View Full Version : Johnny Ludden: Blood and cuts

11-21-2006, 08:18 AM
Johnny Ludden: Blood and cuts

Tim Duncan scored 35 points Sunday to beat Sacramento, but Brent Barry received most of the attention in the locker room after the game. His teammates all wanted to see the 2-inch cut running along the left side of his head.

As Barry tried to get dressed, Manu Ginobili stood over him, examining the stitches. Barry needed 12 -- nine on the top layer, three below -- to close the wound. Ginobili leaned in to get a better look and winced at the residual blood around the gash.

"Don't kiss it," Barry said. "At least wait until we get to my hotel room." :lol

The total stitch count for the game was 21. Ronnie Price, who plowed into Barry, needed seven for his chin. Kenny Thomas earlier left the court to get two stitches for a cut lip.

There was almost as much blood on the Arco Arena floor as there had been a night earlier when some of the Spurs attended the Ultimate Fighting Championship bout between Georges St. Pierre and Matt Hughes.

Said Barry: "I think I got the worst cut of both nights."

Overlooked because of Barry's collision was his place in the rotation Sunday. Pop made him the first player off the bench, a role that normally goes to Michael Finley.

Barry took advantage of the opportunity, making three 3-pointers and scoring 11 points. This isn't the first time Pop's moved him up in the rotation. He did the same thing in New York.

After that, however, Finley went back to being the first sub. Though Finley was struggling with his shot, I think Pop probably wanted to give him a chance to get on track.

The latest change is by no means permanent. Pop, as he always has, will continue to tweak his rotation based on matchups and who is playing well.

The Ultimate Fighting Championships, a cheerleading convention and a sorority dance -- all of whose members were staying at my hotel -- made for an interesting scene in the lobby.


11-21-2006, 08:22 AM
I Didn't Get To See That Fight. I Wonder If They Showed The Spurs Players On Tv? Did Anyone Watch That Fight And See Them In The Crowd?

11-21-2006, 03:23 PM
Barry is a funny dude

11-21-2006, 03:33 PM
Props to Brent for coming back into the game afterward. Most players would've whined and taken a week off.

11-21-2006, 04:17 PM
I Didn't Get To See That Fight. I Wonder If They Showed The Spurs Players On Tv? Did Anyone Watch That Fight And See Them In The Crowd?

I watched the fights and sadly they did not show any Spurs at the game. They only mentioned that the Spurs and Kings would be playing the following night. They did show Tim Duncan at a UFC event a couple of months ago. Apparently he's becoming a big fan of mma.

11-21-2006, 08:16 PM
I think Brent was just worried that Manu was gonna kiss his head like this:


LOL...I love those boys!!!