted a negative story with the controversial, right-wing columnist Robert Novak. :rolleyes
:toast Here is to your law-suit Valerie.

11-18-2006, 02:22 AM
The Democrats are the sideshow,Bush and his "brain, i.e. Karl Rove" self destructing is the big show.

11-18-2006, 06:14 AM
US News (http://www.usnews.com/usnews/politics/bulletin/bulletin_061117.htm)

The real question here is, will it be 'weeks, not months' till Karl Rove is outed after he leaves the WH? You didn't really think Jeff Gannon was there to see Dubya, right?

My guess is months, so that it won't effect 2008 or real fast so everbody will forget about it by 2008 unless KR is something other than gay or a switch hitter

11-18-2006, 02:15 PM
Rove will be someone's campaign advisor in 08.

Book it.

Rove is rudderless when real issues are involved, but if anyone will be able to manufacture an issue to scare or slime someone, it will be Rove.

11-18-2006, 05:12 PM
inside scoop is rove will leave politics and hit the book/talk circuit to make $$$$$$$$

11-18-2006, 05:43 PM
November 19, 2006

A Tough Road Ahead for Rove


WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 — Karl Rove, the top White House political strategist, is coming off the worst election defeat of his career to face a daunting task: saving the president’s agenda with a Congress not only controlled by Democrats, but also filled with Republican members resentful of the way he and the White House conducted the losing campaign.

White House officials say President Bush has every intention of keeping Mr. Rove on through the rest of his term. And Mr. Rove’s associates say he intends to stay, with the goal of at least salvaging Mr. Bush’s legacy and, in the process, his own.

But serious questions remain about how much influence Mr. Rove can wield and how high a profile he can assume in Washington after being so closely identified with this year’s Republican losses, not to mention six years of often brutal attacks on the same Democrats in line to control Congress for the remainder of Mr. Bush’s presidency.

Things have not gotten off to a great start since the election. Democrats are taking Mr. Rove’s continued influence at the White House — as well as some of its recent moves, like nominating conservative judges for the federal bench — as a sign that Mr. Bush’s conciliatory pledges of bipartisanship will prove to be fleeting.

“Karl’s role has not been to serve as a bridge over troubled waters; he has tried to stir the waters as often as possible,” said Senator Richard J. Durbin, the Illinois Democrat who will be the second-most powerful person in the Senate next year. “Maybe he got religion on Nov. 7, but we’ll see.”

Republicans on Capitol Hill said anger ran deep over Mr. Bush’s decision to announce the ouster of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld one day after the election instead of weeks before, when some say it could have kept the Senate in their party’s hands and limited Democratic gains in the House. Mr. Rove was among those at the White House who had argued that to announce Mr. Rumsfeld’s resignation before Election Day would have been tantamount to affirming criticism that the war in Iraq was failing, according to officials familiar with the deliberations.

“There is lingering resentment on that,” Representative Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, said of the timing of the announcement. Asked if he expected the White House to take as much of a lead in setting the Congressional agenda as it had in the past, Mr. Flake responded flatly, “No, I don’t.”

More broadly, many Republicans say they blame Mr. Rove for failing to heed warnings that the war was hurting their campaigns, as the president and the vice president continued making the case for it on the stump.

“I would say that brilliant as he is, he was not right,” said Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, who counts himself among those who believe that Mr. Rumsfeld’s resignation could have helped the party maintain control of the Senate. “I think Rove misread the anger of the American people about Iraq.”

Mr. Specter said the White House should be prepared to step back and concede some power to Congressional leaders.

Mr. Rove declined to be interviewed for this article.

The White House seems aware of the apparently limited influence in Congress of Mr. Rove, the aide most closely identified with Mr. Bush. Joshua B. Bolten, the White House chief of staff, was dispatched to the Hill this week to hold meetings with members, suggesting that he is likely to play a more prominent role.

But Dan Bartlett, the White House counselor, said in an interview this week that Mr. Rove’s main job was not emissary to Congress. “That’s not the position he played in the past,” Mr. Bartlett said.

Rather, administration officials said, Mr. Rove’s main role had always been within the White House itself. Mr. Rove has derived his real power from his long and complicated relationship with Mr. Bush, and he has the president’s ear on a wide array of political and policy matters.

( one of puppet/tool dubya's string pullers )

Mr. Rove’s policy oversight duties were taken away after the difficult first two years of Mr. Bush’s second term, and he was directed to focus more closely on the midterm elections. Since the outcome, Mr. Bush has given no indication that Mr. Rove’s role will change further. But he could not resist a dig at his old friend, telling reporters Mr. Rove was beating him in a book-reading contest because “I obviously was working harder in the campaign than he was.”

Officials said afterward that the comment was typical of Mr. Bush’s rough teasing of his longtime friend.

And Mr. Bartlett said Mr. Rove would continue to play a central role in Mr. Bush’s final two years. “He’s going to be an integral player because his value to the president and the White House goes far beyond his political skill set,” Mr. Bartlett said. “He has an enormous amount of responsibility to help strategize in our efforts to help get things done.”

( which excludes actually Administering/running the government. The WH with Rove is nothing but partisan politics, actually only "base" politics, and super-rich/corp politics. Governing is of no interest to the WH )

Republicans close to the White House say Mr. Rove has been arguing that the White House needs to shore up its standing with conservatives, whose support will be crucial to rebuild Mr. Bush’s popularity and ultimately give him some leverage.

Reflecting that strategy, Mr. Bush sent Congress a slate of conservative judicial nominees, which was taken as a provocation by Democrats who had previously rejected them. A close associate of Mr. Rove’s suggested that the strategy was first to placate conservatives, then tack to the middle to strike deals with Democrats on immigration reform or Social Security.

( ie, play politics to suck off conservatives, rather than actually appoint judges who can actually make the judidiciary function, a very low priority for Rove )

Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform and a close ally of Mr. Rove’s, said the best role for Mr. Rove would to be to help Republicans regain the House, the Senate and the presidency in 2008.

“Karl is a key player in that,” Mr. Norquist said, adding that he is going to need cooperation from the Republicans taking party leadership roles in Congress.

But Republicans do not seem to be feeling like much of a team right now, let alone one that will look to Mr. Rove as its leader.

White House officials say some of the ire against Mr. Rove in particular and the White House in general will pass.

Mr. Rove has told his associates the party still has a good-size Congressional minority that will assert its influence over the next two years.

And some in that minority expressed confidence. “We’ve sort of gone through the grieving process,” said Senator John Cornyn of Texas, a close Republican ally of Mr. Rove’s. “Now we’re in the process of coming up with an agenda.”

( ... agenda's are meaningless if you don't have enough votes )

11-21-2006, 05:16 AM
KR is not only done but might ve on his way to jail.


Feds: GOP Lobbyist Abramoff ran Capitol Hill call-boy sex service at DC hotel

by Tom Flocco

Convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff
Washington—October 5, 2006—TomFlocco.com—A retired intelligence agency official corroborated the revelations of a national security expert that male and female heterosexuals, homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals and underage children provided sexual services to numerous congressmen, senators, national media hosts, top military officers and other federal officials who were compromised and made susceptible to blackmail at three Washington, DC hotels since 2000.

The long-time intelligence insider with multiple Capitol Hill sources told TomFlocco.com that convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff operated the sex / spy ring at the Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton hotels in Washington, DC. “The whole Republican Party was for sale—the House, Senate and the White House,” said the well-respected federal insider with impeccable and historic intelligence credentials who declined to be named at this time but who is familiar with testimony and sources close to a grand jury probing the GOP lobbyist’s sale of sex in return for legislative influence over taxpayer dollars.

White House presidential advisor Karl Rove
According to Justice Department sources there is email and phone record evidence that White House advisor Karl Rove is linked to the operation of Abramoff’s sex ring according to federal agency sources who spoke with U.S. intelligence authority Thomas Heneghan.

Heneghan added that a grand jury heard several agents testify last April that “the Watergate, Ritz-Carlton and Sheraton Hotels in Washington, DC were used to compromise legislators and news-people with prostitution services, the financing of which is directly linked to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Marc Rich and Abramoff.”

The allegations raise serious questions as to why such testimony was not made public to protect the safety of congressional pages subject to sexual contacts by congressmen or other officials linked to the Abramoff poker party hotel sex ring which has already ensnared convicted former GOP Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-50-CA) who is currently serving a federal prison sentence.

On Wednesday evening CNN Primetime host Nancy Grace interviewed former congressional page Tyson Vivyan who called recently resigned Florida Congressman Mark Foley “sick and depraved” after receiving explicit emails and instant messages asking if he [Vivyan] “would like to perform sex acts on Foley” more than ten years ago when he was sixteen years old.

Heneghan’s executive intelligence network revealed startling allegations that “retiring GOP Senate Majority Leader and Tennessee 2008 presidential candidate William Frist visited the Abramoff hotels,” adding that “Frist is reportedly a close friend of George W. Bush’s Yale Skull and Bones roommate—former Knoxville, Tennessee mayor Victor Ashe—who agents have alleged to be a long-time albeit sporadic Bush 43 consort.”

Heneghan also alleged additional prostitute customers as British Prime Minister Tony Blair and former CNN host-reporter Robert Novak, both of whom were allegedly introduced into the sex-ring by GOP reporter and former male prostitute Jeff Gannon.

Gannon visited the Bush White House private living quarters 45 times without the assignations being recorded in visitor logs even though they could be documented by the President’s Secret Service detail, said Heneghan who has yet to be interviewed by mainstream media.

Foley addressing Log Cabin Republicans gay lobby group
Federal agents linked recently resigned Representative Mark Foley (R-16-FL) to Abramoff and Gannon who allegedly acted as “facilitators for the poker parties and an elaborate prostitution ring of pedophiles and extortion-friendly homosexuals-in-the-closet serving elements of the Republican leadership,” he said.

The intelligence expert said FBI investigators are reportedly probing GOP bribery of the family of one alleged congressional page-boy victim who was sexually approached by page predator Foley, having received lurid emails which were eventually publicized widely in the media.

Heneghan said payoff money was allegedly channeled through presidential advisor Karl Rove and Abramoff to induce the congressional page’s silence during the past three years.

Heneghan’s federal agent network also revealed that sources close to the New York Times indicate that GOP congressional leaders including Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert (R-14-IL), House Majority Leader John A. Boehner (R-8-OH), House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-7-MO) and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) all helped obstruct justice to cover up the sets of emails incriminating Congressman Foley over a lengthy period of time—and that the Foley email issue was “taken care of.”

Media reports indicate that most Americans feel that homosexual and lesbian citizens have the same rights to equality, fair treatment and privacy afforded to all Americans; however, Foley’s position as a United States congressman who preyed upon underage congressional page boys crosses the line of criminality which leads many to wonder if more federal legislators will become ensnared in the Abramoff hotel sex ring pedophilia asserted by federal agents.

WMD, poker and pillow talk

While allegations of sex with minors promulgated by the retired intelligence official are scandalous, Heneghan unloaded an explosive charge that the White House bin Laden “terrorist” film footage was produced in Las Vegas by a Paramount subsidiary called Las Vegas Rose Productions and that many of the alleged 9-11 “hijackers” including Mohammed Atta visited Sin City just before the September 11 attacks. :rolleyes

The intelligence authority’s network of agency sources revealed that prosecutors will have interest in reports that "the genesis of the Valerie Plame CIA leak case took place during one of Capitol Hill reporter Robert Novak’s alleged visits with an Abramoff hooker at one of the hotels after a poker party."
“Photographs of politicians in compromising positions have reportedly already been used as blackmail to silence politicians who would speak the truth about the 2000 Bush-Gore election fraud in Florida, prior knowledge of the September 11 attacks , Iraq—yellowcake—weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and how Abramoff and Netanyahu were the pimps for the sex for influence operation,” said Heneghan.

President Bush emphatically denied that he personally knew Abramoff, despite CIA and Secret Service documents indicating the convicted lobbyist visited the White House 200 times during the first ten months of the Bush presidency—often enough for a personal visit on every business day of each month, according to wide news reports.

Despite the daily White House visits, Bush said “I’ve never sat down with him and had a discussion with the guy,” adding, “I’m also mindful that we live in a world in which those pictures will be used for pure political purposes,” attempting to justify his unwillingness at first to release photos with Abramoff and to account for his false statements.

Heneghan told us the Bush administration wanted Valerie Plame-Wilson’s identity as a CIA official leaked because her intelligence team had identified Israeli Mossad operatives inside Iran who were to receive weapons of mass destruction to be delivered through Turkey and planted in Iraq to further the president’s case for war.

“The financing for these whorehouses is linked directly to AIPAC, Benjamin Netanyahu, Marc Rich and Jack Abramoff; and the money trail ties back to American International Group (AIG), Hank Greenberg, Leonard Millman and Doug Alexander—former British Minister of E-Commerce,” said Heneghan.

Obstruction of justice and cover-up?

GOP House Speaker Dennis Hastert
Notwithstanding the 1989 Washington Times report on the homosexual prostitution ring at the home of current Democrat Congressman Barney Frank (D-4-MA) whose reported call-boy lover moved the operation to Chevy Chase Elementary School with the cooperation of its gay principal, speculation that House Speaker Dennis Hastert might eventually resign his post indicates the Foley case may involve more members of the Republican congressional leadership than previously thought. This, while the House ethics committee impaneled four congressmen today to investigate the Foley case armed with some 48 subpoenas.

GOP Congressional Campaign Chairman Tom Reynolds
Disgraced Rep. Mark Foley’s former chief-of-staff Kirk Fordham—Republican National Congressional Committee (RNCC) chairman Rep. Tom Reynolds’ (R-26 NY) chief-of-staff—resigned Wednesday after revealing that he told Speaker Hastert’s chief of staff Scott Palmer about Foley’s interest in underage congressional page-boys three years ago, but questions remain as to whether Palmer kept the information from Hastert.

Reynolds accepted $100,000 from Foley for RNCC congressional campaign coffers at the same time Republican leaders were deciding how to handle Foley’s underage sex case, raising questions as to whether GOP leaders were selling their silence and obstructing justice regarding the page-boy predatory sex issue. That Fordham would be committing career suicide by literally throwing the Speaker of House under the bus if his statements were not true lends substantial credence to seemingly strong evidence surrounding the Foley email cover-up by congressional Republicans.

Déjà vu all over again?

TomFlocco.com has previously reported that a witness said that during the Bush 41 call-boy scandal story broken by the Washington Times, abducted children were abused by 20-30 pedophile members of congress at child sex parties held at an Embassy Row mansion where a Secret Service-secured presidential limo was seen parked outside.

Male prostitutes toured Bush 41 White House before federal agents were sent into the streets to collect and destroy copies of this Thursday, June 29, 1989 Washington Times headline story by Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald which led to multiple follow-up stories.

Our two stories on evidence of Bush 41 administration pedophilia employed federal court and state child protection agency testimony directly from some of the abused children involved, adding veracity to the original reporting of Rodriguez and Archibald in the Washington Times.

But the Capitol Hill child sex criminality directly linked to the highest levels of the U.S. government had its genesis in the abduction of children from Nebraska and other heartland states, according to attorney John DeCamp.

John W. DeCamp, Esq., author of The Franklin Cover-up, 2nd ed., January, 2005, said “the Bush 41 Justice Department, acting through the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s office in Omaha, NE, emerges from the record of the Franklin investigations not so much as a party to the cover-up, but as its coordinator. Rigging grand juries, harassment of witnesses, incitement to perjury and tampering with evidence—federal personnel were seen to apply all of those techniques in the Franklin case.”

The testimony of the abused and murdered children who were flown back and forth to Washington, DC to attend “parties” sometimes attended by our highest elected officials is a lesson of incomparable tragedy related to present Capitol Hill sex-ring scandals alleged by federal agents.

We followed up the congressional child sex story linked to a former president with another story and interview with the photographer who was allegedly employed by a former Republican Party activist to take pictures of current and retired U.S. House-Senate members and other prominent government officials engaging in sexual criminality by receiving or committing sodomy and other sex acts on children during the Reagan-Bush 41 administrations.

Evidence indicates that history repeats itself, and federal agents say that Congressman Foley is only the tip of the iceberg. This, while President Bush and Vice President Cheney have been quickly distancing themselves from the evidence and story as if to say, “not again.”

Late night TV host Jay Leno referred to the GOP Tuesday evening as the “Gay Old Pedophiles,” further indicating that congressional sex with minors had marinated the mainstream news.

List of story sources for Reagan-Bush 41 pedophilia scandals:



Where there is smoke there is fire?

11-21-2006, 05:33 AM
Not even NBAdan would cite that blog. It must really piss off the real Tom Heneghan who works for Reuters.

11-21-2006, 05:43 AM
Will See