View Full Version : Cheers NBADAN!!! No hard feelings!

11-03-2004, 08:50 AM
Dan you have been a must interesting if not amusing debator on these political forums for quite some time now. I am not sorry that your candidate didn't win. But good luck to you next election.

11-03-2004, 08:55 AM
Suck on it Dan!!!


Seriously, come to College Station and I will buy you a few drinks and treat you to some golf. Now that I get to keep my hard earned money for another 4 yrs, I can afford the extragances. :)

11-04-2004, 05:50 AM
Thanks Jim, but...

What you don't understand is that I don't do all this because I am on some kind of ego trip or because I have some secret leftist agenda that I want to see accomplished. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Much to the demise of many of the right-wingers on this board, I am not in shatters over W's victory yesterday because it will particularly affect me personally negatively, nor because I was wrong with my opinion that Kerry would win (even though the numbers would show that I wasn't wrong in a fairly contested election, which this was clearly not). W's victory is similarily advantagous for both of us, if you get my drift.

I, like George Soros who grew up in a very repressive state, care about the people of this country. America is and will always be the beacon of freedom in the world. Perhaps it is that we know how it is to live in a one-opinion dominated type government that makes us more akin to what average Americans don't see being taken away from them slowly, everyday, not only by the very people they keep electing, but also by their accomplises in the mass media.

Goerge Bush did everything he could to keep people from voting for real issues in this election. What should have been a election on Iraq, the economy and health care became a Republican social-driven election on guns, God, and gays, but people can't eat their values. It doesn't pay the rent or keep the lights on. I think that is the hard lesson that average Joe's will learn in the next 4 years.

11-04-2004, 09:03 AM
I like you still, Dan. I admire a man who can ignore reality so steadfastly.

11-04-2004, 09:07 AM
Dan, did you take the red pill again?

11-04-2004, 12:34 PM
Democrats must've never heard the saying, "united we fall, divided we stand."

they are too divided to make any impact on anything.

11-04-2004, 12:50 PM
The Democratic party has never been more united. Hell, they came within a few thousand votes of beating a sitting 'war-time' President which should never be easy. It is the Republican party which despite its victory is falling apart. W can't even keep his cabinet together.

Hook Dem
11-04-2004, 12:52 PM
The Democratic party has never been more united. Hell, they came within a few thousand votes of beating a sitting 'war-time' President which should never be easy. It is the Republican party which despite its victory is falling apart. W can't even keep his cabinet together.
A "few" thousand? Guess again Chimp!

Marcus Bryant
11-04-2004, 12:52 PM
So the Democrat party was "united" as never before and they got their ass handed to them in this election.

11-04-2004, 12:57 PM
Only because the Republicans made this election about gay bashing. Forget the war. Forget the economy. Forget abu-Gharib. To hell with our moral authority. We don't wanna see to faggots getting married, not in my state.

Marcus Bryant
11-04-2004, 12:59 PM
So you are saying that normally such people would be Democrat voters?

Hook Dem
11-04-2004, 01:03 PM
Only because the Republicans made this election about gay bashing. Forget the war. Forget the economy. Forget abu-Gharib. To hell with our moral authority. We don't wanna see to faggots getting married, not in my state.
Faggots???? You're the one using that word. I refer to them as Gay.

11-04-2004, 02:01 PM
Faggots???? You're the one using that word. I refer to them as Gay.
I refer to them as fudge-packers and pleasure-cannibals.

Aggie Hoopsfan
11-04-2004, 02:25 PM
a few thousand votes

3.6 million votes <> "few thousand."

The Republicans didn't do anything to make this election about gay bashing, your boys Kerry and Edwards brought it up dipshit.